Ultra Battery Presentation

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ultra Battery Presentation

Internationalization Plan: Ultra Battery

Alphonsus Akujobi and Sarah Bishop

Photos courtesy of East Penn Manufacturing

East Penn Manufacturing

• Over 65 years of experience in energy storage

• Acquisition of Ecoult

• Ultra Battery technology

• Expansive manufacturing and distribution network

• International partnerships

• Currently internationalizing the Ultra Battery


• Lithium Ion

– Largest competition

– Pricing advantage

– Tesla and Panasonic: Industry leaders

– Forecasted price reductions

– Pricing goal of $230/kWh

Strategic Partnerships


Key Area Critical Challenges

Political Democratic and stable state but plagued by corruption

Economic Low economic freedom score

Infrastructure Energy production heavily reliant on hydropower

Brazil Recommendation

Alstom wind turbines will help Brazil diversify its energy production mix


Key Area Critical Challenges

Political Political turmoil since ousting of President Mubarak in 2011

Economic Struggling economy with stagnated growth in recent years

InfrastructureLittle renewable energy infrastructure despite opportunity

for solar power

Egypt Recommendation

Protestors fill the streets in opposition of the Muslim Brotherhood regime


Key Area Critical Challenges

Political Rampant corruption and prevalence of bribery

Economic Strong historical growth but has slowed in recent years

InfrastructureInadequate infrastructure for population but strong

commitment to use of renewable energy

India Recommendation

Market potential for ESS (Energy Storage Systems) in India through 2020 (MW) (IESA, 2013)


Key Area Critical Challenges

PoliticalDemocracy but with ethnic and religious insurgency in the

Muslim North-Stable government

EconomicRich in oil with projected 7% annual growth, Highest FDI in

Africa-Good banking system

InfrastructureGood telecomm and road network system-Demand for

energy is higher than supply

Nigeria Recommendation

Energy generation mix for Nigeria sourced from USAID

Continuing Strategy2 year strategy and goals

• Focus on large projects and gaining market share

• Lower price

• Develop strategic partnerships

5 year strategy and goals

• Develop global manufacturing partnerships

• Move forward with international subsidiaries

• Deploy small scale grid applications

• Focus on electrifying underserved markets