US History: Age of Jackson and Manifest Destiny

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Transcript of US History: Age of Jackson and Manifest Destiny

The Jacksonian Era

Our Manifest Destiny

Monroe DoctrineA portion of the Monroe


James Monroe

The Jacksonian EraWar Hero PresidentThe Spoils System

The Jacksonian Era

0 Economic Crisis of the 1830s

"If you will not

consent to be my

honour'd wife, I

shall remain a bachelor, and that

for life. If I should

venture in a married state, Will

you consent to

be my constant

mate?" “Old Hickory” and “Mother Bank”

Jacksonian EraPolicy of Indian Removal

Manifest DestinyThe Oregon Country

Manifest DestinyThe Republic of Texas

Dictator General Santa Anna of


Battle at the Alamo

Manifest DestinyCalifornia and the Southwest

"...It is confidently believed that our system may be safely extended to the utmost bounds of our territorial limits, and that as it shall be extended  the

bonds of our Union, so far from being weakened, will become stronger..."  ~ From the inaugural address of James K. Polk,  11th President (1845-49)

Manifest DestinyThe War with Mexico

The Lone Star Republic Flag

Independence from Mexico June 14, 1846

Annexed by USA July 9, 1846

Manifest DestinyAmericans Rush West

Brigham Young, leader of the Mormons

Forty-niners of various ethnicities panning for gold

Vigilantes in the West