Unit -4 –Internet payment systems

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Transcript of Unit -4 –Internet payment systems

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Unit -4Internet payment


  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Features of payment methods

    Anonymity-Whether a third party can trance backthe transaction

    Security forged payment

    Overhead cost OH cost of processing payment Transferability Whether payment can be carried

    out without the involvement of a third party suchas a bank

    Divisibility Whether payment can be divided into arbitrary small payments

    Acceptability Supported globally

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    4C payment methods comparison

    Cash Credit card Check Credit/debit

    Security Good Good Good Good

    Overhead cost Lowest, in general Higher than cash

    and credit/debit

    because of the paper

    work involved

    Highest, in general Low

    Transferability Yes No No No

    Acceptability Yes, in general Yes, in general No, in general it can

    only be used locally

    No, in general it can

    only be used locally

    Anonymity Yes, in general No No No

    Divisibility Not completely


    Yes Yes Yes

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    Check Clearing process

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    Credit card

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    SET Protocol

    SET Secure Electronic Transaction

    Before SET, Credit card payment was done through SSL(Secure Socket Layer)

    SSL ensure secure transmission of credit card informationover the internet but not on line authorization of card

    SET is supported by Visa , Master card

    Caters 3 credit card payments


    messages are encrypted Integritymessages signed digitally to ensure in integrity

    Authentication Done through PKI

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Need for SET

    Each software vendors were coming up withnew and conflicting standards.

    Microsoft mainly drove these on one hand,

    and IBM on the other. To avoid all sorts of future incompatibilities,

    MasterCard and Visa decided to come up with

    a standard, ignoring all their competitionissues, and in the process, involving all themajor software manufacturers.

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    SET Architecture framewrok








    and Capture

    Existing financial



    and Capture




  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems



    Merchant --> seller

    Card holder Buyer


    Card issuing bank Acquirer Agent to link merchant to multiple


    Payment gateway Connected to theacquirer

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Digital Certificate system for SEF

    Root CA

    Brand CA

    (e.g Visa

    or Master)

    Geopolitical CA

    (e.g. Visa Asia)

    Merchant CA Cardholder CAPayment

    gateway CAUser level


  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Dual Signature

    SET works in a very interesting manner.

    The SET protocol makes use of the concept ofdualsignature. The idea is like this:1. The cardholder takes the Payment Information (PI), containing

    the cardholders credit card number, expiry date, etc andhashes (digests) it to produce Payment Information MessageDigest (PIMD).

    2. Similarly, the cardholder digests the Order Information (OI) toobtain Order Information Message Digest (OIMD)

    3. The cardholder combines PIMD and OIMD to produce

    Payment and Order Message Digest (POMD).4. The cardholder encrypts the POMD with its private key. The

    output of this process is the Dual Signature (DS). It is calleddual, because it has inputs coming from PI as well as OI.

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    Dual Signature

    The cardholder now sends:

    OI, PIMD, and DS to the merchant

    PI, OIMD, and DS to the payment gateway

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    Dual Signature

    Merchant does not get access to PI, and hence,cannot know the cardholders credit cardnumber.

    However, it has access to OI to process the order.

    To validate the card holders order, The merchant can decrypt DS using the cardholders

    public key to obtain the first POMD

    separately combine OIMD and PIMD to also compute

    the second POMD. If the two POMD values match, the merchant is happy

    that the order was indeed sent by the cardholder.

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    Dual Signature

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Digital Envelope









    Encrypted by


    Encrypted by



  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    SET Information Flow

    (5) Authorization request

    (6) Authorization response

    (7) Capture request

    (2) Purchase initialization response

    (1) Purchase initialization request

    (3) Purchase request

    (4) Purchase response

    Inquiry request (optional)

    Inquiry response (optional)



    (8) Capture response


  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Purchase Initiation

    Card holderPurchase request

    Message Contains Local Transaction Identity(ID)

    Token N1 for thwarting replay attack

    some cached certificates

    Merchant Response

    Unique transaction ID (generated based on localtransaction ID), serves as ID for further transactions

    Nounce N1 from cardholder

    and Nounce N2 generated by merchant

    Its certificates and payment gateway certificates

    Digitally signed by merchants private key

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    Replay Attack

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Purchase Request

    Cardholder prepares OI and PI

    OI Unique transaction ID, N1 and N2 and otherdetails

    PI transaction details and payment amount andmessage digest of the order description

