Ukm promotional activities

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Ukm promotional activities


ELEK B & D - 2014

Relating to the publicizing of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness.


Promotion is one of the market mix elements of features, and a term used frequently in marketing. The marketing mix includes the four P’s: price, product, promotion and place.

Promotion refers to raising customer awareness of a product or brand generating sales and creating brand loyalty.

Faculty promotion display aim to raising customer awareness of a program and courses offered by the faculty.

A promotional plan can have a wide range of objectives, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image.

Fundamentally, there are three basic objectives of promotion. These are:

o To present information to consumers as well as others.

o To increase demand .o To differentiate a product

Display aim to present information to consumers as well as others. Its also to increase demand from potential customers.

There are different ways to promote a product in different areas of media. Promoters use internet advertisement, special events, endorsements, and newspapers to advertise their product.

Promotions are also held in physical environments at special events such as concerts, festivals, trade shows, and in the field such as in grocery or department stores. Building a community through promoting goods and services can lead to brand loyalty.

A press release is a written statement to the media. It can announce a range of news items, including scheduled events, personnel promotions, awards, new products and services, sales accomplishments, etc. It can also be used to generate a feature story. Reporters are more likely to consider a story idea if they first receive a press release. It is a fundamental tool of PR work.

Promotion can be done by different media, namely print media which includes newspaper and magazines, electronic media which includes radio and television, digital media which includes internet, social networking and social media sites and lastly outdoor media which includes banner ads, OOH (out of home).

Digital media is a modern way of brands interacting with consumers as it releases news, information and advertising from the technological limits of print and broadcast infrastructures.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, Tumblr and Instagram are rated as some of the most popular social networking sites. As a participatory media cultures, social media platforms or social networking sites are forms of mass communication that through media technologies allow large amounts of product and distribution of content to reach the largest audience possible.

With the rise of technological advances, promotions can be done outside of local contexts and cross geographic borders to reach a greater number of potential consumers.

The goal of a promotion is then to reach the most people possible in a time efficient and a cost efficient manner.

We are looking for cigarette promoter girls in KL,Penang (PT/FT)Responsibilities :~ Able to work independent~ Self motivate~ Can speak fluent English, Malay. (able to speak Chinese will be better)Rewards :* Basic RM 1500 ++ Monthly income RM2500 ~ 4000 and many more.

Promotional Model

A promotional model is a model hired to drive consumer demand for a product, service, brand or concept by directly interacting with potential consumers.

A vast majority of promotional models typically tend to be attractive in physical appearance.

They serve to provide information about the product or service and make it appealing to consumers. While the length of interaction may be short, the promotional model delivers a live experience that reflects on the product or service he or she is representing.

This form of marketing touches fewer consumers for the cost than traditional advertising media (such as print, radio, and television): however the consumer’s perception of a brand, product, and service, or company, is more profoundly affected by a live person-to-person experience.

The responsibilities of the promotional model depend on the particular marketing campaign being carrying out, and may include: increasing product awareness; providing product information; creating an association in the consumer's…

mind between the product or brand and a particular idea (natural beauty, classic heritage, reliability); handing items to consumers, such as a sample of the product itself, a small gift, or printed information.

Marketing campaigns that make use of promotional models may take place in stores or shopping malls, at tradeshows, special promotional events, clubs, or even at outdoor public spaces.

They are often planned at high traffic locations to reach as many consumers as possible or at venues at which a particular type of target consumer is expected to be present.

Promotional ModelSPOKESMODEL

"Spokesmodel" is a term used for a model who is employed to be associated with a specific brand in advertisements (in contract to a “brand ambassador”, who is also expected to represent the company at various events), but more often the term refers to a model who isn’t a celebrity in their own right.

Promotional ModelTRADE SHOW MODEL

Trade show models work a trade show floor space or booth, and represent a company to attendees. Trade show models are typically not regular employees of the company, but are freelancers hired by the company renting the booth space. They are hired for several reasons. They make a company’s booth more visibly distinguishable from the hundreds of other booths with which it compete for attendee attention. Trade show models can be skilled at drawing attendees into the booth, engaging them in conversation, and…

at spurring interest in the product, service, or company.

Attire varies and depends on the nature of the show, and on the image the company would like to portray. They may wear a dress, or simple but flattering business attire. They sometimes wear wardrobe that is particular to the company, product, or service represented. The slang term "booth babe" is often used to refer to a trade show model.In recent years, the label “booth babe” has picked up a negative connotation, primarily because some vendors have dressed their trade show models quite scantily -- in some cases exposing as much flesh as the law permits.

A booth babe’s responsibilities typically involve greeting attendees, handing out literature and guiding potential customers to a sales representative. She may also pose for photographs with trade show visitors or take part in a short entertainment routine designed to gather a crowd.


A convention model is an assistant that works with a company's sales representatives at a trade show exhibit. They are used to draw in attendees and provide them with basic information about product or services. Convention models may be used to distribute marketing materials or gather customer information for future promotions. They are typically asked to pose for photographs with convention goers.

Booth babe is slang for a female model who is hired for the duration of a trade show to attract potential customers. Such models are typically dressed provocatively and are hired for their appearance rather than for their knowledge about the product they are promoting.

