"Understanding Gameful Design" @ Vértice "Bienal de animación, Interactividad y Diseño" USFQ

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Keynote presentation on gameful design presented 13 March 2014 at the Vértice "Bienal de animación, Interactividad y Diseño" conference held at the University of San Francisco in Quito, Ecuador.

Transcript of "Understanding Gameful Design" @ Vértice "Bienal de animación, Interactividad y Diseño" USFQ

  • 1. UNDERSTANDING GAMEFUL DESIGN Elizabeth Lane Lawley Rochester Institute of Technology School of Interactive Games & Media Lab for Social Computing @ the MAGIC Center

2. A BIT ABOUT ME 3. WEDNESDAY, 12 MARCH 2014 (-13 C) TUESDAY, 11 MARCH 2014 (15 C) 4. LETS START WITH SOME DEFINITIONS 5. TOYS GAMES 6. PLAY TAKES MANY FORMS 7. WHO PLAYS GAMES? 8. NOT ALL GAMES ARE VIDEO GAMES! 9. SO, WHAT ABOUT GAMIFICATION ? 10. Taxonomy of the Lean Startup Anti-Pivot by Tristan Kromer 11. Mind if I cut in here? Sebastian Deterding: Visiting Professor, RIT MAGIC Center & Interactive Games & Medi 12. SERIOUS GAMES 13. SERIOUS TOYS 14. PLAYFUL DESIGN 15. GAMIFICATION 16. Gamification tricks people into believing that theres a simple way to imbue their thing with the psychological, emotional and social power of a great game. Margaret Robertson: Cant Play, Wont Play (2010) 17. -ification involves simple, repeatable, proven techniques. [It] is always easy and repeatable, and its usually bullshit. Ian Bogost: Gamification is Bullshit (2011) 18. USING GAME ELEMENTS IN NON-GAME CONTEXTS This is not a new idea. 19. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow (1960) "Mowing the lawn or waiting in a dentists office can become enjoyable provided one restructures the activity by providing goals, rules, and the other elements of enjoyment. 20. EARLY GAMIFICATION 21. MORE EARLY GAMIFICATION 22. FROM GAMIFICATION TO GAMEFUL DESIGN 23. 1. Hard Fun: Fiero in the moment personal triumph over adversity 2. Easy Fun: Curiosity 3. Serious Fun: Relaxation and excitement 4. People Fun: Amusement Nicole Lazzaro: The 4 Keys 2 Fun 24. An understanding of human motivation requires a consideration of innate psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Richard Ryan & Edward Deci: The What & Why of Goal Pursuit (2000) 25. INTRINSIC MOTIVATION EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION 26. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is not a dichotomy, its a continuum. Scott Rigby: Intrinsic & Extrinsic Player Motivation (2012 27. FUN VOLUNTARY? VOLUNTARY FUN! 28. Its a good thing Im getting paid for this. I need to lose weight. Maybe this will help. I love hiking! 29. "My point is that the fun', the pleasure of these elements does not come from some extrinsic reward value of those elements, but chiefly from the experience of competence they give rise to. Sebastian Deterding: Gamification by Design A Response to OReilly 30. Its the autonomy, stupid. 31. Review Yesterdays Gameful Design Concepts Work in Groups To Design a Gameful Application Introductions & Individual Goals WORKSHOP PLAN 32. WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY 33. USEFUL RESOURCES 34. Sebastian Deterding codingconduct.cc 35. Amy Jo Kim shufflebrain.com 36. Scott Nicholson scottnicholson.com 37. Ian Bogost bogost.com 38. Scott Rigby & Richard Ryan immersyve.com 39. lawley.rit.edu slideshare.net/mamamusings