Unit 1 Career Management CNN reporter Wall Street, the old boys’ network has always been home to...

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Transcript of Unit 1 Career Management CNN reporter Wall Street, the old boys’ network has always been home to...

Unit 1 Career Management

CNN reporter

Wall Street, the old boys’ network has always been home to men in suits. And, though they are quick to open the door for a lady, it is Wall Street women who have walked through that door and changed old perceptions.

When Muriel Siebert bought a seat on the New York Stock Exchange in 1967, she was the first woman to do so.

The old boys’ network

(Idm) The tendency among old boys, esp of British private schools, to help each

other in later life

Be home to:对某人或动物来说是家园Eg. Africa is a wonderful home to the cheetah.

In suits: in business suits 一套西装

Lady first

Wall Street

Perception: way of understanding or seeing sth.

New York Stock Exchange

Muriel Siebert

I took the constitution of the New York Stock Exchange home, I felt that I’m qualified, there was no prohibition in so many words against women.

And, I bought a seat on the New York Stock exchange, December twenty-eighth, 1967, I made the stock exchange coed.

For almost ten years I could say thirteen hundred and sixty-five men and me. I was more than delightfully outnumbered. I will tell you that there were some tough times.

constitution Laws or principles according to a which

a state is governed. Here it means regulations( 规章制度 )

Take sth, home: 把某物带回家

Qualify: v. ~ sb, for sth. Have the qualities that are necessary. So here should be “I’m qualified”

Coed n. informal female student at a coeducational school adj. coeducational Delightfully; giving delight 令人快乐的,愉悦的

Outnumber v. be more in number

eg. We were outnumbered two to one by the enemy. There were twice as many of them.


Tough times: difficult times

CNN reporter

And though she’s been called the first woman in finance, she was not the first to make waves on Wall Street.

In 1925, Sayra Lebenthal met her future husband while studying for the bar exam. Together they founded Lebenthal and company.

When her husband was forced to stop working due to illness. Sayra took over the company and became a major player on Wall Street. She stopped working at 93. her granddaughter Alexandra now runs the company.

waves: here means sudden,usu. temporary, increase of sth The bar:

(Brit) (all those who belong to )the profession of barrister 律师的职业,律师界

She’s training for the bar.

Be called to the bar : be received into the profession of barrister

Translation :她正在接受当律师的培训

Lebenthal & Company : Messrs Lebenthal & Co.

Take over: acquire or gain control of a business company, (esp by obtaining the support of a majority of its shareholders)

The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate.


Alexandra Lebenthal

What probably was most important was the fact that when I was four years old, five years old, I would come down to the office and my grandmother would be sitting behind this desk.

And so, to me your grandmother working and working on Wall Street and running a company, was a completely normal thing. Therefore, I should assume I could do the same thing. And I do see that in my own daughter. She has an imaginary company Diamonds, Diamonds, Diamonds, she is the CEO of it, and I think to myself,you know, there’s only one place you picked this up.

come down to : come from one place to another

Pick sth up: learn (a foreign language or a technique) by practicing

She soon picked up French when she went to live in France.

The children have picked up the local accent. Pick up the bad habits

CNN reporter

Having female family members in finance has helped pave the way. But for most of the women veterans on the street, bumping into a glass ceiling was the norm. Sometimes, getting to a meeting became more of a barrier than partaking in it.

pave the way for sb. or sth: (idm) create a situation in which sth specified possible or can happen.

Eg. His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion.

Veterans: person with much or long experience,

Veteran car: 老爷车 car made before 1916,esp, before 1905;

a veteran Rolls Royce 一辆劳斯莱斯老爷车

Bump into / against sth: collide with sth.

Guess who I bumped into today?

In the dark I bump into a chair.The car bumped against the kerb( 路边石 ).

Bump into sb. (Infml): meet sb by chance

A glass ceiling: upper limit, for sb who can not get further promotion Norm: (usu with the when sing) standard or pat

tern that is typical

Criminal behavior seems to be the norm in this neighborhood.

Partake of sth: eat or drink a part or portion of sth.

They invited us to partake of their simple meal.( 便饭 ) ; Will you partake of a glass of sherry ?

Barrier: obstacle

Partaking in : take part in it

Muriel Siebert

I’d go to the elevator, and they wouldn’t let me in the elevator. So I had to walk through the kitchen and up the back stairs.

And I was sitting in that room getting madder and madder and madder. I mean really mad. So much so that I really did not know what was going on in the meeting. And a couple of men asked me, “Hey, what happened? What’s wrong?” And I told them.

So after the lunch, they said “Come on with us to the elevator”. Well, they wouldn’t let them in the elevator with me. So we all walked down the stairs and through the kitchen.

Elevator( AmrE) 飞机的升降舱lift (Brit) 直上直下的电梯escalator: 扶手电梯

CNN reporter

Eighty-five Board is an organization for women in finance.

It was started by women in finance who worked for Goldman Sachs and name after the company’s street address.

Women in finance had a strong support network. But balancing career and family is still a struggle for female executives.

Eighty-five Board

Goldman Sachs

Name after: 以某某命名;

The road is named after me.

Patricia Chadwick

I think the door is wide open for women and, I think that at certain points in everybody’s life,

Family is very important decision, in all that. And women have to understand that as well.

they have to make decisions about how much farther they want to go.

CNN reporter

It’s been more than 75 years since Sayra Lebenthal started on Wall Street,

These women of Wall Street have different perspectives, but they seem to share a common hope for the future.

35 years since Muriel was the first woman to buy a seat on the exchange,

and 30 years of working her way to the top for Patricia Chadwick.

working one’s way (through college) : have a paid job while one is a student

to the top

working one’s way up: be promoted from a low grade to a high one

She has to work her way through law school.

working one’s way through: read or do sth from beginning to end

Alexandra Lebenthal

If we reach a point in time where those women have access to the same opportunities, access to capital both in the public and private markets and really recognize the power of the female entrepreneur again, I will feel that that’s a significant achievement for all of us.

access to: opportunity or right to use sth or approach sb.

Get access to classified information. Student must get access to a good library.


Private and public

Public placement: 公开发行

Private placement :私募发行

Patricia Chadwick

There were both opportunities, and times when it was more difficult.

I think sometimes people have a tendency to remember the more difficult times and forget how, in fact , there were some opportunities, perhaps , because one was a woman.

Muriel Siebert

You know, you really hope that one of these days we are going to see that a woman can makes the same mistakes and be head of a company the same way a man can.

CNN reporter

For Business Unusual, I’m Rhonda Schaffler, CNN Financial News, New York

Business Unusual :商场逸闻栏目