Unix Questions

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Basic Unix Questions

Transcript of Unix Questions

1. Which of the following statements about UNIX is incorrect?

1. It is a multi-user system 2. It is the name of a file in root directory 3. It is a multitask system 4. It is a real time system

2. When you issue the command ls -l, what does the first character of the resulting display represent?

3. What do you mean by “$” prompt?

4. How can you come to the HOME Directory?

1. Cd ~2. cd ${HOME}3. cd /home4. cd ~/~5. cd /

5. What do you mean by following command?

$ cp [a]* /home/Rakesh-ws/Downloads

6. Explain UNIX Kernel & How to know Kernel name, version and release?

7. How to know the Operating System Name, Processor?

8. What do Meant by . and .. In UNIX?

9. If I have a regular file file1, then what is the command to convert this file to hidden file?

10. How to delete all hidden files from a directory?

11. What is difference between who and finger command?

12. How to display inode number of a file1?

13. How to remove directory and its subdirectory?

14. What do you meant by cat [a-d]*

15. How to display week number of the year?

16. How the command to see the date in full number format?Example: 11-02-2015

17. Explain touch file1 file2 file3 ?

18. What is difference between > and >> redirection operator?

19. What do you meant by cat file1 file2 file3 > file4

20. What is difference between soft link and hard link?

21. What will do rm –i and rm * command?

22. How to numbering lines in file?

23. How to count line, word and character of a file?

24. How to see files and directories recursively?

25. What do you meant by ls [! aeiou]*

26. What is the default permission mode for a regular file and a directory?

27. How know the Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input?

28. How to know the user login name?

29. How to know the system boot time?

30. How to create a directory with permission mode 755 ?

31. If I have a directory dir1 then How to know the size of a directory dir1?

32. What do you meant by Rakesh-ws@rakesh Desktop]$ cp -R dir1 ${HOME}

33. How to know the details of the current directory?

34. List out only directory name from current directory?

35. What do you meant by umask 000.

36. $umask 022Then what is the file permission value andWhat is the directory permission value?

37. $ cp mydir/file1 mydir1Output: - cp: cannot create regular file ‘mydir1/file1’: Permission denied

1>what is the reason for not copying the file?2>How to overcome from this problem?

38. How to change the entire directory permission to 755.

39. How to suspend a process.

40. If there is a user named Prasanna-ws, then how can I display Prasanna-ws user processes?

41. How to know the process is running under which processes or process tree?

42. How to schedule a job in background?

43. How to see every process on the system?

44. How to know the orphan processes?

45. How to delete a file from zip archive?

46. How to zip a directory and its subdirectory?

47. How to extract Mozilla.tar.gz file?

48. I created a file at 4 O’clock Evening 20th Oct 2013, I want to change the time stamp to 6:30 AM 25 February 2015.

49. Explain “nohup” command.

50. How to show all background jobs .

51. How to bring 4th background job to foreground?

52. What is ls –lrt?

53. What is the default permission for soft link file? --------------------------------