Update 7. 8 - Gameforge...14. The issue whereby the ‘Stella Laboratory Loot Chest (easy)’ in the...

Post on 28-Mar-2021

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Transcript of Update 7. 8 - Gameforge...14. The issue whereby the ‘Stella Laboratory Loot Chest (easy)’ in the...

Update 7. 8

Contents Instances ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Environment ................................................................................................................................ 4

Transformation ........................................................................................................................... 5

Combat Support ......................................................................................................................... 6

Lumiel’s Transmorph ................................................................................................................. 7

Glyphs .......................................................................................................................................... 7

Odians .......................................................................................................................................... 7

Minions ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Jorgoth’s Weapons ................................................................................................................... 10

Glory ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Fortress Battle ........................................................................................................................... 11

Missions ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Quests ........................................................................................................................................ 11

Items ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Characters .................................................................................................................................. 12

NPCs............................................................................................................................................ 13

Monsters .................................................................................................................................... 13

UI ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Sound ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Skills ........................................................................................................................................... 14

Skill Changes ............................................................................................................................. 15


1. A system message will appear when you use the ‘Kinahmon’s Cheering’ buff.

2. The number of entries to difficult instances such as Makarna of Bitterness (difficult) or

Prometun’s Workshop (difficult) is now calculated separately rather than overall.

a. For each instance, four entries per week will be available to Gold Pack users

and Veterans. For Starters, it’s two entries for each instance.

3. The bug whereby the ‘Rim Ore’ Grinder was not generated inside ‘Prometun’s

Workshop (normal)’ has been fixed.

4. The issue which meant two statues belonging to the same faction appeared in

‘Illumiel’ has been fixed.

5. ‘War Relics’ have been added to the Illumiel Battlefield, appearing after fighters have

been defeated.

a. Selecting the ‘War Relic’ will earn you additional points.

6. The bug whereby icons belonging to the same faction would sporadically appear on

the Illumiel Battlefield has been fixed.

7. The NPC ‘Inggril/Inggness, Daeva of Time’ now disappears when you use the

‘Teleport Scroll: 4th Floor in the Tower of Challenge (middle level)’.

8. Some of the rewards for completing the ‘Tower of Challenge (lower level)’ have been


a. The probability of getting the ‘Teleport Scroll: 4th Floor in the Tower of

Challenge (middle level)’ has been increased.

b. ‘Combat Experience Extractor’ has been added.

c. Alchemium Keys and HP cubelets have been removed.

9. The XP for defeating monsters on some levels of the Tower of Challenge

(lower/middle level) has been adjusted.

10. The issue where the fan in the Esoterrace Laboratory air conditioning room could not

be struck by short-range weapons has been fixed.

11. When playing as a group, the bug which meant only the group leader was able to

enter the Raging Valley Battlefield and the entry UI wouldn’t appear for the rest of

the group members has been resolved.

12. The issue whereby the damage resulting from ‘Seal Erruption’ in the Raging Valley

was exceptionally high has been fixed.

13. Some of the boss monster Mortasha’s behaviour patterns in Ara Infernalia (easy) have

been changed.

a. Mortasha in Ara Infernalia (easy) will no longer execute the ‘Lava Blow’ skill

multiple times in succession.

14. The issue whereby the ‘Stella Laboratory Loot Chest (easy)’ in the ‘Stella

Development Laboratory (easy)’ occasionally failed to appear has been fixed.

15. In the ‘Area of Discipline’, you can no longer see the name of your opponent during a


16. In the ‘Arena of Discipline’, one entry is deducted if you abandon the entry or if the

entry is abandoned automatically.

17. Some of the rewards in the Arena of Discipline have been changed.

a. An ‘Entry Scroll: Arena of Discipline (30 min.)’ is awarded in the event that

you win a battle before it has begun owing to your opponent


b. There is no Kinah for defeats any more.

18. The drop info for treasure chests inside the Arena of Discipline has been changed.

19. If your opponent doesn’t take up their position for a round in the Arena of Discipline

and you claim victory as a result, the rankings will now also be displayed with the


20. In the Arena of Discipline, the ‘Quick Entry’ function has been removed.

21. After defeating boss monsters, the number of ‘Ultimate Starlight Anima Stones’

which can be obtained from boxes in difficult instances has been adjusted.

22. After death in areas where resurrection is not possible, an issue whereby the

resurrection UI would be displayed even though you couldn’t use the Tombstone of

Revival has been fixed.


1. Red Katalam: The position in which the box appears in ‘Pandarung Battle’ has been


2. Tempus Fugit: A bug which meant that some areas of the Nephilia Regna Outer Wall

were set as security zones has been fixed.

