Unit 9 - Our last seminar Professional and Ethical Concepts in your Field College Success Strategies...

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Transcript of Unit 9 - Our last seminar Professional and Ethical Concepts in your Field College Success Strategies...

Unit 9 - Our last seminar

Professional and Ethical Concepts in your Field

College Success Strategies for the Human Services


Seminar AgendaFinal Project overview / questions

EthicsMoral BankruptcyFinal ThoughtsQuestions

Final Project

Overview and Questions

Part 13-5 page paper describing the insights you

have gained about yourself, your experience with this course

Part 2Include the resource you created as

described in your unit 5 project proposal. This could be a PowerPoint presentation, flyer, MS Word document, pamphlet, etc. that includes information and resources available for the population you plan to work with as a Human Services professional.

Two parts

3-5 Page Paper Provide an Introduction Discuss your Career Plan:

What did you learn about your career options?

How will your learning style, skills, and personality complement your professional choices?

What will be some of your specific job duties and responsibilities? (Tip: Consider researching the O*Net online. This will help you prepare a thorough response to this question).

What skills do you need for this career and how do you plan to obtain these skills?

What kinds of changes and challenges might you expect in this career?

How does the information you obtained fall in line with your long- term professional goals?

Research an organization or association whose mission is synonymous with your career goals. How might joining this organization enhance your career development?

Provide a Conclusion

Includes information and resources available (local, state, and national levels) for the population you plan to work with as a Human Services professional.

Can be a Power Point, pamphlet, flyer, etc. Be creative!

What do I include?

Resource Document

Remember to complete BOTH parts!

Some questions for reflection:

Are you different now than you were 9 weeks ago?

If so, what are some of the differences?

Title page (your name, title of project, course, section number)

3-5 page paper Introduction Include Career Plan (answering questions found

in Project directions) Conclusion Double spaced 12-point font Times New Roman or Arial

Resource Document Includes local resources Includes state resources Includes national resources

3 References listed on Reference Page

Final Project Checklist


What does the word “ethics” mean to you?

Ethics Definition

It is our ability to understand or distinguish between what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. These norms tend to govern our behaviors and the decisions we make, allowing us to live productive lives within our unique societies.

Ethical Dilemma

In some situations, the answer to an ethical dilemma may be very clear to you whereas in other circumstances your decisions and or choices may be difficult to determine.

What are some common Ethical Dilemmas?

What are some examples of your own Ethical Dilemmas in the field of Human Services?

Moral Bankruptcy

What is your definition of “moral bankruptcy?”

Definition of Moral Bankruptcy

One who lacks morals or ethicsThey have poor judgment, poor self-

esteem, and often act in unfair ways to advance themselves and their interests.

They often do not consider what is in the best interest of their clients or their organization.

Moral Bankruptcy

As you continue on in your studies and enter the Human Services field, you are going to have to interact with all types of people, from different backgrounds and cultures. You will be faced with many demands on your time, effort, energy, and talents. You will be pulled in various directions and called on to carry out tasks with various individuals. To truly succeed you will need to develop and adhere to a personal code of conduct.

Final Thoughts

As our term comes to an end…Time for reflection

Without reflection learning ends “well short of the reorganization of thinking that ‘deep’ learning requires (Ewell, 1997, p.9). Effective learning situations require time for thinking. Students also reflect on themselves as learners when they evaluate the thinking processes they used to determine which strategies worked best. They can then apply that information about how they learn as they approach learning in the future.

Retrieved on1/22/05 from http://www.intime.uni.edu/model/learning/refl.html

Some questions for reflection:

Are you different now than you were 9 weeks ago?

If so, what are some of the differences?

Final thoughts from me to you . . . . . just because the class is ending doesn’t

mean that our relationship has to end.I’m eager to hear from you to help, advise, or

catch up on news.As a reminder:

AIM: diananassauEmail: dwhite@kaplan.edu

And remember . . .

You’ve come a long way and have reached an important goal!

Give yourself credit

Give yourself a hand

Great job and thanks for attending!

“Every end is a new beginning”~Proverb