United Church of Christ Wherever you are on life’s journey · 3/3/2019  · Wherever you are on...

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Transcript of United Church of Christ Wherever you are on life’s journey · 3/3/2019  · Wherever you are on...

Inside this issue:

Ash Wednesday

Lenten Worship Series


One Great Hour of Sharing

Scholarship Minutes

Life Lessons from

“Les Miserables”

Birthday Celebration


Kids Page

Church Officers

First Congregational

United Church of Christ

* Ken Pickering


* Deb Wagner

Vice Moderator

* Sandra Kangas


* Brenda Paul


* Chuck Kruse

Financial Secretary

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here


I write this as I (struggle to) recover from whatever bug has gotten the best of me this

week. And even though I never wish to be sick, one thing becomes extremely clear

when I am. I need others. (Thanks so much for the soup, by the way).

The truth is, I pride myself on being independent. It’s second-nature for me to assume

responsibility for as much as I possibly can, for as long as I possibly can. And then my

body fails me, which brings me back to the real truth: I am designed—not for inde-

pendent living—but for interdependence with others. I, by God’s infinitely-wise de-

sign, am in need of a community to be my best self.

We all are. Created as social beings, we are made to encircle each other with care dur-

ing times of crisis. And in a world that increasingly values and prioritizes independ-

ence, we as Christ’s body must speak all the more loudly about communal life. Being

a part of one another’s lives matters, not only because we all experience crisis, but

also because Jesus’ entire life and ministry revolved around relationships. Our lives do


So this Lent I’m asking us to continue the journey of communal life by exploring

ways we need each other even beyond physical health crisis. According to our Na-

tional Institute of Mental Health, at any given time, nearly 1 in 5 Americans live with

a mental illness. My guess is you don’t have to look far in your family and social cir-

cles to know this is true in Pierre, SD as much as anywhere.

Mental illness is no joke, and we’ll be taking a serious look at the ways Jesus interacts

with mental illness in his gospel message. I can’t promise you miraculous cures, but I

do believe that God continues to work miracles today in the cultivation of communi-

ties of hope (the church living as the body of Christ). And hope can feel like a miracu-

lous discovery for any one of us struggling with a mental illness. So come for your-

self, show up for your neighbor, be present for each other as we further reveal the

healing powers of interdependent life in Christ.

Pastor Emily

Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ash Wednesday Service

7:00 pm

Wednesday, March 13, thru April10, 2019 I love a good fire. Something spiritual happens when I

gather together with friends and family to watch the flames

dance. My heart becomes a little more open, more settled

into the rhythms of life. It’s no wonder to me that the Holy

Spirit is often portrayed with the image of fire. The truth is,

my journey of faith has been transformed by countless con-

versations around a fire.

March Lectionary


Exodus 34:29-35

Psalm 99

2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2

Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

First Sunday of Lent

Deuteronomy 26:1-11

Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

Romans 10:8b-13

Luke 4:1-13

Second Sunday of Lent

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

Psalm 27

Philippians 3:17-4:1

Luke 13:31-35 or

Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

Third Sunday of Lent

Isaiah 55: 1-9

Psalm 63:1-8

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Joshua 5:9-12

Psalm 32

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

It’s my hope our new Wednesday evening gatherings will do

just this for us all: transform our faith by the connections we

make together at the F.I.R.E. –Pastor Emily


A Spirit-filled Night of Faith Formation

Who: EVERYONE is invited to the F.I.R.E.

What: Sharing a light meal and artful worship before

joining in content-specific gatherings of faith formation:

Our Confirmation students will be leading us through

artistic expressions of our UCC Statement of Faith. Kids

will have the chance to experience Jesus’ miracles for

themselves as they engage our Kids’ Bible Theater. Adults

will dive deeper into conversations about mental and

spiritual health. All ages are welcome ‘round the FIRE.

Staffed Nursery (infants-3 years) Choir Practice led by Larry Lyngstad

Adult classes led by Arlene Krueger & Gary Cutler

When: 5 Wednesday evenings, March 13-April 10

5:15pm a catered meal (FREE, donations accepted)

5:45pm Pastor Emily will lead a brief worship.

6:00pm Everyone will disperse into their groups.

Where: Gather in Bradford Hall, FCUCC, Pierre, SD.