3. A bug which led to the client crashing in some areas or instances has been resolved.

4. Some areas in Inggison have been changed.


1. New transformations have been added.

Class Transformation Name Attribute

Ancient Dr Murr Attack speed: 20%

Movement speed: 40%

Physical attack: 72

Accuracy: 219

Sister Meow Casting speed: 20%

Movement speed: 40%

Magic attack: 72

Magical accuracy: 219

2. A new collection has been added.

Collection Improved Attributes

Kitten Physical defence: +152

The Cat and Her Butler Magic defence: +152

Kitty Practice HP: +6600

3. New transformations have been added.

Class Transformation Attributes


Hanbok Baa

Casting speed: 20%

Movement speed: 40%

Magic attack: 72

Magical accuracy: 219

Evasion: 233

Resist magic: 233

Hanbok Moo

Attack speed: 20%

Movement speed: 40%

Physical attack: 72

Accuracy: 219

Evasion: 233

Resist magic: 233

4. A new collection has been added.

Collection Improved Attributes

Cuddly Baa Physical defence: 152

Cuddly Moo Magic defence: 152

Cuddly Mau HP: 5,000

Combat Support

1. Searching for usable, normal skills has been changed.

Before Updated

Search in the order of skill slots.

E.g.: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 1

Search always starts at slot 1.

E.g.: 1 > 2 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 etc.

2. Remove Shock will be used before other normal skills.

3. A slot which is solely for buff skills has been added.

a. As before, buff skills can also be registered in slots meant for normal skills.

4. Toggle-type skills and some buff skills cannot use this slot.

5. The UI for regeneration settings has been improved.

6. Healing potion settings have been added.

a. These can be used for particular physical states but not for skill effects with

lasting damage.

7. The ‘Automatically use Remove Shock’ function has been added.

a. Remove Shock will not be used with combo skills.

8. The ‘Automatically adjust camera view’ function has been added.

9. The issue which caused skills with a short cooldown to be used repeatedly when

placed in normal skill slots has been fixed.

10. The issue whereby skills with a relatively short cooldown were executed first when

placed in a buff skill slot has been fixed.

11. After registering Daevanion skills in a buff skill slot, the issue which led to the skills in

the slot remaining unchanged has been fixed.

12. The issue whereby characters stop moving in the event of there being an obstacle

between the character and the target during normal attacks has been fixed.

13. The ‘Cannot register’ message that appeared for skills or items depending on the slot

has been changed.

14. The issue of some skills successfully registering in a buff slot but not being executed

has been fixed.

15. The Cleric ‘Cleanse’ skill can no longer be registered in buff slots.

16. The issue whereby a minion skill registered in a skill slot would be incorrectly applied

under certain circumstances has been fixed.

17. It’s now possible to switch the positions of skills registered in normal skill slots and

buff skill slots.

18. The issue whereby the Collector buff skill wasn’t executed when registered in a buff

skill slot has been fixed.

19. The Sticky Trap has been removed from the list of possible targets for Combat


20. The issue whereby skills or items disappeared after they had been registered for

Combat Support in the settings has been fixed.

21. The issue whereby the Combat Support system didn’t work properly when using the

Auto XP Extractor and gathering skills has been fixed.

Lumiel’s Transmorph

1. With regard to the consumables used for ‘Lumiel’s Transmorph – Valuable

Morphing’, the quantity of morph points needed for charging has been changed.


1. A glyph boost symbol will be displayed when you equip a glyph at enchantment

level +5.

2. The colour coding standard for glyph item attributes has been changed.

3. Glyph item attributes will now only be colourised at enchantment +5.

4. The issue whereby the glyph boost symbol was displayed incorrectly has been fixed.


1. The enchantment odds at lower enchantment levels have been increased. At these

levels, contamination will no longer occur.

2. The effect for enchantment level +10 has been added.

Enchantment Level Carmine Azure Jade

+5 Enchantment Reduces the target’s

recovery by 30% for 5 sec.

Reduces the target’s add.

PvP and PvE defence by

500 for 8 sec.

Reduces the

target’s Remove

Shock by 10 sec.

+10 Enchantment

Reduces the target’s add.

attack power by 500 for 5


Reduces the target’s

evasion, resist magic,

block and parry by 1,200

for 8 sec.

Reduces the

target’s cooldown

for Carmine and

Azure Odian skills

by 10%.

