UiT The Arctic University of Norway - general introduction

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of UiT The Arctic University of Norway - general introduction

Internkommunikasjon – prinsipp og verktøy

Helsefak 180215

UiT The Arctic University of NorwayDeveloping the High North

Photo: Jo Jorem Aarseth

• 16.000 students

• 3.600 staff

• 4 BN NOK/ann.

Foto: Karine Nigar Aarskog Kilde: Arctic Research Publication Trends: A Pilot Study, Aksnes mfl., August 2016

Major provider of Arctic science worldwide

Energy, Climate, Society and the EnvironmentUnderstanding what happens in the Arctic is key to understandingglobal climate change.

Health, Welfare and Quality of LifeAttractive communities in the northdepend on the best schools, healthservices and other servicesthat promote people’s quality of life.

Sustainable Use of ResourcesEconomic growth in the north is basedon the continued (and increasing) useof natural resources.

TechnologyIn a region characterized by long distances and a challenging climate, new technological solutions are needed to deliver welfare to the people living here.

Community Development and DemocratisationSociety development and democratization rely on inclusion of the entire population through education, work, involvement and a feeling of belonging.

Proud host of Arctic Frontiers