Why: To invite the Spirit’s work of transformation in

our lives through intentional and intergenerational fellow-

ship and faith formation!

Thanks to everyone who has inspired, refined, and already

volunteered to make this gathering possible!


Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

Members in attendance: Teddie Adamski, Keith Jennings,

Jim Hansen, Jeremie Evans, Sandra Kangas

Others: Pastor Emily Munger, Treasurer Brenda Paul

Jim called the Trustee meeting to order at 5:35 on February

12. Pastor Emily led with opening prayer.

There were no changes to the agenda.

Deb Syed from Montessori School met with the group briefly

to say that she will no longer need the space for Montessori

School after the spring term as she will be moving from Pi-

erre this summer. She expressed appreciation for support

from the congregation, for use of the space at a fair rate and

also stated that she would be willing to share her knowledge

of the heating system with anyone interested.

Teddie made motion to approve prior month’s minutes, sec-

onded by Keith. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Brenda Paul. There

were no changes.

Security and Administration

February – Sandra, March - Chris

Committee reports:

Scholarship: Motion by Sandra, seconded by Keith to author-

ize Treasurer Brenda to present letter to Bank West to write

checks from Scholarship account to pay recipients. Motion


Memorial – work continues on lighted sign to obtain good

balance for night lighting.

Personnel & Pastoral Relations – no report

Old Business/Projects

The spring projects list has not changed.

Premier Roofing believes we owe them more money; how-

ever, we have not seen a revised billing from them. They are

to be in contact with the insurance company. There are still

items that we will have to cover based on damages that oc-

curred when they worked here (potholes in asphalt, broken

sidewalk, sprinkler heads, and depressions in grassy area).

New Business

Fellowship/Coffee on February 17 – Jeremie, Teddie, & San-

dra will take care of it.

Kitchen committee will be meeting in late February.

Gary Sutton is back and taking care of snow removal.

Jeremie reported that he looked at the air conditioners and

furnaces. He did not believe they need to be replaced at this

time; however, they are old and life of them is uncertain.

Question about insurance coverage deductible was raised.

Motion by Teddie, seconded by Keith to leave as is.

Pastor’s Report –

Pastor Emily reiterated work on sign lighting continues.

The information/welcome center in the foyer is a work in

progress. The area where the bulletin board was previously

needs be painted.

Question has come came to Emily as to whether we can have

a hand rail by the entrance. Emily will check back to find out

where they envision this – by the sidewalk, on the wall, or

elsewhere – and bring it back to the Trustees.

Emily recommended that we look into software called Breeze

Church Management Systems. She can give us a demo from

the office or possibly at a future meeting. It is a monthly fee.

Bill approval – Motion by Keith, seconded by Teddie to pay

bills totaling $7,721.83 Motion carried. The general fund bal-

ance as of Feb 10 was $61,123.90.

Next Meeting – Tuesday, March 12

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Clerk Sandra Kangas.

One Great Hour of Sharing

Sunday, March 11, 2018

More Than We Can imagine

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when we look

at all the areas of need in God’s world: there

is hunger, sickness, and injustice in so many

communities. It is easy to feel there is noth-

ing we can do to help. We can feel trapped

by hopelessness and fear that what little we

can do—won’t have an impact. As the Apos-

tle Paul writes, “by the power at work within us,” God

is able to “accomplish abundantly more than we can ask

or imagine” (Ephesians 3:30). Our gifts become part of a

loving legacy in ways we can’t foresee.

Our gifts become blessings to people we don’t know and blesses in ways we can’t expect. We can make a

difference beyond what we can imagine.

Special Funds Report

Brenda Paul, Treasurer


Balance 1/1/19 Receipts Disbursements

Balance 1/31/19

Building Maintenance fund 54,759.19 32,991.65 21,767.54

Foundation 3,656.48 99.26 3,755.74

Library 17.00 17.00

Love 750.74 73.06 823.80

Memorial 27,256.76 8,727.23 18,529.53

Memorial - Organ 5,512.35 5,512.35

Project funds 10,886.68 10,886.68

Sabbatical 5,465.00 5,465.00

Special Music 187.41 50.00 237.41

Scholarship - General 13,628.12 2,000.00 11,628.12

Scholarship - Hyde 2,600.00 2,600.00

Scholarship - Kemp 20,510.17 20,510.17

Sunday School fund 447.15 260.00 707.15

Vacation Bible School 70.77 70.77

Youth 1,445.96 1,445.96

Pass Thru Funds:

