Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Samples of former students at the Masters Program






To Understand likes and dislikes in the farm animals context


To identify vocabulary related to farm animals To recognize vocabulary related to farm animals in the context of a story To organize a sequence of a story

Theoretical framework for Materials Development

Needs analysis

Research question: How do first grade students develop their listening skill through short stories at Colombus American School?

Context: Colombus American School.

Theoretical framework:

Nuñez at al, 2009, presents a series of 8 components for materials development. 1. Needs assessment 2. Approach and design 3. Goals and objectives 4. Building the syllabus 5. Creating or adapting materiasl. 6. Revising and evaluating. 7. Piloting 8. Adjusting.

Second language acquisition principles: (Tomlinson, 1998)

• Achieve impact through novelty, variety, attractive presentation and appealing content.

• Help learners to feel ease: students learn in shorter time and being relaxed

• Readiness

• Draw learner’s conscious and unconscious attention to linguistic features.

• Provide opportunities for communicative purposes.

• Take into account students’ different learning styles

• Allows for a silent period

Learning strategies Approach: explicit: learners are aware of what and where they are

learning. (Tomlinson, 2011)


Vision of language: functional: language that we use to perform various functions (expressing likes and dislikes) (Tudor, 2001)

Theory of language learning:

- The role of affect: The interaction of students with learning activities is shaped by

cognitive, psychological and experiential factors that generate affective interaction with the learning process (Tudor, 2011)

Language teaching: indirect: it helps learners to discover thing for themselves.

(Tomlinson, 2011)

Language learning approach: Muti-dimensional approach: aims learners to develop the ability to produce and process an L2 by using their mental resources in ways similar to those they use when communicating in L1 (Tomlinson, 2000)

Innovation: At Colombus American School, a research based on English skills has never been developed. In this case this innovation will help students and teachers to address their need and try to find the correct path to overcome those.




1. As you listen to different animal sounds, number the pictures.

2. Draw a line to join pictures to the words.










Animal facts!

Do you know what the name of the baby cow is?

Yes, the name of the

baby caw is calf

Look a calf!

Learning strategy: using sounds to identify farm animals

Learning strategy: using imagery to evoque previous knowledge

1 1

Pictures taken from: http://doginstructions.com/farm-animals-clip-art-pinterest.html

Desinged by: Natalia Sánchez Narváez


3. Color and decorate a farm animal mask and be ready to listen an amazing story.

(find it in the cut out session).

While listening

4. Listen to Old McDonald’s farm story, then complete the missing words according to the picture.

Old McDonald’s Farm

Old McDonald has a farm, in the farm there is a calf.

–Mow, mow. – Hello baby. – Hello. – What’s the matter?. – I’m hungry, where is my mummy-? – Oh dear I’m busy now, ask the __dog____

– Hello – Hello dog – what’s the matter? – I’m hungry, where is my mummy? – Oh baby, I don’t know, ask the _______

– Hello baby – Hello sheep. – What’s the matter?. – I’m hungry, where is mummy? – Poor baby, I don’t know, ask the ______

– Hello baby. – Hello duck.- what’s the matter?. – I’m hungry, where is my mummy? – Poor baby, I don’t know, ask the ________

Taken from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS6D-5o5jTo Adapted by: Natalia Sánchez Narvaez

Hello baby. – Hello horse. –what’s the matter. –I’m hungry, where is my mummy? –Poor baby, I don’t know.

The little calf is very sad; suddenly old McDonald appears. –come here baby, I can help you now. –Oh. –here is your mummy. –oh mum, mum hello, mummy, mow, mow. –Hello baby. Now you can have some milk.

Learning strategy: using art and craft to motivate listening


Learning strategy: using imagery and the context to complete a story

1 2 Desinged by: Natalia Sánchez Narváez

Pictures taken from: http://www.cambridgeeducationaltoys.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=125


5. Post-listening.

6. listen again and write numbers to secuence the story.

7. Work in pairs. Ask a partner about his/her favorite farm animal and draw it.

My friend’s favorite farm

animal is:


I like pigs but I don’t

like cats

I like and I don’t like are

present simple forms of

the verb like. We use

the present simple to

talk about things that

are true now.

Affirmative I like

Negative I don’t like


Learning strategy: using imagery to sequence a story

Learning strategy: asking for information

1 3 Desinged by: Natalia Sánchez Narváez

Pictures adapted from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS6D-5o5jTo




8. Look Lucy’s animal likes. Then complete the sentences below

a. I don’t like cows

b. I ____________ horses

c. I ____________ dogs

d. I ____________ sheeps

e. I _____________ ducks

9. Now write about you, draw a if you like the animal and a if you don’t like it. Share the information with your classmates.

a. I _______________ cows b. I _______________ horses c. I _______________ dogs

d. I _______________ sheeps e. I _______________ ducks

Learning strategy: using clues to apply a grammatical pattern

Learning strategy: using clues and personal information to complete sentences

10. Work in groups of five and design a toilet roll farm animal. Use the following materials.

1. Toilet roll

2. Colors

3. Printer

4. Scissors

5. Glue

Enjoy this amazing project

1 4 Desinged by: Natalia Sánchez Narváez




Needs to improve

I enjoy English class

I participate in all the activities

I enjoy in group activities

I identify the vocabulary about farm animals

I recognize vocabulary about farm animals in the context of a story

I follow the sequence of a story

I understand the use of like and don’t like

1 Desinged by: Natalia Sánchez Narváez