United Church of Christ THE CARILLON - FCC Chappaqua · First Congregational Church United Church...

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Transcript of United Church of Christ THE CARILLON - FCC Chappaqua · First Congregational Church United Church...

Firs t Congregational Church United Church of Chr ist


Moderator’s Corner 2

Emergency Shelter 2

Lenten Services 3

Current Happenings 3

Birthdays 3

Calendar 4

Dear FCC Family and Friends,

I continue to be amazed at the Spirit that has been surrounding us and leading us

in the direction of serving those who are in need. The more we give, the more we

receive back – in ways that are sometimes intangible, and yet we know we have

done something that is in keeping with our Covenant together as Christians serving


One of the insights I had during my silent retreat is that the Spirit is constantly

being renewed and re-formed within each of us as we seek to serve people who are

in need. The Covenant that God made with each one of us was renewed through

Jesus, who is the “new Covenant” which we remember each time we celebrate


The idea of “covenant” was on my heart a lot during my recent silent retreat

because the day before I left, I found a note that I had written in 2005, when I was

beginning my dissertation. I had written my own covenant with God, as I sought to

serve God through helping clergy look at their own fears about dying and death. I

knew that it was going to be a difficult task to complete, but with the help of God,

and several clergy colleagues who had dealt with their own inabilities to be present

with their congregants who were dying, my vision of teaching clergy became a

reality. Until I unearthed it from under a lot of papers that I was sorting through, I

had forgotten that I had written that Covenant. It was a wonderful “find” for me as I

prepared for my retreat, and I believe that it was not an accident that I found it.

So, fifteen years after writing it, as I went on my retreat, that note went with me.

During a session with my Spiritual Director, I wondered aloud what God had

covenanted with me the day I wrote that covenant (since a covenant is between

either an individual and God or two or more individuals and God). My Spiritual

Director pointed out that when I was baptized God made a Covenant with me. And,

further, each time I presided at communion or partook of communion, I was

remembering the Covenant that God made with me and with all of us. Quite

honestly, I was taken totally by surprise when he reminded me of that! While I say

those words when I preside at communion, I had not taken it in as being for me as

well as for you. I know that sounds odd, but truly, when I preside at communion, I

am concentrating on providing all of you an opportunity to draw closer to God. I

consider myself the “messenger” of the love that God wants us to remember when

we celebrate communion.

Covenants are important parts of our relationship with God, with Jesus and with

each other. Our new Mission Statement is a Covenant. My agreement to serve with

you as your Senior Minister is a Covenant, not a contract. There is an important

difference because a Covenant is acted upon in faithfulness and love. A contract is

not. Serving you comes from a place deep within me where my soul touches yours

and God joins with us in that deep place. Renewing Our…..continued on page 2

Quote of the Month

"We are living in a

world that is absolutely

transparent, and God

is shining through it

all the time."

- Thomas Merton

“Renewing Our Covenant with God” by Rev. Dr. Martha Jacobs

T H E C A R I L L O N 2016

New Mission Statement

"With open hands and

open hearts, we care

for each other and the

wider world through

prayer, connections

and compassion.

We are compelled

by our faith to

follow in the path

of Jesus Christ,

by both listening

to and spreading

God’s love to

all people.”

Adopted Annual Meeting January 31, 2016

Page 2

The First


Church Sunday 10:00 am

Worship Service

Our Staff

Senior Minister: Rev. Dr. Martha Jacobs mjacobs@fcc-chappaqua.org


Minister of Music Keith Robellard


Christian Education Coordinator:

Bruce Page ce@fcc-chappaqua.org

Director of Play Care: Xann Palmer


Office Mgr./Financial Admin:

Chris Monahan cmonahan@fcc-chappaqua.org

Editor & Admin. Ass’t: Angela Tytla

office @fcc-chappaqua.org

Seminary Intern: John Sampson

Sexton: Wilver Diaz

Renewing Our... continued from page 1

As Robin Stout so beautifully reminded us last Sunday at our Annual Meeting,

we are all parts of the one body of Christ and as such all are important. We need

to work together, even when we disagree. We covenant as members of this

church to have open hands and open hearts for each other as well as for the wider

community. It needs to start within our community, and so, while we may not

agree on everything, we still come to the communion table as one body,

remembering the “new Covenant” that God made with us, through Jesus Christ,

who calls us to be one body, serving together in love and acceptance of all of us.

As we move into Lent, I pray that you will find some time to reflect on what

covenant you might want to renew or begin anew with God, as we walk through

this time of introspection and turning in a new direction.



