Unit 2 Section A I used to be afraid of the dark..

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Unit 2 Section A I used to be afraid of the dark..

Unit 2

Section A

I used to be afraid of the dark.

What did Guo Donglin look like four years ago?

What does he look like now?

What did she look like

years ago?

What does she look like now?


short tall

fat thin

straight hair curly hair

long hair short hair


shy outgoing

funny serious

friendly quiet

More words (Appearance)medium height 中等身材 heavy/overweight 胖plump 丰满skinny 太瘦的slim 苗条tubby 矮胖muscular 强壮good-looking 好看plain 长得一般

smartly dressed 穿着得体well dressed 穿得漂亮neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁blond/black hair 金发 / 黑发beard 胡须 moustache 八字胡wrinkled face 脸上有皱纹wearing glasses 戴眼镜big eyes 大眼睛

More words (Personality)lazy 懒的

kind 善良的efficient 办事效率高的strict 严厉的generous 慷慨的patient 有耐心的forgetful 健忘的boring 令人乏味的open-minded 思想开放的traditional 思想保守的,传统的

humorous 幽默的easygoing 容易相处的intelligent 有才智的 , 聪明的clever/smart 聪明的 wise 有智慧的brave 勇敢的 hard-working 勤奋的beautiful/pretty 美丽的 / 漂亮的cute 可爱的 foolish 傻的selfish 自私的

1. “used to+ 不定式”表示过去常常干某事 , 现在不再干了。


I used to go to work by bus. Now I

take a taxi.

She used to be very shy.

2. used to 可用于存在句。例如:There used to be a cinema here before

the war.

战前这儿有一家电影院。3. 在否定句和附加疑问句中,可以用usedn’t (used not) ,也可以用 didn’t 。例如:

He usedn’t / didn’t use / used not to smoke.


He used to live here, didn’t / usedn’t he?


在本册书的 Unit 12 我们将会学到 be (get) used to

be used to 中的 to 是个介词,和used to 不同。该词组的含义是“习惯于……”。所以 to 后面不能接动词原形,而要接名词

或 v-ing 形式。

They are used to the hard work here



I’m used to dealing with matters

of this kind.


1b Listen. What did Bob’s friends use

to look like?

1. Mario used to be ______.

He used to wear _______ .

2. Amy used to be______ .

She used to have __________.

3. Tina used to have ____ and





short hair



Conversation 1

Bob: Mario, is that you?Mario: Yeah, it is. It’s Bob! Hey, guys, it’s Bob! I haven’t seen you for four years!Bob: Yeah. I’m here with my parents. We were visiting for couple of days. Wow, Mario, you look different ! You used to be short, didn’t you?

Mario: Yes, I did. Now I’m tall. And so

are you!

Bob: That’s true…And you used to

wear glasses.

Mario: you have a great memory. Now

I wear contact lenses!

Conversation 2

Bob: Hey, Amy, It’s great to see you.Amy: Hi, Bob. How are you?Bob: Fine. Wow, you’ve changed!Amy: Really? How?Bob: Well, you used to have short hair.Amy: You remember that? Yes, I did. Bob: And you used to be really tall!Amy: Not any more. You are taller than me now, Bob.

Conversation 3

Tina: Hiya, Bob.Bob: Hi, Tina. You’ve changed too.Tina: Oh, yeah?Bob: You have blond hair!Tina: Yeah, it used to be red, didn’t it?Bob: And it’s straight!Tina: It used to be curly.

1c Pairwork Make conversation with your partner.


A: Mario used to be short.

B: Yes, he did. Now he’s tall!

2a Listen and check the words you hear.

shy serious

friendly funny

outgoing quiet

2b Listen again and fill in the blanks

with the words you hear.

G: Hey, Steve! Over here, Don’t you

remember me?

B: Oh, wow! You’re Paula, aren’t you?

G: That’s right.

B: But you used to be really ____,

didn’t you?


G: Yeah! I wasn’t very _______.

B: No, you weren’t. But you were always

_______. Wait a minute! Did you

use to play the piano?

G: Yes, I did. But now I’m more

interested in ______. I play soccer

and I’m on the swim team.

B: Wow! People sure change.




2c Pairwork Make conversations about yourselves.


A: I used to be really quiet.

B: I know. Now you’re very outgoing.


Remember the new words