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Transcript of universalpublicserviceannouncement.files.wordpress.com…  · Web viewMADE IN TRUE MAORI GODS...


17th May, 2013

To: The Hon Julia Gillard MPPO Box 6022House of RepresentativesParliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600Ph: 02 6283 3533Fx: 02 6281 3760

Governor General, Ms Quentin BryceGovernment HouseDunrossil DriveYarralumla ACT 2600Ph: 02 6277 7700Fx: 02 6273 4100

NOTICE OF REBUTTALNotice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right


Whereas it is my understanding that:

the common law is that which derives its force and authority from the universal consent and immemorial practice of the people.

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are the right to Life, Freedom and the right to sole ownership of both property and land, and;

equality before, not under, the law is paramount and mandatory, and;

Thomas Jefferson said: A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate." –Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. ME 1:209, Papers 1:134

That "every man is independent of all laws except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institution formed by his fellow men without his consent." Cruden v Neale 2 NC.338(1796) 2 S.E. 70

no law of man can ever govern the conduct of people on the land, only those who work in a capacity of government officials and agents and employees in their lawful duty to protect the life, liberty and property, and;

the lawful functions of any government cannot infringe upon the freedom granted to men and women on the land by their creator, and;

A society is defined as a number of persons joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal, and;

A statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law only within that society, and:

A by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and;

The Constitution for Australia, and the public acts of all states and the federal government, established corporate legal entities called governments on the land known as Australia and the several States and Territories, and;

The Constitution of Australia is a document to which all public acts must abide, and;

the current acting government on the land commonly known of as Australia is a power de facto, and has no authority over men and women on the land, and;

corporations are artificial legal entities that can contract only with other legal entities by the hand of living agents, and only with full disclosure between the agents thereof, full disclosure of the definition of all words, the assumption that those definitions rest upon, and the implications that extend there from of all clauses of such contracts in order to claim authority, power or control over those contracting parties, and;

The Constitutions and public acts for Australia and the respective States do not bind nor extend to people on the land, only to natural and artificial persons, and;

the Law Societies and Bar Associations of the Australia and the respective states are the societies whose members create the statutes of the Australia, therefore these statutes apply only to citizens of those societies, the artificial persons who are subject to the jurisdiction of the Australia, or those artificial persons whose trustee acts in his personal capacity as an employee of those societies, and;

The Constitution of Australia and it's public acts, the Constitutions and public acts of each of the respective states, and all de facto counterparts, apply only to citizens, residents, persons and the like – artificial persons representing the government officials, agents and employees of each

level of governments, and;

a "person" "resident" or "citizen" of the Constitution of Australia and the Bill of Rights and all statutes, code, ordinances and by-laws of the Australia and of all States and Municipalities refers to artificial political entities, and;

all law of the Australia and respective States applies only to artificial persons, and those sworn to uphold these laws, and;

Australia and all governments and courts on the land commonly known as Australia are corporations, and have no authority over sovereign men and women on the land, and;

The US Code and State Codes, are commercial law governed by the Uniform Commercial Code, and;

for something to be subject to the jurisdiction of Australia it must be an artificial person subject to the jurisdiction pursuant to the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America, and;

that the term 'citizen' as defined as a term used to denote the political status of the artificial entity of government employee or officer, and;

A citizen is an artificial person subject to the jurisdiction of the Australia, and;

that one unknowingly acting as the legal entity of a citizen of Australia is not enjoying the full extent of freedom God allows, even though full disclosure of this legal status has not been established, and;

there is no such thing as a contract, or social contract, without the universal agreement of parties thereto over time, and;

people may only act as the principle of any contract, or the surety for issues involving artificial persons with their continual agreement and consent over time, and;

one who does not consent to act as surety for an artificial entity may choose not to, and that there can be no lawful consequence for not doing so, and;

