Unsung Heroes 2015 English

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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The war hasn’t come to an end. May be it doesn’t ever end. The war shall go on and on. In this war, there will be sacrifices and supreme sacrifices.. For the common man and for the country. There would be souls immortal that long to climb up the altar to offer themselves. In a war between the good and the bad. Hundreds of martyrs become cannon fodder. Their sacrifices light up the pathway. For a society to become egalitarian and for the blood-letting to end. There needs to be a change in the way we look at our police on duty. The policeman was not born for sacrifices. He too wants to live like any other normal human being and spend time with his family. But, he is giving his today for our tomorrow. In the call of duty, he is never found wanting. While on duty, he doesn’t think of himself. Let’s spare a moment or two, a tear or two for the cop on duty. This year till now 437 cops laid their lives for the country. 'Let’s protect the eyelid that protects the eye"

Transcript of Unsung Heroes 2015 English

2015 Editon Rs. 25





Sri Nayani Narasimha ReddyHon’ble Home Minister

Sri Anurag Sharma, IPS,DGP, Telangana State

Smt B. Sumathi, IPSSP, Medak district

Sri T. VenkannaAddl. SP, Mediak District

Sri S. Sunrender ReddyDy. SP, RC Puram

The war hasn’t come toan end.

May be it doesn’t ever end.

The war shall go on and on.

In this war, there will besacrifices and supremesacrifices..

For the common man and forthe country.

There would be souls immortal that long to climbup the altar to offer themselves.

In a war between the good and the bad.

Hundreds of martyrs become cannon fodder.

Their sacrifices light up the pathway.

For a society to become egalitarian and for theblood-letting to end.

There needs to be a change in the way we look atour police on duty.

The policeman was not born for sacrifices. He toowants to live like any other normal human being andspend time with his family.

But, he is giving his today for our tomorrow.

In the call of duty, he is never found wanting.

While on duty, he doesn’t think of himself.

Let’s spare a moment or two, a tear or two for thecop on duty. This year till now 437 cops laid their livesfor the country.

Let’s protect the eyelid that protects the all-important eye.

Let’s salute our police martyrs.

Let’s pay our respectful tributes to those who gavetheir today for our tomorrow.



My Word

Pandarinath PrabhalaEditor

Page 5

EditorPandarinath Prabhala

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“Let’s ProtectThe Eyelid”SALUTE

To all heroes whomarched into martydom

Page 19

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Let the memories of


Smilingcop.. andsupremesacrifice


Page 8

‘T’ COPS’ ARETHE BESTAnti-terror ops win fulsome praise

Page 22



To all heroeswho marchedinto martydom SALUTEThe cops sacrifice their present for our future. They give their today so that the society

lives in peace and prosperity tomorrow. They not just sacrifice their present, they alsosacrifice the jobs and happiness of their family members. They do not swerve away from

their path and are ever ready for supreme sacrifice. The police man is never sure as to whenhe would return from his duty. There are occasions when he might never return. The Suryapetincident, which happened in the dead of the night, stands testimony to the saga of the men inKhaki. The story has all it takes to make one teary-eyed.

The cops sacrifice their presentfor our future. They give theirtoday so that the society lives

in peace and prosperity tomorrow.They not just sacrifice their present,they also sacrifice the jobs andhappiness of their family members.They do not swerve away from theirpath and are ever ready for supremesacrifice.

The police man is never sure asto when he would return from hisduty. There are occasions when hemight never return.

The Suryapet incident, whichhappened in the dead of the night,stands testimony to the saga of themen in Khaki. The story has all ittakes to make one teary-eyed.

April 1, 2015.

The high-tech Bus stand inSuryapet.

The world is in deep slumber. Theclock had already struck 12 in thenight.

There were two home guards onduty at the bus stand. They weresipping piping hot tea.

One of them was looking at thepassengers in a stationary bus. Theother had his gaze fixed on thepeople entering the bus station.

The home guard found somethingstrange in the behavior of twoyouths sitting in the bus. Their

demeanor was different and therewas an air suspicion around them.

They immediately alerted CIMogulaiah and kept a close watch onthe duo.

Meanwhile, Mogulaiah arrived atthe bus station with his men. Theymade the duo get down from the busand began shooting off questions atthem. The duo was mumblingincoherent replies. As thequestioning intensified, both pulledout the revolvers and shot thepolice. Before they couldunderstand what was happening,

Ground Report: Pandarinath Prabhala,Vishnundas Srikanth, Md Yazdani, D. Kamal



The placid midnight tranquil was shattered andthere was blood all over. Before the cops couldreact, the duo ran away firing upon them.

bullets pierced through the bodies ofboth the cops. Constable Lingaiahand Home Guard Mahesh slumpedonto the ground, while CI Mogulaiahand home guard Kishore sufferedbullet injuries.

The placid midnight tranquil wasshattered and there was blood allover. Before the cops could react,the duo ran away firing upon them.

The passengers and bystanderswere mortified. They were shell-shocked and couldn’t figure outwhat was happening around them.

IG and SP Prabhakar Rao rushedto the spot to take stock of thesituation. Tears welled up their eyesas they saw their colleagues lyinglifeless in a pool of blood. Till a fewmoments ago, they were full of lifeand were busy doing their job ofpolicing. There was a pall of gloom.

CI Mogulaiah and Home GuardMahesh, who suffered injuries, wererushed to KIMS hospital in Hyderabadafter first aid in Suryapet. TelanganaDGP Anurag Sharma observed theCCTV footage obtained from the busstand. Based on the make of thebullets recovered from the spot, thecops felt the assailants could befrom either UP or Bihar. Another keygive away was the guns used. Theywere country made and the bulletswere typically North Indian in theirmake. The police in both the Telugustates went on a high alert andbegan the search to nab both themarauders.

Alertness saved their dayBoth the assailants wanted to get

far away from the scene of offence.So, they decided to hijack a four-wheeler. They tried to stop afour-wheeler on the Highway. Thecar belonged to one Dorababu ofWest Godavari. He was bound forHyderabad.

Dorababu grew suspicious of thedue and sped his car. The duo wentberserk and began firing

As a cop who made the supreme sacrifice even during the probationaryperiod, Siddhaiah represents all that is best in the police department. He

gave importance to the well being of the people and put his own life atrisk.Protection of the common man’s life was his motto and he lived and diedfor it.

Siddhaiah hailed from Jadcharla in Mahbubnagar.His father was Chinna Dastagir and mother was Dastagiramma. He had two

brothers – Maa Basha and Dastagiri and a daughter.Siddhaiah’s father hailed from Chintalacheruvu in Chagalamarri mandal of

Kurnool district and migrated to Badepalli Patha Bazaar in Jadcharla some 25years ago.

Siddhaiah always wanted to be a cop. He used to say that even as a child.His father died 10 years ago and it was his mother who toiled hard to get

him educated. Siddhaiah studied matriculation in Jadcharla’s Shantinagar anddid his degree at Mahabubnagar. He obtained MBA from Hyderabad.

I got qualified in the SI test in 2012 and he managed to pass in the firstattempt.He joined the service as a probationary SI in Atmakur of Nalgonda andmarried Dharaneesha of Rameswaram in Proddatur mandal of Kadapa district.

Quite heart-wrenchingly his wife gave birth to a pretty baby boy on thevery day when Siddhaiah got admitted to the hospital with life-threateninglycritical injuries. He died without ever getting to see his dear son.

There were four bullets lodged in his body. The doctors could removethree. But the fourth was in his brain and he was profusely bleeding. Thedoctors thought the fourth bullet could be taken out after the bleedingstopped.

But. Siddhaiah’s body stopped responding and his condition fell from badto worse. It was a veritable battle for life that Siddhaiah lost.

This proud police, who pitted himself against the terrorists’ bullet in themost heroic manner possible died a proud man – a man who made supremesacrifice in the cause of the duty and the country. Siddhaiah died on hiswedding anniversary.

Birth and death were his’. His whole life was for people’s welfare.Jadcharla mourned the death of the hero. The whole town turned up to

pay its last respects to the hero. People from all walks of life flooded Jadcharlafrom all across the district and the state.

DGP Anurag Sharma, ministers Lakshma Reddy and Jupalle Krishna Rao,senior Congress leaders Jana Reddy, Uttam Kumar Reddy, Chinna Reddy andseveral others paid their last respects to the departed soul. The people criedbitterly at the martyrdom of their son of the soil. People lined up both sidesof the road to pay their last respects amid heartful chants of “Siddhaiah AmarRahe.”

The last rites were performed according to Islamic traditions at the OldBazaar Kabaristan with full government honours.

Dreamt to be a cop,died a valiant warrior



Siddhaiah always wanted to be a cop. He used to say that even as a child.Siddhaiah studied matriculation inJadcharla’s Shantinagar and did his

degree at Mahabubnagar.

The 52-hour long track downoperations of Telangana police,

which resulted in felling fivedreaded Indian Mujahideenterrorists, has won nation-wideacclaim for their derring do and theclinical precision of the operations. TheCentral intelligence and securityorganizations have lauded the effortsof Telangana police.

Two terrorists were shot dead onApril 5, 2015 in Janakipuram ofNalgonda, while three others wereshot dead while trying to flee frompolice custody. The terrorists had escapedfrom Khandwa jail in Madhya Pradesh and havebeen at large for well over two years. The first twoterrorists were initially mistaken for robbers and theoperations initially were molded on anti-robberymode. But, soon it became clear that they were themost wanted terrorists and the Telangana police putin place a contingency plan to nail them down.

The Islamic terrorists were involved a host of bankrobberies and detonated bombs in Bangalore andChennai. They were a grave challenge to the nationalsecurity and the safety of the people. The police ofseveral states were trying to track them down, but hadrepeatedly failed. The terrorists had always had a trickup their sleeves and gave a slip at the nick of themoment.

The Telangana police had cleverly kept the wholeoperation a secret and used media channels to tout astory that the slain terrorists were mere robbers. Thishelped them to mislead the terrorists and their cohortsand enabled the cops to get better of them.

Their elimination has brought a sigh of relief to thepolice across the country in general and those of MP<Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in particular. The policeofficials and experts from across the nation havetrooped to Hyderabad to study the police modusoperandi. The Central Home Department and the

intelligence wing have also laudedthe operations mounted by theTelangana police.The terrorists were so dreaded

and feared that only a fortnight ago,Union Home Minister Rajnath Singhexpressed concern about theirroaming free for over two years. Hehad even sent a communication tothe state home ministers and thepolice mandarins across thecountry asking them to be vigilantagainst the possible acts of terror

that the dreaded terrorists wereplanning.

The most striking feature of the operationswas that everyone from the level of a home guard tothat of the DGP was involved in the operations andthey worked in perfect tandem. The way they ensuredthat the ordinary civilians were not put in the harm’sway. In a planned manner, they ensured that theterrorists were cornered and cordoned in a placewhere the possibility of loss of ordinary lives was fullycontained. The cops spent sleepless nights anddisplayed high level of endurance and perseveranceeven when some of their prized colleagues were killedby the terrorists’ gun fire. They displayed bravery andcourage of the highest order to eliminate the terrorelements.

The Hyderabad and the Telangana police have alsoplayed a key role in locating the raw materialproviders and the terrorist supply chains. Theysucceeded in identifying as many as 35 bomb makersand raw material suppliers. They also revealed thatbombs were being made in Karnataka’s Bhatkal andhelped Karnataka police foil a possible terror attack.

The precision operations of the Telangana policehave won fulsome praise from all quarters and anti-terror experts. The text book style operations ofTelangana police have become benchmarks for futureoperations.

‘T’ COPS’ ARE THE BESTAnti-terror ops win fulsome praise





indiscriminately. A bullet pierced thewindow pane and hit the shoulder ofDorababu. He collapsed and beganto bleed. His wife took control ofthe steering and sped along. Shetook her husband to a hospital andgot him admitted. Her timely actionsaved Dorababu’s life.

The search BeginsMeanwhile the search was

intensified. The assailants weresmart and hid from the cops. Theyhad a carbine which they snatchedaway from a cop at Suryapet.

The police were getting restive.They were determined to nab theduo as they killed their colleagues.There were also genuine fears thatthey could kill more innocents ifthey were let loose. All the villageswere alerted and asked the peopleto inform them of any suspiciouspersons. This paid off as a villagerinformed them at about 6 AM thattwo suspicious looking people weremoving about near Arvapalli inNalgonda. The police rushed theirtroops there.

Thungaturti CI Gangaram wentinto the forest along with a gunman. He fired five rounds on theterrorists. Unfortunately, the gunstopped working thereafter givingenough time for the terrorists to

make good their escape. Had thehitch not been there, the duo couldhave well been felled much earlier.

The police were restless. Theywanted to eliminate the menace.They were ready to stake their livesfor this.

By 7,45 AM, they got the tip-offthat the terrorists, who gave a slipto CI Gangaram, were movingaround in Anantaram. The copsmoved with alacrity and rushed theirforces in that direction.

