Unit c - 1.1 heat history

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Unit c - 1.1 heat history

Heat and Temperature

Being warm has always been a critical aspect of our survival

Over human history, heat was not understood.

It was briefly thought to be a fluid, but was disproved

History of Heat

Further study into heat showed that it was a form of energy called THERMAL.

This energy is the cause of warmth and generation of heat

Heat is actually Energy

Based on where you live your basic needs will be met in different ways. Lets looks at Canada!

We use heat for our homes, our survival, to heat our sports arenas, our schools, and our food.

Humans Use Heat

7000 B.C.

Humans create Fire and begin to use it

Heat Technology Time Line

100 B.C.

Romans develop first central heating

Heat moves from one source to different areas of a building

1200 A.D

Chimneys first appear in Europe


Fireplaces with chimneys are built into the walls of buildings


Cast-Iron stoves heat rooms evenly; heat does not escape up a chimney

Late 1700s

Central heating reappears --- Using Coal Now


Forced-Air heating


Electric Heaters

Page 184 #1-3

Check and Reflect

heat tech.notebook

Heat Technologies in our Life

From our list pick 3 heat technologies and think how your life would be affected if they never existed.


How would life be different without them? How would you perform the job they do? What would an alternative device for it be?

Hand in PARAGRAPHS to me when done!!