UFO Newspaper/Magazine Cuttings from NSW Australia - 1962 to 1965

Post on 22-Nov-2015

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UFO related cuttings predominately taken from the Sydney Telegraph, Australia between 1962 to 1965.

Transcript of UFO Newspaper/Magazine Cuttings from NSW Australia - 1962 to 1965

  • ~llllllliiiiiiiiii i'I JU,[iJI~IJII Ii jlllll(l~j)l!llllllllllllillll~llll!lll~~~{I~~_IIIIIIUIIlllllllltiiUI IIIIII~

    'G:R(~UCH ~ IIIII I II II f l ~(llili ! lil l l 1111111!.1111 {IJ IIII. III II JiJ llllllll tiU IIIII_IU 1111 111 111111~1~1 111 Ulfl l l fl li?-

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    \N_EDNESD9~ lorH MARCH, /9b5:

  • ,.,fA~~ tli6.re f!ying saucers? IIave peopl~t .. '; ~from other ulanets been here before?. -~V" ' : .I. - .

    .: .. ~Coinn1onsense say;s no, hut there are -~lways tantalising doubts. At least an author who sent us this manuscript .says . he has found strange evidence. What do

    ;ridiem) ~". !ridiem) I'. gratia)

    le" . i) - "and :)-"name-you think? . ;;....-;,;;;._~~...;i.;;;;.;;......;, _______________________ ..ol!"""'"-l bene)

    RECENT reports of sp~c.ecraft over the ~iyer Plate area ~f ;re Christ". Argentina, South Amenca, aren't so surpriSing, really. There IS ~~m~i) our

    plenty of evid~nce that Earth has had many such visitations from outeT space.

    Only last week "The Sun-Herald" published

    , news of yet another "tlying-sauc!!r" - this . time over Canberra.

    It was described bv air traffic control officers who deal with t11e safety of thousands of air travel-lers every week-serious-

    . minded men not likely to ,-indulge in practical jokes

    ~f that k ind. l After that came: the re . port that yet a nother saucer

    had been secn-thi~ time on : the beach at Vaucluse.

    Of course we've had 'visitors'

    riptum) -il , addition

    - "that is". tic average

    ,"Errors & ;Excepted." r Majesty".

    ~ce of thel !Mues per

    . }stress Sig-. ~Greenwich


    j . )".'Y tttons . .

    I ' But to return to the , A,rgentioa inc.ident: Here is ' an ,account of a sighting by t another serious-minded ; authority, Senor Enrique Ferraz, director of the j:lahia I Blanca Observatory.

    Soberlv he reported: "The fl!L~.,...,was not :1 known ~-~tar, satellite. or air-

    ~qual 1. from s:pace ~~~ should be

    , , reducing BecaUSe there have been

    . other recent reports of fly-; ing objects over South America-several in the : past year- we s_hould , wondec "Arc th.cy trymg to ; !ocate the place where they I oace lived?"



    A Brazilian Navy survey ship photographed lhii flying sa~cer while fhe ship ~as cruisin9 . Trinidad Island in february, 1958. The Brazilian Navy Mmislry vouched for 1ls authent1c1ty.



    s of peru . b.d of shil ls mentally.


    -.1/8; ~2/6: 3/4; 4/2:

    5/-; 5/10: 6/8;

    . 111\1 8/4.

  • "'"'"'"""'" ..... ~~--.-..... ,.,.,......., ___ _...,_.:. ___ , ..... -~'" ' ................ -.:.:-.. ~"-~~-~--,

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    . () 0 :TUN'= Icft:62 . . ; .'fi:Yl, .NESPI!J'f.. 2 THM .. u ... ., .o; .... --- . .... !:J, .. ~ i, c :s~ /'1" f- e.l/e ~ re ' ~~l)'jt~Jtight wa~ . cll:!ar. . ~.' .. ~. t;;l" -:; ... - "-'~ '