Like the Abhimanyu of yore….This time around, Atmakur SI

Siddhaiah led the attack.Accompanied by gunman Nagaraju,he rushed to the spot. He was notyet out of his probation. But, he wasdetermined to hunt down theterrorists. He felt it was his duty tosave the innocent people from thespectre of terror and was ready tomake any sacrifice. He rushed likethe Abhimanyu of yore sans helmetand bullet proof vest. His sole aimwas to nab the terrorists and wreak

Saidaiah, SI Lingaiah Nagaraj Maheswar



Jadcharla mourns its son’s deathvengeance for the killing of hiscolleagues.

He did not mind who was withhim and what lay in wait for him.The terrorists shot Nagaraju deadfrom point blank range. BeforeSiddhaih could react, they pumpedbullets into his body. Siddhaiah felldown into a pool of blood. Theterrorists, who killed two morebrave cops, scooted away.

Siddaiah, who was criticallyinjured, battled for life for four daysbefore succumbing. He laid down hislife in the call of duty and in thefinest tradition of the police force.

The police were now livid. Theylost four of their colleagues and theterrorists were still roaming free.They were becoming increasinglyrestive and longed for revenge.

It was then that they got theinformation that the terrorists

threatened a person and scootedwith his bike at about 5 AM nearJanakipuram. The search operatonsin the area were intensified. Thepolice finally located the terrorists,who were hiding behind a bush. Afierce encounter ensued for overhalf-hour. Finally, the police felledbothe terrorists.SI Balanagireddysuffered critical injuries.

The issue was brought to a

closure. The slain terrorists –Aijajuddin and Aslam Khan wereinitially mistaken for highwayrobbers. It later turned out thatboth were SIMI terrorists and wereamong the five SIMI terrorists whofled from Khandwa prison in MadhyaPradesh in 2014. One shudders tothink what destruction theseterrorists would have wrought hadthe police not put their lives at risk.

The police were now livid. They lost four of theircolleagues and the terrorists were still roamingfree. They were becoming increasingly restiveand longed for revenge. It was then that they gotthe information that the terrorists threatened aperson and scooted with his bike at about 5 AMnear Janakipuram. The search operatons in the

area were intensified.

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Sri Venkateswara Dall & Oil MillsAshamabad, Chandrayanagutta, Hyderabad

Sri Nayani Narasimha ReddyHon’ble Home Minister

Sri Anurag Sharma, IPS,DGP, Telangana State

Smt B. Sumathi, IPSSP, Medak district

Sri T. VenkannaAddl. SP, Mediak District

M. TirupatannaDy. SP, Sangareddy

We SalutePolice Martyrs

We SalutePolice Martyrs

We SalutePolice Martyrs

We SalutePolice Martyrs

We SalutePolice Martyrs

We SalutePolice Martyrs

We SalutePolice Martyrs

We SalutePolice Martyrs

Medak DistrictPolice

Sponspored byPepsiCo

Pothireddypalle (V), Sangareddy (M), Medak District

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We SalutesPolice Martyrs



T he following is the abridgedcontent of the speech of PrimeMinister Narendra Modi at the

all India Conference of the DIGs/IGsat Guwahati, Asom. In a majordeparture from the usual practice ofholding of the meeting at New Delhi,the government shifted it toGuwahati. Modi rooted for SMARTcops and wanted them to spreadpositivity about the toil of thepolicemen and women. The speechwas delivered on November 30,2014.

Since the times of Chanakya, ithas always been believed that is’snot just good weapons, but the handoperating that weapon and the manholding the weapon is important. Itall depends on who operates thoseweapons. More more important thanthe weapon and the personnel is theavailability of the best intelligencenetwork. The national security ofany country depends on it. A systemthat has the best intelligence set upmight never need the as there

definitely won’t be any need of useof weapons. If there is any unit thatholds utmost importance in terms ofnation’s security, it is theintelligence system.

Everyone is surprised that wehave done away with the practice ofholding this programme in NewDelhi. The programme this time hasbeen shifted from Delhi to Guwahati.When one comes to Delhi for ameeting, he will also come therewith a lot of work. One feels thatsince one has come all the way toDelhi, one might even try meetingthe secretaries etc.

But if the meeting is held awayfrom Delhi, you will only focus on theissues faced by that state. Since themeeting is outside Delhi, there is noother activity here. The entire focuswill be on the immediate activity.

Systems need change and this isthat change. Every system of changeneeds to have a life. Robotic systemsdo not work. Systems should be aliveand full of life. Systems should

encourage and augment theliveliness and this change is intendedto make one think in that direction.

After our country’sindependence, the fact that 33thousand policemen have sacrificedtheir lives while protecting thecountry and safeguarding thecomforts of its citizens, is by nomeans, a minor feat. But does theentire police force know that 33thousand policemen have sacrificedtheir lives to protect the country? Ifthat is the case, then how would thecommon citizens of the countryknow about this? It is of primeimportance that this sacrifice doesnot go waste. How can the respectfor the cops goes up in the eyes ofthe society? The cop too is someone’sson. He dies in the call of duty andwe don’t even remember him?Should the society does not show anyconcern for these martyrs?

I would want a small taskforce tobe formed from amongst you,consisting of some senior andexperienced people. We should beable to find out ways to incorporatethe positives from the heritage ofthis sacrifice in a manner such thatit is embedded as our inspirationforever.

A protocol also has to be set up tohonour them during their last rites.Every state has its own policeacademy where the new recruits aretrained. Does their syllabus includeinformation based on the those whobelong to the region and havesacrificed their lives. Every stateshould have its own book - an officialGovernment Book. It should havedetails of those who made thesupreme sacrifice and how. It shouldalso provide how many lives he hadsaved.

The new generation of police, thenew constables who are undertraining, should learn these things.And take an exam on these issues.Through this, he will realise of themartyrdom of those who worked


MARTYRS NOT FADESystems need change and this is that change.Every system of change needs to have a life. Robotic systems do not work says PM Modi.

before him and sacrificed their lives.This will then be passed on throughthe generations. We should bring outa new edition every year and everystate should publish an e-bookmentioning the details of all the33000 martyrs along with theirphotos. Such books should be in theregional and national language. Thiswill be a small effort but one withhuge impact that could inspiregenerations.

The police department holds a lotof programmes for police welfare.Cine stars are a part of theseprogrammes and performances andplays are also a part of it. It is done

in a grand way in Mumbai. During thistime, a souvenir is also issued.Advertisements are sought and fundsare collected. But can we decide toinclude a list of those who havesacrificed their lives in thatparticular year in the souvenir,speaking of their deeds. Weshouldn’t let their lives andsacrifices go waste. It is ourresponsibility and we should let theirmemories linger on.

The other issue pertains to policewelfare. The police force leads a lifefull of stress. He puts his life on theline of fire. If there is no well-beingand happiness in his family, how will

they give their 100 per cent while onduty? It is the responsibility of thegovernment and all of us to establisha system for the welfare of theirfamilies. Their health andeducational needs should be takencare of. Their residences need to bespruced up.

Our Union Home Minister was asuccessful Chief Minister of one ofthe biggest states of our country. Andhence he knows the intricacies of theissue. His guidance will be of a greathelp to us in the coming days. I wasa Chief Minister for quite a long timeand held the control of the homedepartment. We want to approach


It was the most dastardly attack. The highest seat ofIndian authority, symbol of its sovereignty and the templeof the democracy was under attack on 13 December 2001.It was a day when darkness of terror descended on IndianParliament. But, it was also the time when securitypersonnel on duty lit up the lamps ofcourage by burning their lives.

Five terrorists tried to bulldoze theirway into Parliament. They rammed the carof Vice-President Krishnakanth, got outand began firing indiscriminately. CRPFjawan Kamlesh Kumari, who was posted atIron Gate No 1, just next to Building GateNo 11, the main entrance for VVIPs comingto Parliament, was the first to noticethem. At around 11.40 AM, she heardgunshots and grenade blasts. Kamleshwasn't armed to fight anyone, least of allterrorists on a suicide mission. Despitethis, she did not waver from her duty. Sheran towards the main gate and shut it. The

terrorists shot her killing on the spot. Eleven bullets struckher in the belly killing her instantaneously. She died but heralertness ensured that the terrorists’ design stood

completely foiled.The security personnel on duty shot

dead the terrorists in a gun fight thatlasted more than an hour. But, thissuccess was not without its price. Fivepolicemen, a Parliament security guard,and a gardener were killed, and 18others were injured. But, not one of ourMPs and leaders were allowed to beattacked. Today, while Afzal Guru is apseudo-secular icon and peons are sungto him, martyrs like Kamlesh Kumari andothers are consigned to be merefootnotes in the long history of terrorismin India.

(The Author is Senior Journalist)





the task of police welfare in ascientific manner and that is thebare minimum that we can do. Andif we do this, then there will be ahuge change.

The movies depict a policeman inbad light and this gets internalised inthe minds of common people. Wehave very few films that show thecops in the right way. We shouldmake special efforts. The IndianGovernment should employ a PRAgency of sorts and meet the filmproducers and make them aware oftheir deeds.

If the opinion-makers of thesociety don’t protect the image ofthe ones who protect our country,then the rot in the system will onlyfurther deepen. If a boy repeatedlyfails, instead of chiding him, weremind him of his achievements andhelp him focus on achieving. There isa need to change the image of thepolice. Any negative story about apoliceman has a long shelf life in themedia but many positive thingsnever even come to the fore.

When I was the chief minister ofGujarat, I launched an initiative,which if you feel is good, could be

replicated elsewhere. I had requested every police

station to have their own websitewhere they would upload theirachievements regularly. Do not feeldepressed at the negative publicity.There is a lot of good happening andnobody would know them if you donot publicise. We had publishedpositive stories every week.

I have a concept of SMART policein my mind. I need a SMART policeforce. SMART stands for the goodqualities that the police shouldideally possess. S stands for strict but

also sensitive. M stands for modernand and mobile. A for alert andaccountable, R for reliable andresponsive and finally T for technosavvy and trained. If we take thesequality attributes, our progresswould be quicker and effective.

I truly believe we can fill thepolice force with a new life and arenewed sense of consciousness.

(This is speech by Prime Minister Sri

Narendra Modi was in Hindi, this is the

English rendering. Original speech remains

authoritative version.)

He is a true hero, someone who believed in what hewas fighting for. For him, it was countryfirst, everything else next. In life and in

death, Greyhounds inspector Karanam VaraprasdaRao displayed exemplary courage.

His team had broken the back of Maoists in theall-important Kanchala forest on the strategicKhammam-Chhattisgarh border in a shootoutthat lasted for well over three hours onApril 18, 2013. Kanchala is close toChintalnar, where the Maoists had killed 70policemen in 2010.

Among the dead Naxals was Marri Ravialias Sudhakar, secretary of Karimnagar-Khammam-Warangal (KKW) division, whichcontrolled the key K-N area committee.The other Naxals were all members of thecommittee. The police recovered fourself-loading rifles, one carbine, two 303weapons, two Insas rifles, a country-made

weapon, one pistol, a single bore barrel gun, threemobile phones, 10 memory cards and seven simcards.The police, who had credible information thatover 100 Naxals were camping in Tuvvarti village;launched a massive operation in the area.It was a hugely successful operation and KaranamPrasad played a stellar role in it. As the

Greyhounds were being evacuated in ahelicopter, some Naxals, who were hidingbegan firing at it. The chopper made goodits escape, but Karanam Varaprasadsuffered grievous bullet injuries. Hebreathed his last in the forest region.

He lived a hero’s life and died a hero’sdeath. He is the only police officer to bemartyred in AP this year.

The Ashok Chakra was awardedposthumously for his valor, courageousand brave action!

- V Gangadhar, Sr Journalist

Karanam Prasad: He believed in what he was doing



If the opinion-makers of the society don’t protectthe image of the ones who protect our country,then the rot in the system will only furtherdeepen. If a boy repeatedly fails, instead of

chiding him, we remind him of his achievementsand help him focus on achieving. There is a needto change the image of the police. Any negativestory about a policeman has a long shelf life inthe media but many positive things never even

come to the fore.

It was May 29, 1991. The place wasRajavommangi in East Godavari dis-trict.DSP K Venkata Swami Goud was

busy with some files in his office.There were some constables guardinghis chamber and some more outside.The office was like a boiling cauldrondue to the oppressive heat. A coolglass of water given by a constablewas the best thing that could happenamid such heat.

Goud started to reach for hishome. As he sat in his jeep, the phonerang from inside the office.

The DSP halted and scamperedinto his office to take the call. Everycall is important in this Naxal-infestedarea and every small lead could helpin making a major breakthrough. Butas he was taking the call, colourschanged in his face. The brow was fur-rowed and the pain was all too visible.The Naxals had set the huts of tribalconstables in Lagarai village.

“We need to go to the village thenext morning,” he said as he left forthe day.

