Unit3 International Negotiations and Transactions

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Unit3 International Negotiations and Transactions - global human resource management

Transcript of Unit3 International Negotiations and Transactions

Unit 3

Global Human Resource Management


• Understand the strategic role of human resource management in the

international business

• Be aware of the importance of culture in human resource management

in international firms.

• Analyze few of human resource strategies that include management

development, staffing, evaluation performance, compensation and labor


• Examine how management development and training programs can

increase the value of human capital in an international firm.


• Human resource management (HRM)

– Strategic role of HRM in international firms

• Staffing policy

– Ethnocentric staffing policy

– Polycentric staffing policy

– Geocentric staffing policy

– Choosing the best staffing policy

• Expatriate failure

– Rate of expatriate failure

– Reason for expatriate managers failure

– Reducing expatriate failure in firms

• Global Mindset

– importance


• Training and management development

– Importance

– What happens when expatriates return home?

– Importance of management development to firm strategy

– Determinants of culture

– Differences between individuals and groups

– Role of language in culture

– Impact of culture in workplace

– Evaluation for expatriates

– Reducing Performance Appraisal Bias

– Key issues in compensating expatriates

– Treatment for National differences in compensation

– Payment for expatriates

• Importance of international labor relations

• Concerns of organized labor

• Response of organized labor to MNC power

• Response of MNCs to organized labor

Human resource management (HRM)

• Human resource management (HRM) refers to the activities an organization carries out to utilize its human resources effectively

• These activities include– determining the firm's human resource strategy

– staffing

– performance evaluation

– management development

– compensation

– labor relations

• Firms need to ensure there is a fit between their human resources practices and strategy

Strategic role of HRM in international firms

The Role of Human Resources in Shaping Organizational Architecture

Staffing policy

Expatriate failure

• Firms using an ethnocentric or geocentric staffing strategy will have

expatriate managers

• Expatriate failure is the premature return of an expatriate manager to

the home country

– each expatriate failure can cost between $250,000 and $1 million

– between 16 and 40% of all American expatriates in developed countries fail and

almost 70% of Americans assigned to developing countries fail

Global mindset

• A global mindset may be the fundamental attribute of a global


– cognitive complexity

– cosmopolitan outlook

• A global mindset is often acquired early in life from

– a family that is bicultural

– living in foreign countries

– learning foreign languages as a regular part of family life

Training and management development

• Training focuses upon preparing the manager for a specific job

• Management development gives the manager a skill and reinforces organizational culture

• Training can reduce expatriate failure

•Cultural training Appreciation for the host country’s culture

•Language training Important to interact with host country national

•Practical training Helps to ease into day-to-day life in the host country

• Expatriates need good programs for re-integrating themselves back into work life within their home country organization and for utilizing the knowledge they acquired while abroad.

International labor relations

• Question: Can organized labor limit the choices available to an

international business?

– Labor unions can limit a firm's ability to pursue a transnational or

global strategy

– HRM needs to foster harmony and minimize conflict between

management and organized labor


Activities To be evaluated %

Forum: International Firm Manager. Watch the video “Tough Job: A Look at the IMF”. After watching it, write your impressions on the Forum

Interventions: content, consistent with the discussion topic and argument.


Watch video: “J&J: Creating a Global Learning Organization”. Answer the following questions on two pages:oHow do you maintain a decentralized structure but provide development for all employees?oWhat would you do?oWhat are the limitations?

Structure, content, grammar, consistent with the topic of the video and argument
