Upcoming Events Book Week

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Transcript of Upcoming Events Book Week

VOL 23 ISSUE 6, 25 AUGUST 2021

Book WeekThis week we celebrate book week, one of our favourite weeks of the year! One of the books that has been shortlisted for an award is “Go Away, Worry Monster!”

What the the publisher says about the story...

Worry Monster loves ‘helping’ Archie worry, especially the night before he starts his new school. Archie feels so anxious that his head hurts, his tummy flutters and his heart pounds. He soon realizes that the only way to feel better is to make Worry Monster go away. He does his belly breaths and challenges his inner fears by facing facts. Go Away, Worry Monster! gives children useful strategies to cope with their anxieties and stress, showing them how to make their own Worry Monsters leave.


Another important strategy is to share our worries with God. During a time in our lives where worries and anxious moments can take over our thoughts, remember this verse…

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. The Lord is with me; he is my helper.” Psalm 118:6-7

Thank you God that you are with me. Help me not to be afraid. I know that my worries can’t hurt me because you are with me, and you are my helper. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Submitted by Karly Voigt

Upcoming Events


MON 23 - FRI 27 AUGUST• Book Week

FRI 27 AUGUST• Book Week Parade


THUR 2 SEPTEMBER• Fathers Day Stall

FRI 3 SEPTEMBER• Premier’s Reading Challenge ends


WED 8 SEPTEMBER• School Tour 6.15pm

FRI 10 SEPTEMBER• Pupil Free Day


FRI 17 SEPTEMBER• Concert Live Performance


MON 20 - THUR 23 SEPTEMBER• Concert Live Performances

FRI 24 SEPTEMBER• Term 3 Concludes- Optional Attendance Day

INSPIRE photos featured this week:• Year 3 Burgan

From the Acting PrincipalBOOK WEEKA huge thank you to Wendy McLeod our school librarian who has coordinated Book Week celebrations. Book Week this year has asked us to explore and consider ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. Each year, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating books and Australian authors and illustrators. Although Book Week has looked a little different this year, Wendy has done an incredible job to make sure the children did not miss out on any of the fun.

Join us on our Facebook livestream this Friday morning for our annual Book Week Costume Parade. Assembly begins at 9:00am, but to access the livestream you must be a member of our private Facebook Group. Don’t miss out!

MASTER PLANAll families should have received an email regarding the Master Plan process currently being undertaken by the School and Church. These plans are currently on our school website at http://www.stpaulba.sa.edu.au/about/strategic-directions/

Please complete the survey link in the email by Monday next week if you’d like to have your say. Please refer to Monday’s email for further details.

SCREEN TIME DURING COVIDOptometrists around the world are currently diagnosing higher numbers of children with short-sightedness since the start of the pandemic. This is due to increases in lockdown and less time doing regular outdoor activities and more time in front of iPads and phones etc. Although we are very lucky in South Australia in this regard to date, it is clear that the more time children spend on screens, the greater the risk of myopia. The College of Optometrists in the United Kingdom is calling for children to be outside for two hours each day to

minimise screen time and assist with the development of healthy eye-sight. Food for thought.

ENROLEMENTSAs we approach the end of Term 3, it is important to inform the school of any intentions to withdraw students from the school at the conclusion of the year. Thank you to those families who have already indicated that due to new jobs and addresses etc. that they will be looking for new schools next year. As per the school enrolment policy, it is important that we receive a term in advance notice to assist with future planning. Please email admin@stpaulba.sa.edu.au with any questions or new information.

PUPIL FREE DAY - FRIDAY 10 SEPTEMBERJust a reminder that Friday 10 September is a Pupil Free Day. SPLASH is available for care on this day. Please contact the SPLASH team to secure your place.

OPTIONAL ATTENDANCE DAY - FRIDAY 24 SEPTEMBERThe last Friday of the term will be an optional attendance day for all students from Reception to Year 6. Students who do come to school will be supervised in mixed-class groups and will support the concert clean-up.

Jason Fay |Acting Principal

From the Wellbeing LeaderFATHERS DAY STALLFather’s Day is NEARLY HERE. St Paul will be having a Father’s Day stall on the morning of Thursday 2 September (Term 3 Week 7) coordinated by Jess Deer and our amazing office team. Gifts range from $2.00-$7.00 and children are able to purchase a maximum of 3 gifts. Purchases can be made via the QKR app or cash can be brought on the day. The QKR app is now open and available for online purchases. At this stage we are unable to have volunteers help out, however if restrictions lift we will reach out to our amazing volunteer team. Unfortunately leftover tokens will not be able to be refunded, however there will be a variety

of $1 gifts available to purchase. Any leftover tokens will be donated to the Australian Lutheran World Service charity.


