Union County courier. (Elk Point, Union County, D.T. [S.D ...€¦ · judge continuously sinco. He...

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Transcript of Union County courier. (Elk Point, Union County, D.T. [S.D ...€¦ · judge continuously sinco. He...

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grmnastutn em-m open air, and

Iwalking because %

THE COURIER. Official Paper of County.



Thursday, November 29,1894.

and much less

Mftixiedof their mounts, *&« ttottfa**

. vorid, reprinting is best In bicycle con-

tafi'tftfasasas^ ***•

Columbia JPOPK urn. co„

Mnl Yatk, Chicago, UirtMi

HVjhips M Lme Bicycle Supplies.

sv As; ^

£C i* o Xmtt Xi o ca- tj O tj S ! T*l! '•wumrfttllHiiinHfrn dictionary. It menns

*" '""U'no*IHn|,«nd (lilt is what nil of our competitors j*iW P*f* or a whole pa pec tnfcril the

>•* Elk Pofotaml vicinity that we are receiving our

HOLIDAY GOODS urMtt* SMit inspect tlpmn mill net for ynnrrrlf, Our toys

..^j p ali^dy arrived, sn<l tlii>rr im enough for the whole ...... 1 *>ywy <Mw.t*rtwNtl>rMln. Kveryltody is invited—the rich, >|Hiyeng th» m»dittm. Our big Una of eliinaware, contouring of IVs

ii)|Bl>W»Wl, Ohmiil»r win, fwiicy Cupusml Saucers, Vncwi, He., is fP*l lb* •bin* «° make your wife or your huHhnnd a pr«j-

EMlfcH JTOO<«l) both use- as wall aaVing fancy Dil l right in style. »W TO BEAT THIS BAN K.

iMjr y.on more than 4 percent on your money. I will b»*II IBB Holiday Goods thai will MV* you 80 per cent. Don't that heat tlteni?

• GHOOEUIEH. W« fere still at the old stand, selling 40 short Imrs of Old Jlrown Soap

fee ft* and 8 packHges ol Tarsxaoum Ground Coffee for II. Try us.

GEO. H. BUST, The Hustling Grocer.

ft'-; *

% U-'h Jt . A



• ;



*?* "* 3?


^ I hate opened a General Mercantile Store in Uttfijlk'

fleld and carry a Full Liue of Goods. It will pay you to

eome to Weatfield anti secure the advantages of oor

Grain Market, which we consider the best going. Don't

forget to give me a call when in Westfield. I want all

my Dakota friends to give mo a visit and try iny Goods,

which I Bought for Cash when the Market was Lowest.

JUj Goods are Fresh and New, and are not Shelf Worn.


TO SUBSCRIBERS. It takes lots of money to buy a

power press and the new machin­

ery wo need. A few responded

to oitr will of paying their sub­

scription last week, hut nothing

like the number that should.

There is nearly $1,000 due the

office on subscriptions alone and

that sum would come handier just

at present than any other time in

the twenty-five years existance of

Tiib COCBIEB. Come in and pay

some. Even a year in advance

would be very acceptable.

You can easily figure what is

due If the name on the margin is

"John Smith July '93," that

means that Mr. Smith has paid to

July,'93, and owes for seventeen

months, taking it up to December

1, 1894. TII'k COUBIKR is 124

cents a mouth and 12£ x 17 equals

$2.13. Just figure what you owe

and then come in and pay it.

What you owe may only pay for a

cog in the pres9, but the money is

needed as badly as the cog may be

to make the press complete.

W. T. J5 ten AN AN,

Prop, of TlIK COLRIKK.

Sheldon declares that his

the assessor The case attracted much attention, as other merchants in Hot $prin|>s. aud also in other citi«*s in the state, suffered similarly. Judge Gardner rendered judgment for the plaintiff, holding that the action of the county commissioners was manifestly erroneous and void in law, and the same is reversed, no n til led and altogether held for naught.''

