Unit 8. “i’ll take the train, thanks.”

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Unit 8. “i’ll take the train, thanks.”

  • 1.

2. Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.Henry David Thoreau 3. Unit 8. Ill take the train, thanks. Border : the official line that separates two countries Convenient : useful to you because it makes something easier Set an example : to do something that you hope other people will copy Schedule : list of times that ferries, trains, buses, etc., leave or arrive at a particular place 4. Unit 8. Ill take the train, thanks. Arrange : to organize and plan Ferry : boat that takes people, and sometimes cars, back and forth between two places Complicated : not simple; with lots of details Round-trip : when a ticket takes you from one place to another and back again Coast : where the land meets the sea Appreciate : to understand or enjoy the good qualities of something 5. 6. Reading One: 1~5 -make less pollution: -set an example (to A): (A ) -Other people soon joined him.: -restaurant car: (dining car) 7. Reading One: 6~7 -border: -mind: , -the colorful packages of Chinese food: -what was inside: -tasting each of them: taste : ~ (2 ) ~ (3 ) -seasick: (feeling very sick because of the movement of a boat or ship) -the large group of journalists: -see + + ~ing 8. Reading One: 7~10 -After talking with the journalists, = After they talked with the journalists, -journey: a long-distance trip -out the windows of their train: -them all = all of them 9. Reading One: 11 -help slow down global warming: -set a good example: -the kinds of changes people can make: -round-trip journey: - a day there - a day when buying a round-trip train/ferry ticket from London to Kyoto will be as easy as buying a plane ticket: / -appreciate: ~ , ~ -different: 10. 11. Reading One Read for main ideas 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 12. Reading One

  • A train of people => a group of peple
  • The people => some of the people
  • Very easy => complicated
  • Six weeks => five weeks
  • Working => talking
  • Gave them => took away their
  • Got seek in Japan => got seasick on the ferry to Japan
  • All => Some
  • Climate => pollution
  • Faster => easier

13. Reading One

  • True
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • True
  • True
  • True

14. 15. Reading Two: 1~2 -coach: someone who trains a person or team in a sport -Football Hall of Fame( ): a museum about special and important people in football -he was voted into the Football Hall of Fame.: . -commentator( ): someone on television or radio who describes an event as it is happening -a jet-setter( ): a person who travels all over the world a lot, usually by plane (jet) 16. Reading Two: 3 -afraid of flying: (aerophobia) -cure: to make an illness or problem disappear -take medications: -help A with B: ) She helped her mother with the work in the kitchen. . Can you help me up with this case please? ? 17. Reading Two: 4~5 -a motor home: 1~2 , , , . RV . ( : http://www.okki.kr/678/camp3.htm) -definitely: -1-1/2: one and a half -a full-size refrigerator: -This way: ( ) -get in his way: to prevent him doing something 18. 19. Reading Two:

  • By motor home
  • Because hes afraid of flying
  • By train


  • Climate Train Travelers
  • low pollution
  • Setting an example
  • Traveling with others
  • Learning about other places
  • Speed
  • cost


  • John Madden
  • Not feeling afraid
  • Being able to work while traveling
  • Speed


  • - Train Passenger : 3, 6, 9
  • Airplane Passenger : 1, 8
  • Ferry Passenger : 5
  • Bicycle Rider : 4
  • Motor Home Owner : 2, 7, 8

23. 2. Complicated 3. Schedule, arrange 4. Border 5. Appreciates 6. Round-trip 7. Sets on example 8. Convenient 24.

  • 2.
  • Traveling by car isthe cheapestway to go.
  • Traveling by plane isthe most expensiveway to go.
  • Traveling by plane isthe fastestway to go.
  • Traveling by train isthe slowestway to go.
  • Traveling by car isthe least comfortableway to go.
  • Traveling by train isthe most comfortableway to go.
  • Traveling by car isthe most convenientway to go.