• Girl culture in the 21st Century – what is life like for this generation of girls and what do they need? • Fears, challenges and disappointments that can be a catalyst for positive change in girl culture. • Strengthening body image and self-care in everyday conversations, amidst a selfie-obsessed culture. • Supporting tween and teen girls with their friendship issues. • Essential tips for managing a girl’s online world. • The importance of aunties and father figures in girl’s lives. • Top tips to help our girls find their own identity, purpose and voice.

For more information, please visit Understanding our Gorgeous, Confused Girls | Maggie Dent’s mmonsenseparenting.com.au)

FLIP THE SCRIPT WITH JUSTIN COULSON SATURDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2PM AESTThe goal of this workshop: to help you break free of your script, to avoid blow-ups and the resulting damage, and to become the role model you want to be to your family.

• 2 Hour Workshop • Work face to face with Dr Justin • Spaces limited to just 50 participants • Digital Workbook Included • 20% discount for Happy Families members • Early bird price just $199 (ends 28/08)

For more information, please visit Flip the Script | Workshop with Dr Justin Coulson (ac-page.com)

STEVE BIDDULPH- RAISING BOYS WEBINAR WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 8PM AESTSteve’s world famous talk, covering boys of all ages from baby to young adult. How to raise sons who are kind, confident, and safe. Boys and school. The importance of dads. What single mums can do. Testosterone. The 3 Stages of boyhood and how to have them go smoothly. Boys and housework, and much more. This life-changing seminar, filmed with a live audience before Covid 19 came along, is unforgettably moving, hilarious and so helpful. WATCH AT HOME in safety and comfort on this special night. For more information, please visit Raising Boys - Steve Biddulph ONLINE - Bronte Public School Tickets | TryBooking Australia Carly Bergen | Wellbeing Leader

From the Education Admin LeaderCONCERT FOR YEARS 1-4This year, we are excited to offer families two ways to watch our Concert. There will be both a filmed recording of the entire concert as well as live class performances (two classes performing each afternoon in Week 10)

The full recorded concert will be available to view before the live performances to help families understand the Concert storyline. The live performances will be held in the Hall after the afternoon break at approximately 2pm.

Below is the schedule for the live performance afternoons:

• Friday 17/9: 4 Lethborg, 4 Woodward

• Monday 20/9: 1 Fisher, 1 Bakewell

• Tuesday 21/9: 2 Tew/Miegel, 2 Voigt

• Wednesday 22/9:3 Fyffe, 3 Burgan

• Thursday 23/9:3 Baldock, 4 Nicholls (Closing Chapel will be held at 9am)

(Optional Attendance Day Friday 24 September- Last day of Term 3)

Ticket bookings will be available through the QKR app in Weeks 7 & 8.

Tickets $5 each. 2 tickets available per family.

MEET THE AUTHOR MORNINGThis week we are celebrating the talented authors that we have in our school community- our very own children! At St Paul we view each child as an author, and we look forward to celebrating our bookmaking and writing this week when classes pair up and share their creations with one another. Unfortunately, this year we are unable to welcome families into classrooms, so we will be using Seesaw to share with you as much as possible.

CHAPELS AND ASSEMBLIESDid you know that you could watch Chapels and Assemblies from home? Due to current restrictions, we are unable to invite families to attend Chapel and Assemblies on site. To make sure you can still celebrate with us, we will share a livestream of Chapel and Assembly each week on our St Paul Lutheran School Facebook page. To view livestreamed Chapel and Assemblies each week you can join our closed group ‘St Paul Lutheran School Blair Athol Live Streaming’ through our school Facebook page. Each week we will share a live video of Chapel (9am Wednesdays) and our Book Week Costume Parade and Assembly will be shared at 9am this Friday. If you miss the livestream, you can always hop onto the closed group to view the recording at a time that suits you.

WEDNESDAY CHAPELSThank you to Miss Bartlett for leading us this morning with her Chapel on The Plagues of Egypt Part 1. It was great to have so many people involved in your Worship.