Michelle Yeoh Ikon Program Membaca KebangsaanSabtu 15 Mei, 2010

Senator Heng Seai Kie (dua, kanan) menandatangani plak sebagai simbolik pelancaran "Ikon Membaca 1Malaysia: Datuk Michelle Yeoh" di Perpustakaan Negara.


SELEBRITI antarabangsa Datuk Michelle Yeoh ada misi baru untuk anda semua di tanah air. Jelitawan kelahiran Ipoh, Perak (dengan nama Yeoh Choo Kheng) ini yang terkenal dalam pelbagai watak lakonan dalam filem aksi di Hong Kong dan Hollywood ingin mempromosi tabiat membaca terutama di kalangan umum seiringan dengan perlantikan beliau sebagai ikon baru untuk program "Mari Membaca 1Malaysia".

Seorang yang percaya bahawa pengetahuan mampu memperkayakan minda, Yeoh berkata, membaca ialah satu tabiat yang boleh dipupuk dan ia hendaklah ditanam sedari usia muda lagi.

"Abang saya mempunyai empat anak dan membaca adalah satu daripada amalan yang saya amat tekankan ke atas mereka, sejak mereka kanak-kanak lagi," katanya.

Beliau berkata membaca adalah pelengkap dalam kehidupan setiap manusia di samping menjadi satu keperluan untuk membina sebuah negara membangun.

"Saya biasa membaca dalam bilik air semasa remaja, walaupun sekarang tidak lagi melakukan tabiat itu," jelas beliau.

Malahan, tidak keterlaluan untuk menyatakan bahawa kehidupan aktres berkenaan, yang terkenal dengan lakonan dalam filem seperti James Bond: Tomorrow Never Dies, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", bergelumang dengan buku, di mana beliau meluangkan setiap masa lapangnya dengan bahan bacaan yang sentiasa ada di sisi.

Purata beliau membaca antara 10 dan 15 buku sebulan tidak kira fiksyen, perniagaan, komunikasi, sains, treler, kerohanian dan alam sekitar.

"Saya banyak membaca, jika awak datang ke bilik tidur saya, terdapat di sebelahnya satu rak buku.

"Saya membaca tak kira apa jua, terutama yang berkaitan dengan kerja. Tapi saya juga suka fiksyen, hasil karya Sidney Seldon dan Michael Crichton.


Membaca telah menjadi kegemaran sejak sekian lama bagi bekas ratu cantik ini, yang kini menjadi pelakon aksi kung-fu.

"Justeru, saya kira pemilihan beliau (Yeoh) sebagai ikon kempen Membaca 1Malaysia adalah satu pemilihan yang tepat dan wajar," tambah Heng.


Pada pelancaran program berkenaan, Yeoh mencadangkan agar Michelle Yeoh's Reading Corner (Sudut Membaca Michelle Yeoh) diwujudkan di Perpustakaan Negara, di mana beliau juga bersedia menyumbang sebahagian daripada koleksi buku beliau untuk dikongsi bersama dengan pembaca ulat buku di sini.

Aktres berkenaan juga biasa aktif dalam projek-projek amal di Hong Kong di mana beliau mengumpulkan buku dan peralatan tulis untuk didermakan kepada kanak-kanak miskin di tanah besar China.

Selain itu, beliau merancang untuk mengadakan sesi membaca dengan pembaca lain dan berharap dengan berbuat demikian beliau akan dapat menjalinkan hubungan mesra dengan pembaca tempatan.


Awal tahun ini, Yeoh secara rasmi dilantik sebagai ikon untuk Program Membaca IMalaysia Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan.

Program berkenaan dirasmikan oleh Timbalan Menteri berkenaan Senator Heng Senator Heng Seai Kie.

Heng berkata kementerian berkenaan berharap dengan populariti dan status Yeoh sebagai aktres antarabangsa, dapat mempengaruhi dan memupuk tabiat membaca di kalangan orang ramai di negara ini.

Beliau juga yakin Yeoh boleh menjadi duta bagi memperkenalkan kerja-kerja kesusasteraan di peringkat antarabangsa.

Sekarang ini beliau sedang membaca mengenai pemuliharaan dan negara-negara di rantau sini bagi mendapat kefahaman yang lebih mengenai masalah kegiatan penebangan pokok hutan di samping aktiviti pemuliharaan yang telah dilaksanakan.

Jika ada lagi masa terluang beliau akan menyelak buku-buku mengenai kerohanian. "Saya seronok membaca buku mengenai agama orang lain atau agama saya sendiri kerana saya berpendapat bahawa ia adalah satu-satunya cara anda boleh memiliki fikiran yang luas dan memahami mengenai kepercayaan dan agama orang lain," katanya.



Yeoh berkata, selain daripada suka-suka, bahan bacaan beliau banyak yang berhubung dengan tugasnya.

"Sebagai produser dan aktres, saya banyak membaca untuk melakukan kajian mengenai watak yang saya akan lakonkan.

"Contohnya, apabila penggambaran Memoirs of a Geisha, saya banyak membaca mengenai budaya di Jepun dan geisha," katanya.