    ! ;~Q,~ S : h+i .!/ Li- .r.S ~f.een lights have be_en r~;. -W7 OJI"e I :J Vl_q t port~:d over Bnsbaue, ,; J k /. /J '.Thiirsday I sland .a~d'i . _m g.9f- i e J f-hqf Ynf!JJI'~ . south -east Queensland mi -- .. 1 j ~~:last two 'd,ays. {) : , -~~~~!~~-:---w.r/1 he S-een_; bu.t w~

    J/U2.MJ2j!'i4, If P P F"l't 1 :52. J?.V'-7 . }) I 5 )JPPE/4-Jf!.fJJ fJ !l

  • ' with~ ;-a 'c" . n1es_sage

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    l!Jf3JEGT COC1LD !JG SY1rLLlT .eJ(< rfJ~ tlUEE!VSL-14/1/D /4-A/0 CPJN~~/t~ FLY! A/6- SJ4Ucf

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    ~ :r=. OlLlfllS 0 IF VE !JUS.) W 14/C f.l.- tttf~~Tk~'~ I . . . , , ,. ~ htOJtrri;;.S , 4 FT~I?. -l- FOUft//7 71/15 C'JC/i)'~ ' )' .)

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    - I V.~ .. -~'.1:-T..l~.L~.:-:.rz.L~'i.-,.. . . - fT vv r II' ,Joz_ jJ < H. I .. /2-Z.Jf_r,;.:r:J. .. Q1V .- {\/or< Til - 5o vr H, i ' :l;,(lY/?J.:.[_fl __ ~Qf... - t}~Out liz . H1- AJVTES ... . .. Tlt:1L.2fDL.~. ~ : W.J:t~~- -- t1.?LV..k11fJL- VEJ(i FJ4SI~ :. (fP '(JEI4tfED -~ F/41 /VT .. I .. .., .... .... 'i'' 'lli\':'.n:l-:o:-"- 1.{/ .14 .> fV EI/EK SEE II/ !4M1llf . 1 T LOO I1 fNT vov c...MfVWOt rz&>- sv~ }{' r-114-r r: ,, w 14 s 9

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    F T< 1iJ14Y I sr M14~C H IC/6 5 .... .. ~ ""-rq ~-. ;;-;cr;- ka: .-...-- .. . L40!'llfOWi - ~ -- .... - ..... --,------.. ~

    APP19/t.E btJJ~ 14 r5ov-r q: 30 fl.W1 D1519PP~ED :=. /4:~0UT q: 35' f' . ~ PJt~~~i~i~ 11hoo ,_, .s-h tA~ __ {)V~ U/l S VH:I{el ~no immedi~teo explana- .rA:.a~. ' I y, T 0 r """ I : tion, but said 1t was not . :a olane.-AAP-R. ~ --- ~Lt .. _ .. was 1ue1LiC' .-a-

    sb4p . .J - fl

  • : 9 E;i& Hri::E:ftlrJ-i OIG:1t:.cr SAi . .? , 5 !JTc,Jl{flit1YJ. Ltrf-f M 14l ~

    I q tv 3.

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  • * _ttW .. . ~ fJ:

    1~'' ~ ' ' 'iJ'll-':'~ .... f"'o ! I ' ... ''"' ,.,..........,..~~~~~~ ... ,..,~~\,; ""'-~..-~.,.----- t v~ -rvvEWTIETH Og)'CT .sSf:rJ / _ , &-;;._,_ '"---~~~::A - < ~--~~-..-'"':"'-~-~~-- -"Jct(,3. . .. , "-M Ci-1 ~J:.:~ . j 2..0r#... . . JYl~."'~ .. . . ..1 i

    .... .. -~t~ --- 1 I' 1 'BOXLIKE.OiiJECT' 1; \

    REPORTED IN -SK:Y I ,, !'