Tim state soldier's home at pril* ent contains 190 inmates. There are also many applications for ad* mittance on file which have not yet been acted upon. The rul«-s govern­ing iidmittiince to the institution lire strict except in enses of men from 65 to 70 vears old. One veteran ad­mitted Inst week was 81 years of age Twei.ty-lhree deaths have occurred since the home was origi­nally opened, six of these being since the 1st of july. The poor health and broken down condition of the men admitted to the home account for this large death rate. It is esti-matted thnt fully 2,500 people visit the institution each year for the purpose of examining the manner in which the old soldiers are being cared for hy 9tme authorities.


r -A, **,







1 < -

ts, %it

.Union County Bank

' Jacob Schaetzet. Sen., & Sons, Bankers,

ELK POINT, S. D. fe.-; _ O


Transacts * fieneral Banking Bu&iuess.

MODS; >y to loan on Best Estate, Chattel and other Approved Securities at Lowest Rates. Buy and Sell Foreign aud Domestic Exchange.

4 JULIUS SCHAETZEL, Oaehier, Elk Point, S. D. JACOB SCHAETZEL, Sen., Pres., Freeport. 111.

iKZEimiiiE-sr The "Fui.l-WKTOHT GBOCEB,

Canni him. He will treat you right.

is offering some very low prices on Canned Goods these days. Why not call and see

All kinds of


y' Sold at Low Prices and Delivered Free to all parts of the city.

Jout received a fine line of Hats of the latest % / •, styles and Gents9 Furnishing Goods.

IF you want a Machine that will last- a lifetime, tvill do alll

kiudsof work without basting aud will sow from lace to leather, with­out change of stitch or tension, 0110 that will not break thread, skip stitches, not have fits, that will do alarger ranee and greater variety of practical work than all other machines combined, one that runs easy and quiet, has the finest wooifc work and excells all others, then buy the Dgvti Vertical Feed Sewing Machine.

It is the only one that has all the abuVe points combined. Give 11s a chance, aud we will prove all tliese assertions. Five years war­ranted.



annual message will be brief, suc­cinct Slid to the point..

And now conies lion Homme county with a candidate. C. S. Kelsey of Hancock is an aspirant for the position of enrolling and en­grossing clerk of the senate.

The Ilawarden Republican printed a very handsome Thanks giving number. It was a very neat production typographically, and bright viewed from a journalistic standpoint. Mr. Hubbard is giving the people of Ilawarden a good re­publican paper and it is receiving a good support.

The "wheat-pig-feeder" writers now assert that $2 a bushel realized out of wheat. It is arrant nonsense. There i» not A farmer no matter hoff much wheat lib has fed, for a moment ever anticipated or reidized more than 80 cents with the mnrkft at 40 cents a bushel feeding wheat to hogs.

There are now three major gerer-sls on the retired list, Gen. O. O Howard. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles aud Gen. John C. Robinson. Gen Howard i* minus a right arm. Gen Sickles the right leg, and General Robinson the left leg. It is such old heroes as these that helps to makes this a country to be proud of.

. Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair.




MOST PERFECT MAD* A pure Grap« Cream of Tartar Powder. F.f» from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant




Wheat is worth 44e. Oats, 30c. Corn, nnw,85o. Klax, $1.25. Hay, $5.00. Butter, 16@18o. Eggs, 14c. Hogs, $4.0004 10.



ISAAC HOWE. Isaac Howe, the late populist can­

didate for governor, died at bin home in Iledfield on Wedm sdiiy morning, at 10:4-5 on Nov. 28. The serious work cntniled bv the vigorous cum-pi'ign, iniide hy him,at hixadvanced age, resulted in his complete pros­tration after the election was over, and brought 011 an old stomach trouble wl'ich he had been affected with in years gone by. For a time he seemed to rally hut for the hist Week h« hovered near the danger point, finally succumbing as stated ahove. The deceafed was born in Windsor county. Vermont in 1824; attended the common schools; rend medicine and graduated from the Vermont medical college in 1849; re­moved to R<>ck county. Wis., in 1850; came to Spink County in 1882; was elected probate judge in 1886 aud has h<dd the office of county judge continuously sinco. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn bis loss.