FCC will be hosting our second week: February 22-28

WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS to serve dinner and cleanup

on Wednesday, Feb 24 and overnight help on Tuesday, Wednesday

and Thursday nights. If you would like to participate in this

incredibly rewarding program, please call the main office or see the

sign-up sheet in the main lobby. Thank you.

The Confirmation Class is asking for church members to help with a men’s clothing drive, so that when our ESP guests come back in February, we can offer them some warm clothing. Please bring any gently used or new men’s jeans, coats, sweaters, socks, gloves, scarves, etc., to the church and put them on the stage in bags marked for the Confirmation Class Clothing Drive. Donations will be accepted until Tuesday, February 16. Thanks for supporting this endeavor!

M E N ’ S W I N T E R C L O T H I N G D R I V E

M O D E R A T O R ’ S C O R N E R

Thank you everyone for attending the annual meeting. It was an excellent

meeting. The members who were asked to make a presentation were prepared and

were able to answer questions posed by the congregation.

Thank you all so much for the response to my Moderator's Moment. It was

overwhelming to me and will always be a treasured memory as will all the kind

words to me after the meeting. I truly appreciate your continued support. Remember that each Committee needs to elect a new chair or co-chair. After

your board has had their February meeting, either in person or by email, please let

the office and me know who has been elected as chair. I will want to send the

council meeting notice to the people who need to know about it. - Barbara

Page 3

C U R R E N T H A P P E N I N G S ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●


2 Dru Welburn

4 Bob Hacker

5 Jane Smalley

10 Ginny Bender

11 Pat Lowell

14 Jill Hart

17 Berlynn Weissner

22 Sarah Beyler

22 Sue Hacker

24 Cooper Swenson

25 Kimberly Carey

25 Jean Zimmerman

26 Aidan Heintzman

26 Laura Vazquez

26 Rob Quish


5 Alison Lombardo age 14

6 Kelechi Emenike age 14

8 Caroline Morton age 9

16 Jack Dillane age 10

23 Stephen Hotchkin age 12


Office Closed (and Play Care)

Monday, February 15

LADIES’ LUNCH - Tuesday, February 9 at 12:45 pm in the Library. All are invited! Please bring your lunch and dessert is always needed and welcomed for all. Please call Barbara Cardone (238-9283) with any questions.

SAD NEWS - Marjory Hawkins died at the end of December. Condolences may be sent to her daughter: Catherine Byrnes, 10530 Marine View Drive, Mukilteo, WA 98275 Former member, David Hartwell, died suddenly on January 20, 2016. Please keep his family, especially his children Allison, Geoff, Peter and Elizabeth in your thoughts and prayers. Condolences may be sent to: 153 Deerfield Lane N., Pleasantville, NY 10570


Fellowship of Prayer will be available in the

Narthex beginning Sunday, February 7.

OUTSIDE THE BOX TASK FORCE SURVEY RESULTS are available for reading in the Church Office during normal office hours. This notebook is not to be removed from the office, nor are copies to be made. Please remember that the survey results should be kept within our Church family.


Ash Wednesday Services - February 10 10:00 am in Memorial Room and 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary

Join us for Soup and Prayer Services Wednesday evenings - February 17 & 24; March 2, 9, & 16

beginning in Centennial Hall at 7:00 pm

Active Adult Workout

Thursdays, 11:30am Centennial Hall

$5.00 a class

Instructor Laura Santucci

2016 Calendar Monday, February 1 9:15 am Play Care 9:15 am 9th District Garden Club (CH)

Wednesday, February 10 Ash Wednesday 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 10:00 am Ash Wednesday Service (MR) 6:30 pm Play Care Board Mtg. (L) 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service (S) 7:30-9:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 2 (CH)

Tuesday, February 2 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Wednesday, February 3 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 12:30 pm Interfaith Council Meeting (L)

7:00 pm CE Meeting (L) 7:30-9:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 2 (CH)

Friday, February 5 9:15 am Play Care 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Thursday, February 4 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 11:30 am Active Adult Workout (CH) 5:30-7:00 pm Toastmasters (rm 10) 7:30-9:00 pm Chancel Choir 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Saturday, February 6 9:00 am-1:00 pm Chapp Farmers Mkt (CH)

Monday, February 8 9:15 am Play Care 12:00-2:15 pm Play Care Enrichment Class (K)

Sunday, February 7 Luke’s Pantry 10:00 am Worship w/Communion 11:15 am Sunday Fellowship 7:30-9:30 pm NYC Church Men’s Grp (CL 15) 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Tuesday, February 9 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 12:45 pm Ladies Lunch (CH)

