Unit 8 Romantic Stories Talk about following questions Do you think yourself a romantic person? What...

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Transcript of Unit 8 Romantic Stories Talk about following questions Do you think yourself a romantic person? What...

Unit 8

Romantic Stories

Talk about following questions

• Do you think yourself a romantic person?

• What kind of romance would you like to share with your lover?

• How can you express your romance to your lover?

• Which movie do you think is the most romantic one? Why?

Talk about following questions

• What does love mean to you?• In your mind what contributes

most to a long and happy marriage?

• Do you think romance is important for a person’s happiness?

Forms of Love in Family

parental love conjugal love children's love

Erich Fromm “The Art of Loving ”

social psychologist

I love because I am loved.

I am loved because I love. I love you because I need you. I need you because I love you.

Infantile love

Mature love

Immature love

Mature love


Erich Fromm The Art of Loving

Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not towards one ‘object’ of love. If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love but a symbiotic ( 共生的 ) attachment, or an enlarged egotism.

Erich Fromm The Art of Loving

The most fundamental kind of love, which underlies all types of love is brotherly love. By this I mean the sense of responsibility, care, respect, knowledge of any other human being, the wish to further his life. This is the kind of love the Bible speaks of when it says: love thy neighbour as thyself. Brotherly love is love for all human beings; it is characterized by its very lack of exclusiveness.

Pre-Reading Discussion

•Do you have online pals ( 网友 )? Do you think having online pals is a good idea? •What do you talk about with your online pals or what do you think people talk about with their online pals?•What do you think of net romance? Would you like to experience it?

New Words & Phrases

1. passion~ a strong, deep, often uncontrollable feeling

e.g. His skills as a player don't quite match his passion for the game.他的水平与他对这项游戏的酷爱程度不太相配

Passionate adj.e.g. His passionate speech against injustice aroused great attention.

他为反对不公正所做的激昂演讲引起人们的 广泛关注

New Words & Phrases

2. Correspondence n. ~ the letters written or received 信件,信函

e.g. I refused to enter into any correspondence with him about it.

我绝不就这一问题与他通信。 e.g. Is commercial correspondence taught at the school?

学校里是否教授商业函件? (be in) correspondence with somebody


New Words & Phrases

2. Correspondence n. 2) ~ agreement, similarity 符合,一致;相称

e.g. There isn’t much correspondence between their views and ours.


New Words & Phrases

3. Intellectually adv~ from a rational, not an emotional point of view 智力方面,思维方面 e.g. Intellectually speaking, it's a very weak piece

of work. 这是个思维方面较差的作品。

e.g. The lecture was not intellectually stimulating. 这次讲座在思维上很平淡。


New Words & Phrases 词义辩析 : intelligent , bright , brilliant , knowin

g , quick-witted , smart , intellectualThese adjectives mean having or showing mental keenness. 这些形容词都表达具有或显示出思维的快捷性。

Intelligent usually implies the ability to cope with demands arising from novel situations and new problems and to use the power of reasoning and inference effectively:

Intelligent 通常指应付新情况和新问题所需的能力和有效地使用推理和推断力的能力:

e.g. The most intelligent students do additional reading to supplement the material in the textbook.


New Words & Phrases

词义辩析 : intelligent , bright , brilliant , knowing , quick-witted , smart , intellectual

Brilliant suggests unusually impressive mental acuteness:

Brilliant 指思维不同寻常的敏捷:

e.g. The soloist gave a brilliant performance.


Bright implies quickness or ease in learning:

Bright 指学习迅速或轻松

e.g. Some children are brighter in one subject than in another.


New Words & Phrases

词义辩析 : intelligent , bright , brilliant , knowing , quick-witted , smart , intellectual

Knowing implies the possession of knowledge, information, or understanding:

Knowing 指具有知识、信息或理解能力:

e.g. Knowing furniture collectors bought American antiques before the prices soared.