living beings who act as surety for an artificial entity subject to the jurisdiction of the Australia, and in that capacity may not be exerting his sovereign freedom and rights, has the freedom and private right to do so and may choose to do so at any time, and;

the terms "community" and "community standards" are deceptive and used to impose unlawful legal control and conformity upon the people on the land and the land itself, and;

a name is that which is designated to property by the owner thereof, and;

someone's given and family names under their creator are not the same as the first and last names written on any commercial instrument or court document which may resemble one's God given name, and;

when someone is born they do not have first hand knowledge of who they are, what they are or where they are, nor do they have first hand knowledge of who their parents are, nor could they pick them out of a line up of two - therefore any knowledge of who our parents are or what the people we commonly know of as our parents have told us regarding our supposed time and date of birth in a de facto court of law for purposes of "identification" is hearsay, and offering such information would be entering into fraud, and;

that those in control of the government de facto of Australia deceptively entice others, through application for citizenship or residency, limited liability, and use of a Social Security Number (SSN), to act in commerce in a capacity of an artificial entity created and controlled by

Australia, and therefore as de facto government employees/citizens, and refer to them and tax them through commerce as their chattel property, and;

one may apply, register, and/or submit to the Australia for creation and use of a artificial entity, a legal name similar to the lawful name of the one who applies, but only the legal name created, being legally "owned" by Australia is subject to the jurisdiction of the Australia, and;

the name and date of birth on a birth certificate are merely proof of the facts so certified thereon in any court in the United States, or any of the States, can only be used by those acting as artificial entities in a de facto manner (in fraud), have no relation to any sovereign man or woman, and cannot lawfully used for purposes of "identification", and;

no information stemming from a birth certificate, nor information stemming from second hand knowledge of one's birth can lawfully be used to in a court of law, and use of such by the courts is in fraud, and;

using a Social Security Number (SSN) is prima fascia evidence of acting in the capacity of a citizen or artificial person, government employee or officer, and;

those who use a Social Security Number (SSN) are acting through a legal name as officers or employees of the de facto federal government, only the legal person to which they are trustee bound by the de facto statutes and bylaws created by the Federal government, or by legal contractual extension, the de facto State and Municipal governments, and;

those who are in control of the government of Australia consider men and women as instruments of production, and lure men, women and children into acting as legal entities for the purposes of taxation and control, and;

that the income tax is an excise tax derived from what those in control of the legal entity the Australia consider as for use of their legal property, for the "privilege" of using "benefits" offered by this de facto government, and;

that courts and tribunals of federal jurisdiction and those courts of the fifty states that have contracted with the de facto Australia cannot be of lawful authority without the full consent of all parties involved in a case, and;

the courts of the Australia, States and Territories conduct the profitable business of witnessing and facilitating transactions of security interests, and;

the current courts in the Australia and in the several states are corporations, and operate on a system of double entry accrual bookkeeping, which is unlawful, and;

use of the current court system of the Australia, States, Territories and Municipalities is a benefit in fact, and;

that any transaction of a security interest requires the consent of both parties prior to providing any such services, and;

statutory or by-laws stating that persons must identify themselves refer only to non-living legal entities themselves, and do not extend to men women or children who may use a legal entity name of the United States, and;

there is no lawful obligation for anyone to ever "identify" themselves, and;

peace officers are under Australian contract, and;

the term "police officer" means a corporate policy enforcer, and;

police officers or law enforcement officers who ask for identification are not acting under their oath of office and therefore are not acting lawfully, and;

"eminent domain" only involves legal title to property, not lawful claim, and.

that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation, and that the lawful money of Australia has been replaced with private legal tender and credit, the use thereof by those acting through their legal entities are considered as taxable events by the de facto corporate government of the

United States, and;

a crime is that which is committed by a government official, agent or employee against the lawfully protected interests of the people on the land, and;

breaching of the peace is the breaching of de facto code, statute, or by-law, by an artificial entity, and;

a sovereign man or woman on the land cannot breach the peace nor break the law of any corporation or government on the land.

