Universal Access on Mac OS X Computer Access for Individuals with Hearing Impairment.

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Universal Access on Mac OS X Computer Access for Individuals with Hearing Impairment.

Universal Access on Mac OS X

Computer Access for Individuals with Hearing Impairment

• To find the Universal Access options on a Mac, click the apple in the upper left corner of the screen, and select “System Preferences” from the menu.

First, click here

Then, click here

• In the System Preferences window, select “Universal Access”. This option is pointed out above.

Click here

HEARING TABUniversal Access for individuals with hearing impairment

•When a Mac application needs the user’s attention, it can either play a beep sound, or it can flash the entire screen, like a camera flash, instead. •Using the screen flash, the user will get the message no matter where his/her attention is focused on the screen. •Screen flash works with every application that uses the system beep.

Mac Resource

• To read more about accessibility options offered by Mac for individuals with hearing impairment, go to:– http://www.apple.com/accessibility/macosx/visio