    , A North Ryde family reported 'having 9'' .;l I Q ; seen a mysterious ':box~like'' objet:t in the 1 i ~ ; sky over Sydney y:est17rday. . . , j

    f ' The family, Mr. and seemed to be !!,P_mnrng . I Mrs. R,. F . Gagg a_nd their round; Susanne sa~d. . 1 . five children. satd they . "We eould ~ee 1t fo1 . saw the object soon a.f ter about fiv_e mmutes and

    5 p.m. . last saw 1t .. over t he Har-Susa.nne Gagg, 14. sa1d bor Bndge. .

    m ost of the f-amil.v wet;e suz~nne sa~d ~.he_ object in the gar_den of t.hetr \\"ll.S . very htgh 1n the

    home in .c o:xs Road when , sky. . . they, ~~w t_he oqject, ,S y_dne,Y, ,, . experts_ . ln?t

    . "lf was 111ce a big red mght .. ~oul s ctf- ell i 1-'e ~

    t -r- a {,., o s -r a f?peav:> J ~I) 1/1 ite t1o w + h ct:r . a I I +'h e s e c> b J e c~t5' are. ;c{.f~( f'lh:'..-S .. Joe (Ci~SQ +Vie'( fecicf +~e. . ~c1;{e_ vJd'f.J cts ovdi V/dV'j scrr e. ~1, t e..s cl o ~ r0 e_ VJ ews r;c~re;f" cfitpf. iVlj_5- aVe . . W!OJ.f r~o/Ja',/'f {a,~ vectl} -1-~.ev~ foji~"__ .I l wtll .. fGI'f ol1-lr Vi e-vspap.ev . cltffiM:JS i~, t-hi5 b 0 o k ~ "!i1 ~5 t:. ~ ~t1 0 \/ J ~1:) 5 f Cl itS . Mc17 .. b.e c;f I ( ttl f_ ~j' 5.f-e V'( OLIJ~ bvtf J-h e_ t1 e'-v> V'ctftl cltffl n9s cttl'f'- ( f!r_;tflt ru.vs-

    t-et~~~ Ot.-15, I

  • - -~------- - _ _.

  • barley Is denuded of appeared to out, as tliere scorching." ,

    1\llr. Roy Blanc~ard, owns Manor t,~~re were no toqtp_ti.rtt%

    gqJ.ng to or . from stt:a,nge "hole: .. ,

  • wr:.v.. 1't ..........

  • T:~--J. 5 '' ((_fall; V1

    :. " ~~ .

  • bulence. 1 "I am conVinced all :would 9e: explail1ed away if we 1!$.d eM~gh details of eacli siglitmg!':

    nr, war...,Yic~.Jilso said it would lle 'ihl'p6Ssible for anyone- to. -~ r~ceive on radio or 'tlt,i;s~ts a re-broadcaSt -qt_an old pro~ gramlrre wh,ich -had_ peen retle_cted -'-_ -baek o from


  • :Ofi~ctS in s k.y . bur~ f

    1 !!'! !"e.~~~"~:~; .. :,;~~

    CONTINUED l'ROnl ~ emanated fr;?m . a .cfan- scconas. PAGE 1. '17 made source, he sar c0 11 HLS' first view was of one ''Their course w~s - .

    G p tston) said 50 mem- istent with the orbrt taken object. . . . b~rs ~f the N.S.W. Astron- ~Y Russian-launched sate!- "It looked 101l0>:e fa r.;s~

    omical society at Belfield lites. . up abot:t. 50,0 ee , observed the objects for "No American satelhtes I-Iarns sa1d. . about 30 seconds. have been launched on "As it came dose!' 1t

    Mr. Patston said: that par ticular orbit.'' seemed to brealt up mto "We could not see them Mr. Mci ntosh assessed pieces. .

    through telesc~pes becau~e t he obiects' height a t 50


    "Each. piece left a tratl they were movmg too fast. to 70 miles. and there appeared. to t,>e

    "The objec~s appeared :Mr John Harris, of fire and smoke behmd It. about 7.40 p.m. abou~. 30 Brush Road, Durimball, "At one stage the fiery degrees above the honzo~ near Gosford, ~ JM .tl.ll.- ~ trail appeared to .. be about and about 25 de~r~es wes ,~pJf{rs appeare_ ~ ~ half a mile long. of north, trave1ling the J.Q ~ ~ ~- A duty officer ~t. the south-east. . -IJ.Y fi!H .. RT''~ RAAF station at Wrlllam-

