Unit 7 Level D. Advent (n.) an arrival; a coming into place or view Syn: approach.

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Transcript of Unit 7 Level D. Advent (n.) an arrival; a coming into place or view Syn: approach.

Vocabulary WorkshopUnit 7 Level D

Advent(n.) an arrival; a

coming into place or view

 Syn: approach

Assimilate(v.) to absorb fully

or make one's own; to adopt as one's own; to adapt fully

Synonyms: digest, blend in


unreasonably high; excessive


extreme, inordinate, overpriced

Antonmys: inexpensive, affordable, reasonable

Interim(n.) the time

between; (adj.) temporary, coming between two points in time

Synonyms: (n.) interval, interlude; (adj.) provisional, stopgap

Inundate(v.) to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by

numbers or size

Synonyms: submerge, deluge, swamp

Meander(v.) to wander

about, wind about; (n.) a sharp turn or twist

Synonyms: (v.) ramble, zigzag, twist

Metropolis(n.) a large city; the chief city of an area Synonym: large urban centerAntonyms: hamlet, village

Momentous(adj.) very

important Synonyms:

consequential, weighty

Antonyms: inconsequential, trivial, slight, unimportant

Perilous(adj.) dangerous Synonyms:

risky, chancy, hazardous, unsafe

Antonyms: safe, secure, harmless

Tirade(n.) a long,

angry speech, usually very critical

Synonyms: diatribe, tongue-lashing