Unsupportive Family and Friends- Does it Feel Like They Secretly Want You to Fail?...

Post on 11-May-2015

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Unsupportive Family and Friends- Does it Feel Like They Secretly Want You to Fail?... How to Deal with Loved Ones When it Feels Like They Are Sabotaging Your Success or Secretly Want You To Fail-- Big Vision Dreams and the Small Thinkers that Want to Hold them Back!

Transcript of Unsupportive Family and Friends- Does it Feel Like They Secretly Want You to Fail?...

Copyrght 2013 Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt

Unsupportive Family and Friends- Do the People You Love Secretly Want You to Fail?

Copyrght 2013 Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt

Copyrght 2013 Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt

How often do you stop yourself from pursuing your Big Vision or Big Dream because you are waiting for the people (i.e. spouses, friends, peers, family members, children) in your life to “get it”… to get how

important your dream is to you and to nurture it, give you space and not do subtle things to “sabotage” you.

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Copyrght 2013 Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt

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Copyrght 2013 Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt

Perhaps, you are the glue financially, spiritually or otherwise, that is holding everything together and you are constantly praying that God will help “them” to understand and value you and your desires. Maybe,

you are asking God, Source, to put it on their hearts to be more loving and supportive and to be independent…

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Here are some things to consider:

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1. The good news is that—when small people don’t see your vision, that’s a GOOD thing- I often say, “Never worry about small thinkers seeing your BIG VISION”… one reason is because

of the law of resonance… they are small thinkers, content to complain and live small lives.

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2. If they can see it, then chances are, it’s a small vision. Remember, the ANGLES or points of view we have create our reality. So small thinkers, don’t see Big


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3. Sadly, small thinkers have an interest in you being a small living person. They will resist because they NEED you to be small to justify their lack of living up to their full potential. Rather than them

show up as the fullest expression of who they BE, they try and hold you down.

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What happens is, when they see you living in full expression, it brings up an energy for them… it stirs something inside of them that we all have. You are

taking action but they are not.

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So, instead of them taking action, they try to keep you from taking action see? It’s the lazy man’s self-awareness…i.e. Stop the other person from growing, so I

don’t have to be aware of my self.

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Copyrght 2013 Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt

Consider a quote by the powerful Eleanor Roosevelt, a woman ahead of her time- “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small

minds discuss people.” Eleanor Roosevelt 

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What are the conversations people around you are having? Those very people who are content to keep you stuck? Are they of small minds? For more

information on “small minds” which the small minds video to get the checklist.

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For years, before I understand and developed the principle of lies fabricated fears, my greatest fear was aloneness and being unlovable.

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So, often there are times where you don’t go “big” or as I say, go “true” because you think, you will be alone, you don’t want to be alone or your “family” or

friends” to not have a relationship with you.

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Here again, you have to consider, how much of you is in your life, when you are not being a full expression of yourself? You are doing that now, and well, how is

that working for you?

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What if by BEING a different energy, you became an energetic match for others who desire to be a gift and contribution to your life and living? Who are you

serving by being less than God, Source, Your Higher Self has designed you to be?

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This is an infinite universe with infinite possibilities that lead to opportunities if only you allowed yourself to receive them…

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Lastly, I have 2 words for you... FREE WILL. You have free will, just as the people you are trying to change have it.

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You have no more power to change them, than they have power to change you. “The robber of your free will," writes Epictetus, "does not exist” Marcus


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No amount of hoping someone will be that which they are choosing NOT to be, will make them BE something. They get to choose, just as you get to choose.

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You can’t will someone into choosing something else… you can’t “will” them into change, by wanting change for them.

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What you can do, is BE a different energy, allow your light to shine and BE the change. “Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other

time. We are the ones we've been waiting for.” Barack Obama

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With all this being said, now, I have to ask… “What is the value” of you running with small minds? What is the value of you NOT being your big vision?

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What has it cost you in your life? How much time, money, energy, hurt feelings, jealousy, loss of passion? Are you using the lack of support as a reason to keep

yourself stuck?

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Remember, you are the only one powerful enough to stop you and YOU are the only one powerful enough to set you FREE!!!

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