3. This issue which invalidated the enchantment effect of +5 Odian skills has been fixed.


1. The ‘Minion Awakening’ function has been added.

a. Awakening can be performed with Class S minions at evolution level 4.

b. Minions of the same class will be used as awakening material.

c. For minion awakening, a slot has been added for a secondary minion.

Minions at evolution level 4 can be registered in this slot.

d. When you summon the awakened minion, you will be able to use the

secondary minion’s skill and additional attributes will be applied depending

on the secondary minion’s class.

Registered Secondary Minion Additional Attributes

Class S

HP: 3,000

Attack power: 80

Hit (accuracy): 90

Crit strike: 80

Class A

HP: 1,000

Attack power: 40

Hit (accuracy): 45

Crit strike: 40

Class B

HP: 500

Attack power: 20

Hit (accuracy): 20

Crit strike: 20

Class C

HP: 250

Attack power: 10

Hit (accuracy): 10

Crit strike: 10

e. When a Class S minion of the same type as the secondary minion is

registered, additional attributes will be applied depending on the type.

Secondary Minion (Class S) Additional Attributes

Hyperion of Challenge Additional PvE defence: 190

Hyperion of Battle Additional PvP defence: 190

Kromede of Challenge Additional PvE attack: 190

Kromede of Battle Additional PvP attack: 190

Healing Weda Healing boost: 95

Weda of Life HP: 2,500

Sita of Change Hit (accuracy): 660

Sita of Death Crit strike: 380

Resistant Grendal Resist magic: 660

Evading Grendal Evasion: 660

Jorgoth’s Weapons

1. Jorgoth’s weapons have been added.

a. The following weapon types have been added: longsword, greatsword,

dagger, polearm, mace, staff, orb, spellbook, bow, aether revolver, aether

cannon, stringed instrument, aether key and paint rings.

b. Jorgoth’s weapons have three levels: this initially unrefined equipment needs

to be levelled up by upgrading it.

c. Longswords, greatswords, daggers, polearms, maces and staffs can be made

extendable depending on their optional value after upgrading.

d. When upgrading Jorgoth’s Orb, Spellbook, Bow, Aether Revolver, Aether

Cannon, Stringed Instrument, Aether Key and Paint Rings to ultimate, there’s

a chance of getting an item that has the ‘Jorgoth’s Masterpiece’ skill.

i. The ‘Jorgoth’s Masterpiece’ skill has a certain chance of generating a

boost zone in front of the caster. The attributes of the caster and any

group members within this zone receive a boost.

e. Upgrade materials can be obtained by extracting ‘Jorgoth’s half weapons’

and ‘Jorgoth’s weapons’.

f. Jorgoth’s half weapons can be obtained from raid monsters in Inggison,


Lakrum and Dumaha, and there’s also a certain chance of receiving them in

the following instances:

i. Prometun’s Workshop (normal)

ii. Makarna of Bitterness (normal)

iii. Stella Development Laboratory (easy and normal)

iv. Beninerk’s Manor (easy and normal)

v. Ara Infernalia (easy and normal)

vi. Beshmundir Storm Temple (easy and normal)


1. The levels at which it’s possible to make purchases in the Glory Reward Shop have

been adjusted, and the shop’s range has been changed.

Fortress Battle

1. Fixed an issue where players were able to enter the fortress interior at the start of the

fortress battle using invalid methods.

2. It’s no longer possible to fly in the Divine Fortress.


1. Some of the content in ‘Lugbug’s mission’ has been revised.

2. The bug which meant the ‘[Universal] Develop New Skills’ weekly mission was

marked as completed upon receiving the ‘Legendary Daevanion Skill Chest’ from

certain bundles has been fixed.


1. Fixed an issue which made it impossible for players to complete the tutorial quest.

2. Typos in some quests have been corrected.

3. The problem whereby the campaign ‘A Hard Test’ failed to complete even after

defeating ‘Lania/Vergelan’ has been resolved.


1. It is no longer possible to acquire items from expired quests.

2. The issue whereby the time limit failed to apply on the ‘Lugbug’s Big Gold Star (7

days)’ reward from the Lugbug mission has been fixed.

3. The tooltip has been changed for some items sold by the Battlefield Briefing Officer.

4. The ‘Ultimate Scout Troop/Protectorate Equipment Chest’ can now be registered

with the Trade Broker and stored in the warehouse.

5. A bug which meant the two-handed ‘[Event] Ultimate Spiked Weapon’ would not

equip in your left hand has been fixed.

6. The Chronicle system has been added.

a. For some items, the tooltip will display the item’s history.