    Dual signature is generated with OI and PI

    Digital envelope PI is encrypted with random symmetric key A. Cardholder info is encrypted with public key-exchange

    key of payment gateway

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    Purchase request

    Following info sent to merchant OI + DS + H [PI]

    PI + DS + H [OI] (all encrypted using key A)

    Key A + cardholder in (encrypted with public key-exchange key of payment gateway)

    Cardholder certificates

    Purchase response Verifies the card holders certificates and dual

    signature Response to cardholder with certificates signed with

    merchants private key

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    Payment authorization

    Authorization request is encrypted with randomsymmetric key B

    Key B is then encrypted with public key-exchange keyof payment gateway to form digital envelope

    Only payment gateway can get Key B Following info sent to Payment Gateway

    Encrypted authorization request and encrypted key B

    PI + DS + H [OI] (all encrypted using key A)

    Key A + cardholder in (encrypted with frompublic key-exchange key of payment card holder


    Cardholer and merchants certificates

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Payment Authorization

    Payment Gateway

    Obtains key B by decryption and use it to decrypt

    authorization request

    Verifies merchants certificates and digital signtureof authorization request

    Obtains key A and cardholder information by

    means of decryption Verifies DS accordingly

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Authorization response

    On verification, Payment gateway forwards authorizationrequest to the issuer via current payment system

    After receiving the authorization from issuer, paymentgateway sends authorization response to the merchant

    Response message

    transaction ID, authorization code,amount authorized, and other info abt the transaction

    Authorization response Signed authorization response (encrypted with random

    symmetric key C)

    Key C (encrypted with public key-exchange key merchant) Capture token (encrypted with random symmetric key D )

    Key D + card holder information (encrypted with public key-exchange key of payment gateway)

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    Payment capture

    Capture request transaction ID, capture amount andother details

    Capture request from Merchant to Payment gateway

    Signed capture request (Encrypted using randomsymmetric key E)

    Key E (encrypted with payment gateways public key-exchange key)

    Signed capture token (encrypted using key D)

    Key D + card holder info (encrypted with paymentgateways public key-exchange key)

    Merchants digital certificates

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Capture response

    Capture response transaction ID, capture

    amount, capture code (generated) and other info

    Payment gateway to merchant

    Signed capture response(Encrypted using random

    symmetric key F)

    Key F (encrypted with merchants public key-exchange


    Payment gateways digital certificates

    Capture response is stored in merchant system

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    E - Cash

    E- cash should have following properties:

    Inability of third parties to determine the payee,

    time or amount of payments made by an

    individual. Ability of individuals to provide proof of payment,

    or determine the identity of the payee under

    exceptional circumstances.

    Be able to stop use of the payment media if

    reported stolen.

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Blind signature

    Blind signature schemes, first introduced by

    Chaum allow a person to get a message signed

    by another party without revealing any

    information about the message to the otherparty.

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    E-Cash Coin

    The electronic coins used within the Ecash system are unique in that they are partly minted by the client before being signed by the bank.

    Each coin has a serial number that is generated by the clients cyberwallet software.

    The serial numbers are chosen randomly and are large enough so that

    there is very little chance that anyone else will ever generate the same serial numb

    ers. For example, using a 100digit serial number can guarantee this. The serial number is blinded and sent to the bank to be signed. The bank is unabl

    e to see the serial number on the coin it is signing. The method can be considered similar to putting the coin and a piece of carbon paper into an envelope.

    The envelope is sent to the bank where it is signed and returned to the client, as shown in Figure below. The client opens the envelope and takes out the coin (unblinds it). The coin has now been signed. The carbon paper ensured that the banks si

    gnature went through the envelope. The signature on the unblinded coin appears the same as any other normal digital

    signature. There is no way to tell from it that the coin was signed using the blind signature protocol

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  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Coin Keys

    Problem the bank cannot see what it is signinghow can a value be assig

    ned to the coin?

    The problem can be solved by the bank using a different signature key for

    each coin denomination.

    The client informs the bank of the value it wants the blinded coin to be worth.

    The bank then signs the coin with the signature key representing this deno

    mination and deducts that amount from the clients acount. For example,

    the bank might have a onecent signature, a 5cent signature, a 10cent sig

    nature, and so on.