The morning next, the police teamwas ready for Lagarai. The cops weresullen and worried. The DSP was wor-ried too thinking of the fate of thefamilies of the cops from tribalgroups. “Is tormenting poor tribals therevolution that the Maoists want toenact,” he repeatedly asked himself.

He knew it was the Naxals, whoperpetrated this heinous crime. TheNaxals obviously did not want the trib-als to get educated and join the po-lice. The Naxals were worried that thiscould mean curtains for their activi-ties.

The jeep was forging ahead slowlyand a bit cautiously. But, the DSP’smind was racing.

The vehicle crossed Nellimetla vil-lage and was going towards Rajavom-mangi.

Driver Ramana is an expert driverand drives effortlessly causing littledisturbance. He is the safest driverand DSP Goud doesn’t tire saying thistime and again.

Suddenly there was a massivesound and an explosion. The vehiclewas thrown into the air and it camedown with a thud.

In moments, the unthinkable hap-pened. The Naxals exploded a landmine and they were waiting in am-bush. Both DSP Goud and Ramana laylifeless in a pool of blood. Five morecops were injured too. The Naxalsbegan incessant fire. Their plan was tokill all the cops and run away withtheir weapons. But, despite the in-juries, the cops were ready to returnthe fire and they were fiercely deter-mined to fight back.

Soon, the Naxals realized that dis-cretion was better part of valour andscooted aay. The policemen – RSI MRavi Kumar, Constable Madan Mohanand Head Constable B Prabhakar notjust foiled the Naxal attack, but alsosaved several precious lives.

KV Goud came from a poor familyin Bekkem village of Veepanagandlamandal in Mahabubnagar. His father KKishtaiah Goud was a toddy tapper,while mother Lakshmidevamma was afarm hand. After primary education inthe native village, he went to Pentla-palli ZP high school.

He failed the English exam at SSC.So Goud left his parents went to hisuncle in Nandigam near Shadnagar.There he became a toddy tapper. But,he suffered severe leg injury when hefell from a tree. Later, he came backto Bekkem and passed SSC in flying

colours. Then he joined the Rani Ma-hadevi college in Gadwal where hehad a chance to meet IAS officer Kr-ishnaiah and retired SP SeetaramReddy. He was so deeply inspired bythem that he had instantaneously de-cided to take Group I exams. As a pro-bationary DSP in Proddatur of Kadapadistrict and as town DSP in Kadapa, hemade a name for himself. In Kadapa,he busted fake note gangs and nar-cotics racket.In 1989, he joined theelite force Greyhounds and stood as arole model for all colleagues. He wonaccolades from officials and the peo-ple alike.

He played a stellar role in rescuingCongress leader P Sudheer Kumar fromthe clutches of Naxalites. He used ar-rested Naxalites as route guides andreached Brahmanapalle, where Sud-heer Kumar was kept hostage.

The Government posthumouslyawarded him with President’s policemedal in 1996 and Chief Minister’sShourya Padak in 1997. Goud’s great-est quality was to be able to smilethrough all vicissitudes. He never al-lowed the smile to eclipse from hisface despite the troubles and tribula-tions.

His colleagues still remember hiswide-eyed grin.

-Mohan Goud


Searing and sweltering heat that was at its peak aheadof an impending monsoon…



Honouring martyrs andremembering their deeds andsacrifice is in the highest

traditions of humanity. Thesacrifices of those who lay downtheir lives in the call of duty areinvaluable and unforgettable. Thisis more so with the police. Thepolice toil day in and day out, braveall vicissitudes and always putthemselves in the peril’s path forthe sake of the civilians.

Of late it has become common tocriticise the police. I firmly believe

that passing uncharitable commentsand lampooning the police in moviesand the media is not right. I requestall those right-thinking persons andresponsible organisations to shunthis practice and discourage othersfrom showing the police in badlight.

Let me share some experiences.As an MLA, I visited Vidhyut Soudhaonce. I found a senior officer, awoman and her son sitting on thebench. I personally knew the seniorofficer well. He told me that he had

retired four months ago and was yetto get his retirement benefits andpension. I spoke to the chairpersonand his problem was solvedforthwith. Seeing this, the oldwoman came to me. She said herhusband died while in service and atleast one member in her family wasentitled for a job. She said she hadbeen making rounds of the officials,but of no avail. I was deeply movedby her plight. I stayed put foranother half hour and spoke to theofficials to expedite her case.


The police serve in an exemplary manner to ensure the safety and security of thecountry, the people, their loves and properties. There could be some

wrongdoings here and there. But, they can be rectified. They can be reformed.But to brand the whole department as bad is not good either for the society at

large or the country.





My only prayer is that let’srealise that there is no biggersacrifice than dying for the cause.These sacrifices are priceless andstellar. Those who die for others aredivine and it is our bounden duty tohonour them. If you need, we shallensure that the higher officials oreven the Home Minister issue strictorders to expedite such cases. Thefamilies that lost their dear oneswould already be in a state of deepshock and are woe-stricken. Mysincere appeal to the senior officialsis to treat them with parental loveand empathy. The cent per centcompensation and the ex-gratiashould reach them in a time-boundmanner. Any delay will only affectthe morale of the policedepartment on the whole.

The police serve in an exemplarymanner to ensure the safety andsecurity of the country, the people,their loves and properties. Therecould be some wrongdoings hereand there. But, they can berectified. They can be reformed.But to brand the whole departmentas bad is not good either for thesociety at large or the country.

I ardently believe that the moreefficient the police are, the betterwould be the national development.Investments would flow in invariablyif the police system works well andthere is law and order. This will leadto development. The police play akey role in ensuring peace. It isdoing everything at its command toplay its rightful role. I hope theefforts would be doubled and thatthe police would succeed inproviding safety and security to thelife, honour and the assets of thepeople.

The police martyrs’ memorialpylon in the Shivkumarlal

Stadium, Goshamahal, Hyderabad, isan imposing and evocative memorialto the police. Deeper meanings areembedded in the architectural designof this pylon . Here are some detailsabout this memorial pylon.

It was sculpted by late Sri PTReddy. This exquisite work of arthides in every corner and everycranny deeper meanings andencrypted message of inspiration.The pylon is a fitting memorial to thepride and glory that the policesacrifices so typically exemplify.

October 21 is when we recall thesupreme sacrifices made by thepolice martyrs in the cause of thecountry and in its defence. It at thebase of this pylon that wreaths arelaid and respects are paid. Thus, thepylon has great significance. It is atthis pylon that the police personneltake out their parade to pay theirrespects to the departed. The verysight of the pylon inspires the policepersonnel. This is the only policememorial in both the Telugu states.

The rectangular pylon representsthe police, who bears theresponsibility of protecting law and order on his powerful shoulders.The rectangular window represents transparency, honesty anddedication. The eye on the pylon represents the sharp eye of thepolice, his micro analytical and observation powers, his alertness andtransparence. The summit represents the valour and the bravery ofthe police.

The red granite represents the capabilities and the dedication tothe duty. The pylon represents all these and much more. The sharptips of the pylon are fine-balanced, artistic and eye-arresting.

The pylon represents the aspirations, efforts and the dedicationof countless police personnel. The sculptor and the cops have beenimmortalized by this imposing pylon.



(This is speech by Chief Minister K.

Chandrasekhar Rao on the occasion of

Police Commoration Day



It was a star-crossed morning onJuly 27 this year, when a group ofterrorists unleashed a ruthless

attack on civilians and policemen inGurdaspur in Panjab-JammuKashmir border. The terror attackthat lasted for hours claimed sixlives, including three policemen.One of the victims was an officer inthe rank of Superintendent ofPolice. This was not a singularincident. Hundreds of policemenwho keep vigil twenty four-seven toensure that all citizens sleepwithout fear and panic fall to thebullets of terrorists and anti-socialelements.

Ironically, the country’s internalsecurity force has always been abutt of jokes or an object of ridiculefor the so-called rights activists,political parties, media and thegeneral public.

According to official statistics,till September 13, a total number of127 security personnel, includingfour in Telangana laid down theirlives in the line of duty. Yet, peopleseem to be unwilling to accept, ifnot appreciate, the sacrifice beingmade by the men in uniform.

Earlier on August 18, apoliceman who was guarding ashrine in the blood-spatteredJammu and Kashmir was killed bymilitants and another grievouslyinjured. Closer home, in Suryapet inNalgonda district of Telangana, twopolicemen were killed while threeothers including a Circle Inspectorand a Home Guard suffered bulletinjuries after two armed assailantsopened fire on them during avehicle checking in the wee hours ofApril 2, sending shockwaves acrossthe State. The incident occurred ataround 12.30 am at a bus stand inSuryapet town when a police team,led by CI Moghalaiah, was carrying

out checking of buses.While the whole world

celebrates festivals and victories,while everyone is in flights offancies in the subconscious mindduring deep slumber, pray atshrines, play in the grounds, shop inthe malls, binge on delicious dishesor watch films in air-conditionedmultiplexes, they keep guard,leaving their families, losing sleeps,fighting extreme weatherconditions, and constantly in theshadows of deaths.

The Gurdaspur terror attackbegan at around 5:00 am local timewhen the gunmen first sprayedbullets on a passing bus near thePunjab-Jammu Kashmir border. Thegang of armed men wearingcamouflage uniforms then hijackeda car and drove to the policestation.

As the attack was unfolding,authorities found five explosivedevices wired to a railway tracksome five kilometres fromDinanagar. Train traffic on theAmritsar-Pathankot section of thetrack was halted and schools andcolleges were closed. According tonews reports, a train heading forthe spot managed to stop just 200meters from the explosives, whichaverted even more civiliancasualties.

It took a 12-hour standoffbetween the police and unidentifiedassailants, who stormed policestations, to end with lawenforcement prevailing.

In the Suryapet incident, theassailants, even while on the run,fired at some cars soon after theincident and injured a MandalParishad Territorial Constituency(MPTC) member Dorababu whosuffered bullet injuries on hisshoulder.

The offenders were suspected tobe from Uttar Pradesh or Bihar ascountry-made weapons normallyused in offences in northern Indiawere used in this attack. The

Of bluecoat blues andbenumbed society

Payam Sudhakaran



unfortunate incident happenedwhen a State-level checking ofbuses had been intensified followinginformation that some offendersfrom other States were indulged inrobberies in buses and other places.

Based on that input, CIMoghalaiah with four policemen wascarrying out checking of buses inSuryapet town. On suspicion, policeasked two bus passengers to getdown and started questioning them,when they suddenly attacked thecops and began firing on themresulting in the death of constableLingaiah and Home Guard Maheshon the spot.

Moghalaiah and Home GuardKishore too came under the attack,while the armed men fled the sceneeven before the police team couldretaliate, according to top policeofficials.

Scores of such incidents in asingle year, hundreds of lives ofpolicemen, and still, they get onlybrickbats, no bouquets. To add totheir woes, Indian police force is notadequately equipped to face fatalsituations including sabotage,terrorism and other security risks. Itmay be recalled the in the infamous26/11 Mumbai attacks, even thebullet-proof jackets of the fightingpolicemen were substandard.

The governments and politicalleaders should be more humane andempathetic towards the policemenwho sacrifice their lives and familiesfor internal security of the country.It is anybody’s guess that challengesto internal security is fast gainingdemonic proportions.

It is high time the powers that beand critics open their eyes.Policemen are human beings too,with all natural emotions that arecommon to all of us. On theoccasion of the Police Martyrs’ Day,let us pay homage to the fallenheroes and pray for them and standby the millions of policemen wholose sleep to make us sleep tight.

(The author is a seniorjournalist, based in Hyderabad)

“Don’t hide in a room and fire like a Coward! Come outof your lair. I’ll show the stuff that I am made of…”

These were the brave last words of Gurdaspur SP BaljeetSingh before he fell fighting the dreaded Pakistani terrorists.

The cowards were after all cowards and they fired incessantly hidingbehind the wall. A Bullet from Baljeet’s gun pierced through the chestof a terrorist. He fell with a thud and Baljeet could clearly hear his fall.Then there was an enemy bullet that his the water tank, which wasBaljeet’s cover. Baljeet moved over for a safer perch to continue firing.It was then that an enemy bullet hit his head and he collapsed. Momentslater, he lay lifeless, but became immortal as he offered himself atMother Bharat’s altar in the war against terror.

It was July 27, 2015. The placid morning calm in the border town ofGurdaspur in Punjab hid the terror’s worst treachery. The dawn did notbetray any inkling of a bitter gun battle that was to last for 12 longhours. The terrorists sneaked into Dinanagar police station, occupiedsome desolate and dilapidated home guard quarters and began to attackthe people. Baljeet and his two gunmen were among the first to reachthe spot.

His gunmen wanted him to back them up, but Baljeet, who hadvalour flowing threw his sinews and bravery running through the nerves,decided to lead from the front. He was in the forefront daring the devils.“I told SP sir that I will lead the charge, but he said he would do that. Itried to dissuade him, but he was bravery personified,” reminisced hisgunman Hridaylal. “He repeatedly dared the terrorists to come out intothe open and fight like real men. He said we will finish them off,” saysanother gunman of his. Notably, martyrdom runs through the valorousSP’s family. His father Achchar Singh was killed by Sikh extremists in1984. In May 1991, it was my son and Baljit’s nephew Sepoy ManpreetSingh (22), who became the target of the militants in Tarn Taran.