Judge Howe was a man of the strictest integrity; honorable, just aud held in high esteem by his neighbors and acquaintances. He was inclined to be radical in thought and in politics was what might be termed an extremist. But he was always conscientious, true to his belief and anxious for the prosperity and welfare of the state. His death is regrettid by all, irrespective of party, and no better monument can ever be erected to the dead than llr* memory of the honorable aud clean campaign conducted by Italic Howe in behalf of his misguided followers in the populistic ranks.

N. C. Nnsh, editor of the Canton News WHS in Elk Point a few days ago. The senior editor of the Leader met Mr. Nash for the first time. Mr. Nash may be a nice man, honest and true, but he has a trmcherous lace, a snake-like eve, and altogether we were not favor­ably impressed with his appealence. —Ijeftiler.

Knapp we are ashamed of you; ashamed to think that there is a man in Elk Point who would wil­fully and without cause insult a stranger. Out of the goodness of his heart, Mr. Nash accented an invita­tion to meet you and then to insult him in sucha public manner! It is simply disgraceful! Mr Nash is a gentleman, n scholar, an upright citizen of the state, a man uf integ­rity, of honor and of truth. He is an idd soldier, honored by his com­rades by being selected as comman­der of the grar.d army of tho slate. Me is also grand master of the grand lodge of the 1. O O. F.—a man so honored to be insulted in such r milliner is such a disgrace that every citizen in Elk Point bows his bead in shame and hopes and prays that

I Mr. NSBIi will consider the source and accept the apology of the entire couiuiuuitv.

Brule. BRULE, Dec. 4.—The weather

skating and hunting is superb. Albert Johnson, one of our moat

promising young men, went to Sioux City last Saturday to accept a good and paying position. We are sorry to lose Albert, but wish him success in his new undertaking.

Rev. Mr. Lee of Sioux City held services in the St. Paul church last Friday night.

Lust Saturday night a party was given at the home of Miss Jennie Dald, the occasion being the anni­versary of her twenty-filth birthday As far as we could ascertain, the fol­lowing gentlemen with their ladies were present: Engehright Krogstad, Oluf A. Johnson, Ole Nelson, John Lokken, Ole Ofstehnge, Chas. Knut-Bon, Fred Dnhl and Lewis Hovey. Miss Dshl is an accomplished young lady and a good entertainer. At a lute hour supper was served, after which the guests departed, wishing that birthdays would comn around more often.

Next Thursday night a bnsket socishle will be given in the Pleas­ant Hidge school house. Everybody is in vile.I.

Will send THE COUKIKR more items next week. HAYSBED.

This Space Reserved




In order to make room for new

stock of mm


Will offer S ttu-s

Bargains for a few days;

TALCQTT. * 4 *

^1 n*i n<»Jiy > 0' 1 Hi 1 - - •• -• •• : '

>iar Holiday AnnoSncemexi t

Speaking of comments here ia one from the Hawnrden Republican

''When the Republican's political salliea are answered in the way they should be they will receive proiMT attention, but such thrifts as are made by the l*)lk Point Leader are too contemptible to notice. How ever, everybody considers the source. It does not hurt the Republican "

The Dakotas will have calise to remember Dr. Pearson of Chicago in connection with her educational in­terests for many years. The doctor made a liberal donation toward the erection of Pearson science hall of Yank ton college. He has now given 450,000 toward the upbuilding of Fargo college. This is far better than building monuments or mau­soleums for dead men. Long live the philanthropic doctor. •

1 • m The medical journals have de­

voted many pages for the past year •descriptive of the anti-toxin diph­theric cure which has l>een discov­ered by a German physician. The cure is based on the bacilli theory bacilli being an infintismally small animal which only a very strong microscope can reveal to the naked eye. A Chicago doctor goes the German one better aud declares that diphtheria is not caused by the propagation of bacilli. But to the existence of amoeboid bodies feed­ing on the top of the bacilli as para sites. Chicago is bound not to be beaten, aud if a Frenchman finds a veriuincello in the hair on one of these aiuboeboids ire have no doubt that the Chicago doctor would have a catniption fit.