Upcoming Term 3 Chapels:

Week 7 (1/9) Year 4 Woodward The Plagues of Egypt Part 2

Week 8 (8/9) Seniors Exodus and parting the Red Sea

Week 9 (15/9) Endeavour Chaplain- Eve Mount Sinai and the Ten Commandments

Week 10 (23/9) Pastor Matt Bishop Gratitude for God.

**Please note, Closing Chapel will be on Thursday morning at 9am**

Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions we are unable to welcome families along to Chapel at this stage. Please join us on our closed Facebook group to view from home.

FRIDAY ASSEMBLYWe have one more Assembly this term before our hall is transformed into a stage and Concert Hall.

Week 6 (27/8) Book Week Assembly & Costume Parade

Week 7 No Assembly (Concert preparation)

Week 8 No Assembly (Concert preparation)

Week 9 No Assembly (Concert performances)

Week 10 No Assembly (Concert performances)

Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions we are unable to welcome families along to Assemblies at this stage. Please join us on our closed Facebook group this Friday’s Book Week Costume Parade.

Jessica Robinson | Education Administration Leader

General NewsSRCFinding a partner can be even more emotional than being partnered. This week our school learnt how to find a partner in a kind way. When asked to find a partner, the first person they make eye contact is their partner. We call that “no pass-overs.” Students also learned that things don’t always work out the way they want (I didn’t get my desired partner this time), but they can be resilient and “bounce back.” Resiliency is defined as the ability to rise above difficult circumstances and move forward with confidence and optimism. Model how to be resilient in your own life. Your child will notice your flexibility.

Kimochis® Family Challenge: Share with your child how you have “bounced back” from difficult situations. With family members, discuss times they have had to be flexible and when they were, everything worked out. Acknowledge when you observe your child making efforts to be flexible and “bounce back.”

BOOK WEEK 2021Book Week is finally here and we have been having a great time with classes travelling to Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. Lots of students have been participating in our morning break activities creating craft based on our Book Week books. This Friday, Book Week will end with a special assembly and dress up day. Students are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character (please bring the book the costume is based on) or as the Book Week theme Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. If students do not wish to dress up, they must come in their normal school uniform. The assembly will be live streamed on the school’s closed Facebook group.

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE 2021The PRC for 2021 will finish on the 3rd September. Student can bring their completed forms directly to me in the library or hand in to their classroom teachers.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBThe closing date for Issue 6 Scholastic Book Club order is Monday 6 September. Orders can be placed online by going to www.scholastic.com.au

Wendy McLeod | Librarian

St Paul Lutheran School 44 Audrey Avenue Blair Athol SA 5084 Phone +61 8 8260 2655admin@stpaulba.sa.edu.au stpaulba.sa.edu.au




God’s Word2 Timothy 3:16-17

AcceptanceRomans 15:7

Excellence1 Corinthians 10:31

RespectLuke 6:31

Compassion1 John 3:18

HopeTitus 3:7

Community2 Corinthians 13:13

Love1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Church NewsWORSHIP @ ST PAULPlease feel welcome to join us for Sunday Worship at 8:30am Traditional and 10:00am Contemporary including Godly Play for Children. The Lord’s Supper will be offered at the 8:30am service. Please note that some restrictions are still in place, masks must be worn where possible.

For more information feel free to contact us by email at office@stpaul-church.org.au or call us on 8262 4690.

SPYOur next SPY is on Friday 3rd September. 7-9pm in the Hall. Cost $2. Girls please bring something to share for Supper. We look forward to seeing you.

STEP UP TO COMMUNION AND DISCIPLE-SHIP (FORMERLY ‘CONFIRMATION’)Families are invited to express interest to Pastor Matt or Nicole about Step up to Communion (for those in school years 4-6) or Confirmation (for those aged around School yrs 8-9), to be renamed ‘Discipleship’ to better reflect the purpose.

It’s envisaged that Step up to Communion will run over four sessions of one hour for four weeks and commence in September. Discipleship will most likely run for a year from beginning Term 4 2021, with most sessions to go for 1hr 15 minutes each week during term time. Days and times to be discussed with participants and their families.

Each group will start with a short information and discussion session for families. Please let us know by 25th August if your young people would like to be involved by dropping an email to matt.bishop@lca.org.au or cyhm@stpaul-church.org.au (Nicole). Questions welcome.

GROWING FAITH AT HOMESimon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” JOHN 6:68-69

May the eyes of the Lord be on you and God’s ears be attentive to your cry.