Baljit had joined the force in 1985 as ASI following the death of hisfather. He served as SHO Phagwara and with Vigilance department inMansa before taking up the post of Deputy Commandant in 7th IRBBattalion. He was promoted as SP on July 23, 2013. Prior to moving toGurdaspur, he remained posted in Tarn Taran. He also served in the AIG(personnel) office at Chandigarh.

Baljeet’s supreme sacrifice did not go in vain. All the terrorists werefelled and the police station was taken over after 12 long hours ofbattle. Gurdaspur was secure and safe by evening and all the terroristsdied. This was the first counter-terrorism operation conducted by thePunjab Police SWAT Team and its success has been widely praised. Andsteely martyr Baljeet played a stellar role in this hugely successfuloperation.

Baljeet’s son Maninder Singh (24) too is a DSP in Punjab police and isa proud policemen in the finest tradition of his brave family.

In the finest traditionof martyred Gurus

Baljeet Singh:



Brave in the face of death, Unflinching in the cause of the country, the IPSwarriors wrote their saga of courage and sacrifice with blood surging fromtheir battle wounds. The Hall of Fame is adorned by the heroic exploits ofthese intrepid warriors. Here is a tribute from senior police officer MaheshBhagwat to the IPS officers who went down fighting on the call of duty.




O valiant hearts who toyour glory cameThrough dust of conflictand through battle flame;Tranquil you lie, yourknightly virtue proved,Your memory hallowed inthe land you loved.

It was Thomas Jeffersonwho said that the tree ofliberty must be watered

by the blood of patriots. Andthe police have never lagged behind in makingsupreme sacrifices. A sniper waiting in dark, anambush at the hairpin bend, a landmine waiting toexplode or a grenade about to be hurled at…. Thepolice have dared them all and braved it all. Themartyrs etched stories of valour, courage andsacrifice with the blood surging from their gapingwounds.

From 1989 to 2007, an estimated 18914policemen died on call of duty, averaging close to1000 per year. This year 576 policemen martyredthrough of the nation. Every year, police personneldie fighting anti-socials, mafias, Naxals, terroristsand smugglers. Like in all other uniformed forces,even in the police department, several officers havemade supreme sacrifices. The list of gallantry andbravery is long.

It begins with GS Arya, the 1950 cadre IPS officerfrom Uttar Pradesh, LB Sewa, a 1958 Assam-Meghalaya cadre officer, and K Panchapagesan, a1974 batch officer. While Arya was IG of Mizoram,Sewa was DIG and Panchapagesan was SP. They wereknown for their derring-do. Together, they launchedseveral successful offensives against the Mizo rebelsand their names spelt terror for the insurgents. On

Mahesh Bhagawat

A1982 batch IPS officer, Hemanth Karkarewas an engineering graduate from

Vishveshvarayya Regional EngineeringCollege in Nagpur. He chucked attractivejobs at National Productivity Council andHindustan Lever for the rough and tumble ofan IPS officer. Even during his initial days asan IPS officer, he showed rare spark and didnot shirk away from arresting politicalleaders during 1993.

Karkare took over the investigation of themulti-crore shoe scandal and was also incharge of the narcotics division in Mumbai. He had alsoworked in Austria for seven years. He became the head ofATS in January 2008.

Karkare solved the serial bomb blasts inThane, Vashi and Panvel. He also handled theJuly 2006 Mumbai local train blasts case. Anart lover, he created over 150 woodensculptures in Chandrapur during his stintthere.

On the fateful day of November 26 whenterrorists attacked Mumbai, he was about tosit for dinner when he got the news. Aquintessential policeman that he was, heimmediately rushed to the spot. With hiscomdrades Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar,

he was in the thick of action moments later only to meet aheroic end. He shall forever remain an icon for Indianpolicemen and women.



G.S. ARYA 1950 UP 13-01-1975

L.B. SEWA 1958 AM 13-01-1975

K. PANCHPAGESAN 1974 UT 13-01-1975

A.S. ATWAL 1964 PUNJAB 25-04-1983

V.K. MEHTA 1972 WEST BENGAL 18-03-1984

A.K. ARORA 1984 RAJASTHAN 07-07-1986

K.R.S. GILL 1982 PUNJAB 14-12-1987

A.S. BRAR 1979 PUNJAB 14-12-1987

SITAL DASS 1976 PUNJAB 19-08-1988

VANDANA MALIK 1987 MT 08-04-1989

DAULAT SINGH NEGI 1976 AM 19-07-1990

R.P. VERMA 1974 BIHAR 03-01-1991

AJIT SINGH EC-1968 PUNJAB 08-05-1991

GOBIND RAM 1975 PUNJAB 10-01-1991

K.S. VYAS 1974 AP 27-01-1993

G.P. NAIDU 1987 AP 14-11-1993

VED PRAKASH 1989 NAGALAND 26-08-1994


R.N. HOPINGSON 1992 MT 02-06-1995

RAVI KANT SINGH 1987 AM 16-05-1996

C. UMESH CHANDRA 1991 AP 04-09-1999

AJAY KUMAR SING 1995 BIHAR 05-10-2000

Md Amin Bhat J & K 02-02-2004

K.C. SURENDRA BABU 1997 BIHAR 05-01-2005

T. THANGTHUAM 1979 MT 31-12-2005

ASHOK M KAMTE 1989 MAH 26-11-2008

HEMANT KARKARE 1982 MAH 26-11-2008

Binod Kumar Coubey 1998 MP 12-07-2009

NARENDRA KUMAR 2009 MP 08-03-2012

Amarjit Balihar 2003 Zarkhand 02-07-2013




January 13, 1975, a day before theSankranthi, terrorists in policeuniform sneaked into the policeconference room, where the threeofficers were holding a meeting.They shot the three officers fromclose range and felled them.

During the heights of theKhalistani terror, the Punjab policedisplayed exemplary valour. Many apolice officer was felled by theterrorists. Avtar Singh Atwal, theJalandar IGP. He was killed on April25, 1983 while returning afterpraying at the Golden temple. Hewas unarmed when the terroristsattacked him.

1982 batch IPS KRS Gill and 1979batch officer AS Brar were killed bythe Khalistani terrorists. Thesewere highly motivated officers

known for their courage andfearlessness. They were posted asSSP and Additional SP of Patialarespectively. On the fateful day ofDecember 14, 1987, they wereattacked while they were jogging.They were badly outnumbered andwent down fighting.

Gobindram, who worked as anSP and successfully fought theKhalistanis, made the supremesacrifice when a terrorist’s bombrocked his office. He wascommandant of the 75th battalionof the Punjab Armed Police inJalandhar.

Patiala SSP Sheetaldas was killedin a shootout with his ASI. The ASIwas found to have links with theKhalistani terrorists. When he triedto arrest the ASI, the latter fired at

him. In the shootout, Das sufferedbleeding injuries and died, but notbefore killing the traitor.

Daulat Singh Negi, a dynamicofficer known for his hugelysuccessful operations against ULFAterrorists in Assam, is the next IPSto make the supreme sacrifice. Hewas SP of Dibrugarh. AT that timeDibrugarh was terrorist infested.But, Negi was made of a sternerstuff. He was ambushed whilereturning from a raid. He wentdown fighting.

IPS officer AK Arora wasadjudged best IPS probationerduring this training. During his stintin Jodhpur, he died due to a bombexplosion. He suffered grievousinjuries on June 28, 1986 and wasrushed to a hospital, where he was

“Do not worry about me! See that our arms are safe. Fightthem to the last man standing…. Do not let the enemy

escape!”How brave and how courageous must be the man who

ordered his men even as both his legs lay severed in a landmineblast and was bleeding profusely? That was Paradesi Naidu, thefirst IPS officer in Andhra Pradesh to make the supreme sacrificewhile fighting anti-national forces.

It was November 14, 1993. Naidu, then Mahaboobnagar SP,was coming back from Somasila after inspecting the RTC bus andthe forest guesthouse that the Maoists had blasted. Somasila isa river coast village in the thick Nallamala forest. As his convoywas returning, the Maoists detonated a landmine criticallywounding Naidu, and several others. Despite grievous injuriesand severe blood loss, Naidu motivated his men to fight back.He fought till the end and later breathed his last. Besides Naidu,SI’s A Shivaprasad, T Kishore Kumar, head constable MV RangaReddy, police constables Sheikh Haider, YVS Prasad, MD JahabIqbal, Jayaramulu and S Subhash were martyred in the fight. Busdriver Saleh Miyan too died in the dastardly attack.

Despite knowing the treacherous terrain and the foxy Maoiststrategies, Paradesi Naidu decided to go to the scene of offencehimself. The village was strategically located and offeredlocational advantage to the Maoists.

He hired a private bus and went to the village. It was hismotivation and guidance that made the police fight back theNaxals for over two hours.

Paradesi Naidu was the second son of justice G RamanujuluNaidu. A gold medalist in MA (economics) and a cricketer ofrepute, Naidu never shirked from responsibilities and always ledfrom the front. Even while staring at a certain death heconducted himself like a true blue man in Khaki.

His smiling face and friendly demeanor endeared everyone.His memories continue to linger long after he is physically gone.





His name sent shivers down the spines of Naxalites for itwas K S Vyas, who founded the elite Greyhounds,

foreseeing the internal security threat the extremists couldpose to the society. Though he was on the top of themilitants’ hit list, Vyas never confined himself to theprotected corridors. A fearless officer he was, Vyas used togo for jogging along with his wife Aruna Vyas in LB Stadiumevery evening.

The Naxalites, who considered him their bitter enemy,studied his routine and planned their assault. The ill-fatedday was January 27, 1993. Dressed in a track suit, Vyas wasjogging along with his wife while the security personnel werewaiting at their designated place.

It was around 6.30 pm when about six persons came closeto Vyas, surrounded him and opened fire from very closerange. The extremists hurled a bomb while fleeing and usedthe commotion as a cover for safe escape.

Vyas was rushed to Osmania General Hospital where hewas declared dead. Credited with setting up of the eliteGreyhounds and Special Investigation Branch (SIB) thatprovided intelligence support for the operations wing, Vyasbecame a synonym for the ‘Andhra Model’ of flushing outthe Naxalites. Today, Andhra Model is so popular not only inIndia but also across the world that police personnel fromneighbouring states and countries undergo training incombating terrorism. Police academies have been organizingVyas Memorial Lecture as a mark of respect to theforesighted and courageous officer.


THE ROLE MODELHis name sent shuddered Maoists’under treatment for almost a month. He died on July

7, 1986.Ravikanth Singh was a bold officer who has

successfully foiled many anti-national activities of theinsurgents in Assam and had proved to be a thorn intheir flesh. Singh was posted as S.P., Tinsukia. He wasattacked by the insurgents while on the way to hisoffice on May 16, 1996. He died fighting bravely.

Vedprakash, who was SP, Mokokchung of Nagalandwas the prime target of NSCN ultras. He was attackedon August 26, 1994 while returning from his office. Histwo bodyguards and the driver also died in the mishap.

RN Hopingson was a dynamic officer known for hiscourageous operations against the extremists in thetrouble-torn state of Manipur. He was killed in adastardly fashion by the extremists in a surpriseambush o June 2, 1995.

Raman Prakash was a very courageous officer whonever failed to take initiative in any task placed beforehim. He was posted as Addl.S.P., Panchmahal District,Godhra, when we was killed in an accidental bulletfiring while conducting an operation meant to trap aman-eater panther that had been terrorizing thevillagers. He was martyred on May 2, 1995.

DCP VK Mehta was a stickler for discipline. Whilebeing posted as DCP, Port Division, he responded to aclash between two communities at garden reach PSarea of his division where a few incidents of bombthrowing and arson had been reported. To restoreorder, he himself was at the forefront in chasing themob of miscreants. In the case, he and his security aidgot separated from the others and later they werefound dead on March 18, 1984.

Lohardaga SP Ajay Kumar Singh, a 1995 batchofficer and Superintendent of Police Lohardaga districtof undivided Bihar, laid down his life at the altar ofduty in the ambush laid by Maoist Communist Centreultras near Peshrar village in Lohardaga district onOctober 4, 2000. He was on a visit to Peshrar villagewhere incident of firing by Naxalite was reportedearlier. Acting on a tip-off, when he along with fourJawans of Bihar Military police were approaching thescene in the Gypsy vehicle, a mine was blastedfollowed by ambush firing by the outlawed, eventuallyleading to martyrdom of Ajay. He is the first IPS officerwho was slain in uniform while bravely confronting theultras in Bihar state. He was known as a brave,courageous, upright and dutiful police officer. Aproduct of Netrahat School and IIT Kharagpur, Ajay wasa hardcore professional, extraordinarily devoted to hiswork and duty. At the same time he was a family man,very supporting and dutiful husband who got marriedto Anupam Saxena (IPS batch mate). His act of braveryis recognized by country by awarding him withPresident’s Police Medal for Gallantry posthumously

On 03-01-1991, as Superintendent of Police,Dhanbad, Randhir Prasad Verma got information about



For the people, he was like God. Forfellow policemen, he was a source of

inspiration, a picture-perfect of honestyand integrity. For his subordinates, hewas never a boss but a leader mostadored. For Naxals and anti-socials, hewas terror incarnate. And all of this in abrief span of mere 33 years.

