Unit 1 Test Review

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Unit 1 Test Review. Colonization Era. New England Colonies. Connecticut Why? Freedom of Religion Who? Puritans New Hampshire Why? Freedom of Religion Who? Puritans Massachusetts Why? Freedom of Religion Who? Pilgrims Rhode Island Why? Freedom of Religion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unit 1 Test Review

Unit 1 Test ReviewColonization Era

New England Colonies• Connecticut

– Why? Freedom of Religion– Who? Puritans

• New Hampshire– Why? Freedom of Religion– Who? Puritans

• Massachusetts– Why? Freedom of Religion– Who? Pilgrims

• Rhode Island– Why? Freedom of Religion– Who? Roger Williams and Anne Hutchison

New England Climate• Long, cold winters• Rocky soil, not good for farming. • Positioned on the North Atlantic Coast• Many forests and rivers

New England Economy$$$

• Fishing• Whaling• Timber• Shipping• Trade• Subsistence farming– Only grew enough to feed themselves and their

families. – They did NOT sell their goods.

Middle Colonies• New York– Why? To make $$ (economic)

• New Jersey– Why? To make $$ (economic)

• Pennsylvania– Why? Freedom of Religion– Who? William Penn & the Quakers

• Delaware– Why? Political Freedom

Middle Colony Climate• Very flat, fertile land• Mild Winters

Middle Colony Economy$$$

• AKA “Breadbasket Colonies”• Farmed food products to feed the colonies• Produced– Wheat– Grain– Iron– Dairy

Southern Colonies• Virginia

– Why? To make $$ (economic)– Who? John Smith

• Maryland– Why? Freedom of Religion– Who? Lord Baltimore and the Catholics

• North and South Carolina– Why? To make $$ (economic)

• Georgia– Why? Refuge for debtors and convicts– Who? James Oglethorp

Southern Colony Climate• Fertile Soil• Very long growing seasons• Very warm and sunny

Southern Colony Economy$$$

• Plantation Agriculture– Cotton– Rice– Tobacco– Indigo– Sugar cane

Mayflower Compact• Who? Men• When? 1620• Where? Plymouth• What did it do? – Set forth ideas of self government in the colonies– Basis for US Constitution in 1787

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

• Where? Connecticut• What did it do?– Extended voting rights to non-church members– Limited the power of the governor– Expanded the idea of representative government

House of Burgesses• 1st elected law making body in the colonies• Provided more local control in Virginia• Expanded the idea of representative


English ColonizationWhy??

• Gold– Economic $$

• High unemployment• Market for English goods• Source of raw materials

• God– Social

• Freedom from religious persecution• Opportunity for unhappy or unemployed English

• Glory– Political

• Competition with Spain and Portugal for new passage to India• Promise of gold to increase England’s wealth• Acquisition of territory to add to empire

MercantilismBritain's policy to control Colonial trade

ColoniesRaw Materials Mother


(Britain)Manufactured Goods

Transatlantic Trade Routes

Effects: New England made HUGE profits and slavery increased.

Jamestown• Where? Virginia• When? 1607• Why?

– Economic Reasons ($$)• Hardships?

– Swampy– Bad water and farmland– Harsh climate– Wasted time looking for gold– Disease

• How did it succeed?– John Smith, “He that will not work, shall not eat.”

• He also traded with Powhatan Indians for corn

Salutary Neglect• Britain helped the colonies work towards this

type of government by staying out of their business for many years. This became known as salutary neglect.

• This ‘neglect’ helped the colonies learn how to deal with their own problems & issues instead of waiting for Britain to fix things for them

Great Awakening• Religious movement in the colonies during the

1700’s.– Colonial culture changed because colonists began

to argue over religious practices & – People began to leave their church for the

Protestant one. – They also welcomed all people, regardless of race

or gender.

Enlightenment• A movement that emphasized reason and

science as the paths to knowledge.

• John Locke, a philosopher and Enlightenment figure applied the idea of natural law – people have unalienable rights which the government should protect.