Unit 1 Copper - Comic

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Unit 1 Copper - Comic

  • 8/4/2019 Unit 1 Copper - Comic



    does copper dofor me?

  • 8/4/2019 Unit 1 Copper - Comic


    The amount of copper used in the UKeach year works out at 9kg per person.Lets see where the copper is used.

    Lets start by looking in Jackand Emmas house.

    The roof is made of copper givingit a distinctive and attractiveappearance. Here the copperlooks green as it has patinated,forming a protective layer.

    Copper can be easilyshaped, lasts a long timeand, above all, looks great!

  • 8/4/2019 Unit 1 Copper - Comic



    Lets take a look at the otheruses of copper in Jack andEmmas lives.

    The door handles are made of brass, an alloy of copperand zinc. Brass is strong, hard wearing and a beautifulgolden colour too. Germs cant survive on copper orbrass so these handles are also hygienic.


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    Copper pipes deliver clean water fordrinking and cooking, and hot water forwashing and heating. The taps andshower heads are made of brass but youwouldnt know it because they are

    usually chrome-plated.

    Copper has excellent electrical conductivity and provideslighting and power for Jack and Emmas appliances - the TV,hi-fi, fridge and toaster.

    Imust hurry,Im already


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    Jacks car contains around 20kg ofcopper in its wiring and electronics forsafety, economy and comfort features.



    A high-speed electric train needs 2 tonnesof copper for its engines and 16 tonnes forthe overhead wires for each mile of track.

    An aeroplane can have over120 miles of copper cables.



    From Nelsons HMS Victory to modern pleasure yachts, copper

    has been used on ships hulls for centuries. It prevents algaeand barnacles from growing on the hull and slowing down theship.


    The 4 tonnes of copper ina wind turbine generatorhelp to convert windenergy to electricty.

  • 8/4/2019 Unit 1 Copper - Comic


    The computer ....

    The fax.........

    The cordless phone,,,,

    The photocopier....

    Grrrr!My dial-up connection is so slow

    and I cant email my report!

    Faster! Moreefficient! Terrific!

    Broadbanduses the existing coppertelephone cables to giveyou hi-speed internet

    access 24/7.

    Dont youhave ADSL


    Jacks PC has amicrochip with copperconnections, making itfaster, and a copperheat sink, helping tostop it overheating.

    Copper is used for coinsbecause it is hard wearing and

    easy to stamp with intricatedesigns, Coins, like othercopper items, can be recycledover and over again.


    anyone havechange for the


  • 8/4/2019 Unit 1 Copper - Comic


    That evening

    By eating a well-balanced diet, Jackand Emma get their daily intake ofcopper, essential for health anddevelopment, for forming red bloodcells and for our immune systems.

    Foetusesand babies need a lotof copper too - its

    essential for their growthand development

    Copper pots and pans are great for cooking,not just because of their attractiveappearance and durability, but also thanksto coppers excellent thermal conductivity.

    Copper is found all around us in our daily lives. It provides us withcomfort, safety and convenience in our homes and work places, all inperfect harmony with the environment.

    Whatshall we watchtonight Emma?

  • 8/4/2019 Unit 1 Copper - Comic


    Copper Development Association

    Publication 191, April 2007 Drawings:J




    For further information on copper:

    Copper Development Association

    5 Grovelands Business Centre

    Boundary Way

    Hemel Hempstead

    HP2 7TE

    Email: helpline@copperdev.co.uk

    Fax: 01442 275716

    Website: www.cda.org.uk