UQ Rugby

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of UQ Rugby

UQ Rugby

Why develop positive learning environments in rugby?

People and players

•What do they need to survive and develop?



•Connection to targets

•Significance to targets and goals

•What happens if we cannot provide these necessities?

•Lack of motivation

•Disruptive learning environment


•Unattainable targets through missed opportunities

UQ Rugby

Season and learning planning

• Forward thinking

– Golden circle

– How can we apply to rugby?

– Clive Woodward

• Away from thinking

– Negative rugby and learning scenarios

• Preseason ideas

UQ Rugby

Understanding our players

•DISC personalities

•What motivates different players?

•What do they need?

•VAK learning and understanding




•“Car salesman” example

•Positive language

•Lose DON’T, BUT and CAN’T

UQ Rugby

Review and Feedback

UQ Rugby

• 3 steps for positive feedback

– Re-tell success or positive result to player

– What did the player contribute to success

– How can we use this to improve another area of our game?

• Don’t be distracted or actively

Negative or passively positive

• Power of questions