7. The appearance of some equipment has been modified.

8. The ‘Combat Experience Extractor’ has been added to the Gold Sand Shop.

9. The issue which led to hairstyles being exposed when you put on headwear with a

large appearance has been fixed.

10. When using extension weapons, the issue whereby the attack movement appeared

unnatural depending on the attack speed has been fixed.

11. The number of Ultimate Starlight Anima Stones you can receive when extracting

Light Fragment equipment has been increased.

12. When extracting ‘Ultimate Starshine Accessory/Feathers’, it’s possible to obtain

‘Ultimate Starlight Anima Stones’.

13. It’s possible to gain ‘Light Fragment equipment’ with an ‘Ultimate Starlight Anima


14. When using an Instance Entry Scroll (difficult), you can select the instance.

15. An issue that made your appearance look unnatural when equipping some

swimwear items has been fixed.


1. Fixed an issue where certain movements looked unnatural as soon as an orb was



1. The titles for some NPCs in Dumaha have been changed.

2. The issue which led to a mismatch in the ranks of protector NPCs stationed in their

respective faction landing sites has been fixed.


1. The combat sequence has been changed for some of the monsters in Inggison,

Gelkmaros and Silentera Canyon.


1. Function added: The customisation bar can be adjusted using the mouse wheel.

2. The sound of the customisation bar has been changed.

3. The maximum number of buffs that can be used has been increased.

4. The maximum number of debuffs that can be used has been increased.

5. A ‘Video volume’ setting has been added under [Settings] – [Sound Options] –


6. Typos in the system message displayed when items level up have been corrected.

7. The tooltip for socketing aids has been changed.

8. A message will be displayed upon obtaining ultimate Starlight equipment via


9. The message displayed when extracting items has been changed.

10. Fixed an issue where the item manual described equipment that was not available.

11. The position of the UI at the very top has been changed.

12. The issue whereby the transformation buff’s tooltip displayed the buff effect

incorrectly in certain situations has been fixed.


1. The issue which led to the sound effect associated with buying and selling items

being played twice has been fixed.


1. The number of times passive skills received through items or appearance can be

applied has been increased.

a. Up to now, a maximum of 8 passive skills conferred by items or appearance

could be used. After the update, all skills in a character’s possession will be


2. The ‘Penetrating Wave’ and ‘(Improved) Penetrating Wave’ Chanter skills can now

also be executed without a target.

Skill Changes


Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Second Wind Restores 20% HP.

Increases HP by 20%.

Restores 20,000 HP.

Increases HP by 10,000.


Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Empyrean Armour Restores 25% HP.

Increases HP by 50%.

Restores 25,000 HP.

Increases HP by 25,000.

Iron Skin Restores HP by 2% every 1 sec. for 10


Restores HP by 2,000 every 1 sec. for 10


(Improved) Iron Skin Restores HP by 3% every 1 sec. for 12


Restores HP by 3,000 every 1 sec. for 12


Nezekan’s Shield Restores HP by 10% every 3 sec. for 20


Restores HP by 10,000 every 3 sec. for 20



Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Noble Grace Increases healing by 50%.

Increases HP by 1,800. Increases HP by 8,000 for 15 sec.

Healing boost: +300

(Improved) Noble


Increases healing by 50%.

Increases HP by 4,455. Increases HP by 10,000 for 15 sec.

Healing boost: +500

Salvation Restores 50% HP.

Restores 50% MP. Restores 25,000 HP.

Restores 15,000 MP.


Restores 30% HP.

Restores HP by an additional 20% every

2 sec. for 15 sec.

Restores 30,000 HP.

Restores HP by an additional 20,000 every

2 sec. for 15 sec.

Swift Intervention Restores 50% HP.

Restores 50% MP. Restores 25,000 HP.

Restores 15,000 MP.

(Improved) Swift


Restores 65% HP.

Restores 65% MP. Restores 35,000 HP.

Restores 18,000 MP.

Guarding Intervention Restores 30% HP.

Restores 30% MP. Restores 15,000 HP.

Restores 10,000 MP.

(Improved) Guarding


Restores 40% HP.

Restores 40% MP. Restores 20,000 HP.

Restores 12,000 MP.

Sacrificial Power

Passive skill Active skill

Cooldown 30 sec. (Improved) Sacrificial


Seal of Judgement Reduces magic defence by 1,000 for 20


Reduces magic defence by 300 for 12 sec.

and physical defence by 300

Cannot be removed.

(Improved) Seal of


Reduces magic defence by 1,500 for 20


Reduces magic defence by 500 for 12 sec.

and physical defence by 500.

Cannot be removed.


Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Shelter of


Restores HP by 3% every 2 sec. for 20 sec.

Duration: 20 sec.

Cooldown: 2 min.

Restores HP by 3,000 every 2 sec. for 20


Duration: 12 sec.

Cooldown: 1 min. 30 sec.

(Improved) Shelter of


Restores HP by 6% every 2 sec. for 20 sec.

Duration: 20 sec.

Cooldown: 2 min.

Restores HP by 6,000 every 2 sec. for 20


Duration: 12 sec.

Cooldown: 1 min. 30 sec.

Protection Spell Immediate HP regeneration

Restores additional HP every 2 seconds.

Immediate HP regeneration increased by


Restores additional HP every 2 seconds.

Increased by 20%.

(Improved) Protection



Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Spirit Bundling Increases HP by 30%. Increases HP by 12,000.

(Improved) Spirit

Bundling Increases HP by 30%. Increases HP by 12,000.


Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Hymn of Hope Restores 20% HP.

Restores 20% MP.

Restores 20,000 HP.

Restores 10,000 MP.

Melody of Hope Restores 30% HP.

Increases HP by 20%.

Restores 30,000 HP.

Increases HP by 10,000.

Melody of Cheer Cooldown: 1 min. 30 sec. Cooldown: 60 sec.

Cheery Melody Cooldown: 60 sec. Cooldown: 30 sec.

Purifying Snowflower


Max. protection: 10,000

Restores 2,820 HP.

Cooldown: 2 min.

Max. protection: 12,000

Restores 6,000 HP.

Cooldown: 1 min. 30 sec.

(Improved) Purifying

Snowflower Melody

Max. protection: 12,000

Restores 8,460 HP.

Cooldown: 2 min.

Max. protection: 15,000

Restores 10,000 HP.

Cooldown: 1 min. 30 sec.

Protective Snowflower


Max. protection: 10,000

Restores 5,640 HP.

Cooldown: 2 min.

Max. protection: 12,000

Restores 6,000 HP.

Cooldown: 1 min. 30 sec.

(Improved) Protective

Snowflower Melody

Max. protection: 12,000

Restores 8,460 HP.

Cooldown: 2 min.

Max. protection: 15,000

Restores 10,000 HP.

Cooldown: 1 min. 30 sec.


Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Target Locked

Debuffs cannot be removed. More powerful debuffs can be removed. Into the Black

(Improved) Into the


Time Bomb Inflicts bleeding on the target after 4 sec. Stuns the target after 2 sec.

(Improved) Time Bomb

Healing Seal Increases the target’s healing skill

casting time.

Increases the target’s healing skill casting


Target’s healing boost: -200

(Improved) Healing


Increases the target’s healing skill

casting time.

Increases the target’s healing skill casting


Target’s healing boost: -300

Blow Healing boost for 5 sec.: -400 Healing boost for 10 sec.: -400


Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Materialised Magic


Restores 25% HP.

Increases HP by 25%.

Restores 25,000 HP.

Increases HP by 11,000.


Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects

Escape Exit Restores 100% HP. Restores 100,000 HP.

Transformation: Guardian General

Skill Previous Effects Altered Effects


Guardian General (I–


I: Increases additional PvP attack by 1,000

and HP by 234,000.

II: Increases additional PvP attack by 1,200

and HP by 280,800.

III: Increases additional PvP attack by 1,400

and HP by 327,600.

IV: Increases additional PvP attack by

1,700 and HP by 374,400.

V: Increases additional PvP attack by 2,000

and HP by 468,000.

Restricted attack speed/casting speed.

Effect cannot be terminated.

I: Increases additional PvP attack and

PvP defence by 1,300 and HP by


II: Increases additional PvP attack and

PvP defence by 1,500 and HP by


III: Increases additional PvP attack and

PvP defence by 1,800 and HP by


IV: Increases additional PvP attack and

PvP defence by 2,200 and HP by


V: Increases additional PvP attack and

PvP defence by 2,500 and HP by


No restriction on attack speed/casting


Effect can be terminated.

Abyssal Fury (I–V)

I: 5,000 fixed damage

II: 6,000 fixed damage

III: 7,000 fixed damage

IV / V: 8,000 fixed damage

I: 12,500 fixed damage

II: 15,000 fixed damage

III: 17,500 fixed damage

IV / V: 20,000 fixed damage

Summon Abyssal

Energy (I–II)

I: 5,000 fixed damage (6 people)

II: 5,000 fixed damage (12 people)

I: 20,000 fixed damage (6 people)

II: 30,000 fixed damage (12 people)