Unit II c - Staffing

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Transcript of Unit II c - Staffing

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MEANINGDefined as filling and keeping filled, positions in theorganisation structure

Done by:Recruiting appraisingSelecting planning the careersPlacing compensatingPromoting training and developing

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Defining the managerial jobNot exactly what constitutes the jobBut the nature of managerial tasks

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The systems approach: An

overview of the staffing functionDetermines number and kinds of managers required Analyses the present and future needs

Accomplish personal goalsRequires an open-system approach

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Factors affecting the number

and kinds of managers requiredDepends not only size but also complexity of theorganisation structure

Qualifications for individual positions identified

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Determination of available

managerial resources:The management inventoryThe required number of competent managers is a

vital requirement for successInventory chart – at a glance the controller can see where he or she stands with respect to the staffingfunction

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Advantages of the manager

inventory chartGives an overview of staffing situationManagers ready for promotion – identified

Shows future internal supply of managers Who do not perform satisfactorily are identifiedRecruitment, training plans can be initiated Who are close to retirement -identified

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Chart facilitates transfer of managerPrevent the hoarding of promotable people by their

immediate superiorsManagers can counsel subordinates about theircareer paths

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limitationsDoes not show to what position manager may bepromotable

Not sufficient for making individual assessmentNot practical to share the information withemployees

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Takes time and effort to keep the chart up to dateUpper level managers reluctant to make their charts


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Analysis of the need for managers: External

and internal information sourcesInternal – Analysis of managers requiredExternal – economic, technological, social, political

and legal factors

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Other important aspects in the systems

approach to staffing Attracting qualified candidates to fill organisationalroles

Place in positions that allow them to utilise theirpersonal strengths

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Situational factors affecting

staffingExternal factors – level of education, many laws andregulation, economic conditions

Internal factors include organisational goals, tasks,technology, organisation structure

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The external environmentEducational, social cultural, legal political andeconomic constraints

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Women in managementStaffing in the international environment3 sources:

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Managers from the home country of the firmManagers from the host country

Managers from a third country

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The internal environmentPromotion from within Workers proceeded into frontline supervisory

positions and then upwardPositive values relating to moral, employees’ longrun commitment, firm’s reputation Danger – imitation of superiors

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Promotion from within large

companiesEx: General motorsOpen competition policy

Policy of open competitionBy opening vacant positions to the best qualifiedpersons availableHonest means of ensuring managerial competence

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SELECTION: Matching the

person with the jobSelection is the process of choosing from amongcandidates from within the organisation or from theoutside, the most suitable person for the currentposition or for future positions

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Systems approach to selection1. Position requirements and job designUnderstanding of the nature and purpose of theposition which is to filledJob designed – to meet organisational and individualneeds

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3. Appropriate scope of the job A job should not be too narrow or broad

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3. Full – time challenge of the

jobDesign jobs with challenging objectives, duties andresponsibilities

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4. Managerial skills required by

job design Accommodate people’s needs and desires Clear idea of the performance requirements

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Factors influencing job designIndividual differences, technology involved, costassociated, organisation structure

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Skills and personal characteristics needed by

managers Analytical and problem solving abilitiesManagers must be able to identify problems, analysecomplex situationsScan the environment through a rational process Analytical skills used to determine the needs ofpresent customers or potential customers

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Personal characteristics needed

by managers1. Desire to manageInfluence others and get results through the teamefforts of subordinatesRequires time, effort, energy, long hours of work

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2. Communication skills and

empathy Ability to communicate through written reports,letters, speeches and discussionsIntra group communication – with people in thesame organisational Unit

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Inter group communication - not only with otherdepartments but also with groups outside theenterpriseEmpathy - ability to understand the feeling of otherpersons

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3. Integrity and honestyManagers must be morally sound and worthy of trustIntegrity includes honesty in money matters

Adherence to the full truth, behaviour in accordance with ethical standards

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4. Past performance as a

managerThe most reliable forecast of a manager’s futureperformancePast accomplishments are important –considerations in the selection of middle-upper levelmanagers

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4. Matching qualifications with

positions requirementsTwo sources of managerial personnelInternal sources – within the enterprise

External sources – employment agencies, public andprivate agencies, executive recruiters (head hunters),educational institutions, associations, referrals,unsolicited applications

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Recruitment of managersRecruitingInvolves attracting candidates to fill the positions inthe organisation structureTask must be clearly identified

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Information exchange contributing to

successful selectionProvides description of the companyProvide information about their capabilities

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Selection, placement and

promotionSelecting a manager is choosing from among thecandidates the one who meets the positionrequirementPromotion is a change within the organisation to ahigher position that has greater responsibilities andrequires more advanced skills

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Placement – the strengths and weaknesses of theindividual are evaluated and a suitable position isfound or even designed

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Responsibility for selectionFinal decision – rest with the candidate’s prospectivesuperiorGet the opinion of others, especially those with whom the candidate will have working relationshipsChoosing people on the basis of adequatequalifications rather than – friendship basis

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Selection process, techniques

and instrumentsGood selection – the information about the applicantshould be valid and reliable Validity – degree to which the data predict’s thecandidate’s success Reliability – refers to accuracy and consistency ofmeasurement

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Selection ProcessCriteria established based on current and future jobCandidate is requested to complete the form

Screening interview conducted Additional information – testing candidate’squalification

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Formal interviews conductedInformation is checked and verified

Physical examination requiredOffered the job

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InterviewsInterviewers trainedPrepared t ask right question

Structured, semi structures and unstructuredinterview, multiple interviews conducted by differentinterviewers

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Interview supplement data from the applicationformInformation obtained from persons listed asreferencesReference checks – letter of recommendation verified

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TestsIntelligence tests – to measure mental capacity andto test memory, speed of thoughtProficiency and aptitude tests – discover interests,skills Vocational tests – match candidate’s interest in workarea

Personality test – reveal candidate’s personalcharacteristics

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Assessment centresTechnique - for selecting and promoting managers Applied to lower level, middle level managers

Intended to measure how a potential manager act intypical managerial situations

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Psychological testsManagement games

In basket exerciseGroup discussionOral presentation Written report Assessor summarises candidates performanceFeed back given – when candidates request it

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Limitations of the selection

processNot sure to predict – people’s behaviour Discriminate women or minority groups

Turnover can be very expensive to an enterprise

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Orienting and socialising new

employeesOrientation – introduction of new employees to theenterprise formal orientation programmeSocialisation – acquisition of work skills andabilities, adoption of appropriate role behaviours andadjustment to the norms and values of the workgroup