New Words & Phrases

词义辩析 : intelligent , bright , brilliant , knowing , quick-witted , smart , intellectual

Quick-witted suggests mental alertness and prompt response:

Quickwitted 指精神上的敏捷和迅速的反应:

e.g. We were successful not because we were quick-witted but because we persevered.


New Words & Phrases

词义辩析 : intelligent , bright , brilliant , knowing , quick-witted , smart , intellectual

Smart refers to quick intelligence and often a ready capability for taking care of one's own interests:

Smart 指快速的领悟力和随时维护自己利益的能力:

e.g. The smartest lawyers avoid the appearance of manipulating juries.


New Words & Phrases

词义辩析 : intelligent , bright , brilliant , knowing , quick-witted , smart , intellectual

Intellectual stresses the working of the intellect and especially implies the capacity to grasp difficult or abstract concepts:

Intellectual 强调智力的作用,尤其是掌握困难或抽象概念的能力

e.g. The scholar's interest in the intellectual and analytical aspect of music didn't prevent her from enjoying concerts.


反义词 : material

New Words & Phrases

4. Spiritually adv . ~ In a manner indicating a purity of thought or feeli

ng 精神上,心灵上 e.g. The priest cared for his group spiritually. 神父在精神上关爱人们。 e.g. Spiritually speaking, he seems to have led a comic life. 他在精神上过着快乐的生活。

New Words & Phrases

5. Ceremony n.1) ~ a formal act or set of acts performed as prescrib

ed by ritual or custom 典礼,仪式 e.g. His wedding ceremony will be in July.

他的婚礼典礼将在七月举行。 e.g. What the old headmaster said at the graduation ceremony dwells in my mind. 老校长在毕业典礼上讲的话深留在我的脑海中。

New Words & Phrases

5. Ceremony n.2) ~ a conventional social gesture or act of courtesy 礼仪,礼节 e.g. There's no need for ceremony between friends.

朋友之间不必拘于礼节。 e.g. There's too much ceremony on official occasions.


New Words & Phrases

6. Diminish v. ~ cause something to become smaller or less; decrease.

减少,降低 e.g. Nothing could diminish her enthusiasm for the project. 没有什么能降低她对这个项目的热情。 e.g. The opposition are trying to diminish our achievements. 反对方企图降低我们的成绩。


New Words & Phrases

These verbs mean to become or cause to become smaller or less. 这些动词的意义为变得或使…变得小或少。

6. 词义辩析 : decrease , lessen , reduce , diminish

Decrease and lessen, interchangeable in most contexts, refer to steady or gradual diminution:

Decrease 和 lessen 在大多数上下文中可互换, 指稳定或逐步的减少:

e.g. Traffic decreases on holidays. 节假日行人车辆减少了。

e.g. Use your seat belt to lessen the danger of injury in an accident.


6. 词义辩析 : decrease , lessen , reduce , diminish

New Words & Phrases

• Diminish implies taking away or removal:

Diminish 含有拿走或除去的意思:e.g. An occasional outburst didn't diminish m

y respect for her.


Reduce emphasizes bringing down, as in size, degree, or intensity:

Reduce 强调在大小、程度或强度方面下降或减少:

e.g. The workers reduced their wage demands.


Passage Reading

A True Love Story

Background Information

• Elizabeth Barrett was born at Coxhoe Hall, Durham, England.

• In 1850, Elizabeth's best known book of poems was published Sonnets from the Portugese .

• Elizabeth's poems have a diction and rhythm evoking an attractive, spontaneous quality though some may seem sentimental. Many of her poems protest what she considered unjust social conditions. She also wrote poems appealing for political freedom for Italy and other countries controlled by foreign nations.


Background Information

• Robert Browning was born in Camberwell, a suburb of London. Young Robert spent much of his time in his father's private library of 6000 volumes in several languages.

