Ugly duck

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Emily and Micha;ea

Transcript of Ugly duck

The Ugly Duckling

By: Michaela and Emily

• Once upon a time, in a time long long ago, there was a woman who was about to give birth triplets. She was so excited to give birth to three wonderful children. The first child was a beautiful baby boy, and she named him David. The second child was a healthy baby boy, named Doug. But the third child was a little bit different… he was an ugly baby boy, he was scrawny and ugly and she named him Duckling.

• After the mother saw Wilbur she shouted, “ I can’t understand how this ugly child can be one of mine!”

• As the years went by, the poor ugly child became more and more unhappy. His siblings never wanted to play with him because he was clumsy and everyone laughed at him.

• Throughout the years he was always tormented as a child, picked on, and didn’t have any friends. No one even knew who he was

• His brothers were talented at everything they did which made everyone forget about Duckling.

• He ran away from home when he was in high school, and no one had every heard from him again.

• Until 20 years later at their high school reunion. He walked in the room and everyone dropped to the floor, everyone’s jaw dropped in awe.

• All of the women in the room started chattering about between them.

• No one had ever seen this amazingly good-looking man before. They all wanted to know where he came from.

• When they found out it was Duckling they were in awe. All of the girls wanted to be his lady!

• Duckling went on to become an Abercrombie model and went on tour with thousands of beautiful women, he lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER!! ;-)

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