Unemployability Spain

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Unemployability Spain

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GENERATION YDid you born in the 90s ?This is what you have to


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You born…

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You go to school…

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You go to Institute…

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You go to University…

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And then…

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I want to work…

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…but the employability situation in Spain ???

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Unemployed in Spain is 5.273.600*1

Unemployment rate 22,85%*1

Youth unemployment rate 48,61%*2

*1  EPA Encuesta de Población Activa del INE *2 Paro juvenil, del éxito al fracaso en cuatro años. El País

Employability in Spain in 2011

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Evolution of unemployment in Spain

Comunidadad 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Cataluña 6,95 6,6 6,55 9 16,25 17,75 18,06

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We have a problem…

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…High youth unemployment rate in Spain…

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… but we have a list of solutions…

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1. Be more competent

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A DEGREE IS NOT ENOUGH· You can't rely on your degree alone to automatically open doors after you graduate. It will certainly unlock doors - in other words it will make you eligible to apply for jobs that specify "must be a graduate" · It is likely that you will be competing for this job with a number of other graduates who are equally well-qualified academically.

What you have to know ?

NOTHING IS CERTAIN· The world of work is in a state of continual change.· Your career today may involve moving between a number of different job functions and employers. · Those jobs and employers are themselves likely to change and develop during the time you are employed in them.

THINK AHEAD· In parallel with your studies, you should aim to develop skills that will be of help to you in your future career

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Employability skills

Employability has been defined as "the capability of getting and keeping satisfactory work".

Employability skills "A set of achievements, understandings and personal attributes that make individuals more likely to gain employment and to be successful in their chosen occupations".

Other factors

· Knowledge and abalities relating to a particular job;· Ability to identify suitable job opportunities;· Self-presentation · External factors such as the job market and personal circumstances.

What do you need?

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2. The world is something more than Tarragona

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Why not to do an Erasmus ?

Why not to do a Summer University ?

Why not to do an internship abroad ?

Why not to work abroad for some years ?

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If you are interested we have something to communicate you…

… and maybe in some months you will be…