That as a sovereign Free Man-on-the-land I cannot commit a crime nor break a law, nor breach a statute or code.

Breaking the law, as committed by a sovereign Free Man-on-the-Land, is not equivalent to a crime as committed by someone acting in the name of government or under the de facto government, nor to the breaching of a statute or by-law by which government officials, agents and employees are governed, and;

de facto courts often try to deflect the fact that they have no evidence of the existence of an injured or complaining party and therefore no probable cause for a case, by arguing that a peace officer had "reasonable belief" or "probable cause to believe" a crime was committed, or that an accused's defense is hearsay, when in fact it's the officer's complaint itself which is based on hearsay and there is no evidence of an unlawful event, or existence of an injured or complaining party, and;

anyone who has already applied and registered for, and use, any artificial legal entity of any government including the United States, has not had their God-given freedom and the rights as a sovereign infringed, even though the civil, natural and political rights of the artificial person/citizen created are not equivalent to God-given freedom and the rights of the man or woman who has applied, and;

I may claim damages and bill those people acting as lawful or legal entities of any government or acting de facto government infringes on the freedom granted to me by my creator as a living sovereign man on the land, and;

that any action for which one can apply for and receive a license must itself be a fundamentally lawful action and does not need a license, and;

that anything for which one can apply for insurance must lawfully be something for which one can own and use under full liability and is not obliged to have limited liability insurance for, and;

that automobiles for which one can apply for and receive a license and/or registration to own and use on the land must fundamentally be lawful to own and use on the land, including what de facto governments term "public land or highways", therefore does not need a license and/or registration, and;

that it is perfectly lawful to own land of any of the several States and Territories by allodial title or land patent or Claim of Right, and this not depend on, nor can be supplanted by any concurrently registered legal title of the land with any de facto local, state or federal government, and;

that remedy from unbonded de facto statutes and by-laws must, in the imperative, exist for those who have unknowingly been enticed to act as legal persons - as employees of the de facto governments on the land mass known as Australia, so as that those who operate, and operate in obedience to, the de facto government, do not force people into involuntary servitude and;

that, acting as a unbonded de facto government employee citizen, remedy exists because, as de facto statutory law is always speaking, and as the definition of the words "shall" and "must" are yet to be construed in the imperative sense, this means that the words "shall" and "must" have not currently been defined in statutory law, therefore, one acting in the capacity of an artificial entity may deny consent to be governed through it, and;

someone unknowingly acting as a legal entity can, upon learning he is acting as a legal entity, can simply deny consent to be surety for criminal or civil charges on that legal entity, or act or perform as a legal entity, unless one is a public official, agent or employee under oath to uphold the purported Constitution for Australia and it's laws, or acting in a de facto capacity as a public official, agent or employee of the Australia and subject to uphold the laws of Australia, and;

all those who work for government agencies, courts and police, whether acting knowingly or not as a legal entity, must be bonded and under oath so as to protect and indemnify those they serve, lest he or she be subject to criminal charges or commercial processes and;

to lawfully hold office, government officials must be bonded and under oath to uphold their respective State Constitution, Constitution for Australia, and also the State statute and code and federal statute and code that applies to their office, and are always subject to these laws, and

cannot lawfully evade prosecution or commercial processes for not upholding these laws, and;