PARS - Souper Bowl - 263.00 263.00

Christmas Fund - 100.00 100.00

147,193.78 845.32 43,718.88 #########

March 10- April 14

Mental and Spiritual Health: Viewing

Wholeness Through the Lens of Christ's Body Sometimes we talk about mental health as if certain peo-

ple are healthy and certain others are ill. The truth is, ac-

cording to the testimony of scripture (and human experi-

ence), all of us fall short of complete wholeness. This

means we each have varying degrees of fault-lines in our

spiritual and mental health. The GOOD NEWS is this:

The Body of Christ possesses the power to offer healing.

Real healing and wholeness that comes only through the

vulnerability of a God willing to become human for the

sake of a hurting world.

Together we will invest in Jesus’ story of redemption by

exploring ways real healing is offered to each of us in our

most vulnerable mental and spiritual spaces. Depression,

anxiety, addiction, abuse, and loneliness are not some far-

off reality for someone else, they are a part of our stories

too. If we name them for what they are (and what they

aren’t), we take away some of the undue power they hold

in our lives.

Through exploring the stories of Jesus, we will clarify

our role as today’s “body of Christ” in offering one an-

other the powerful healing of being fully known and

fully accepted, fault lines and all. Jesus’ story is kept

alive in us as we engage with the serious nature of what

it means to be fully human and fully reliant on divine


A Look Ahead

April 14- Palm Sunday and Baptism of Laken Fluke (son of Kim and Brent Fluke)

April 17- Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service 7pm

April 18- Good Friday Meditation in Sanctuary

April 21- EASTER Resurrection Service

April 28- Dedication of Glenn and Janet Kietzmann Memorial Sign

Board of Deacon’s Meeting

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

Pastor Emily and UCC Church Family,

Thank you for your support, prayers and

many messages of hope we have received

over the past months.

It’s difficult to put in words how much this has helped,

faith and prayers create the miracle of peace and hope

for those that are facing difficult situations. God Bless.

George and Rosanne Summerside

PS Proceeds from the fundraiser have been so helpful.

Executive Council Minutes

February 2019

Attendees: Pastor Emily Munger , Moderator Ken Pickering,

Vice Moderator Deb Wagner, Past Moderator Day Breitag,

Clerk/Trustee Rep Sandra Kangas, Treasurer Brenda Paul,

Deacon Rep Sherilyn Starks, Youth Rep Avery VandenBos,

Christian Ed. Rep Vicki VandenBos

Meeting was called to order on February 12 by Ken Pickering

at 6:40, Pastor Emily led with opening prayer and Deb Wagner

gave devotions. Emily talked about new agenda format. There

were no changes to the agenda.

WHERE WE’VE BEEN: January’s minutes were approved as

printed in newsletter in motion by Vicki, seconded by Sherilyn.

Motion carried.

Brenda presented Treasurer’s report. There was a brief dis-

cussion of the Love fund to help those in need in our commu-

nity. Motion by Sherilyn, seconded by Avery to make efforts to

raise the Love Fund balance by replacing the bucket in the

back of the sanctuary and make a new sign in the coffee line

explaining how the money is used. Motion carried.


Emily reported

Important dates in congregational life with March 6 being Ash

Wednesday with 7 pm service. Maundy Thursday service will

be April 18. Good Friday Services are still in planning stages.

Easter is April 21.

Oahe Association will be held here on Sunday afternoon, March 10. Emily will have a spring intern for a few days during week of March 4 from her alma mater. She is exploring the idea of a part-time summer intern to help with some projects around the church. Baptism of Fluke’s baby on April 14. Dedication of the new sign tentatively set for April 21. Plans for Lenten services are progressing. The TriConference meeting will be in July at the TriFaith conference center in Omaha. WHERE GOD IS LEADING US Pilot F.I.R.E. Program during Lent – Mark and Phyllis are handling food preparations. Breeze Software for church management was discussed. A demo will be provided in the future. Day is point person for developing a Safe Church Policy. Facility renovation priorities – February 26 for a potential plan.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Kangas, Clerk

At time of printing the February Deacons minutes were

not available.

