Unit 15 pitch - jess sheridan

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Transcript of Unit 15 pitch - jess sheridan

My Pitch – Unit 15

By Jess Sheridan

Advert of Inspiration

This is my advert of inspiration for my poster. I have chosen this one because it has bright colours and stands out to the audience. Also because I liked the small images around the headlines because it catches peoples eye sight and makes them concentrate more into the detail of the poster.



Font styles

These are my font styles I might be using for my festival.

Chosen font style

• I have chosen this font style because it stands out and is bold to my target audience. Also it is curly and looks jolly and cheerful.

Mind Map

F - festival

Target audience-my festival would appeal to 16-35 year olds, female and male because of the eclectic genre meaning it has a range of genres therefore would appeal to a range of different audiences.

Colour scheme – the colours I will be using are; blue, green, yellow and pink. I have chosen these colours because they are bright and makes my poster/advertisement stand out.

I have named my poster/advertisement ‘F festival’ the ‘F’ stands for fever, this means it has warmth, passion, joy, and thrill in the name ‘fever’.

Slogans:“When words fail, music speaks”“Rock Off and Rave on”“Bring music to life”“Eat.Sleep.Rave.Repeat” “Have music your way”“Music is our middle name”“Making music taste better”“Step into the music”

Frequency of release – I would start with the main headliners first and then what dates they are playing. I will start advertising near the beginning of the year and then carry on every few weeks so people have a few months to decide.

Mood board

Graphic layout






Dates and times

Hand drawn drafts

Logo design

The logo on the left is my logo and the one on the right is my poster of inspiration. They both are similar because I like the way V-Festival made their logo. They both have something which stands out on it. For example; on my logo the colour of it makes it stand out and on the V-Festival poster the ‘V’ is bright red with a white shadow behind it to make it stand out and make the ‘V’ represent Virgin media.

Photo-shoot plan

I have taken pictures of these because it is for my photo-shoot plan and I needed the pictures to put on my advertisement and my poster.

Photo-Shoot Plan

House style

My house style is pink ,blue, yellow and green. I have chosen these colours because they remind me of summer and stand out, also make the poster/advertisement look bright and inviting.

I have chosen the colour yellow because it’s the colour of sunshine which promotes that my festival is in the summer. Yellow also produces a warming effect to my poster as well. The colour pink represents caring, compassion and love, I have put pink into my poster to show love and caring towards the audience.

Main Headlines / Artists

I have chosen these artists because they are popular to the target audience I have spoken about for my festival. They are all well known so everyone will know them.

Production Plan Week 1 - 28th July

Week beginning:


Decide on the advertisements I want to produce and the audio-visual

Discuss ideas




Start on all advertisements with all members of staff


Design house style


Design house style and artists

Decide what artists will be on the audio-visualadvertisement and decide on locations for filming advertisement





Complete by: Monday 3rd July

Completeby:4th July

Completeby:5th July

Completeby:6th July

Completeby:7th July

Completeby:8th July

Completeby:9th July

In the production plan I have shown how long it will take to produce the advertisements step by step. The production plan highlights the plan for all the advertisements including the audio-visual

Week 2

Week beginning:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




Create all advertisements

Create all advertisements

Create all advertisements

Create all advertisements

Create all advertisements

Complete by:10th July

Complete by:12th July

Complete by:13th July

Complete by:14th July

Complete by:15th July

Complete by:16th July

Complete by:17th July

Week 3

Week beginning:


Create all advertisements


Create all advertisements


Check over all ideas and discuss


Add any details if necessary

Friday Saturday




Complete by:18th July

Complete by:19th July

Complete by:20th July

Complete by:21st July

Complete by:22nd July

Complete by:24th July

Complete by:25th July

Week 4

Week beginning:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




Finish producing the advertisements

Advertisementsfor printing or sent to distribution company –audio-visual checked by ASA and OFCOM

ALL advertisementslaunch

Complete by:26th July

Complete by:27th July

Complete by:28th July

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

Location Recce

Location Recce


Copy right issues – Copyright means you have to ask for permission to use their work. This can be shown on

a photo or written work. This means I will have copyright on my work so then people will have to email me

and ask for permission to use my work.

© will be located above my barcode so when the readers are reading the price of the poster they will see

that it has the copy right symbol on it.

To make sure everything is ethical and respectful for the audience to view and also no adverts should not be

giving false information about what they are selling or promoting or exaggerate claims made.

It is important that no offensive/violent language is anywhere on my adverts and that everything stated on

there is legit otherwise there would be defamation and libel.

Source: https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/manage-data/legal-ethical

Audio Visual Advertisement

If I was to create a visual advertisement for my upcoming festival, I would include all of the main headlines; for example, Beyoncé, The script, Justin Bieber and DJ EZ. My target audience is 16-35 year olds, female and male because of the eclectic genre meaning it has a range of genres therefore would appeal to a range of different audiences. Having these artists play at my festival will help promote my target audience. I will film it on 28th July in (Chelmsford). I have chosen this place because its where V -Festival is and that is my festival of inspiration.

Risk Assessment

• HP Stream 11-r001na Laptop 32GB (Violet Purple)

• £159.00 x 1 = £159

1 poster costs £17I am going to print 1,000 posters out £17 (per 10 units) x 1,000 = £100

Graphic Designer £19,870

Interim £1,655


Employees Salary per year

Graphic Designer £19,870

Editor £23,260

Production Editor £22,700

Editorial assistant £18,463

Reporter £21,134

Legal £20,000 - £30,000

Human resources £17,000

Publisher £50,000

TOTAL COST; £192,427


When creating print based advertisements I need to make sure they don’t have copyright infringement. Copyright is one of the main types of intellectual property. Others include designs, patents and trademarks. Intellectual property allows a person to own things they create in the same way as something physical can be owned. It is the right to prevent others copying or reproducing someone's work.This is relevant to to my festival because people might photocopy the logo or the pictures on the posters. Looking at Libel they would have to make sure that nothing in print can be classed as defamation and also Royalties comes into it, anyone who wants to use someone's work, for example a logo, they will receive royalties depending on the amount of income generated.


• To continue with legal and ethical issues a model release form will need to be made for the person who is being photographed to sign. Furthermore, public interest is important as you have the welfare of the general public in mind. Furthermore, violence and offensive behaviour is a legal and ethical issue, you must be aware of children who may read the advertisements. It is important the print based advertisement does not have any offensive language such as swearing and do not include any violence such as violent concert images.


Copy right issues – Copyright means you have to ask for permission to use their work. This can be shown on

a photo or written work. This means I will have copyright on my work so then people will have to email me

and ask for permission to use my work.

© will be located above my barcode so when the readers are reading the price of the poster they will see

that it has the copy right symbol on it.

To make sure everything is ethical and respectful for the audience to view and also no adverts should not be

giving false information about what they are selling or promoting or exaggerate claims made.

It is important that no offensive/violent language is anywhere on my adverts and that everything stated on

there is legit otherwise there would be defamation and libel.

Source: https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/manage-data/legal-ethical


The USP of my poster is the colour and small images, the colour stands out and this is especially important for a pass along audience. The images around the outside makes the poster appealing to look at and it highlights the festival with will exciting.

Comparison of Existing Products

My final product is very similar to my inspiration one which is V Festival. I have used all the small images around the edge of the page, however my images are a lot brighter which makes the poster stand out more. I have also ‘repeated’ (Steve Neale 1980) the boxes with the artist names inside them. I wanted to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale – 1980) certain conventions so my advertisements looked as professional if not better.

Final Advertisement/Poster Launch date: Friday 28th July