Understanding Maren von der Heyde National Breed Supervisor November 2011 Giardia.

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Transcript of Understanding Maren von der Heyde National Breed Supervisor November 2011 Giardia.


Maren von der Heyde

National Breed Supervisor

November 2011


What is Giardia?Giardia is a protozoan parasite that colonizes and leaches nutrients

from the small intestine of dogs.

Giardia is expelled in faeces. It is found in water or ground that

has been contaminated by faeces.

Giardia Biology

Giardia has two distinct forms:

1. Dormant Cyst:

Cysts are expelled in faeces and are extremely hardy.

They can survive for months outside the body and are

able to survive chlorine treatment. Cysts are ingested

by dogs triggering Giardia infection

Giardia Biology

2. Active Trophozoite:

Once ingested, Cysts disintegrate & release active

swimming trophozoites. These reproduce and absorb

nutrients from the small intestine. Trophozoites are

soft & fragile & thus unable to survive outside the



Suction discs which attach to

the small intestine and

absorb nutrients

Giardia Trophozoites Magnified 10 000X

Flagella are like legs which allow the Giardia Trophozoite

to move

Under the microscope

Giardia Transmission

Common infection routes:

• Eating faeces directly• Drinking water

contaminated by faeces• Eating anything that has

been in contact with faeces

Giardia is transmitted by a dog ingesting a GIARDIA CYST.

The incubation period is on average 1 week

Current research suggests that bird & other non-canine droppings are not likely to infect dogs with Giardia

Despite this Dogs should be prevented from

ingesting any faeces


Dogs can be carriers of Giardia but show no

symptoms of infection

Carriers do however expel Giardia cysts in their faeces. These cysts can go on to infect other dogs

especially puppies


Many adult dogs are Giardia carriers.

Their immune systems keep the parasite population under

control. The parasite and dog eventually live

together IN HARMONY


Many adult dogs are Giardia


When under stress or if immuno-compromised

Giardia carriers may develop symptoms


Giardia does not migrate beyond the digestive tract.

Giardia is not transmitted through the

skin or through mother’s milk.


Giardia interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food, causing the



• Diarrhea: light coloured

stools, blood is not typically


• Vomiting

• In chronic cases, weight

loss, despite good appetite

• Fatigue & lethargy

• Untreated chronic infection

may cause permanent

damage to the small




A magnified look at Giardia trophozoites in the small intestine


Giardiosis is more

common and serious in

puppies, as their immune

systems are not yet fully


Puppies showing

symptoms of Giardiasis

should seek Veterinary

advice ASAP!

Giardia Lifecycle

Giardia cysts ingested

Cysts move down the oesophagus into the

stomachIn the acidic

environment of stomach cysts release two active Trophozoites

Trophozoites move into the small

intestine where they multiply and feed

Trophozoites move into the large intestine

where they transform into cysts which are expelled in


Many thanks to…

VA1 BSZS Sieger 2011Remo vom



A faecal exam is necessary to diagnose Giardia.

Different faecal examination methods can be used.

It should be noted that Giardia cysts are shed

intermittently & thus multiple faecal examinations are

necessary for a conclusive result

Discuss the best diagnostic methodology with

your Veterinarian!


This information is purely educational &

does not const itute medical advice.

Before adopting ANY medical treatments

please consult with your Veter inar ian!

TreatmentSuggested Puppy treatment protocol for Breeders


A homeopathic supplement to boost immunity and combat Giardia infection is available

From weaning age (normally 3 weeks) start adding Giardia granules to the

puppies food.

Consult with a Homeopathic Vet for more information on this supplement

TreatmentSuggested Puppy treatment protocol for Breeders

Deworm at 3 weeks with Panacur® (1ml/kg of bodyweight)

for 5 days consecutive days

Deworm at 5 weeks with Panacur® for 5 days consecutive days

Deworm at 7 weeks with Drontal® on two consecutive days

Prevention:While it is impossible to eliminate the risk of

Giardia completely, measures can be taken to

help ensure the health & wellbeing of your


PreventionGood Sanitation & Hygiene!

Remove ALL faeces from the dog’s environment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

Giardia cysts are resistant to chlorine treatment. As such it is best to clean & disinfect kennels & trailers with quaternary ammonia based disinfectants such as F10, at least once a week.

PreventionGood Sanitation & Hygiene!

Clean water and food bowls

Dog food and water bowls should not be placed in a position where they can be unintentionally contaminated with fecal material.

Elevating bowls and placing bowls out of high traffic areas helps minimise the risk of contamination


Good Sanitation & Hygiene!

Provide clean water at all times & prevent dog’s swimming in or drinking dirty water

Keep dogs clean to prevent the risk of any contamination


Suggested hygiene protocol for breeders

Bath her again immediately after whelping and then every second day

until the bleeding stops

Bath the dam 3 days before whelping with F10 Shampoo


Whelping box must be disinfected

before and after whelping.

The whelping box should be throughly

cleaned and disinfected regular intervals

post whelping

Suggested hygiene protocol for breeders


Wash puppies regularly (every morning if

possible) before feeding with F10 shampoo,

especially the bums and paws

After feeding, clean puppy paws again in

case they stepped into their food bowl

Suggested hygiene protocol for breeders


Diet & Holistic Health

Ensure your dog has a well balanced diet, which is high in fibre. This will help to ensure healthy digestion & prevent Giardia infection. Good overall health will also ensure that a dog’s own immune system can fight parasitic threats

Many thanks to Emeritus Professor: Department of Veterinary Tropical

diseases Joop Boomker for graciously sharing his wealth of knowledge

Compiled by: Karishma Bhoolia

in consultation with the Parasitological Society of Southern Africa


Emeritus Professor Department of Veterinary Tropical diseases Joop Boomker
