Unit 2 The Constitution of the United States of America.

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Transcript of Unit 2 The Constitution of the United States of America.

Unit 2The Constitution of the

United States of America

Relevant Standards of LearningCE.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of American

constitutional government by

b) explaining the significance of the charters of the Virginia Company of London, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, the Declaration of

Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, and the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights;

c) identifying the purposes for the Constitution of the United States as stated in its Preamble;

d) identifying the procedures for amending the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States.

CE.3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship and the rights, duties, and

responsibilities of citizens by

b) describing the First Amendment freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition, and the rights guaranteed by due process and

equal protection of the laws.

Student objectives

• Describe the influence of early documents on the formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. (CE 2b)

• Identify the purposes of the Constitution as stated in the Preamble. (CE.2c)

• List and describe First Amendment freedoms, due process, and equal protection of the law. (CE.3b)

• Explain the process for amending the Constitution of the United States of America and the Virginia Constitution. (CE.2d)

List the influence of each of the following on the U. S. Constitution

Charters of the Virginia Company of London

Granted English rights to American colonists. Rights were unalienable.

Virginia Declaration of Rights

Written by George Mason, this document served as a model for the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U. S. Constitution

Virginia Statute For Religious Freedom

Written by Thomas Jefferson, this document guaranteed that government would not establish or prohibit religious practice. It was a model for the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Declaration of Independence

Declared American independence and stated grievances against the King of England. Guaranteed life, liberty, and property and equality under the law.

Articles of Confederation

Formed a weak central government and led to the formation of the U. S. Constitution.

What are the purposes of the Constitution of the United States as they are stated in the Preamble?

To form a union Make a better country

Establish justice Be fair

Ensure domestic tranquility Keep order

Provide for the common defense Protect the country

Promote the general welfare Alleviate suffering and make sure that people are doing OK

Secure the blessings of liberty Protect basic human rights and freedoms

List and describe the five First Amendment freedoms.

Freedom Description

Freedom of religion

Freedom of speech

Freedom of the press

Freedom of assembly

Right to petition

List and describe the five First Amendment freedoms.

Freedom Description

Freedom of religion People are free to worship as they choose and the government may not interfere.

Freedom of speech

Freedom of the press

Freedom of assembly

Right to petition

List and describe the five First Amendment freedoms.

Freedom Description

Freedom of religion People are free to worship as they choose and the government may not interfere.

Freedom of speech Individuals are free to express their opinions and beliefs

Freedom of the press

Freedom of assembly

Right to petition

List and describe the five First Amendment freedoms.

Freedom Description

Freedom of religion People are free to worship as they choose and the government may not interfere.

Freedom of speech Individuals are free to express their opinions and beliefs

Freedom of the press The media may gather and publish information, even that which is critical of the government.

Freedom of assembly

Right to petition

List and describe the five First Amendment freedoms.

Freedom Description

Freedom of religion People are free to worship as they choose and the government may not interfere.

Freedom of speech Individuals are free to express their opinions and beliefs

Freedom of the press The media may gather and publish information, even that which is critical of the government.

Freedom of assembly The right of the people to gather together for peaceful purposes.

Right to petition

List and describe the five First Amendment freedoms.

Freedom Description

Freedom of religion People are free to worship as they choose and the government may not interfere.

Freedom of speech Individuals are free to express their opinions and beliefs

Freedom of the press The media may gather and publish information, even that which is critical of the government.

Freedom of assembly The right of the people to gather together for peaceful purposes.

Right to petition The right to make your views known to government officials.

What is due process of law?

What is due process of law?

• 5th Amendment

Protection from unfair government practices by the national government

What is due process of law?

• 5th Amendment

Protection from unfair government practices by the national government

• 14th Amendment

Protection from unfair government practices by state governments

What is the process for amending the U. S. Constitution?

What is the process for amending the Constitution?

1. Action by two-thirds majority of Congress, or two-thirds majority of the states

What is the process for amending the Constitution?

1. Action by two-thirds majority of Congress, or two-thirds majority of the states

2. Ratification by three-fourths of state conventions or state legislatures

What is the process for amending the Virginia Constitution?

What is the process for amending the Virginia Constitution?

1. Proposal by a majority of both houses of the Virginia General Assembly

What is the process for amending the Virginia Constitution?

1. Proposal by a majority of both houses of the Virginia General Assembly

2. Ratification by a majority of Virginia voters

Raise your hand to answer the following questions!

What do the following things have in common?

• Secure the blessings of liberty

• Promote the general welfare

• Establish justice

• Provide for the general defense

• Ensure domestic tranquility

• Form a more perfect union

What do the following things have in common?

• Right to petition

• Freedom of assembly

• Freedom of the press

• Freedom of speech

• Freedom of religion

What do the following things have in common?

• Articles of Confederation

• Charters of the Virginia Company

• Virginia Statute For Religious Freedom

• Virginia Declaration of Rights

• Declaration of Independence

What are the two due process amendments?

5 & 145 & 14

What do we call the first 10 amendments to the U. S.


Bill of RightsBill of Rights

What proportion of both houses of the U. S. Congress does it take to

propose an amendment to theU. S. Constitution?


What proportion of the states are required to ratify an amendment to

the U. S. Constitution?


Law enforcement, disease prevention, and social security are all consistent with which

Preamble purpose?

Promote the general welfare

How many times has a constitutional amendment been

used to repeal a previous amendment?


How many times has the U. S. Constitution been changed?


What should you do tonight?