Judge Gardner hss rendered a de­cision at Hot Springs that will be of interest to business men and mer­

chants in all parts of tlie atate. The taseis that of L. 8. Ellsworth, a Hot Springs merchant, whose as-Sensed valuation of-personal prop­erty was raised $3,000 by the bo^rd of county commissioners sitting as a board of equalization. Mr. Ells­worth resisted payment of the tax upon the $3,000 added by the board end not upon the amount for which his property was returned hy


Red lie Id Observer:—It is noted that the former leaders of the demo­cratic party in our state Invc shifted around aud moved out of the state until the party has few in charge who led it to vain and Inglorious defeat in years flgnne. ExGovernor Church departed for pastures new. Ordway Johnson went down into Virginia and is workings farm and gold mine. Judge Spencer got leg­islated out of his job and went to Superior. Tom Walsh went to Montana aud is doing a nice law business at Helena. Bartlett Tripp moved out of the state to Washing­ton, hut after Cleveland was elected he hurried hack to the state where he was well known as a "had been" and got the appointment of Austrul-ion minister ttinl bail it charged to South Dakota! Then our gallant Col. Sheafe buries himself iu the register's j-di in the Watertowu laud office. Al<e Boyntoo, the sage of Lennox, wno is a "dead ringer', for resemblence to Cloveland, followed Sheafe's suit and jumped into the Mitchell laud office registership. 1C. W. Miller, of Elk Point, grabbed the U. «S. attorneyship. Bud Taylor fail d to get official recoguization and moved to St. Louis. Duff llaynie, who wanted a job ami got Vice-f'res't Stevenson to Urge his name to the |N»t-hellied man of d< s-tiny in the White House whose eymphatic mind can only be moved by a cathartic pill, becamo rightly disgusted and moved to Chicago to accept a fine job in a railway office. James A. Ward decides to move to Huutsville, Ala, and S. W. Trees 11 is figuring on going to Iowa. Verily, our own Eugene B. Dye, who tried ts slip into the state legislature dis­guised as a populist, will coutiuue to alternate betwix New York and Dokota as 1111 abiding place. Lo, the shattered forces of the democracy! Will a Moses rise up to lead them or will the unterrified stay in their holes intil the Ides of March 1896— when, if the signs portend victory for them, they will have leaders for rent!

A WORLD-WIDE BLESSING. The whole world owes a debt of

gratitude, which money, time or friendship can not adequately liqui­date, to a young Freuohman, Dr. Ronx for heroic researches which have led to the discovery of an effectual cure for diphtheria and croup. A description of the new method is given in the London Graphic as follows:

Tli« (listinutilslu-d Dr. Mnnan point* out liow tlie new method mm* liipthrrtn in iiroduced by inlciohr* wlncll pl:mt llit'iiisrlvcx III thf inriiiliniiu; o! lilt: tlirual ;tml inulli|>l)': bin unlike the biiollll ul other infrctioui <ll»-«as**, tliry rpniHiii obstinately In (lie samp p<»-Mtiuli, neilher iwiictriitiiii; Hie vMrin imr the liluou. Uut If the ileiitlly aiiiiii;t|rn!e<< remain nt the <l«M>r. tliey lire still anlr tn eitMte « poison of exlremt- violence, enlteil "toxin." wlili'li quickly ii4aii«>iri>l«it the cireuhitlon hiuI tntecu the whole bixty. Thi* lo\in. thank* to (lie achievement ol seiciice. i*i>ii now be Ixilateil. Hliil In lite form uf a line |»i\vi!«t \v:I! cans.- nl-iimmi liniiieiliate ilealh when I.rj>-<-1,1 into mil main However, it has been liniiiil licit 'f » very Miiall <iost? be introduced Into ivrtain animals, t'si» i'i:ill\ Ibu horse, only a feeble reaetion is produced Itv iv|ii!ilh'4! tlie operation, wlih lirailu.ilh in. reusing do-e*, the organism of the annual llually r-volts. ami bet net nnlv linpervioiik lo III- toxin. Imf destroys it and from this singular result is due tlie origin of Ihe new sill),uuiee W ith willcli i»i\ Uimx WMKPS war atHlnst diphtheria lo a word, it is ilie basis of ,i xreat revolution in Ilie medical world. H heaven sent system lo root out most ol tlu-itlsi'iise eonuected with eliildlinod. As Or. Morsan well says, there are toiln and aulilox-Ii.k for all mii'ioble alter I ions. Seru.n therapv will eventually (list-over a remedy for all inli e' tloiious discuses, \esterdaylt was tetanus iu animals that ll cured, to.iay it is diphtheria, to­luol row it will be lubeiciilosiH.

If you pi to the Inftitut 1'itsleur, you will flnd Coinforlsble stalled In tlie |!ardeii some ten or a dozen eab horses. III prime condition. HKid from six to nine years. whos«. mission in life it Is lo furnish tin- preeioim fluid which every day suiitrhes many a VOUIIK lite from i'ii uuiimeiy I;rave, f'ir.v are iu their measure unconsciously soIvm.k the problem uf how to stop the depopu­lation of Kniner. They are well cared lor. there Is uo cruelty iu I lie luoeess, no snlftrioK entailed. The first process Is lo Inject the dcaillv vcins-llie toxin -into the shoulder of the horse. This, of course, Ht flrsl causes a slight indisposition, hut after while mo ill cITccl is felt. I he i-ccouil step, as shown iu one of the views, is lo draw from tlie neck of the "pre paled" animal a Jillcy quantity of blood. If the blood lie allow ed lo stand for a while, the red eorpusels settle to tin* bottom, and the operator can then draw off the fluid, of a w-l-low hue restiut; alaive and containing tlie peruui. or antitoxin. This, in its luru is in­jected under Ihe sl;in oi the patient bv mean-, of a si rn.gf analogous to tliut used (or Injecting morphine

On hem (iperittioii. at the bos

Oii henruary 1 of this year l)r Unux beuan " in* al tlie liospit

lie bad a iiimhI supply of serum, and (i«l lor tiick children.

each day on Inak UK his visit to*l>e hospital, he triiiled all tile chllilreii lie found Iheie. in wlial ev. r stale or condition of croup or diphtbera There was no seleetion of siibjicls. a poim to l>c burn iu mind, nor was I he ordinary treat ment iu any way modified or set aside. Thlnus went, oil exactly as they did hefme, ereent thai u new element had been introduced—naiuelv the serum DuiIuk I8.«i|«;li. is«i:i be I ore Or. I{i>ux befall Ills *\«tem. 1.1171 ell l.lreo siif-ferine from cro!>n aud dlpllier* were admitted iiitollie hospital lor hIi-k clillilreii. Of tlies.-.Will <1 led of I he disease, the (molality thus be

