Unit 27.1 presentation

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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This is my powerpoint on Balance and Impartiality

Transcript of Unit 27.1 presentation

Unit 27.1 Presentation

Joe Dootson

Introduction• In this PowerPoint Presentation I will be talking about Objectivity and Subjectivity. I

will also be identifying and explaining codes and conventions of news programming and I will be looking at News Readers, Field Reporters, Interviews(experts and witnesses) and Actuality Footage Also I will be looking at different documentary types and formats such as Expository, Observational, Dramatization, Narritivisation. I will also be talking about Balance on News night and Impartiality.


• BBC News night- Dr Wendy Piat. The way news night works is they try to create a balanced argument and Jeremy Paxman will only step in if the argument Is getting to one sided and he will let someone else put there point across. In tis episode of News-night Jeremy Paxman pits them with questions about the fees of universities and the access for the leading universities. This interview is a formal interview, Paxman does this so he can get both sides to the argument to create a balanced debate so everyone can give there opinion.

Impartiality• BBC News Night-Matthew Perry Debates• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDtIZZiySgA• We must me inclusive considering the broad perspectiveThat’s reflected this is a quote from the BBC and this quote States that every viewpoint should be shown equally and this Applies to all programs

In this episode of News Night Jeremy Paxman debates drug courts and addiction with Matthew Perry, Peter Hitchens and Barroness Meacher. This episode shows impartiality with Jeremy Paxman starts the debate with a controversial question and what he dies is he leaves both sides of the argument to create a debate. Jeremy Paxman will only speak when he feels that the debate is becoming one sided and he will then give someone else a chance to argue there point across. In this debate it shows an actor who abuses drugs, a journalist and anti drug campaigner with an in between argument who is a chair, drug policy reform all party group. This created a balanced and equal argument to develop a full answer on the chosen subject.

Representation• An example for representation would be the BBC and the BBCs mission The BBC guidelines for mission and values are:

• The BBCs The way how the BBC use these techniques of representation in the programmes that they create is by informing, educating and entertaining the public. The way how the BBC represent the missing plane from Malaysia would be that they are informing us about the Malaysian air craft has disappeared and they are also educating us about this by explaining about how the plane disappeared and where the plane could be disappeared and this also shows that the BBC are following there guidelines.

Objectivity• On news-night there is objectivity which is showing both sides to the argument. • On news night the presenter allows both sides of the argument depending on the presenter of the show on the night she or

he will be very aggressive when asking the questions to try and get the answer that they want and they will keep on doing this and keep on repeating the question. The presenter will also try to maintain the argument and keep it balanced so she can get everyone's point of view and the presenter will ask open questions all the time to try and get the answer that they will want. On News-night the presenter will always try to get both sides of the argument on why the program is called Benefits Street one of the journalists who is on the show will be arguing why it should be called Benefits Street and there will be another who is against the idea of the program and the presenter will set them up with a question and she or he will let them argue against each other and let them get there points across. On News-night one of the journalists makes the point that programs should be balanced and that Benefits is a very big issue in Britain so why show a program about it. Also what the BBC do which is clever once the show has finished they put there Hash tag up for people who use social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook the BBC provoke a reaction to the show and try and get peoples opinions on the program Benefits Street. The guests on the show al get a chance to reflect and give there opinion.


SubjectivityKate Hopkins is uses a lot of subjective opinion's for example when she is on This Morning forward that she is against fat people working at clothes shops such as Topshop and HM and that if the person you want to hire is in better shape than the women who is fat she would employ them. Kate Hopkins gets put on TV because what she will say will provoke a reaction from the public and they will do this by adding the Has tag on there after the show and people who have watched This Morning will be writing comments on Twitter and Facebook and they will be sending in there questions to be asked during the show and Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield will be asking some of the fans questions to Kate on the show.


News Readers• The Codes and Conventions that Studio News Readers use whilst on the BBC news are that they Discourse how they say

things this is that there voice gets more serious when there saying the main headlines there voice will get deeper. • Another Codes and Conventions is that the news presenters are calm when they are giving the news on air and they are

formal and they have a formal dress code which if it is a man who is reporting the news than it will be suit and tie and if it is a women than it will be a dress and a smart jacket to go over it.

• Another Codes and Conventions of Studio News Readers is that there posture is always straight and there always sat up there not sat back on there chair the presenter always look professional and ready to present the news and this means that people will take them seriously.

Interviews• On the BBC News they use different Codes and Conventions for the interviews they use on the news. On the BBC news one

of the codes and conventions is that they use experts for example recently there had been a Malaysian Aircraft that has gone missing and when the BBC are reporting this they will interview an expert on aeroplanes and he will explain to the presenter how the aircraft may have disappeared.