Writs of Indictment or verified criminal complaints can be presented by a sovereign Free Man-on-the-land before a properly convened Grand Juries and courts de jure to indict those members of corporations and de facto governments who infringe upon the God-given rights of the people, and;

it is perfectly lawful for anyone on the land commonly known as Australia to not be known as, or do business as an artificial entity, and to abandon one's legal name and SSN altogether and act solely as a Free Man-on-the-land of what is commonly known as Australia, and;

people on the land commonly known as Australia have the God given freedom to revoke or deny consent to be known as a citizen or Citizen, and thus to be governed through the legal name to which they can act as trustee, and;

if anyone does revoke or deny consent to be governed as an artificial legal entity/government employee, they are clarifying their status which is eternally true - to lawfully exist free of all government control and statutory and commercial code restraint that exists and acts upon the legal name fraudulently misrepresenting the God-given name of people on the land, and;

a common law claim of right in one's God-given name, claiming and clarifying that which is eternally true - that of the God-given freedom and right to exist free of involuntary servitude, by claiming the eternal truth of ownership and possession of one's body, land, and property over, above, and

separate from, the de facto legal title that denotes chattel property - establishes lawful excuse, and;

one with lawful excuse may choose to not obey a statute, Act, regulation, court, tribunal, order, warrant, summons, or the like, that are created and used by those in, or who represent, the de facto possession of sovereign power, and;

a Free Man-on-the-Land has lawfully claimed to be free from governance, and to be free from governance as, or through, an artificial entity, and exists free of all statutory or codified restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and;

traveling freely, and/or running private non-commercial business, by any means, on the land, roads, highways and seas is a God-given right that cannot be forcibly regulated or taxed by commerce, and;

giving lawful notice, someone from another country may live on the land commonly known of as Australia, and may not be detained or restrained against his liberty, or deprived of this life or property,

by those acting for government, and;

the people on the land and notaries are senior to any judge of Australia and it's respective States and Territories, and;

Therefore be it resolved and known to any and all concerned and effected parties, that hereon in ‘us’ refers to Robert George Ross McIntyre and my immediate children as being sovereigns-on-the-Land.

Let it be known that the PRINCIPAL is hereafter and otherwise known as Robert George Ross McIntyre and my Immediate Children.

1. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that Principal is not competent to look after his own affairs nor able or capable, nor the lawful right to produce this Notice of Understanding and Intent And Claim of Right, and believes that none exists

2. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that Australia is not in a common law jurisdiction, and believes that none exists

3. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that it is not paramount and mandatory to have equality before the law, and believes that none exists

4. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that a Statute is not a legislated rule of a society which has been given the force of law by the consent of the members of the Original Sovereign Tribal Nation, and believes that none exists

5. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that a society is not defined as a number of people joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal, and believes that none exists

6. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that the only form of government recognised as lawful in Australia is not a representative one, and believes that none exists

7. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that the present Government the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA , sometimes known as AUSTRALIA is not a de facto government, and believes that none exists

8. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that de facto according to BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY, does not connote ‘as a matter of conduct or practice not founded in law’, as opposed to de jure defined as by right; by justice; lawful; legitimate; ‘as a matter of law’, and believes that none exists

9. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that there is any statute law that evidences a man or person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or omission in obedience to the laws for the time being made and enforced by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power in and over the place where the act or omission occurs, without Principals consent, and believes that none exists

10. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that representation does not require mutual consent, and believes that none exists

11. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that neither representation nor governance can exist without mutual consent, and believes that none exists

12. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that Principal is not desirous to live life with love, compassion and truth, and believes that none exists

13. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that the words ‘love’, ‘truth’ and ‘compassion’ appears in any statute, by law or regulation, and believes that none exists

14. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that all Acts are not statutes restricted in scope and applicability by the Constitution Act, and believes that none exists

15. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that the Australia n Constitution Act is not limited it to members and employees of government, and believes that none exists

16. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that a TFN (Tax File Number) applies to a human being and not to a corporate fictional entity which was created by way of the ‘Birth Certificate’ and thus only the corporate fictional entity which was created by way of the ‘Birth Certificate’ is bound by the statutes created by the federal government not the human being, and believes that none exists

17. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that it is unlawful to abandon one’s TFN, and believes that none exists

18. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that people in Australia do not have a right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and thus governed, and believes that none exists

19. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that anyone who does revoke or deny consent to be governed are not free of government control and statutory restraints, and believes that none exists

20. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that a Sovereign who has lawfully revoked consent, does not exist free of statutory restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and believes that none exists

21. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that the Sovereign on the land commonly is not a Sovereign and believes that none exists

22. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that acting peacefully within community standards breaches the peace, and believes that none exists

23. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that he does not reserve the right to NOT be recognised by the name on the Birth Certificate, and believes that none exists

24. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that acting peaceably within the community standards and as a friend in Australia does breach the peace, and believes that none exists

25. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that any action for which one can apply for and receive a license is not a fundamentally lawful action, and believes that none exists

26. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that Principal is not a Sovereign standing in Gods Kingdom, who operates with full responsibility and not a child nor sees the need to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, especially from those who claim limited liability, and believes that none exists

27. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that a by-law is not defined as a rule of a corporation, and believes that none exists

28. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that corporations are not legal fictions and do not require contracts in order to claim authority or control over other parties, and believes that none exists

29. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that legal fictions have a soul or life and are capable or have lawful authority to exert any control over a Sovereign on the land, and believes that none exists

30. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that Principal does not have a prior right to use his property without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it, and believes that none exists

31. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is not a corporation and registered in the AUSTRALIA with registration number 0000805157 as recorded on the US Securities and Exchange Commission website and that it is no different to any other corporation such as K-Mart or General Motors; and I, a Sovereign on the land, standing in Gods Kingdom am bound by any of their laws, policies or taxes, and believes that none exists

32. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that New South Wales State Rail and CityRail are not, in actuality, public property to which Principal has the right of free use and access, and believes that none exists

33. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that Principal cannot collect a pension if Principal has paid into it and claim that said right is not affected if Principal abandons his Tax File Number, and believes that none exists

34. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that a summons is not merely an ‘invitation to attend’ and that those issued by any Australia n corporation create any obligation or dishonour if ignored or refused for cause without dishonour, and believes that none exists

35. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that peace officers do not have a duty to maintain the peace and to distinguish between statutes and law, and believes that peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law, and believes that none exists

36. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that those peace officers who attempt to enforce statutes against a Sovereign standing in Gods Kingdom, are not, in fact, breaking the law, and believes that none exists

37. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that Principal does not have the power and lawful right to refuse intercourse or interaction with peace officers who have not observed Principal breach the peace, and believes that none exists

38. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that I, the Sovereign on the land does not have certified copies of the supersedes bonds/Birth Certificates issued to me by the Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages, Australia , and that said bond instrument would not be sufficient to satisfy any obligation or debt created by Australia created entity OF PERSON including sufficient insurance for the purpose of travel by automobile should there ever be an unintentional collision or other liability whatsoever, thus totally negating the necessity of license plates, and believes that none exists

39. Principal has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence that shows that permanent estoppel by acquiescence does not bar any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a Sovereign under any Act created if this claim is not responded to in the stated fashion and time, and believes that none exists

Therefore be it now known to any and all concerned and affected parties, that we the Sovereign on the land commonly standing in Gods Kingdom do hereby say clearly specifically and unequivocally our intent to peacefully and lawfully live our lives as we so choose and pursue whatever livelihood without being molested and journey in our private car(s), truck(s), or any other moving unit without any license and/or registration - free of all statutory obligations and restrictions while maintaining all rights at law to trade, exchange or barter .

We shall use an identification plate to show it is privately owned with ‘Kingdom of God’ printed on it. There will also be ‘four white crosses’ on all four corners of the automobile to show our intent is to avoid conflict and that we wish dialogue rather than conflict. It is our intent to maintain the peace. Anyone who creates a conflict or controversy is in INTERNATIONAL dishonour.

Four white crosses signify PEACE AND TRUCE. Any State of Australia n Federal Officer that stops us and attempts to raise a controversy or issue a violation ticket is breaking the law and breaching an agreement and therefore the transaction will be void ab initio.

