Unit 3 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Dr. Magdi AMER.

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Transcript of Unit 3 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Dr. Magdi AMER.

Unit 3Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Dr. Magdi AMER

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• Java library has a class JFrame that implements the methods necessary to create a window on any operating system (Windows, Mac and UNIX).

• JFrame is generic. It does not have the features that we need (labels, buttons, etc).

• In real life, when we have a factory and we want to modify it’s product, we do not destroy the factory and build a new one, we simply add the machines that we need.


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• Similarly, in OOP, when we want to modify the behavior of a class, we extend the class. This means that we take all the method of the class into the new one (without having to write the code again) so we can modify a method or add a new method.

Extending JFrame

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Simple Window

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• A window must extend the class JFrame.• JFrame handle all the complexity of creating a

window on any OS (remember same java code runs on any operating system.

• setSize ( 400, 140 );– Creates a window width = 400, height = 140

• setVisible( true );– Makes the window visible.

Simple Window

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• To add a title to the window, we use the code– super(title);– This code uses the constructor of the parent class

JFrame.– Calling the constructor of the parent class is a

good programming practice, and it may be sometimes necessary.

Simple Window

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GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(4,1); Creates a layout of 4 rows and 1 column.

Container c = getContentPane();c.setLayout(layout );Gets the main container of the window and

assign to it the grid container

Advanced Window

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JPanel p1 = new JPanel();JPanel p2 = new JPanel();JPanel p3 = new JPanel();JPanel p4 = new JPanel();c.add(p1);c.add(p2);c.add(p3);c.add(p4);Creates 4 panels (containers) and place them on

the window. Each will be placed on a new row.

Advanced Window

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p1.add(new JLabel("First"));p2.add(new JLabel("Second"));p3.add(new JLabel("Third"));p4.add(new JLabel("Forth")); Creates 4 labels and put each label on a panel.

Advanced Window

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JPanel p4 = new JPanel();c.add(p4);p4.add(new JButton(“Forth"));When a button is placed on a panel It takes its best fit size

c.add(new JButton(“Third"));When a button is placed directly on the windowIt expands to take all of the area

Advanced Window

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Event Based System

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Event Based System

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this.addWindowListener(new MyWindowAdaptor());Place an event listener to listen to events generated by the window.If we are interested in handling a specific event, we implement the method that handles this event.

Public class MyWindowAdaptor extends WindowAdapter WindowAdapter class responsible for handling all events of a window

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) { System.exit(0); }Handles the window closing event and closes the application

Event Based System

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Handling the events of a button

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Handling the events of a button

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TextFieldHandler handler = new TextFieldHandler(this); button.addActionListener(handler);Creates an event handler that is associated with a button

public class TextFieldHandler implements ActionListener{ protected MyFrame myFrame; public TextFieldHandler(MyFrame myFrame) { super(); this.myFrame = myFrame; }Creates an action listener and stores a reference to the window that it controls.

Handling the events of a button

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public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String txt = myFrame.text1.getText(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, txt); } }

Reads the text entered in the text field and displays the text in a popup.

Handling the events of a button

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Building Rich Interface

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Handling the events of a text field

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Handling the events of a text field

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Using a radio button

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Handling the events of a Radio Button

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Using a check box

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Handling the events of a check box

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Using a combo box

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Handling the events of a combo box

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Using Menus

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Using CardLayout

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Creating Panels

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Handling a menu event

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Handling a menu event

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2D Graphics