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    Pay by the coins

    Check the validity of thecoins and whether they have

    been spent and credit the

    account accordingly

    Debit the account and signthe blinded coins

    Send the blinded coins to thebank

    Return the signed blinded coins

    Deposit the coins

    Confirm the deposit

    Ship goods or perform the service

    Generate the blinded coins

    Unblind the coins

    Customer Bank VBS (Merchant)

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Double Spending Prevention

    Ecash coins are just pieces of data that can be copied. To prevent copied coins from being spent repeatedly, this possible double spending must be prevented.

    To ensure that a serial number is not spent twice, the minting bank must record every coin that is deposited back to that bank. A very large database of all spent serial numberssoon develops. A valid unspent coin must Be signed, with any denominational signature, by the


    Have an expiry date associated with it that is later than the present date

    Not appear in the database of spent coins.

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    Double Spending

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems



    Electronic check will contain an instruction to

    the payers bank to make a payment of a

    specified amount to an identified payee.

    The fact that the check is in electronic form

    and is being conveyed across computer

    networks should allow more flexibility in the

    handling of the check

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  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Deposit and Clear

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Cash and transfer

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Lock Box

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Micro Payment

    Need for a payment system that can

    efficiently transfer very small amounts,

    perhaps less than a penny, in a single


    Micropayments, however, have not been

    available in conventional commerce, and their

    introduction opens up many new areas of


  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems



    Developed at Digital Equipment Corporation (

    now Compaq) which is designed to allow pay

    ments as low as onetenth of a cent ($0.001)

    to be made.

    A Millicent payment can be efficiently

    validated at a vendors site without the need

    to contact a third party

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Purchasing with MilliCent

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Scrip Scrip is a piece of data used to represent microcurrency

    within the Millicent system. Scrip has the following propertie

    A piece of scrip represents a prepaid value, much like prepaid phone c

    ards, fare cards, or coupons.

    Scrip can represent any denomination of currency. Expected values ran

    ge from onetenth of a cent up to about $5, although there are no defined upper or lowerbound limits.

    The security of scrip is based on the assumption that it is only used to

    represent small amounts of money.

    It is vendorspecific and thus has value at one vendor only.

    It can be spent only once. Double spending will be detected locally by the vendor at the time of purchase.

    It can be spent only by its owner. A shared secret is used to prevent sto

    len scrip being spent.

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    Scrip cannot be tampered with or its value changed.

    It is computationally expensive to counterfeit scrip. The cost of doing so outwe

    ighs the value of the scrip itself.

    Scrip makes no use ofpublickey cryptography. It can be efficiently produced, v

    alidated, and protected using a oneway hash function and limited symmetric

    cryptography. Scrip cannot provide full anonymity. It has visible serial numbers that could be

    recorded and traced.

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    Purchasing with MilliCent

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems



    PayWord is a creditbased micropayment scheme designed by Ron Rivest(MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts) and Adi Shamir(Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)

    PayWord uses chains of hash values to represent user credit within thesystem.

    Each hash value, called a PayWord, can be sent to a merchant payment.

    A PayWord chain is vendorspecific and the user digitally signs acommitment to honor payments for that chain.

    Brokers mediate between users and vendors and maintain accounts forboth.

    They vouch for users by issuing a PayWord certificate allowing that user togenerate PayWords. T

    They redeem spent PayWord chains from vendors, transferring theamount spent from the users account to the vendor.

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Probability based micro payment

    In the previous micropayment schemes eachand every payment is processed by the vendorand later verified and redeemed at a broker

    or bank. To minimize the number of micropayment

    transactions that must be performed, theprobability theory can be applied so that there

    is a specified likelihood or chance that thepayment will be performed.

  • 7/27/2019 Unit -4 Internet payment systems


    Probability based micro payment

    The value of the transaction is equal to the probabilityof making an actual payment multiplied by the value ofthat actual payment

    Transaction_value = Probability * Payment_amount

    For example, instead of making 1,000 micropaymentseach worth 1 cent, one might make a $10 paymentwith a 1/1,000 probability

    Probabilitybased micropayments eliminate the cost of

    making the actual micropayment for most transactions,but add the overhead of fairly predicting a random

    event with known probability