Should anyone attempt to confiscate or steal our property after being served this claim of right, will be held privately and personally liable and charged with theft. They will also be in agreement to the issuing of a lien over their property and assets.

We intend to travel freely and in peace to where ever I choose throughout Gods Kingdom without interruption or harassment and neither do we owe or am required to pay tolls and taxes as a Sovereign on the land standing in Gods Kingdom as we travel from place to place.

As tangata whenua, the Principal can travel freely to our country of birth Aotearoa (NZ) and outside of Australia under World Sovereign Passport, enjoying the courtesies and protections called for by international covenants governing peaceful travel abroad.

In addition, the Principal may wish to own a gun and reserve the right to do so for the purpose of hunting for sustenance, protection or recreation without any license or registration.

Furthermore, the Principal claim that these actions are not outside our communities’ standards and will in fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom. We also claim the right to engage in these actions

Furthermore, the Principal claim that all land, property, including but not limited to, my body, fingerprints, photos, DNA, intellectual property, house and contents of house, cars and other machines both now and future acquired held by us for the use of my Creator and Heavenly Father God, are held under a claim of right as mentioned in your Criminal Code of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA .

Furthermore, the Principal claim that anyone who interferes with our lawful activities after having been served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is breaking the

law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure.

Furthermore, the Principal claim that the courts of States and Territories of Australia are de-facto and bound by the Law and Equity Act and are in fact in the profitable business of conducting, witnessing and facilitating the transactions of security interests and we see no material evidence or facts to suggest otherwise and we don’t believe it exists, and we further claim they require the consent of both parties prior to providing any such services.

Furthermore, the Principal claim all transactions of security interests require the consent of both parties and we do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing under any Act for as herein stated as a Sovereign standing in Gods Kingdom we are not subject to any Act here in Australia , unless otherwise adopted and enacted by the ORIGINAL SOVEREIGN TRIBAL NATION of Australia.

Furthermore, the Principal claim our creator has gifted us with a mind and the ability to speak and hear and therefore He intends that we have the right of freedom of speech and freedom of thought and freedom of expression and freedom to hear other of His creations with no restriction and no limitations apart from Honouring He who created us.

Furthermore, the Principal claim our creator has gifted us each with two strong legs and each with a mind that can navigate and therefore He intends that we each have the right of freedom of travel across that portion of His creation known as the Planet Earth with no restriction and no limitations apart from Honouring He who created us.

Furthermore, the Principal claim our creator has gifted us with consciousness, life, each two strong arms and each a mind that can use these arms with power and precision and therefore He intends that we have the right to defend from harm or aggression ourselves and those He places in our care with no restriction and no limitations apart from Honouring He who created us.

Furthermore, the Principal claim that we may not be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that we did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally, without full disclosure and fixed terms and conditions atop our signature/s knowingly and consciously made by our hand/s.

Furthermore, the Principal claim that we do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement which are our rights pursuant to common law.

Furthermore, the Principal claim our FEE SCHEDULE A for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants is ONE TROY OUNCE of 99.99% PURE SILVER PER HOUR or portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated and FIVE HUNDRED TROY OUNCES of 99.99% PURE GOLD PER HOUR or portion

thereof if we are handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without our express written and Notarised consent.

Fee Schedule A

Currency: * One dollar ($1) is defined as one (1) troy ounce proof quality 99.9% pure silver coin bearing the words ‘1 Dollar’. Invoices will state the number of silver coins payable.

Collection fees: Collection fees for any unpaid invoices are additional.

