Unit 5 Week 1 Spelling Words HOME

Post on 30-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Unit 5 Week 1 Spelling Words HOME

Unit 5 Week 1 Spelling BlueSpelling Rule: Compound Words A word made up of two smaller words

1. someone2. doghouse3. hairdo4. sidewalk5. basketball6. newspaper7. birdhouse8. sunset9. daytime10. airplane

***The remaining five words are unknown to the students but will follow the spelling rule.

***Students will be tested on only some of the words from their list, as well as, other words that follow the weeks pattern. To incorporate writing skills into the weekly spelling tests, the teacher will read five sentences aloud which will include one or more spelling words from their list. Students will write the sentence verbatim.

Unit 5 Week 1 Spelling GreenSpelling Rule: Compound Words A word made up of two smaller words

1. throughout2. newspaper3. homemade4. headlight5. barefoot6. whoever7. windowpane8. thumbnail9. championship10. windshield

***The remaining five words are unknown to the students but will follow the spelling rule.

***Students will be tested on only some of the words from their list, as well as, other words that follow the weeks pattern. To incorporate writing skills into the weekly spelling tests, the teacher will read five sentences aloud which will include one or more spelling words from their list. Students will write the sentence verbatim.