That was Chadalawada UmeshChandra for you. For his countlessadmirers and subordinates, he wassimply ‘Umesh Sir.’

As one crosses, Sanjiva Reddy NagarCrossroads, one finds Umesh Chandra inbronze standing upright, as if putting hisbest foot forward to go on call of duty.That was the very spot where thisextraordinary cop fell to the Naxalbullets.

He was a policeman who raised the standards of police administrationand was an exemplary officer known for his high degree of honesty, integrityand professionalism. Umesh Chandra was an exemplary cop who lived anddied for the society. He was the embodiment of courage and quintessenceof sincerity. A great leader, able manager, a pristine humanitarian and aperson who believed work was worship, that is Umesh Chandra for you. InKadapa, he tamed the wily factionists and in Karimnagar, he crushed thetreacherous Naxals. Wherever he went, the people and police alike adoredhim.

During his sting in Warangal, he founded the Police Jagrruthi Brundam totake on the Maoists misinformation through cultural events and folk artforms. Providing amenities to the policemen’s families was very close to hisheart and he always strove to ensure that his men were happy. The loyaltyhe commanded from his men was exemplary. His Kadapa days would also beremembered for the flood relief works that his men undertook under his ableguidance.

Umesh Chandra struck terror in the hearts of the anti-national forces.Naxals found the going tough when Umesh Chandra was at the helm. Hebelieved in taking the Naxals head on and used to the in the forefront of thecampaigns.

It was September 5, 1999. That morning was like any other mornings andas ever, sprightly Umesh Chandra left for his office at about 10 AM. He wasin his Maruti Van and his driver Satyanarayana and gunman RamachandraReddy accompanied him. Even as the van stopped at the red signal atSanjeeva Reddy Nagar Crossroads, red terror did a deathly dance in broadday light. Brave Umesh, who was injured in the shootout, tried to come outof the vehicle and fight the killer Naxals. But it was already too late. Hisgunman Ramachandra Reddy and driver Satyanarayana followed their masterin his final journey.

Born in 1966 in Pedapudi village of Guntur district, Umesh Chandra didhis post-graduation in Osmania University . He joined the IPS in 1990. Hisencounters with the Naxals in Warangal and Karimnagar and his stint atKadapa, showed his mettle. He was also instrumental in setting up of thepolice computer centre as the Assistant Inspector General. Married in 1994,he was blessed with a son.



a bank dacoity being committed inthe Bank of India branch of Dhanbadcity. He immediately rushed to thespot and launched an operationagainst the dacoits. In the firing thatensued, he was fatally wounded anddied on the spot. As a Police officerhe eliminated many criminal gangs.He was posthumously awarded thegallantry award Ashok Chakra. TheGovernment of India also issued aCommemorative postage stamp inhis honor in 2004.

Vandana Malik: She is the firstand the only woman IPS to attainmartyrdom. A much admired officereven during his probation days, shewas ASP (under training) atLamshang Police Station, Manipur.IPS officer Miss Vandana Malik waskilled along with one constableMangi in an ambush by the membersof People Liberation Army (PLA) atKonthoujam Lamkhai on April8,1989. On the fateful day, officer-incharge (OC) of Lamsang PoliceStation Miss Vandana Malik and herteam were heading to anexamination centre of the HighSchool Leaving Certificate (HSLC) onsecurity duty. Around 3 pm, thesuspected militants launched theambush killing Miss Vandana Malik onthe spot and injured four policeconstables critically. One sten-gun,one .38 revolver, two rifles and someammunitions were taken away bythe suspected militants after theincident.

Ajit Singh: He was extremelybrave and dedicated officerrenowned for his bold action againstthe terrorists. On May 8, 1991, hereceived information about anencounter in a village in Tarn TaranDistrict. In the ensuing crossfirebetween the terrorists and thepolice he was badly injured butcontinued fighting. He latersuccumbed to his injuries in thehospital. He was DIG, Border Range,Amritsar at the time of hismartyrdom.

Mohammed Amin Bhat: OnFebruary 2, 2004, terrirorists, whoclaimed to belong to Save KashmirMovement, fired upon Bhat, whowas DIG, Crime and Railways at



Barzulla. He was coming out of amosque after Eid prayers. He wascritically wounded and breathed hislast at the hospital. Bhat was aconscientious officer and wasinstrumental in reviving theintelligence unit during early 1990s.He was the first among the seniorpolice officers to be killed in J andK. He was an experienced officerwho had served the UN peace-keeping mission in Kosovo.

Brave IPS officers fromMaharashtra – Hemant Karkare andAshok Kamte. Ashok Kamte was Anaccomplished athlete, herepresented India at the juniorpower-lifting championship in Peruin 1978. He was posthumouslyhonoured with the Ashok Chakradied fighting the terrorists whoattacked Mumbai on November 26,2008. These officers chased andattacked terrorists before falling tothe enemy bullets.

T.Thangthuam: This 1979 batchIPS officer was IGP Manipur. Hisconvoy was ambushed at OinamBazar in Senapati district. Criticallyinjured Thangthuam was admittedto a hospital, where he died onDecember 31, 2005.

KC Surendrababu was the SP ofMunger in Bihar. He supervised anti-Naxal operations under Jamui policestation and Kajra Railway station onJanuary 4, 2005. While returning,the Naxals set off a landmine nearGangta killing Surendrababu, hisbodyguard, driver and four otherpolicemen on the spot.

Binodkumar Chowbey is the firstSP rank officer from Chhattisgarhwho became a martyr in the fightagainst the Naxals. He played a keyrole in smashing the urban networkof the Maoists in Raipur and Bhilai.

He was SP of Rajanandgaon andworked tirelessly to fight theMaoists. On July 12, 2009, theNaxals ambushed his team nearMadanwada and explodedlandmines. Later, they opened fire.The police, under Chowbey’sleadership returned the fire. But, 26policemen, including Chowbey diedfighting. He was awarded KirtiChakra posthumously.

Young Narendra Kumar hadlaunched a determined campaignagainst illegal mining in Morenaregion of Madhya Pradesh. As an ASPof the district, he led severaloperations against illegal miners. On

March 8, 2012, he was run-over by atractor while personally conductingan operation against criminalsinvolved in illegal mining of sandstone.

Pakur district Superintendent ofpolice Amarjit Balihar and his fourmen died in a Maoist attack on July2, 2013 in Damini forest ofZarkhand’s Dumka District. Theirconvoy was attacked while returningfrom a security review meeting inDumka, a divisional headquarter. Agun battle ensued between thepolice force and Naxals following theambush, in which Balihar went downfighting.

Gallantry, courage, motivation,derring-do, fighting spirit …. Thepolice forces of India have plenty ofthem. They have shown their mettlein more than one battle. Theylooked straight into death andlaughed fearlessly. They died for ournew dawn. Our heartfelt tributes tothese great leaders, who led byexample and put them in the line offire first before their subordinates.It’s time to honour the fallen.Salutes to the brave police officers!

(The author is Inspector Generalof Police, Intelligence Security)

For people the National Police Day onOctober 21 ‘might be a special

occasion as it reminds of our policeforce's valour, DSP Karam Singh, theman who, on this day in 1959 gavetough time to the enemy in theHotsprings conflict, which, proved tobe the prelude to the 1962 Sino-Indiawar. DSP Karam Singh, hailing fromGujjranwala in Pakistan, settled inRaikot in Ludhiana district afterpartition of the country, was ondeputation with a central intelligenceagency and posted in the Ladakh areaas part of a contingent in view ofsuspicious activities in the region on thepart of certain anti-national elements.

He was heading a company of 19personnel, patrolling the Hotsprings

area as usual on October 21 when he,and his team was ambushed by Chinesetroops in what was later described asonset of the growing Chineseintolerance towards India.

The team ‘comprising mostlyofficials of border intelligence agenciesrepulsed the attack in a rare show ofcourage and nearly 10 of them lost liveswhile, rest of them, including, DSPKaram Singh, were captured by Chinesetroops and detained in harshconditions. They were, released onNovember 14, 1959, by China followingintervention of then Foreign MinisterKrishna Menon.

Karam Singh, who, had lost toes tofrostbite, was honoured with thePresident’s Medal by then Prime

Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Since thenthe nation started observing the day asthe National Police Day.


The peace that our society enjoystoday did not come that easy.With limited resources and

unsophisticated weapons, our policeforce had to sacrifice many lives in theprocess of getting rid of the left wingextremism from Andhra Pradesh andbring back social order to the society.

It has been a gory story ofbloodshed and murders. It cost thepolice force lives of hundreds of itsyoung officers and constables in thecombat against those extremists whohad resorted to mindless attacks onpolicemen.

The Naxalite problem began inAndhra Pradesh way back in 1966 whenthe movement gained momentum inWest Bangal after the Naxalbariincident. Scores of youngsters fromSrikakulam and Visakhapatnamdistricts were attracted to the Naxalite

ideology and left their studies inuniversities to join the Naxalbarimovement.

Violence was rampant inSrikakulam district in those days.Hacking of zamindars, lootingmoneyand foodgrains and distributing them

among poor was the order of the day.Concrete steps were taken by the thengovernment and the policedepartment, particularly under theleadership of Vengal Rao. However,during the Emergency in 1975-77, theNaxalite movement lost its influence inthe society due to stern actions by thepolice.

After the 1977 general elections,the Congress was defeated and a newgovernment was formed by The JanataParty, which was sympathetic towardsNaxalite leadership. Also, the Naxaliteleaders who were arrested duringemergency came in contact withJanata Party leaders in prisons. As aresult, commissions were appointedagainst encounters, cases wereregistered against many police officersin different states.

TheNaxalite leaders did not stopthere. Instead, they intensified theirefforts to restart the movement.Thistime, several front organisationswere started. Separate organisationswere formed for students,advocates,youth and farmers and farmlabourers while armed units remainedunder cover and led the movementahead.

The front organisations printedpamphlets, filed cases in various courtsincluding High Court against policeofficials who worked hard. The outside

Not just police, even police familiesmade supreme sacrifices for the

country. A case in point is UmaMaheshwari, mother of SI Dharmendra.It was the deadly night of March 11,2005 when marauding Maoistsdescended in drones on Chilakaluripetpolice station in Guntur. Dharmendrawas high on Maoist target list. Whenthey could not find him in the policestation, the marauders laid a siege tohis quarters. Dharmendra’s motherUma Maheshwari, wife and his childrenwere at home. As deathly terrorknocked the doors, Uma Maheshwarishut the doors quickly and rushed thechildren and daughter in law into thebed room. The Maoists initially tried todetonate the bedroom. When they

couldn’t, they tried to break the dooropen. But, Uma Maheshwari held thedoor tightly. Thinking Dharmendra wasblocking, the Maoists fired

indiscriminately at the door. Onebullet pierced her chest. She fell downand lay lifeless in a pool of blood, butnot before she saved the children anddaughter-in-law. Dharmendra, whomanaged to escape from the Maoistattack, came to know of his mother’ssupreme sacrifice only the next day.But, he did not forget the call of dutyeven the hour of utmost grief. He firstsaluted his superior R Prasad, who toodied in the dastardly attack. Then, hewalked slowly to where his mother’smortal remains were kept.

His hands quivering, whole bodytrembling and eyes raininginconsolable tears. As he saw hismother, Dharmendra broke down.


Valiant battleVictorious Heroes

H.J. Dora

In the process of subduing the left wingextremism, the State police force has lost

hundreds of its valiant officers and constables



world was unaware of the propagandatactics and the Naxaliteviolence washushed up. Instead, the frontorganisations used to depict policeactions as oppressive acts.

The movement took several turnsin Andhra Pradesh. For long,Naxalitesused to destroy public properties suchas school buildings, MDO and MROoffices, telephone exchanges and RTCbuses. Later, radical youthorganisations and farm labourersorganisations resorted to atrocities invillages. People were fed up andstarted slowly hating Naxalites.However, they preferred to keep mumas the armed units of the extremistssupported the people up to certainextent. Naxalites used to createterror by way of violence and also byorganising meetings with hugegatherings. They used to kill andmutilate their targets to terrorisepeople.

In the process, educated youthbegan distancing from the movement.Also, group wars within the Naxalitesstarted sprouting apparentlyweakening the movement. Feudal andbureaucratic systems were clearlyvisible in the movement.