7:00 pm Planned Giving Meeting 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Thursday, February 11 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 10:00 am Bible Study 11:30 am Active Adult Workout (CH) 7:30-9:00 pm Chancel Choir 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Sunday, February 21 8:00 am Trustees Meeting

10:00 am Worship 11:15 am Sunday Fellowship 7:30-9:30 pm NYC Church Men’s Grp (CL 15) 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Saturday, February 20 9:00 am-1:00 pm Chapp Farmers Mkt (CH)

Friday, February 12 9:15 am Play Care 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Saturday, February 13 9:00 am-1:00 pm Chapp Farmers Mkt (CH)

Sunday, February 14 Valentine’s Day 10:00 am Worship 11:15 am Sunday Fellowship 11:30 am Deacon’s Meeting (L) 7:30-9:30 pm NYC Church Men’s Grp (CL 15) 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Monday, February 15 President’s Day Office & Play Care Closed

Tuesday, February 16 Play Care Closed 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Wednesday, February 17 Play Care Closed 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 7:00 pm Lenten Soup & Service (S, CH)

Thursday, February 18 Play Care Closed 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 11:00 am Bible Study 11:30 am Active Adult Workout (CH) 5:30-7:00 pm Toastmasters (rm 10) 7:30-9:00 pm Chancel Choir 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Friday, February 19 Play Care Closed 7:00-9:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Monday, February 22 Homeless Shelter 9:15 am Play Care 12:00-2:15 pm Play Care Enrichment Class (K) 7:00 pm Board of Faith Formation Chairs Meeting (L)

Tuesday, February 23 Homeless Shelter 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 7:30 pm Council Meeting (L) 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Wednesday, February 24 Homeless Shelter 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 7:00 pm Lenten Soup & Service (CH, S) 7:30-9:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 2 (CH)

Sunday, February 28 Homeless Shelter 10:00 am Worship 11:15 am Sunday Fellowship 11:30 am Board of Faith Formation Mtg (rm 10) 2:30-4:00 pm Confirmation Meeting (L)

7:30-9:30 pm NYC Church Men’s Grp (CL 15)

8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Thursday, February 25 Homeless Shelter 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 11:00 am Bible Study 11:30 am Active Adult Workout (CH) 7:30-9:00 pm Chancel Choir 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Friday, February 26 Homeless Shelter 9:15 am Play Care 6:45 pm Confirmands Cook for Homeless (K) 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Saturday, February 27 Homeless Shelter 9:00 am-1:00 pm Chapp Farmers Mkt (CH)

Monday, February 29 9:15 am Play Care 12:00-2:15 pm Play Care Enrichment Class (K)

Wednesday, February 24 Homeless Shelter 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 7:00 pm Lenten Soup & Service (CH, S) 7:30-9:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 2 (CH)

Sunday, February 28 Homeless Shelter 10:00 am Worship 11:15 am Sunday Fellowship 11:30 am Board of Faith Formation Mtg (rm 10) 2:30-4:00 pm Confirmation Meeting (L)

7:30-9:30 pm NYC Church Men’s Grp (CL 15)

8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Thursday, February 25 Homeless Shelter 9:00 am La Petite Occasion (K) 9:15 am Play Care 11:00 am Bible Study 11:30 am Active Adult Workout (CH) 7:30-9:00 pm Chancel Choir 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Friday, February 26 Homeless Shelter 9:15 am Play Care 6:45 pm Confirmands Cook for Homeless (K) 8:00 pm AA (CH, K)

Saturday, February 27 Homeless Shelter 9:00 am-1:00 pm Chapp Farmers Mkt (CH)

210 Orchard Ridge Road Chappaqua, NY 10514

Phone: 914-238-4411 Fax: 914-238-8842

Email: office@fcc-chappaqua.org The Carillon is published monthly by The First Congregational Church of Chappaqua. Deadline for copy is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

First Congregational Church UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST

We’re on the web! www.fcc-chappaqua.org

"With open hands and open

hearts, we care for each

other and the wider world

through prayer, connections

and compassion. We are

compelled by our faith to

follow in the path

of Jesus Christ,

by both listening

to and spreading God’s

love to all people.”

“Like” us on Facebook

An Open and Affirming Church

For a more detailed look at upcoming activities

at FCC, visit our website by scanning this QR

code with your smartphone app reader.

Please let us know:

If you have a change/correction to name, address,

phone number or family circumstance.

If you no longer wish to receive

The Carillon, please contact the main office.