The limited power of ashes

The cross, with which the ashes are traced upon us, is the sign of Christ’s victory over death,” wrote Thomas Merton. “The words ‘Remember that thou art dust and that to dust thou shalt return’ are not to be taken as the quasi-form of a kind of ‘sacrament of death’ … It might be good stoicism to receive a mere reminder of our condemnation to die, but it is not Christianity.” Perhaps we should structure Ash Wednesday wor-ship with the imposition of ashes early on. Then their dusty symbolism can be supplanted by the forgiveness-flavored bread and wine of Holy Com-munion. Yet even if the service you attend is laid out differently, remember that ashes mark you only temporarily. Jesus’ resurrection — and the empty cross of victory — assures you already of everlast-ing life, which begins now.


March 3 Deb Wagner

March10 Arlene Krueger

March 17 Jerry Tibbs

March 24 Sandra Kangas

March 31 Virgil Papstein

It’s time to update the church directory. I

have tried to keep up with the many changes

to the directory, inevitably I’m sure I have

missed some! If you have had a change dur-

ing the past year, will you call or email the

office with these changes.



If you would like your prayer request in the bulletin/newsletter. Please

notify the church office.

“If you’re not currently receiving email up-dates and would like to be added to the list, please email pastor.pierreucc@midconetwork.com with your preferred email address. Thanks!” Pastor Emily

The family of Dave Eschen

The family of Melvin Morris, Lori, Adam, Besty Eschen’s father and


Pastor Susan Carr, detached retina eye surgery

George & Rosanne Summerside Debra Rivers Provential

Rochelle Wooly, Rehab, Karen Wooley’s daughter

Cindy Bechard Ben D. Anderson Claire Garry Peschong

Harper Lucas, daughter of Austin and Kari

Lee Lopez Marsha Hagel Mutschler Nancy VanCamp

Luke Schanzenbach Pam (Melstad) Templeton

Mike Baker Chris Hovde Diane Ramey

Joseph Merriam Glenn Kietzmann

Kay Swenson Blair Krueger

Our homebound members

Friends with cancer Caregivers

The Homeless

Men and Women of the Military

Our state and nation

The people on the Reservations

Everyone around the world being persecuted for their faith

90 th Birthday Celebration For Larry Ice March 31, 2019

Bradford Hall following service

02 - Judy Bassett

04 - Drew Nafus

06 - Jennifer Evans

10 - Chris Vanden Bos

11 - Samantha Dewell

12 - David McFarling, Ilene Johnson

16 - Katherine Hofer

17 - Marshall Miller, Jackson Jennings

18 - Lori Gloe

24 - Elwin Becker

26 - Larry Ice, Polly Bietz

28 - Tara Adamski

30 - Alice Doscher

31 - Tucker Putzier

01 - Royal & Sheila Boswell

06 - Scott & Marsha Mutschler

10 - Tim & Marilee Anton

22 – Darrick & Gretchen Brodkorb

23 - Brandon & Rebecca Christiansen

Women’s Fellowship Meeting

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

Life Lessons From Les Misérables

12:00 Noon

Tuesday 2019

Martha Room

Arlene Kruger, Leader

Final weeks in March

Come one come all.

Cherlyn called the meeting to order at 1:20PM.Members

Betsy Pollock, Lorraine Kintz, Lavonne Pickering, Gloria Mer-

riam and Cherlyn Christiansen present. Cherlyn read The Gift

of Love Valentine’s Day reflection.

Gloria moved, Lavonne seconded to approve the January min-

utes. Motion Carried.

Cherlyn read the Thank You note regarding her Placerville

experience from Sarah Mohr

Lorraine reported that there is a new profit from the Christ-

mas Café after additional expenses paid of $1,322.89.There is

a balance of $2,601.04 in checking. We have money to pay ½

of camperships again ($200 each).

Betsy moved, Gloria seconded to donate $200.00 each to

Backpack and PARS.M.C.

Gloria moved, Lavonne seconded to pay bills (Valentine, Da-

kota Mart) and accept the Treasurers Report. M.C.

Gloria reported there are soup bowls available for the up-

coming Soup Potluck Feb.24, 2019.The Executive council met

on Feb.12, 2019.