Fixed Charges

1 Any claim absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties $2,000*

2 Enforcing or attempting to enforce any prior issued instrument from a foreclosed entity $2,000*

3 Enforcing or attempting to enforce a judgement from a “Court” $5,000*

4 Engaging any 3rd Party service absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties $10,000*

5 Breach of privacy including but not limited to each or any form, notice or letter addressed to anyone other than the Proponent at the reply address noted on each presentment


6 Unlawful physical or non-physical threat including but not limited to a threat of prosecution, restraint, bodily harm, legal action or detainment


7 Unlawful physical harm including but not limited to restraining Proponent or inflicting bodily harm, unlawful arrest or detainment


8 Unlawful repairable Damage to the Proponent’s private property or goods instigated by or caused by the Respondent


9 Unlawful destruction of Proponent’s private proper ty or goods including but not limited to irreparable damage


10 Unlawful claim of ownership of Proponent’s private property or goods including but not limited to sale or auction


11 Action against another, not party to these terms and conditions absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties


12 Each telephone call made by Respondent in the pursuit of any claim absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties


Note: Without a lawfully binding contract in place, any fee, charge or invoice levied on an incremental basis including but not limited to containing any interest component, will be treated as though a separate incidence. Units of increment will determine number of incidences invoiced.

Variable Charges

Item Description Rate

13 Seizing Proponent’s private property or goods as surety for payment of any claim absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties

$1,000* / calendar day

14 Each day claim is made against Proponent's private property or goods, including but not limited to registering a lien, absent a lawfully binding contract.

$500* / calendar day

Changes to Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions may change at any time. Respondent will be offered new terms that will supersede and cancel any previously issued terms and conditions.

Furthermore, the Principal claim our fee of ONE THOUSAND TROY OUNCES of 99.99% PURE GOLD for any and all unauthorized use of ALL OF OUR fictitious corporate names or our calling and all its derivatives each and every time it is used without our permission which can only be given in RED INK signed by OUR HAND ONLY.

Furthermore, the Principal claim that all combinations of ALL OF OUR fictitious corporate names i.e. JOHN DOE SMITH or my calling John-Doe: Smith© and all its derivatives are subject to a Common Law Copyright agreement with the fee schedule as stated above and such Copyright is valid for use of the fictitious corporate name JOHN DOE SMITH or my calling John-Doe: Smith© and all its derivatives for that portion of the Kingdom of God commonly known as the Planet Earth.

Furthermore, the Principal claim the right to use a Notary Public to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm us or our interests, directly or by proxy in any way.

Furthermore, the Principal claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants who, having been served notice of this claim, fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, the Principal claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both.

Furthermore, the Principal claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and negotiation and to capture as electronic video and sound said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose as we see fit.

Furthermore, the Principal claim that if this Notice of Rebuttal is UN-REBUTTED, that this document and other supporting documents will be used in discussion as proof against any and all illegal Commonwealth of Australia purported Government Agencies, Corporation and agents.

Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond appropriately within TWENTY (20) days of service of notice of this action. Reponses must be under Oath or attestation in the form of an Affidavit, upon full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and sent according to the address on Page 1 of this document no later than twenty days from (today’s date) 15th May 2013.

Failure to rebut these claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgment in our favour and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute or Act against any us and/or my immediate family members listed in this Notice of Rebuttal.

Place of claim of right: A town commonly known as Townsville, a land mass commonly known as Australia.


Robert George Ross McIntyre

Principal and Claimant

All rights reserved

Done this 15th Day of the Fifth Month of the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Thirteen, Robert George Ross McIntyre, 15th May AD2013 near Townsville, Australia.


ss: Sworn and subscribed near the city of Townsville, on this day personally appeared before me Jennifer Robyn Holt© known to me to be the living breathing life-force sovereign described herein who executed the foregoing instrument acknowledged to me that Jennifer Robyn Holt© executed the same as her free act and deed as true, correct complete and not misleading.

KNOW all men and woman that I, Jennifer Robyn Holt© of Rangihou, Australia, at the request of Robert George Ross McIntyre, there being no notary public available, did on the fifteenth Day of May2013 witness the above autograph of Tania Marie before Jennifer Robyn Holt

Yours Faithfully,


Jennifer Robyn HoltAll rights reserved.