Ihtftt percent. On the of her liai'd.'fp.tu I'Vii. ru ry I of this year up to Jniv 24. the date tip to which l>r. Koux furiilsbed statistics to the coli-ICiess. Ilie serum was aopiied to all w ithout e<-cpplhui. aud. out of Mschlblren liiere were only ltry deal lis-1 hat is. Ihv mortality Imd decrease*! 24 i»t cent. An the conditions duriii)! these periods were the smne, the difference tielweru 62 iM-r cent and 2S |N-r cent indicates tlie Indis putahle henetil derived from lir Itouv's treat-loeiil. The 24 |M-r I'enl represents the saving of the lives of 120 children ill sit months in one lust 11 ut ion The gain would have been utore coiiablerahle lint for the deplorable hyirleiilc roiidlllons of Hit- hospital des Knfants Mahules. Many of the deal lis, Icmi. were the results of (lirllier ('.implications, such a« heart disease a ot tiroiielio-oneiimouPI. wiileli made the work • f Ilie physician verv dlHlculi tieiierallv StKiikitiK a single ln|.-ctiou Id siiMiclvnt. nr.it l»r. Koux lias never ifiveu more llian two. The iliwte consists of l wo llfths of amount of spr m liijecte.l III lite wide of one puncture Tlie lein-(>• rfnre then decreases, which Is an excellent lieKluniiiK. The lealher-like membrane which In suffocalinp tlie little sufferer ceases, within twenty (our hour*, to Increase, and after thirty six hours it comes away altogether, aud tlie diphtlu ritic bacilli disap|>ears. The «erum also litis a marvelous effect oi; tlie appcaranee of tlie luitlent. Tlie dull and leaden complexion, with its accnnipMiiyiiiK petiniiH cry. Riven place to a hearty skin, and tuc patient becomes cheerful.

Bereaford. Beresford New*.

Mrs. Owen Wheelock recently re-ceived $7,870 which ht,r late hus-biud had his tile injured for.

The Union Banking company is now located in the Mangon building where liiey will conduct the busi­ness until they rebuild in the spring.

P. Jacobson was iu town Saturday and took the iimui train for ('enter-ville lo purchase some supplies for the Alst-ii creamery. Pi le MIVS tlmt the cr raniery is doing a big buisners and thnt it receives daily about 2,-000 pounds of milk.

The Beieslord Literary club hold a joint debate tomorrow night at the s lioul house. Tlie subject will be, Should Capital Punishment be

Abolished." Clias. T. Howard of Red field,

grand chancellor of the K. P. order of South Dakota mid a prominent candidate f»r speaker of the house, was a pleasant caller at the News sanctum yesterday morning.

A special train of eleven cars of stock left this station for the Chicago markets last Saturday. Ed Fiizger* aid had seven; J. W. Reed, twoj John I)olan,oue; John Clear, one^ and Samuel Steadman had part of car in with Mr. Fitzgearld. John Clear. John Dolan, Ed Fitzgerald, Samuel Steadman and Jimrnia Casey, of Emmet went in with them.

BslUrtf's Bsew LtaloMst, This wonderful liniment Is knom.

from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the hikes to the gulf. It is tlie most penetrating liniment in the world. It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, snrains, bruises, wounds old •ores, burns, sciatica, soro tliroat. chest and all inflammation after all others havo failed. It will cure barbed wire cuts and heal all Wounds where proud flesh has set in. It is equally eflicient for animals. Try it and you will not be without It. Prioe Mo. Bold by J. B. Takwtt.

For a pain in the side or chest there is nothing so good as a piece of Marine! dampened with Chamberlain's Pain ]$nlm, Kint bound over the seat of pain It affords prompt and permanent ro-l.ef and if used in time will often pre­vent a cold from resulting in prion-monia. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. For Bale by Dr. W. J. Conly, druggist.

ClWea. Elssesri Mr. A. L. Armstrong, an old druggist

•nd a prominent citizen of this enter­prising town, says: "I sell somo forty different kinds of cough medicines, but have never in my experience sold »o mucli of any one article as I have of bollard's Horuhound Syrup. All who use it say it is the most perfect rem ly for cougns, colds, constipation and all diseases of the throat aud iuugs they have ever tried."

It is a specific for croup and whoop-lug cough. It will relieve a cough la one minute. Contain* a* Obiatea. Hold by J. 8. Talcott.