However, it has to be admittedthat the police department was leftbehind in tackling Naxalites due towhich Naxalites went onstrengthening their arms base.People, elected representatives andemployees were left with no otheroption but to follow their diktats.Businessmen also danced to theirtunes. In the process,Naxalites beganattacking police stations to lootweapons and kill police personnel.People began losing confidence in thepolice department in the face ofNaxalite attacks as police could notprotect themselves and the policestations.

In this backdrop, it was necessaryto give better training to the policepersonnel who were fighting theextremists. Along with training,modern weapons and other gearswere procured from other countriesand supplied to the ground levelpersonnel. New police stationbuildings were constructed in place ofthe old ones, which were equipped towithstand Naxalite attacks.

Communication system wasmodernised and the intelligencesystem beganfunctioning effectively.

The moment police startedfighting back at the armed units,people began reposing confidence inthe police again. Steps were taken toimprove self-confidence among theAPSP, Greyhounds and Reserve Policepersonnel and several incentives weregiven to them. Compensation wasgiven to those killed in encountersand promotions were given to thosewho arrested and killed Naxaliteleaders in encounters.

It was then the Naxalite leadersand rebels started surrendering to thepolice. The surrendered Naxalitesexpressed their interest to jointhemainstream. A conducive atmospherewas created for the surrenderedNaxalites by speaking to thegovernment andannouncing a policyfor the rehabilitation. Scores ofNaxalites were attractedto the policyand the movement was weakened.

Also, several armed dalams werewiped out and Naxalites lost scores ofweapons while many othersjoinedmainstream due to which themovement was badly damaged.Having no other option, theNaxalitesmoved away from AndhraPradesh to other parts of the countrywhere they were safer.

All this could happen only becauseof the supreme sacrifices made byscores of policemen and officers.

Most of those who laid down theirlives were very young and hadfamilies to support. They just begantheir lives with dreams of having abetter future, but all dreamsshattered when they fell to thebullets and bomb blasts. It isheartrending to see their families,living in eternal grief and misery. Dueto their supreme sacrifices, AP Policetoday has earned so much respectfrom the people. Police personnel ofall ranks worked as a team andachieved results quickly.It is truly amiracle that a 40-year-old atrociousand violent movement has completelybeen wiped out.I pay my respects toall those police personnel who madesacrifices in the line of duty.

(The Author is former DGP of AP)

“Beta… We arehere to

protect the lives ofthe civilians. If weworry about ourown life, how willwe be able to savetheir lives? How canwe discharge ourduties fearlessly?”

These were the words that BuchiReddy uttered when his son asked himabout Naxal threat to his life. And whenthe crunch time came, Buchi Reddy wasnot found wanting. He took the Maoistbullets on the chest and breathed hislast in the camp office.

“That was November 6, 1986. It wasabout 8.45 PM. The Naxals attacked myfather in a stealthy way,” recalls BuchiReddy’s son Ashok Reddy.

Buchi Reddy hailed from a family offarmers that had little education, butgave a portion of their home to house aprimary school. He did his post-graduation before joining the police.

“My father was a conscientiouspolice officer. He was always posted insensitive areas and was never foundwanting in the discharge of his duties.He was always known as a toughofficer,” Ashok Reddy recalls.

“When criminals were arrested, heused to first counsel them. He used toexplain to them what would befall ontheir families. This brought a change inthe criminals. Many of them shunnedthe wrong path and got reformed,” saysAshok Reddy.

As Peddapalli DSP, he had fought theNaxal violence. He eliminated 11Naxalites, five of them eliminated inone shootout. “My father’s driver usedto alert us about the lurking danger ofNaxal attack. But, my father alwaysbrushed those threats aside. For him,call of duty was more important than hisown life,” says Ashok Reddy.

Buchi Reddy was born at Faizabad inMedak district on June 2, 1934 and diedon November 6, 1986. In between, heled a life of dedication, dexterity anddetermination.

Buchi ReddyThe fearless





Ibelieve to optimize everything whatis within my limits. The need of thepeople of Hyderabad in particular

and AP or Telangana in general. In viewof the repeated occurrence of terroristincidents, is what can we deliver tothem with whatever we have today.That means to what extent we optimizeourself.

I would like to focus my discussion tothat part of it and rest of the things likepolicies and structural changes thatrequired are heard from my seniorsfrom this dias just now.

I believe take care of pound andthen penny will take care of itself. Wehave resources with us, we haveproblems with us let us try to analyzewhether we have the capacity to handlethis situation and whether we areprepared or not.

Our police has the capacity to facethis kind of challenges. I agree withthat. Then my next question to that onbehalf of the public to the police thatwhether our preparedness is enough ornot. We have the capacity but whetherwe are prepared or not.

Concerned citizens have beeninteracting with me and have beenspitting their venom on the policeaction. Sometimes rightly andsometimes in an exaggerated manner.But they probably failed to structuretheir thoughts to two factors to why isit happening and why incidents areoccurring repeatedly.

And is it occurring in spite of thebest efforts of the police and thegovernment or otherwise. That is thequestion. Well if you look into this I am

not trying to list out the for and againstthe points. Nevertheless, it is importantto some understand the factors that areresponsible for such type of incidentsand what is the remedy there of.

I would divide the factors that areresponsible for any incident to beoccurring and recurring to some internalfactor inside the police andadministration and also some externalfactor. I will not hesitate to mentionsome points which may sound that I amin defense of none. Well, there is noneed to defend anybody for that matter.Only you have to defend and come tothe rescue of the public and the publicinterest, rule of law and the spirit of theConstitution. I think we should defendthat alone and nobody else.

When I make that stand clear I haveno hesitation to admit that there havebeen inadequate performance by policehas been marked in the adequate level.Adequate level is very dynamic concept.It goes on changing but in the presentcontext let me say without anyhesitation that level of policeeffectiveness , level of impact of

policing needs to be increased to a greatextent.

Are the police resources enough tomeet the challenges. I am notmentioning this point in defense ofpolice but then reality must beaccepted and corrective measures haveto be found in that context. I would saythat the requirement of policing has notbeen adequately met in terms ofresources, logistics, policy support andthe finances. it has not been. Thereforewhen we come to the correctivemeasures these need to be addressed.

We want to play safe on two pointsoften - accountability at the higher leveland the police leadership. These arevery delicate issues. And when we try todefine police leadership at variouslevels everybody tries to justify thatleadership has been very inspiring.

If leadership has been inspiring thenwhy performance is not equallyinspiring. That is one thing as a policeofficer I keep on introspecting myself.

I think the leadership needs to riseabove many petty things and becomeinspiring for the force so that policemenat every point of time can optimizethemselves. When I come to the pointof accountability there is hardly anyaccountability fixed even for veryextraordinary happenings in the societyon the senior police officers. I do notwant to make it personal for anybodyand I am telling in general. If I am thereand I have failed, I need to be punishedand told ‘look you haven’t done thisand therefore you don’t deserve thisplace’. Accountability has to be fixedvery dispassionately and in an effectivemanner.

Having told about accountability andthe leadership, there is anotherimportant inadequacy. As a policeofficer I witnessed several types ofcrises of this nature and differentnature. I am sorry to say that aspecialized agency is not required andone particular agency can look afterthat job adequately.

Will there be some ground in sayingthat a particular existing unit of thepolice can be strengthened to meet the

Country needs a collectivewill to fight terrorism

A.K. Mohanty

Unfortunately, there is lack of commitment, not just atthe political level, but even at the national level in thefight against terror. This is compounding our problems.There is a need to build national consensus in the fight

against terror.



emerging challenges. But if you look atit very closely and assess theperformance of each unit, I strongly feelthat there is a need for dedicated anda specialized expert unit under one roofwhich can handle this kind of situationwith a single minded devotion.

When I say that I refer to oneorganization that was created calledOctopus - Organization for CounterTerrorist Operation in Andhra Pradeshpolice. I strongly believe and havereasons to justify that the extraordinarysituation has to be met with theextraordinarily capable agency. And itshould have a single minded devotionfor that.

It should have the operational unit,it should have intelligence unit, itshould have investigation unit, it shouldhave training, logistics unit, it shouldhave a data analysis and interpretationunit.

When I say that I don't mean to saythat these activities are absent in theexisting police organization. They arethere, but when I am saying that youneed to create and activateorganization like this, I only want toemphasize though it is there, it has notlived up to its expectation.

There is shortage of time to explainthis concept and network all theseactivities to prove that are equallyeffective. But it should be sufficient tomention to this audience that this is anecessity and I agree with it that thisshould be created and since theinstitution is existing to meet thischallenge in Hyderabad, it needs to beactivated and made full fledgedforthwith.

When I come to external factors, Iwould like to say, which is very commonand we try to dodge, that is thepoliticization of police and politicalpatronage of police officer and politicalintimidation to the police officer. I amgoing into the ground level discussionwhat is true because then only we cancorrect ourselves and then only we candeliver a better service.

If you are not patronized your areintimidated. I think I don’t have to

repeatedly say that. It is existing and allof you know about it. So these externalfactors need to be neutralized.

The administrative and financialresistance to police proposal is age oldin government. No sooner I say that Ineed 30 patrolling vehicles,immediately objection from the financeis t that how were you managing allthese years. For instance, if I want toconstruct a over head tank for drinkingwater, a strange logic comes from thefinance that how were you managingwithout drinking water for all theseyears.

You can always object to anyproposal because in the back of mind ofadministration a feeling has crept inthat the more you give to the police, itwill become more powerful and theadministration will become lesspowerful. Therefore, I have to go roundand round of decision makers to beg forfour policemen here, one vehicle there,one light there, one sentry post there.This is what is going on and this is alsoseverely affecting the police efficiency.

Another important external factorwhich is very important here. I will notsay political will, but I will just take itlittle beyond. I will say there is nonational will to put down terrorism. Weneed to arise a national will for this. Wehave been talking in terms of publiccooperation. That is fine. But we needto create a national will to fightterrorism.

It is not the problem of anyparticular a city alone. No doubt stateowes a great responsibility to stop thiskind of activity in urban centers. Wecan certainly do it if we commitourselves and to the cause. But why arewe not doing this?

Having said this I also suggestmeasures that are supposed to betranslated in the ground level righttoday so that people feel safe andsecure and have confidence in police.We have been saying to people that youcome forward and help us. It is notenough. I must first deliver. People mustget convinced that I have optimisedmyself and cannot deliver any further.

Then only they will come forward and itis right at that level to come forwardand help the police.

Let us strengthen all of us,strengthen basic and fundamentalpolicing in every location. Make itdifficult for the criminal to operate toensure prevention. How will you dothat? Very simple. Make the patrollingand beat service effective. Make thepolice visible. If police is visible, anycriminal will find it difficult to operateat his will. Frequently conduct surprisechecks, frisking, anti-sabotage checksusing dog squads on a regular basis, notas a symbol or token after the incident.So, strengthen basic and fundamentalpolicing for which we don't have to waitfor anything. Other support mechanismsare necessary.

I have already talked about thepoliticization and political intimidationand I don't want to dwell upon that. ButI would certainly try to say thataccountability is another importantthing works in the minds of manypeople.

What do you mean byaccountability? One incident hadoccurred and ‘X’ should be suspended isnot accountability. It has to be viewedin the context whether theresponsibility and the resources that areavailable with a particular officer havebeen optimized or otherwise. If not thenhe is accountable. If you start fixing upaccountability at the leadership levelkeeping in view the various levels ofleadership, I am sure the force will getactivated and do their best.

And when I said that don't dilute mydemand for strengthening the policeforce in this country. Challenges aremany and I need to be strengthened,need to be enabled to do betterpolicing. And every one of us shouldstand by their proposal. So, give theresources and give strength andthereafter ask the questions.

(Shri A K Mohanty is Former-DGP ofAP, This is jist of Shri Mohanty’s address

at a seminar organised by APUWJ atHyderabad on 21st March, 2013)



October is the holy month for allcops.

So I can afford to speak from myheart.

I am not the one who hadobsession to wear uniform in myearly life. I joined police by chance,not by choice. There were moments,even when I regretted my decision.Strangely, the more I wanted to shedkhaki, the stronger it stuck to mycrust. This September, I havetouched the milestone of 18th yearin my expedition!

I had absolutely no idea aboutpeaks and valleys in this missionwhile I was preparing for civilservices or during training. Only thepride of being an IPS officer, carryinga gun, being saluted by people andother little perks kept me goinginitially. Honestly, I didn’t have clearidea of the real purpose. Nor was Imature enough to search formeaning in life.

But, the cold-blooded massacreof 16 constables in a pre-dawn raidby the Maoist insurgents inKhammam district in 1997 made merealize how perilous is the world ofpolicemen. It did not take much timeto realize that leadership is not justan ornamental noun, but a verbloaded with massive responsibility.Was I cut out for this task? I wasn’tsure.