The FIRE Wed. night gatherings are starting on March 13,

2019.Marc Peterson is fixing the meals for those Lenten


Day Breitag is leading the Safe Church Committee. Another

Kitchen remodel meeting will be on Feb.26, 2019.

The Oahe Association meets at 3:00PM on March 10, 2019.

The church coffee hour for the guilds is the same day as the

Oahe Association, so we will coordinate who helps and pro-

vides food for both events. Lavonne and Betsy will spearhead

the effort.

Our Church serves the Community Banquet on July 11,

2019.We will need a Chairman.

We discussed having an annual meeting again and what plans

need to be made. Guilds should contribute ideas.

Next meeting March 14, 2019 1:15PM.

Gloria, Lavonne move to adjourn 2:05 PM. M.C.

Respctfully submitted,

Betsy Pollock

Easter Lilies

Tri-color Mums Altar Guild is coordinating the purchase

of Memorial and Gift Easter Lilies and Tri-

color Mums for the altar during Holy

Week. Information regarding cost and

where to send checks, etc. will be avail-

able in the bulletin in later March. Checks should be

made out to Capitol City Florists. The last day to

order will be April 14.

Board of Christian Education Meeting

Monday, December 10, 2018

Wherever you are on life’s journey

you are welcome here

Members attending: Vicki Vanden Bos, Valerie Rowen,

Teddie Adamski, Stephanie Bietz, Patti Jennings, Leah Mohr

Board president Vicki previously notified the committee that

she had a prior commitment and would arrive shortly after

the meeting started. Leah called the meeting to order at 5:31

p.m. and offered an opening prayer.

Patti moved to approve the agenda; Stephanie seconded. Mo-

tion carried.

The minutes of the January meeting were reviewed. Valerie

moved to approve the minutes; Stephanie seconded. Motion


The financial report was reviewed. Balances as of


General Fund Youth: $1,000 budgeted; no expenses

Vacation Bible School Fund $70.77 (no change since last re-


Youth Special Fund $1,445.96 (no change since last report)

Sunday School $260 ($260 donations for the Christmas Store

for youth)

The board approved to reimburse Valerie $8.53 from the

General Youth Fund for Souper Bowl decor and $15.97 from

Sunday School Fund for Christmas Store items.

Patti moved to accept the financial report; Steph seconded.

Motion carried.

Old Business

Souper Bowl of Caring

The Sunday School continues to collect donations from the

congregation to meet their goals of $2,019 and 799 food

items to benefit PARS food pantry. Donations will be re-

ceived through Feb. 24, the date of the soup potluck. PARS

director Corwin Jones has been invited to attend the soup

potluck. A field trip is planned for March 3 to deliver the do-

nations to the food pantry.

New Business

Patti will order palms for Palm Sunday, April 14. There will

be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday.

The board had a discussion about dates for Vacation Bible

School. A number of June conflicts and concern about heat

in July and August make determining a date for VBS challeng-

ing. The board will revisit the issue at the March meeting.

Other Business

Pastor Emily reported via email that the Confirmation crew

is continuing with their curriculum (based on the UCC State-

ment of Faith) and will be meeting this week with mentors to

make plans for leading a 10-minute devotional (one pair each

week) during the Lenten Wednesdays. Confirmation students

did a tremendous job in preparing

Pastor Emily hopes to schedule an activity for the Youth

Group in the coming weeks. and leading worship on Feb. 3.

There will be no Sunday School on Feb. 17 due to the

Presidents Day holiday weekend. Regular classes will resume

on Feb. 24. Pastor Emily’s email stated that a task force led by

Day Brietag will be formed to work on details for a safe

church policy. Patti volunteered to represent the Christian

Ed board on the task force.

The adult ed group continues with steady participation on

Sunday mornings.

The board held a brief discussion about staffing the nursery.

Vicki has developed the nursery attendant schedule through


Feb. 17 - Brenda Paul

Feb. 24 - Avery Vanden Bos

March 3 - Tina Van Camp

March 10 - Vicki Vanden Bos

March 17 - Valerie Kelly

March 24 - Sarah Mohr

Attendants arrange to swap dates if they have conflicts.

