Unit 10 – we had a great time

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Transcript of Unit 10 – we had a great time

UNIT 10 – WE HAD A GREAT TIME!Belinda Baardsen, American Ex Pat, ESL Instructor

Vocabulary Refreshercycling, tennis,

swimming, rugby, fishing,

horse riding, ice skating,

skiing, wind surfing,

golf, football, chess,

walking, jogging

Vocabulary Refresher

cycling, tennis,

swimming, rugby, fishing,

horse riding, ice skating,

skiing, wind surfing,

golf, football, chess,

walking, jogging

Past SimpleWhen is this?

When is this?




Past Simple

What time is it?

7:55 am

What time is it now?


What is a Verb?

What is a Regular Verb?


Verbs are

words of action!

Verb ~ Past Simple

Walk – I like to walk every day.

Walked – I walked

across the mountains on holiday in 2012.


Regular Verbs – remain the same. but with add ons

Walk ED





RanTurn to Page 142



Irregular Verbs



Look at them run!

They ran at 7:30 am!



Activity – Page 61

Workbook Page 61

ICQs : Which book are you using?

What page is it? What are you


So, let’s review what we know so far.

Oral review and understanding of Past Simple. Draw a time line to represent the tense.

Past Irregular VerbsPresent

Flew Fly

What about regular verbs?

Past PresentRegular Verb

Pour ed Pour


Activity past tense of regular and irregular verbs


Practice writing in past simple. (Workbook page 63).

Peer checking.

My last holiday.

Elicit what people do on holiday and questions that could be

asked about a person's holiday.

Write the questions on the board.

Speaking Activity

Speaking: Using the questions given by the students working in pairs

ask each other the same questions about their last


Give examples.I went horseback


Speaking – share what you know

Get a few of the pairs to tell the class what they found out

about their classmates


My last Holiday: Writing

Ask the students to write about their last holiday and to put as much information in.

Show an example.

Example: Teacher Belinda’s last holiday

I went to American when I went on my last holiday last summer. I went to Colorado, and Florida, where I live in both states. I went to see my family, and friends. I also went to see my horse, Butter.

My horse lives in the Colorado Rocky mountains. I can ride him outside, but I like to ride him inside an enclosed arena. I had a great time riding my horse, seeing my family, and friends.

I went to restaurants with family and friends and I had great food! I also went to a place called “South Park.” It’s in Colorado. It’s an authentic town rebuilt from the 1800’s. It is very famous.

Then, I went hiking in the mountains with my friends. I took pictures of eagles, and other wildlife. The weather was very nice, and I had a great time. I miss my friends, family and my horse and cannot wait to see them again this summer.

Feedback from the writing activity

Ask a couple of students to talk

about their holiday.

Topic: Going sightseeing

Vocabulary drill: Say these words

after me:

sightseeing, tourist, tell, map, somewhere, holiday,

vacation, travel, cosmopolitan, international, ticket, bus, car, drive, travel, do, does, have, has, she, he, her, mine, I, yours, ours, it,