I took a step back. This was not

the life that I dreamt for, after agrueling preparation. None of thevictims in the raid was my bloodrelative so as to seek vengeance. Icould have led a comfortable life ofscientist in the green houses withoutdying like these hapless men. Manysuch thoughts encircled me for quitea while. My trainer sensing my moodcounseled me to not to waste thisgreat opportunity. Instead work on“adapting to adversity” and “stayfocused”. May be his words had adeeper purpose. So I clung to khaki,unwillingly though.

It was during my tenure asAssistant Superintendent of Police inBellampalli in Adilabad district that Iwas struck with blandness of thechallenge, desolate terrain, andcoupled with rickety atmosphere.But the incident of gruesome killingof constables, Seshaiah and Sanjeeva

Reddy in the market of Bellampalliby the killer squad of insurgentsbarely five minutes after they leftmy office deeply impacted myattitude towards my men. It was notthe grief of their sudden death, butthe resilience of the families thatleft me flummoxed. It gave me theaccess to the impermeable world ofour constabulary. How is that thesepeople are so spirited that evendeath is not able to distract them?Honestly, their resolve left meashamed. These are not the menwho are enthused by acceleratedpromotions or packets of cashreward we give them for ‘goodwork’. There is something else. Thatcuriosity made me burrow deeper.

In Warangal, another epicenter ofconflict, I was maddened by thevengeance and violence thatpervaded the myriad lanes, blackgranite boulder hills, and cottonfields. The only light of hope in theentire gloom was a band of fewcommitted officers and men, whowere willing to carry guns on oneshoulder and coffin on the other.They always hid their pain with a veilof smile and salute. Are they notscared of death? May be not. Theydidn’t appear like that. Only loyaltymattered for them. Where do wefind such priceless loyalty?

I rarely cried after I grew as anadult. Policing further hardened myemotional identity. Even my father’sdeath couldn’t shake me, but deathof my buddies like Sanjeev andWesley in action suddenlydemolished the iron wall I had builtagainst such surge of emotions. Whatis common to all of us? May be thesame tribal instinct of collectiveunconscious passes through all ourneurons.

It is recklessly sadistic to hurlabuses at the policemen. Morehurtful is hanging them to the hookfor their ‘turnout’ and ‘gait’everyday when there is deluge offear all over. We should always askourselves when we take their salute,whether we deserve such selfless

Heroes don’t live foreulogies!


The only light of hope in the entire gloom was a band offew committed officers and men, who were willing tocarry guns on one shoulder and coffin on the other.They always hid their pain with a veil of smile and

salute. Are they not scared of death? May be not. Theydidn’t appear like that. Only loyalty mattered for them.

Where do we find such priceless loyalty?



respect and unwavering loyalty. Salute is not a mereeveryday gesture that can easily be ignored, even if onehas no time. It is a live thread through which the trustshuttles at a lightening speed. Irrefutably, this trust is thecore to the police conduct in society.

Similarly it takes no time to take potshots atpolicemen, but if one goes to their homes and takes apeek into their hearts, he would then understand thepain. Policemen deserve gallantry for facing every odd intheir personal life. Congested accommodation in Eradytype cubicles (thank goodness, they are nowdemolished!), children not doing well, wives turningneurotic, peer pressures, trying to be conformist in thesubculture, unrealistic expectations from the families inthe village, lack of social support, being on call always,staying in the ring, invasive media, crises and the endlesslist of woes afflict police life.

It takes no time to abuse policemen on the streets, inthe tweets, and in the posts of Facebook. Let’s notforget, for every hundred people who feel secure becauseof a policeman, one child in the police lines is robbed ofhis parental affection. Be cautious next time when yourecklessly brand police children as ‘spoiled lot’.

Every time you reach home early and your property isrecovered intact or a murder case is detected, policemanruns the risk of death and divorce much earlier than allof us.

It is enigmatic to me, even today as to how men inuniform, jump into action despite being abused byeveryone. May be it is a tribal instinct that is innate tothe policemen to react to a dangerous stimulus. May beit is the faith that their bosses would take care ifsomething goes wrong. Perhaps, this is the reason why wehave more policemen willing to die on duty than anyorganized body of employees of the state in the world.

The phrase ‘unsung heroes’ sounds very weird to me.Strangely, unlike many, policeman doesn’t crave for

any recognition. I took part in many funeral processionsof policemen (including those ill-fated 36 who met waterygrave in Balimela, Orissa) who died at the altar of duty.In every procession, sadly I found very thin civilianpresence. Barring a few exceptions, no statues areerected for police martyrs and no streets are named afterthem. Even if it happens, it is only a police affair. HermanGoldstein, the famous police thinker says no free societyis comfortable with the people who enforce law tosafeguard its being. Police understands this axiom betterthan anyone. Not surprisingly, the police families areunfazed by this utter lack of concern of society. Theysimply digest the grief and localize it to “the lines”.Shockingly, many ill-fated families do not even know whytheir sole breadwinners never returned to home again.

Heroes don’t live for eulogies.(The author is Senior IPS Officer of AP Cadre,Presently working as Secretary, APSWREIS)

It was November morning in1992 and colder days werejust setting in. Additional

Superintendent of PoliceKrishna Prasad was about tohave breakfast when hereceived a phone call. Despitebeing a diabetic, he decided toforego breakfast and left foroffice telling his wife that hehas to go. Around 2 pm she called him up to enquirewhether he had his grub. She also asked him whether hetook medicines. Krishna Prasad replied in the affirmativeand said he had an important assignment. He also toldher that he might come home late.

The important assignment was to nab Kashmiriterrorists who were taking shelter in a hideout inBrindavan Colony in Tolichowki. The hideout wasidentified on the basis of the inputs given by twosuspected terrorists nabbed a day before. He took histeam to the hideout. While few men were with thenabbed terrorists who pointed at the hideout, he and hisgunman Venkateswar Rao, knocked at the door.

The terrorists, who became alert, sent their femaleassociates to open the door. The female associates triedto prevent Krishna Prasad and his gunman from enteringthe house, to enable the terrorists load their automaticrifle.

The terrorists opened fire and head constableVenkateswar Rao was the first to receive the bulletwounds. He slumped down. Krishna Prasad returned thefire. The women associates rushed out of the houseraising false alarm. The courageous soldier that he was,Krishnaprasad stepped in only to be greeted by anunfriendly and indiscriminate firing. . He went downfighting. They were rushed to Osmania Hospital only tobe declared brought dead.

However, his sacrifice did not go in vain. The femaleassociates of the terrorists, who also came to OsmaniaHospital for treatment, were nabbed and the entiremodule was busted. During subsequent years, theterrorists who killed Krishna Prasad and his gunman werekilled in exchange of fire with security personnel inKashmir.

(The Author is Senior Journalist)


The Braveheart Cop



After Jagtial, my third postingwas as Assistant Commissionerof Police, Saifabad in Hyderabad

City Police. As Assistant Commissionerof Police - Law and Order, Saifabadsubdivision I had a vast jurisdictionencompassing from Sanathnagarindustrial area to Golconda fort,covering Rajbhavan, Chief minister'sbungalow, Andhra PradeshSecretariat, Legislative Assembly,most of the State level and CentralGovernment offices above allvulnerable localities, prone tounpredictable communal clashes. ADeputy Commissioner of police nowheads this sub-division.

Nostalgically, I recollect thespeed, alacrity, firmness, with whichpolice officers of yester yearsrendered higher level of service topeople with utmost respect, dignityand comradeship, with out thepresent day facilities of science,technology, transport,communication and wonderful ITsupport. I can assertively say, it wasbecause of dynamic, effective,honest leadership of senior policeofficers, and willing response at alllevels, clear cut accountability,respect for Rule of law andprofessionalism of all ranks down theline and particularly because of lessor no political interference in theday-to-day police administration.

An Incident I recollect even todayafter 42 years of occurrence and 20years of my retirement with greatpride and honour is the rescuing of anenchanting "Damsel in Distress". Theincident would have pushed thehistoric city of Hyderabad into widespread communal turmoil, had therebeen slightest deficiency in handlingthis highly sensitive and explosivesituation in 1962.

A charming young married BoraMuslim lady was abducted in broaddaylight on the very busy Goshamahalmain road around 4 in the evening insummer months of 1963. Theattractive and elegant Muslim damsel

who was very innocuous to her charmbewitched a Rajput -who ironicallybelongs to a clan known for theirchivalry to women and valour. Thisinhuman and ruthless man had theunassuming lady abducted. He got herphysically lifted by five hirednotorious hoodlums to Uppal asuburban town and hid her in a hutnear his open agricultural well.

This monstrous, abominable,sensational abduction spread like awild fire in the adjoining localities,endangering peace in large areas ofthe city. There was

imminent threat of communalclashes all over. As the concernedAssistant commissioner of police lawand order I rushed to the spot,organized a "Dragnet" with greatalacrity, swift deployment of men andofficers of good professional skills toapprehend the desperados.

As I reached the place ofoccurrence, the relatives of theabducted lady with her only child ofone year old and a highly agitatedcrowd gathered, demanding theproduction of the victim lady incaptivity. The situation was chargedwith high emotional tension puttingevery body on tender hooks.Thousands of students took outrallies, obstructed traffic, unsocialelements spread wild rumours, andthe entire city police was alerted tomaintain communal harmony.Immediately I secured the elders and

the leaders of the Bora communityand assured them that the lady wouldbe safeguarded.

It naturally became a bigchallenge and a decisive test for myprofessional competence andefficiency of the city police, andprestige matter for the policeDepartment and for that matter tothe Government. As this confusionwas going on, my eagle eye fell on aboy aged around ten years runningaway from a motorcar workshop onseeing the police team arriving there.I coolly asked the inspector of policeto talk to the boy, as the normaltendency from lower ranks would behandle him roughly. Inspector PadmaRao, who is no more, was an eminentpolice officer known for hisprofessional competence andimpeccable integrity.

On talking to the boy, we weresurprised to see a small piece ofpaper in his hands on which he noteddown the number of the vehicle,hardly expected of the child of thatage. The vehicle was a taxicab. I thenput sub inspector Yadagiri Reddy, inthe Taxi driver's garb and asked himto incognito watch for the taxi, whichnormally would return to the stand.As good luck would have, the taxicame back and was being parked;Yadagiri Reddy obtained the vitalclue. With this excellent lead, werushed at break neck's speed andlocated the hut in which the haplesslady was held captive in the interioragriculture fields near Uppal town, inthe out skirts of the city. She was in ashock and crying in distress.

As Inspector Padma Rao was tryingto rush in to the hut, one muscle manby name "Kavva Pahelwan"unpredictably attacked him with aspring knife, but an alert Headconstable with a great alacrity andpresence of mind pushed theinspector down allowing the stroke ofthe knife fall on the ground, therebysaving the precious life of theinspector. What a providential escapefor an inspector who was highlyrevered police officer? In the processof saving the inspector, the youngHead constable himself lost balance


G. Raghava ReddyRetd. Police Officer



and fell in to a 40 feet deep dry open well, sustainingmultiple hip fractures becoming incapacitated for alifetime.

On one side, we had to save the honour of the lady andon the other; we had to pull out the groaning headconstable from the well in pitch darkness. At that stage, Iwas focusing the headlights of my van on the hut and onthe hoodlums who were pelting stones. As it was pitchdark, I had to open fire continuously with my servicerevolver to keep them at bay. The operations were carriedout swiftly with great alacrity and determination.

Our team was able to overpower all the five hoodlumsone of whom was heavily drunk and from whom imminentdanger of outranging the modesty of the

victim lady in captivity was apprehended. Finally, wewere able to save the "Damsel in distress" and bring herout without any harm whatsoever. What a relief to thehapless lady in captivity and to our police team undertension of handling a sensitive task of great publicimportance?

At the place of occurrence, the anxious relatives andthe unruly mob became restive and started attacking thepolice, but my message of successful operations broughtthe tense situation under control. I rushed to the scenewith the abducted lady and presented her, with hercharming countenance, a cynosure of all eyes.

It was an unbearably pathetic scene when she grabbedher one-year-old child and uncontrollably cried and joinedher husband with great honour and pride. The crowdjumped in over whelming joy and gave us a royalreception. Well, the Press paid glowing tributes and therich businesspersons of the Bora community offered a bigamount as a reward to the police team, but I got itawarded to the child witness, who I understand availed itwisely for his higher technical education and settled downabroad. My action of getting the handsome amount of giftawarded to the child witness was highly appreciated byeverybody and became a standing example in the citypolice of Hyderabad. The normal practice in the policeDepartment was to snatch away the credit of subordinateofficers, a reprehensible conduct on the part of the seniorofficers.

On the injured Head constable, side the pictureremained very gloomy. He was permanently incapacitatedfor a lifetime though suitably rewarded. He remained anunforgettable role model in city police of Hyderabad. Hadnot this young head constable exhibited such valour andextraordinary alertness, this episode would not have beenso written today.

Perhaps, the unusual and sensational task I handled isthe real hallmark of my success as a police officer. Well Iconsidered a deed well done was in itself an elixir, a newmotivation and an unforgettable experience of greatprofessional importance. I take pride in narrating thisheart¬rending incident, which gave me a chance to servethe society and say with head high that the "Police job isa Noble profession".