• Another Codes and Convention that the BBC uses is Witnesses for reporting the news for example there have been a lot riots in Ukraine about how the country is being run so the BBC will broadcast to us footage of what is happening over In Ukraine and will speak to witnesses of what is happening such as have they seen the riots and why they think it is happening and what is the witnesses opinion of what's happening.

• BBC also use interviews to give its viewers more of an insight of what is happening and they also use them to back up the story that they are reporting.

Field Reporters• There are codes and conventions for a field reporter for the BBC and they are similar to the News Readers. One of the codes

and conventions is that the field reporters always have a smart dress with shirt and tie maybe a blazer depending on the weather sometimes they don’t have to weather but the majority of the time they have to dress formally.

• Another codes and conventions for a field reporters is that when they are reporting the news they use facts for example when I was watching the news on the riots in Ukraine they were telling us all the facts about what is happening and on the news that I watched yesterday they were telling the people who were watching the news the field reporter was telling us the facts about Ukraine joining Russia and the reporter was explaining the treaty.

• Another codes and conventions is that the field reporter is that his eyes are always looking at the camera that is when the field reporters are speaking on the news they will always be focusing on the camera.


Observational • An Observational Documentary is a documentary where there it is quiet for example a National Geographic animal

documentary or a BBC animal documentary. What happens in these documentary's are that they observe animals in there habitats or they can observe places or events In order to portray there documentary and there will be a voiceover explaining what is going on in the footage you will be seeing. The observational documentary usually contains images for example if you are watching an animal documentary they will have mainly images of the animas in there habitat and showing what they do .

• In these documentary's they use Cutaways in the documentary after they have shown what is happening. In the documentary they use Jump cuts and Match cuts and they will also use voice overs when they are showing the animals in there habitats. They use Cutaways on Documentary's to move the story forward and to start a new story this could be from showing different images of the animals for example in David Attenborough's Spy in the Den documentary there will be a voice over of what is happening in the Documentary then there will be a cut away and then that will move on the story.

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm3SQb7PGDM

Dramatization• Dramatization is a reconstruction of an event played by actor which is used to give the audience a further insight into a real

even which has occurred. Dramatization is also where they will exaggerate things like a criminal investigation and they will drag it on.

• By dramatizing the investigation this can bring out a reaction from the viewers and they do this on crimewatch with there text in in numbers to get peoples views on what has happened.

• An example of a dramatization documentary would be crimewatch because they will dramatize what is happening and this maybe a real life event. Dramatization uses Reconstructions where they will rein act a real life event.

• Dramatization and Narritivisation are similar to each other they both can try to make something that doesn't ’t look as bad as it is with using Reconstructions

• The example that I have used is the Madeline McCann story because within the first 30 seconds there are cutaways which move the story on, they use voiceovers in there to describe the story in more depth also within the first 30 seconds there Is a Reconstruction which is a reenactment of what might have happened In the kidnapping of Madeline McCan.

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyJwns_MTok


• Expository documentaries are documentaries that expose a person or a topic and well known for having a voice of god (Voiceover) talking over videos, Images and explaining the story.

• Expository documentaries use a lot of cutaways to start a new story on the documentary for example in the Insane Fight club documentary there will be a fight scene then a cut away of a motorway to show they maybe traveling to another fight and this will be the start of a new story in the documentary. This documentary is a human interest as well if you are interested in watching wrestling. They use Voice overs in the documentary and they also use a hash tag at the end of the documentary provoking a reaction on social networking sites from people so they can write comments to the BBC and the BBC will read these comments and feedback on the Documentary. This documentary is a journey because it shows how 5 lads came up with an idea to start doing wrestling in a pub and people liked it and they were able to get bigger audiences and this abled them to stage it at one of the biggest arenas in Glasgow.

• On Insane Fight Club what they do is they show them creating a living out of Insane Fight Club and this earns them money and this is why it is also a Journey Documentary

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA-Rj_saAB4

Narrativisation• Narrativisation is in film theory, narratively refers to the processes by which a story is both presented by the filmmaker and

interpreted by the viewer.• Narrativisation is used on shows like TOWIE (The only way is Essex) which is scripted so the actors will say what is on the

script and these are made for them by film makers • On towie they will use a lot of cutaways to end the story and start a new one for example they will show a scene with Joey

Essex and few others in there and then what they will do is show a cutaway of the town and then this will then start of a new story on the show.

• On TOWIE again at the start and at the end of the program they show the Hash tag TOWIE so this will provoke a reaction from the fans who watch the show and this will maybe get more viewers for ITV because people reactions on Social Networking sites might attract more viewers to the show. On TOWIE they don’t use a lot of voice overs in the show ether.

• On shows like TOWIE and Made in Chelsea they will also use a lot of Dramatization and they will make something look worse than it actually is and exaggerate it.

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgROuxXkKME