Unit 2 Test Review - PC\|MACimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/NC/WilsonCounty...Unit 2 Test Review....

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Unit 2 Test Review

Which part of this sentence from The Autobiography identifies it as an autobiography? “I wished to live without committing any fault at any time.”

The word I

Why is the selection by Franklin identified as an autobiography?

Franklin wrote about his own life

According to The Autobiography, what is Franklin's first step in his plan to reach perfection?

He makes a list of what he wants to achieve

In The Autobiography, what does Franklin say keeps him from becoming a better person?

His own bad habits

What conclusion can you draw about why Franklin has trouble staying organized, according to The Autobiography?

He has too many responsibilities

In The Autobiography, why does Franklin assign a week to each of the virtues he is trying to achieve?

He hopes the strength he gains each week will spill over into the next

In The Autobiography, Franklin believes that he can become a better person. What does this belief tell you about how he sees himself?

He has high hopes for himself

What information does The Autobiography reveal to readers about Franklin?

What type of person he was

Franklin writes in The Autobiography that even though he is old, he has not reached perfection. What conclusion can you draw from this information?

He thinks it is still worthwhile to try to become a better person

Which reminder from Poor Richard's Almanack connects best to Franklin's ideas about trying to become a better person?

“Tis easier to prevent bad habits than to break them”

What is the best meaning of this aphorism from Poor Richard's Almanack? “For want of a nail the shoe is lost; for want of a shoe the horse is lost; for want of a horse the rider is lost.”

Small details can affect all of your work

What is Jefferson's main form of persuasion in The Declaration of Independence?

He offers a list of colonists’ complaints against the British king

Which phrase from The Declaration of Independence is charged, or filled with emotion?

“without consent”

Why is Jefferson's list of self-evident truths effective in The Declaration of Independence?

It restates beliefs people already have

What overall announcement does The Declaration of Independence make?

The Colonists declare a separation from Great Britain

In The Crisis, Number 1, what concern does Paine express about “the sunshine patriot” who might “shrink from the service of his country”?

He wants people to be willing to fight, even at great risk

In The Crisis, Number 1, what does Paine try to convince his listeners to fight for?


Where does Paine use charged words in these examples from The Crisis, Number 1?

He says “Tyranny” is like “Hell”

In The Crisis, Number 1, when Paine compares the colonies' relationship with Britain to the chains of slavery, what emotion does he hope to persuade his readers to feel?In The Crisis, Number 1, when Paine compares the colonies' relationship with Britain to the chains of slavery, what emotion does he hope to persuade his readers to feel?


Why does Paine write in The Crisis, Number 1, that a generous parent would say: “If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace”?

To fight now so that their descendants will not have to

Which phrase from The Crisis, Number 1 includes charged words?

will curse his cowardice

What is the main idea of Paine's essay The Crisis, Number 1?

The colonist must fight tyranny

Which passage from “Letter to Her Daughter from the New White House” is an opinion?

“It is a very handsome room now”

In “Letter to Her Daughter from the New White House,” what fact does Abigail Adams offer to support her opinion that members of Congress will not find much comfort in Washington?

The buildings are unfinished

Why does Adams want bells, based on “Letter to Her Daughter from the New White House”?

to signal for help in the White House

What does Adams ask her daughter to keep secret in “Letter to Her Daughter from the New White House”?

her opinions on the state of the house

Based on “Letter to Her Daughter from the New White House,” what does Adams think of Washington so far?

She thinks it needs work as a city

Based on “Letter to Her Daughter from the New White House,” which of these best describes the character of Abigail Adams?

She makes the best of any situation

In his opening lines of The Crisis, Paine says, “the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” What do you think he means by these words? Do you agree with them? Write a brief essay giving your ideas about whether this phrase makes good sense to you as a way for Paine to get colonists to fight against England.