• Browning became an admirer of Elizabeth's Barrett's poetry in 1844. He began corresponding with her by letter. This was the start of one of the world's most famous romances. Their courtship lasted until 1846 when they were married. The couple moved to Italy that same year and had a son, Pen, later in 1849.


Background Information

• Robert did not become recognized as a poet, until after Elizabeth's death in 1861. After which, he was honored for the rest of his life as a literary figure.

• Robert is perhaps best-known for his dramatic monologue technique. In his monologues, he spoke in the voice of an imaginary or historical character. Robert had a fondness for people who lived during the Renaissance. Most of his monologues portray persons at dramatic moments in their lives.


Love Letter by Robert Browning to

Elizabeth Barrett January 10th, 1845

New Cross, Hatcham, Surrey

I love your verses with all my heart, dear Miss Barrett, -- and this is no off-hand complimentary letter that I shall write, --whatever else, no prompt matter-of-course recognition of your genius and there a graceful and natural end of the thing: since the day last week when I first read your poems, I quite laugh to remember how I have been turning again in my mind what I should be able to tell you of their effect upon me --

Love Letter by Robert Browning to

Elizabeth Barrett

for in the first flush of delight I though I would this once get out of my habit of purely passive enjoyment, when I do really enjoy, and thoroughly justify my admiration -- perhaps even, as a loyal fellow-craftsman should, try and find fault and do you some little good to be proud of hereafter! -- but nothing comes of it all -- so into me has it gone, and part of me has it become, this great living poetry of yours, not a flower of which but took root and grew ... oh, how different that is from lying to be dried and pressed flat and prized highly and put in a book with a proper account at bottom, and shut up and put away ... and the book called a 'Flora', besides!

Love Letter by Robert Browning to

Elizabeth Barrett

After all, I need not give up the thought of doing that, too, in time; because even now, talking with whoever is worthy, I can give reason for my faith in one and another excellence, the fresh strange music, the affluent language, the exquisite pathos and true new brave thought -- but in this addressing myself to you, your own self, and for the first time, my feeling rises altogether. I do, as I say, love these Books with all my heart -- and I love you too: do you know I was once seeing you?

Love Letter by Robert Browning to

Elizabeth Barrett Mr. Kenyon said to me one morning "would you like to see Miss Barrett?" -- then he went to announce me, -- then he returned ... you were too unwell -- and now it is years ago -- and I feel as at some untoward passage in my travels -- as if I had been close, so close, to some world's-wonder in chapel on crypt, ... only a screen to push and I might have entered -- but there was some slight ... so it now seems ... slight and just-sufficient bar to admission, and the half-opened door shut, and I went home my thousands of miles, and the sight was never to be! Well, these Poems were to be -- and this true thankful joy and pride with which I feel myself.

Yours ever faithfully Robert Browning

1. However, he was very strict and also eccentric — he refused to let any of his three daughters marry. (Line 11)

• 译文:然而他却是一个非常严厉而古怪的人 — — 他不许三个女儿中的任何一个结婚。

破折号的作用 : 强调、重复、补充、解释或转折。


2. They seemed to be perfectly compatible, both intellectually and spiritually. (line. 41)



为保证原文中句式的对称,在翻译时需要将副词 intellectually 和 spiritually 分别与形容词 compatible 搭配翻译。

3. The shock was terrible for Mr. Barrett, but his anger could not diminish their happiness. (line. 56)

• 译文:这对巴雷特先生来说是一个沉重的打击,但他的愤怒并不能影响他们的快乐。


根据中英文表达的习惯,本句在翻译中需要做句式的转换,同时对 diminish 一词需要意译。

Text Structure• para. 1

One of the most famous love stories in history. • para. 2-3

Their lives before they knew each other. • para. 4-6

How they met and fell in love with each other. • para. 7

Their life together.

Group Discussion

• Do you think Elizabeth and Robert were right or wrong not to tell Mr. Barrett about their love and marriage?

• Can you imagine any possible reasons why Mr. Barrett did not want his daughters to marry?