Unit 32 proposal

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Unit 32 proposal


For this assignment I must create an ident for the Grid. The Grid is a channel which show comedy sitcom and other types of programmes aimed and a young audience the way that I am going to do this is by taking that sitcom element out and putting into the ident, as all ident are based on what the channel is about and the types of programmes that they show on their channel and they base a theme around and aim it at their audience. Ident are created in order to show of the channel and also there to remind people of what channel they are on because sometimes people are watching a film and they sometimes just forget what channel it is on and in-between the film the ident pop up. And doing it in their own style. But there is stage that I must do in order to bring my indent alive first I will research into ident so I can get a better understanding of them and go more into depths with why they have done it that way. Once that this is done I can then start coming up with my storyboards as I will feel more comfortable with doing this.

Then I came up with three different ideas for the ident and what can happen in them making them different form other and also sicking to that theme of the channel while I was thinking of these ideas. I storyboard them all and then looked at them and then chosen the one I thought would work the best with the audience it’s aimed at and sticking to the theme of the channel and what it’s about. The idea I then went with was the one in which a romantic couple are walking down a path on a nice green field on an sunny day, they are holding hands as they are in love, the continued walking until they get to a point where they see a bench they both head over to the bench and then sit down, they sit quite close to each other, they then turn their heads and look at each other, they look at each other for a few seconds and then they both smile at each other as they start getting close and going in for a kiss. The boy then closes his eyes as they get closer and then the girl then looks over the shoulders of the boy as her eye get a bit more wider, the boy then kiss fine air and then opens his eyes as he see that she is not there he looks round and then he see her running across the field, he stay on the bench upset that she had gone while she is running crazy across the field towards a power grid and then as she runs under it or past it the camera will the pan upwards looking at the lines at the top of the power grids and then electric will come from the lines and then it will spell out “The Grid”. This is the final idea that I have decided to do as I think it’s fit all purpose of what the Grid brief is looking for it meets audience which is from 18 – 30 as teenagers will be the star of the ident and also most adult may be able to relate the situation as they may have had something wired and funny like that happen to them before, also it sticks to the style and theme of what the channel is as you could relate the situation in the ident to a sitcom such as Friends where something silly happen in a moment of being serious. And I think that this idea dose it really well.

The ident will be filmed and it’s has got it’s cast for it and a date of filming has been set as well , I chosen to do a filming style because it would look a lot better this way than it would if I was doing it in animation format. Also the location of the filming has been found. I will be using different types of shots to show this ident off such as wide shot, close up and panning to make it look a lot better and all of this has been put into the story. There will be music and sound which will be put in, in the editing stage. The types of sounds which will be used for this ident will be the sound of birds and the wind blowing this is to add a real life affect and make it a bit more real than it is this will be a diegetic, and there will be music on the ident which will be a punk rock type of music, no sing just background music playing, I have seen this type of music used on another comedy channel and it worked really well it was the same concept where something silly was happening and it will work on

the ident that I am creating, it will not be added in though until it gets up to the girl running across the field. Also there will be special effect added in as well, the effect will be electric spelling out the channel name “The Grid” when it show the power grids, I will be using a software to create this and I’ll be spending all my time making sure that I can make it look as good as I can. The time scale it will take me to do all of this will be split into three stages, the first will be the filming which will only take a day to do as it will be about 20 seconds or less , then the editing will take about another day as I said it’s only a 20 seconds or less ident and then adding the music will be on the same day as the editing then I’ll have to wait a week before I can make a start on the special effect which should take me a week to get done so by the 9th of November the ident will be completed and ready to be shown to people.

The way that I am going to be showing my ident to people will be on the internet as most stuff goes on there, the ident will be uploaded onto YouTube where people will be able to view the ident whenever they want and comment on it as well, once it has been uploaded on to YouTube I will then upload it on to Facebook as more people use that one a days and it would be a really good idea to put it onto that so people can view the ident and also comment on it then saying what they like, why they think it’s good or bad etc. this will help for future projects as I will take in what people have said and then use or take their advice in order to make the next one better. I could also put it on Twitter and any other social networking as the more people that view the better and the better the feedback that I will be great form the target audience.

Copyright issues must be check and what I mean is not putting logos of different companies in my ident and also not copying with the music and the sounds from another ident or creation, and making sure that my idea for the ident is my own idea and everything that is create within the ident such as, music, style, logo etc. are all my own design and not taking out of one thing and put into my ident. Everything that has and will be talked about between me and my client will be kept confidential which would mean I would not give out the name or the contact or address of the client to anyone else or the product that I am creating for the website which will also be kept secret until till the website is realised on the internet or giving the designs to any other company, buy keep it all a secret and not be shared with anyone else. Also I will be making that the ident is not offences in anyway and the ident is not meant to upset people or any types of religion.