Activity packets:

February - Patti

March - Leah

April - Teddie

Valerie moved the meeting adjourn; Patti seconded. Motion


Meeting adjourned at 6:38 p.m.

The next meeting will be March 11, 2019

Submitted by Leah Mohr



January 20, 2019

Attendees: Shirley Halligan, Betsy Pollock, Keith Jennings,

Arlene Krueger and Brenda Paul.

Absent: Jim Hanson, Stephanie Bietz, Pastor Emily Munger

and Moderator Ken Pickering

The Chairman called the meeting to order. The minutes were

approved as written. The church treasurer noted the follow-

ing fund balances as of December 31, 2018:


Gladys Kemp $2,620.33 $4,001.50 $20,510.17

General $2,174.00 $1,400.00 $13,628.12

Hyde -0- -0- $2,600.00

Chairman Halligan shared information with the committee

including voting and non-voting members, qualifications for

the scholarships and how many years a student may receive

the scholarship.

It was brought to the attention of the committee that pay-

ment of the Kemp Scholarship had always gone through the

Board of Trustees to the Treasurer and then to the bank, but

to simplify and expedite the process, it would be easier to

give the authorization to the Treasurer as is done with the

General Scholarship with notification to the Board of Trus-

tees. Keith Jennings made a motion to change the authoriza-

tion process to go from the Scholarship Committee to the

church treasurer in future years. Betsy Pollock seconded and

the motion carried. It is noted that the Board of Trustees will

continue as the decision maker in all major decisions for the

Gladys Kemp Fund.

The scholarship applications were reviewed and the amounts

of the scholarships were discussed. Since we only had two

applicants this year it was decided to award $1000 for the

General and $350 for the Kemp Scholarships. There were no

applicants for the Hyde Scholarship. Brenda Paul moved and

Keith Jennings seconded a motion to authorize the chairman

to submit a request to the Church Treasurer and Bank West

to award the scholarships as approved. The motion carried.

General Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each and Kemp

Scholarships in the amount of $350 each were awarded to

Cash Anderson and Claire Mohr. Cash attends the University

of South Dakota and Claire attends Concordia College in


The Chairman reported that the amount raised from the fund

drives was down from the last two years but about average

for the years prior. We will continue with a Spring Fund

Drive near Graduation Sunday in May and our Fall Fund Drive

during the month of October. Alternative fundraisers will be

discussed if needed in future years.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Shirley H. Halligan, Chair

Dear UCC Scholarship Committee,

Thank you for awarding me the

Gladys Kemp and FCUCC schol-

arship! I am very grateful to

continue my education at an exceptional college.

The experiences I have had in just one semester

have changed and prepared me for what lies

ahead in my career. I hope to become more in-

volved in campus ministry, they are a very wel-

coming and encouraging group. Thank you for

the opportunity to make this all possible!

Claire Mohr

Mining the Gold of Christian Character Since


Camping Season will be here soon, we hope!!

Information regarding various camps at Placer-

ville has arrived. There are booklets with all the

necessary details located just outside the office.

Pick one up to see what is available.

The Women’s Fellowship Board will be

offering Camperships again this year.

Watch the April newsletter for details.

Note a change, The registrations are

due before May 1 to get the reduced


Faith Journey A family was heading on vacation: two little ones were nestled in car seats; the van was packed. As Dad locked the house and Mom secured the garage, an adult neighbor the kids knew walked up and spoke through an open window. “Where are you going?” The kids shrugged. “Well, what road are you taking?” the friend asked with a knowing smile. Of course, they had no idea. “Do you know where you’ll eat today, or where you’ll spend the night?” Blank stares. Then the friend asked, “Who are you traveling with?” The children broke into grins and shouted, “Mommy and Daddy!” On the journey of faith, we don’t know precisely where we’re headed or how all our needs will be met. But we know who we’re traveling with: our loving God who is fully aware of the twists and turns ahead; the loving Parent who promises to care for us wherever we go.






Web site:


Church Staff

Pastor-Emily Munger

Administrative Assistant-

Cherlyn Christiansen

Custodian-Deb Winder

Choir Director-Larry Lyngstad

Organist-Gloria Merriam

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid

Pierre, SD 57501

Permit No. 231

First Congregational

United Church of Christ

123 N Highland Ave

Pierre, SD 57501