Unit 3 Review Game. Who theorized that everything was made of atoms and these atoms could be...

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Transcript of Unit 3 Review Game. Who theorized that everything was made of atoms and these atoms could be...

Unit 3 Review Game

Who theorized that everything was made of atoms and these atoms could be combined or rearranged in chemical reactions.


Who discovered atoms contained a small dense positive region?


Which subatomic particles have the same mass?

Protons and Neutrons

In neutral atoms, which subatomic particles are equal?

Protons and electrons

What makes up the nucleus of the atom?

Protons and neutrons

What keeps the protons in the nucleus together?

The strong nuclear force

What is the force that says opposites attract?

Electrostatic force

What is the difference between isotopes?

# of neutrons

Nitrogen- 16 has how many protons, neutrons, and electrons

Protons- 7, Neutrons-9, Electrons-7

What does the atomic # tell us?

number of protons

What makes a carbon atom a carbon atom?

The number of protons

What do you need to calculated the weighted average?

Mass of isotopes and their % abundance

What is the top # in the following symbol?

Mass #


What is the bottom number in the following symbol?

Atomic #


What is the mass defect?

mass of nucleus does not equal sum of parts

What formula is used to explain the mass defect?


What is an alpha particle?


What is a beta particle?


What stops each of the types of radioactive particles?

alpha- paper, beta- wood/metal foil, gamma- lead/concrete

What is the half life?

Amount of time for half of the radioactive isotopes to decay

What type of reaction creates a chain reaction?


What type of reaction releases more energy?

Nuclear or fusion

Know how to solve a half life problem and balance equations