The list of police martyrs is countless andthe gallantry endless…Every time there’s achallenge, a new story of bravery is etchedand at every road turn, there’s a milestone ofa martyr’s sacrifice. The State capital ofHyderabad too has its share of martyrs.

ACP Sattaiah, on duty in thenarrow bylanes of the riot-torn OldCity of Hyderabad, fell toQuadeer’s bullet. The blood thatflowed out from supreme sacrificeadded to the ochre of the skies atthe dawn. That was December 12,1990. A year later, brave ACPKrishnaprasad died battlingdreaded terrorists. He breathed hislast, but not before busting a whole terror module.

On 12, 2005, a powerful bomb explosion rippedthrough the office of the commissioner of the task forcein Somajiguda, barely a 100 metres from the then AndhraPradesh Chief Minister YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s officialresidence. Home Guard Satyanarayana, on duty at thatfateful moment, died on the spot.

On May18, 2009 home guard Balaswamy was on dutyat Nagulabanda in the Old City. They were regulating thetraffic and keeping peace. Suddenly, fanatic Viquaruddinand his accomplice came on a two-wheeler and firedindiscriminately. While constable Rajendraprasad sufferedgrievous injuries, Balaswami succumbed. Wily Viquarfounded extremist organization Tehrik e Galba Islam andwas fomenting communal tensions in the city.

On May14, 2010, Viquar struckagain, this time in Khilwat area ofOld City. There was heavy policedeployment in the Old City on theanniversary of Mecca Masjid Blasts.Constable Ramesh, a native ofMadanapalle, was deployed atKhilwat. A masked Viquar came on abike and fired at the police picket.While two of the constables had aprovidential escape, Ramesh wasn’t lucky enough.

These are no mere names and the dates are no merefootnotes of history. They tell the story of thecontinuous saga of supreme sacrifice. Their memoriesshould be perpetuated and their exploits should be toldand retold for the posterity. The police martyrscommemoration day is a solemn occasion to recall theirsacrifices and pay our humble homage.


Sri Lingaiah, Inspector, Saroornagar

Sri Venugopal RaoACP, LB Nagar

Tafseer Iqbal, IPSDCP, LB Nagar

Sri C.V. Anand, IPSCommissioner, Cyberabad

Sri Anurag Sharma, IPSDGP, Telangana

Sri Nayini Narasimhareddy,Home Minister, Telangana




On 1959 October 21st AksaiChin, a place of hot springs, at

18000 feet above sea level, is apart of Ladakh in Indian border.Like every day Indian soldiers wereon their routine. But that day wasdifferent. The guards, who arekeeping their mother land understrict surveillance, abruptlyconfronted Chinese intruders inlarge numbers. Despite theirlimited strength, Indian CRPFcombatants didn’t move back.They geared themselves up toattack Chinese intruders with fullvigor and courage. Warfare ofequals went on in which 10 CRPFwarriors lost their lives. Theysacrificed their lives for protectingthe country. Puran Singh, SharwanDas, Hang Jeet Subho, Iman Singh,Dharam Singh, Shivnadh Prasad,Norbu Lama, Makhan Lal, Beg Raj,and Nonbu forfeited their lives inthat gruesome incident.

This uncompromising war by 10warriors filled the policemen acrossthe country with indomitable moralfibre. Together this unpleasant waralso packed the hearts of crores ofIndians with gloominess. By fighting anunbending war in the process ofprohibiting rival soldiers intrusion,they have not only stood as rolemodels to fellow soldiers, but also as asource of inspiration. And this class ofwarriors only could publish thegreatness of India and safeguard thecountry’s self-worth.

In a meeting of Police InspectorGenerals' of all states, which tookplace in January 1960, it was decidedthat on every October 21st, homageshould be paid to policemen who losttheir lives while performing duties in

the memory of those 10 soldiers wholost their lives at Aksai Chin. Sincethen, October 21st of every year isbeing observed as “Police MartyrsCommemoration Day”

Several policemen are sacrificingtheir lives every year in the throes ofprotecting peace in the country.Unfortunately majority of people arenot recognizing such prized and valuedsacrifices. But common public expresssympathy for them who die in naturaldisasters like hurricanes or earthquakes. Similar case with the soldierswho forgo their lives in wars. But notevincing any sympathy on policemenwho lose their lives in duty is definitelyatrocious.

Everyone should remember thateven police are human beings. They dohave their families. They have their

share of troubles and tears. A police officer's family will

have the same kind of sorrow ifhe dies in duty like any otherfamily in the society. Policemenare not immune to pains orpressures. Such families whichlose the breadwinners in dutywill have to go through a numberof troubles and hassles.

If a policeman, who puts hislife at stake to give a peacefulliving to common people, dies induty, everyone should havecompassion and empathytowards his families.

If a police passes away whiletrying to protect law and order,such demise is not just a loss tohis family but to the system. Itis quite awful to find that thesociety which comes downheavily on any mistakecommitted by police personnel

stays indifferent and apathetic when itcomes to recognizing the grandsacrifices made by them. Forget aboutpraising such sacrifices, an iota ofrecognition of such forfeitures ismissing. But for the police personnel,whatever the kind of criticism theyface from public, they should conducttheir duties without any prejudice andget due honours from common public.

It is our minimum responsibility tocommemorate the great souls, thepolice, who keep all the pleasuresaside. Let us pay the reverence in thememory of their services by expressingour gratitude and respond to theirfamilies sympathetically. Let usrededicate ourselves the sacred policeprofession.

(The author is Palle Anjaneyulu,a journalist)

Homage to thePatriotic Warriors

Everyone should remember that even police arehuman beings. They do have their families. Theyhave their share of troubles and tears. A policeofficer's family will have the same kind of sorrow ifhe dies in duty like any other family in the society Palle Anjaneyulu

Sri Nayani Narasimha ReddyHon’ble Home Minister

Sri Anurag Sharma, IPS,DGP, Telangana State

Smt B. Sumathi, IPSSP, Medak district

Sri T. VenkannaAddl. SP, Mediak District

N. VenkateswarluDy. SP, Toopran


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HARIKA DRUGS LTD.Bonthapally (V), Jinnaram (M) Medak dist.



Sambaiah and Devender were bestbuddies and school pals. Theywere from Pagidipalli in

Hanamkonda mandal of Warangal dis-trict. Sambaiah was sharper and moredisciplined. Devender too did well inacads, but when it came to discipline,he was found wanting.

Both had good education and tookdifferent career paths.

Sambaiah became a cop - a con-scientious one at that.

As for Devender, nothing wasknown about his whereabouts.

Sambaiah became more responsi-ble and responsive. He took hisjob quite seriously and alwaysfelt it was an avenue to servethe people.

He was in the densely-forested and Naxal infestedEturu Nagaram in 1985, whenthe banned People’s War Naxalsabducted him. They took him tothe dense forest interiors nearSingaram village.

It was night and Sambaiahfelt pitch darkness has de-scended not just on the foliageand the pathways, but also on his life.He felt, the Naxals could kill him any-time. He wasn’t worried about hisown life, but was worried at the Naxalspree of murder and mayhem. He wasworried about the people.

The silence of the dense forestwas singing the deathly dirge.

Suddenly, there was a rustle ofleaves and he saw someone making anentry.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. Itwas his childhood pal Devender. Sud-denly, the games they played, thetiffins they shared and all the fun andfrolic of their childhood flashed be-fore his mind’s eye.

He felt reassured that with hisfriend around, he could be safe.

He smiled at his best buddy. But,Devender returned with a cold stare.Unconcealed anger and unfettered

hatred was too visible to be missedfrom those dark cold stares.

Devender joined the Naxals andtook to violent and destructive path.Both had lost contact in years.

Soon Sambaiah understood thatthe Devender standing before him wasthe not the childhood chum, but acruel terrorist.

For the Naxal, the police is thebiggest enemy. Thus, for DevenderSambaiah was no more a friend, butan inveterate foe. For Sambaiah,however, the image of the childhoodpal was too strong to erase. He smiled

one more time….. in fact one lasttime. Devender whipped up the gunand shot point blank.

Sambaiah slumped as hot bloodbegan dripping from the wound… butthe bullet couldn’t kill the friendlysmile. Sambaiah died a human.Thehuman in Devender died that very mo-ment.

Both took different paths. Samba-iah became a people’s man and afriend of everyone, while Devenderjoined the war against the people andbecame an enemy of the people.

Devender’s life was a story ofblood-letting and mindless destruc-tion, but Sambaiah’s saga was sacri-fice and service personified.

There’s a famous story by O’Henry,where two best friends part ways withthe promise to meet again after 20years. One becomes a dreaded decoit

and the other a duty-minded cop. Theshocked cop asks the decoit why hemade a mess of his life.

If only Devender talked to Samba-iah before shooting, the latter wouldhave surely asked: “Why did you makea mess of your life?”

Here is another story from Waran-gal. 20-year-old Waheed Pasha is analrounder. He was a cricketer. He ex-celled as a poet and writer. He stoodfirst in sports and games. What more,he was adept in Sanskrit and stoodfirst every time the TTD organizedSanskrit Shloka recitation contest.

Everyone had high hopes onWaheed Pasha and his fa-ther Khaja Mohiddin, a ClassIV employee in Railways,was proud of him.

IN 1991, Pasha joinedthe police. His father hopedthat his son would unburdenhim of his responsibilities.Pasha did not belie father’sexpectations and served thefamily very well for eightyears.

It was September 4,1999. On that fateful day Pasha, whowas working in the DSP office inParakala, was returning home after aday-long toil. He was waiting for hisbus.

Suddenly, Naxals materializedfrom nowhere and pumped bulletsinto his body. They snatched away hisAK 47.

Meanwhile, there was apprehen-sion in Pasha’s family. His wife grewworried as he did not return on time.His father begane making enquiries. Itwas then that the hardest blow struckthem. Pasha was no more.

His wife was shell-shocked.His father slumped.These are but two examples of

Naxal barbarism. There many morestories of such mindless gore and vio-lence etched everywhere in the Telan-gana hamlets.


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Eswar…. Ever smiling and alwaysjovial…. This constable easilybefriends and greets everyone

cheerfully. The pride of being apoliceman and a public servant shinesbrightly on his face. The self-respectof being a people’s protector is all tooevident in his cheerful demeanor.

Eswar works in Hyderabad’sShameerpet, which is an outskirt area.This friendly and cheerful young lad,who always yearned to be a do-gooder,made the supreme sacrifice in the callof the duty. In death, he showed hiscourage, valour and duty-mindedness.

That fateful day was like any otherday. He reported to the duties andcheerfully saluted SI Venkat Reddy.The SI, who was impressed by thespring in his gait and twinkle in theeyes, asked him to get ready for theoperation. Eswar, who believed in doand die not in asking what and why,said yes and moments later, he wasready and raring to go.

Soon, a police party was formedwith three constables, includingEswar, and Venkat Reddy. They all

posed like students of engineering.The task was to nab a gang involved inpeddling counterfeit currency todestabilize India’s economy.

The gang was ruthless and criminalin its intent and action. The gang wasled by dreaded Yellam Goud and wasarmed to the hilt. They ruthlesslyeliminated anyone who crossed theirpath.

The police team tried twice tomeet Yellam Goud gang in the guise ofprospective counterfeit peddlers. Thegang came up to Siddipet, but did notmeet them in person. They latercalled the team and told them tocome to Majid Crossroads near Mirpet.The police team met them andinteracted with them. But, thecunning foxes that the gang memberswere, they grew suspicious. Theyattacked the team with swords. Eswarwas stabbed indiscriminately. Eswarsoon slumped into a pool of blood.They tried to shoot SI Venkat Reddy.When he escaped, they attacked himwith swords and grievously injured.Both Venkat Reddy and Eswar were

rushed to the hospital, but Eswarsuccumbed en route.

The police later ended the free runof the gang. All the members are nowcooling their heels in the prison cells.But, the operation saw Eswar makingsupreme sacrifice.

As a journalist, I get to meetseveral police personnel and haveexperiences galore about theirgallantry and gall. How they risk theirlives and how they venture into dangerzones utterly unmindful of the deathlurking somewhere surprise me. Thederring-do of the men in Khaki is thestuff that legends are made. Imaginewhat would our nation be withoutpolicemen. There are countlessConstables likeEswar who havemade supremesacrifices so thatwe may live inpeace.

(The authoris Senior


Great Warriors of CyberabadThe police team tried twice to meet Yellam Goud gang in the guise of

prospective counterfeit peddlers. The gang came up to Siddipet, but did notmeet them in person. They later called the team and told them to come to MajidCrossroads near Mirpet. The police team met them and interacted with them.But, the cunning foxes that the gang members were, they grew suspicious.They attacked the team with swords. Eswar was stabbed indiscriminately.

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K. SAILU(2001)

J. ESWAR RAO(2014)

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