Urban Wind Energy by Sander Mertens

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Presentation on Dutch urban wind testing and experiences by Sander Mertens, Ingreenious. The presentation was part of the Urban Wind Roundtable at the Consulate General of the Netherlands in San Francisco, March 16, 2011.

Transcript of Urban Wind Energy by Sander Mertens

Urban Wind Energy

Round table San Francisco

dr. Sander Mertens

www.ingreenious.com | Ingreenious BV, Delft, The Netherlands | +31 654981335


Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 2

Wind assessments

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 3

Measurements (Measure Correlate Predict analysis) or desktop studies, Wind maps

Design Wind

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 4

Capture wind

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 5

Certification, Data processing/ data analysis with proprietary software

Design wind

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 6

Integrated approach

Estimate wind

Capture wind

Abandon the site!


• Delft University of technology facilities.

– Wind tunnel– Students

• CFD partner• Metmast installation



• First technical book urban wind energy

• Roadmap Small wind turbines with NREL

• Recommended practice small wind turbines IEA

• One of the first projects with rooftop wind turbines in Portland

• Wind assessment Toronto Community Housing corporation

• Set up Dutch certification

• Evaluation test results open air test site Schoondijke, The Netherlands

• PhD:„Wind Energy in the Built Environment‟

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 7


Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 8


See article in Renewable Energy World, Volume 11 • Issue 3 • May/June 2008 orwww.ingreenious.com

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 9


… www.allsmallwindturbines.com

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 10

So, …, measurements are needed!

• As design assistance for manufacturers*. These results should not be published!

• For potential buyers, to inform them and replace commercial talks with proof.

* Certification is only useful if the design is finished. With changes, you need to certify again.

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 11


Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 12

Large wakes

Photo: NASA. Landsat 7 image of clouds off the Chilean coast near the Juan Fernandez Islands (also known as the Robinson Crusoe Islands) on September 15, 1999

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 13


Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 14




Ingreenious | 11-12 August, 2010; Sheet 15

Measured effect turbulence

In the wake of a village (Pt) compared to grassland (Pl) at test site Schoondijke

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 16


So, …, measurements in turbulence are needed!

• Official certification protocols provide no measurements of the effect of turbulence, yet small wind turbines are mostly located in turbulent wind!

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 17

Ingreenious | 11-12 August, 2010; Sheet 18

Extreme differences


Schoondijke results

So, …, explanation is needed!

• The rating in kW is not so important, but the produced kWh per square meter swept rotor area per year means a lot.

Say What?

• Explain the measurement results so that they can be understood by potential buyers and so that they are able to compare various wind turbines

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 19

So what‟s next?

• Make an affordable “Treasure Island test” that allows to compare the wind turbine with others.

• Some manufacturers do not want to measure performance, they want to sell and sometimes is helps that people do not understand! Allow them to sell if the have measured the performance according to the Treasure Island test.

Ingreenious | 11-12 August, 2010; Sheet 20


Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 21

Three aerodynamic principles

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 22

• At/ beside buildings (various rooftop installations)

• In a duct through a building (Pearl River Tower, Elephant and Castle)

• Between airfoil-shaped buildings (Bahrein WTC)

Bluff body aerodynamic body

Contact details

Sander Mertens PhD MSc BEng

Ingreenious B.V.

PO Box 711

2270 AS Voorburg

The Netherlands

Mobile: +31 6 5498 1335

Site: www.ingreenious.com

E-Mail: sandermertens@ingreenious.com

Ingreenious | March 2011, Sheet 23