Ihasmatlafli. Is a symptom of disease of the kid­

neys. It will certainly be relieved by Parks' 8ure Cure. "That headache, backache and tired feeling came from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Cure for the liver and kidneys. Price. $1. Bold by J. 8. Taloott.

A lesai llvsr Iskss a Well Are you bilious, constipated or trou­

bled with jaundice, sick headache bad taste iu mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion,hot,dry akin, pain in bacK and between shoul­ders, chilla and fever, eto. If you have any of these symptoms,your livei


v; v A nntM FHsals. i frfend In aeed Is a friend Indeed,

sod not less than 1,000,000 people have found just sueh a Mead in Dr. King's New Discover} for oonsumptlon, colds and ooughs. If vou have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonder­ful curative powers in all di teases of the throat, cnest and lungs. Eaeh bot­tle Is guaranteed to do all that ie claimed cm* the money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at jr. 8. Taloott'e. Large bottles, 60c apdff.

V f -

W** J I f,' '

i( not gay.

The WsrM's Fslr can not remain such without bloom­ing look and radiant complexion which health alone Imparts. Parks' Tea, by clearing the blood of impurities, makes the complexion again the hue of youth. Bold by Dr. J. ti. TulootU

The greatest line of corsets and ladle*' ami children's waists ever shown in Elk Point is now open at Freemau's.

Children cry for bread made from Crill's Extra Fancy flour. Ninety-five cents » sack.

W. A. McGuire, a well known cltl-xen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good foi chil­dren troubled with colds or croup as Chamberlains Cough Kemedy. He lias used it in hi« family for several years with the best results aud always keeps u bottle of it in the house. After having la grippe he was himself troubled with a severe cough. He used other remedies without benefit «id then concluded to try the chil­dren's medicine and to his delight it soon effected a permanent cure. 85 and 50 cent bottles for sale by fir. W, j/CoD'y,

Fill imam


Simmons & Troskey, PROPRIETORS.

Fresh and Cured Mean* Bologna and Other Sausage.

Fish and Gams in Season. Give a* a call if you want any­

thing in the line of Pickled or Fresh Meats. Prices reasonable.

Public Auctioneer]


Don't Forget

To call and examine my Stocfi of FALL and WINTER HAT|»

Everything New. Hats Trimmed in all the


Mr PRICES CUD NOT BE BEAT. Remember the Place. One door East of Freeman Bro>\ Store.

MRS. R. A. HUDSON. is out of order and your u'oo^lVslowly I WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 •being poisoned, because your livei I ,Von«fVi,.i,!J.S!ri."r,,r ?ly »»> »«• does not act promptly. Herbine will nm^i'vai '',l

cure any disorder of the liver, stomach • ™«7a,TtYiieX X. 'no or bowels. Itjha8__no egual as aliver i uAhW '.'.in Jn",»•»«•«»

ALLEN ft CO., 40 ft 42 Broadway, Net Yort medicine. Prioe 76o. B. Taloott.

Sold by Dr. J.



PiiTs Ei(mH!eltrg. eu'""TVf,or N«rfoti.orSlrk fjliauMtion, SlneplMnM ""Lf"wr»l«ia; also for Hh*u

Wanted--- ̂

Com, Kidney Himrtl-r., Aelil t«» Aua^nita. Antidote for Alcoholic •r I1CMM. frto, H). XudiUoauU. mat iwimti, an«l otnL. £tforvMoent.


Ko- SHle hy 4. M. T iieolt


la fivtry Town

DR. BLUNT The Slent City Dentist,

Will be in Elk Point again on Wednesday and Thursday, Decent-: ber 12 and 13. Don't Voi get the dates. OfHce with Dr. Mulcahey.


Physician and Surgeon Ofllc« and lle»hleite« <>n Main Street.

Mark Twain's NEW BOOK

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For *ale by J. g. Tsleott,

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