    "They looked . hke a r. J:tarris sara 'he dnd I town said thae several air-b,~trsting slcy~~o~ket. eight men on the ground at the . We . recor e. ~ base reported seeing mys-ob,~~~~ m t~~ltou~iowing Lights 1 from .tcrious lights in the sky.

    heads ~nd bright reddish- Mr. J. Smith, of ~ennell ' . e tails about 20 J ll.e r' A venue, Leura, sard the ~f:r~ longer than the Up ll lights "were stru~g out heads'' ERR A Fri _ behind each other, .and

    "The first object had P CfA N B Bnrt B'ok Di kept changing colors from 1,

    . 1 d h' le the last ro essor .. ' - d t . ll"'e" vams 1e ~ '. k rector of the Mom:tt re o ora ., . . . . . one was cro~singb \;\':rds 1ir. s~romlo Observatory, sa1d Naval . autrorJties at about 50. degtze1 he 34 of mystery lights reported Nowra s::ud they had. re-r. Do~ ~ .a ,5 ' lvania over N.S.W. tonight prob- ceived report~ of bn~ht Pn.nces Hlg~wa:~ S:y_, the ably resulted from the objects .travellmg at hlgh He1ghts, sa.1cl he sa,~ movement of Jupiter into speed over the South lig;hts at 7.4?-e P"Wke ~rreat the evening sky. Coast.

    'They h'tes-it was liter- This could !'!-ave caus- Police alon~ the South 0if11g\~cafhtaking," Mr . . ed reflections m the . a t- Coasr. also said they. hatd a ) 511 said. mosphere, prod u c 1 n g received repor ts of l!gh s ... W~1:r. Kei~h Mcin tosh, an .fla:shes, Professor Bole in the sky. . . : . ~ orange amateur astrono- sard.. . t 1\IU'. F. Chtdgre, Gla~es- , me1:, said he observed the He Sll;ld . the mo.vemen. vllle. said: ."I saw eight. r bts for 17' cconds from of J up1te1 occurred fo~ li"hts shootmg nor th to . 11K minutes " before eight a bout a month in eac south a nd trailing great j

    o'clock year. f fl 1 ng red ta ils. . ' He estimated their speed 1' ~ipor;~re 0comU:0~11 at "The head of e~ch object q at 18,000 to 20,000 m1les an t~g 5 tiines. . ' was a -brigfnt l'ed." . . hour. nes~ . . , . bly Mr F. Davidson, Kmgs- .

    1\lr. 1\'Iclntosh sugg~st- .', Th~- .. )~hts 1' ~100a v- grove: "Eight lights travel- ' ed that tlre llghts nugt1ht . : )~d~y~lj..~~f~ss~~ s~ok Jed in ~9nnation.from.north have been caused by .Uh ; ' ""'"d "' to south , wtth orange to disint~grat.ion of a Rus .'?"1 1 red trails." sian s a tcllitc. . .... ~ , '

    A group of unidentified flying disks seen by thousands of people in eastern N.S.W: ott Fridcty nig/Jt was probably part ol a satel-lite exploding, an expert said yesterday. 'l'tte height, speed and time the .Dying objects were

    . path of the objects made it j seen. almost certaiu tl~ey wc:e "There are about 400 parts of a. satel!1te, sard I satellite pieces go ing l'l:lr .. G. l'atston, dn:ecLor of around up there, so it's a Belheld Obsel'vatory, blt hard to keep track of

    1 He said h e would ask I ~hem ali," he said. U.S.: satelli~e au~horiti.es if People who sa.w the ob-one of the1r ~atelhtes was 1 jects on Fr.iday said they due to leave its or btt at the. alternated in color from

    - j red to orange and traile

  • I

    ~ 1


    1 TOKYO, Sun. - Japanese c;ivilian, ~il~ts l . ha;ve reported .being chased by a .f!J,~~~i

    I .t' ;. saucer. . r . ONE pilot said a Jumin- saucer a~so .Cl,lt . hl.s ra~10 i : ous green object ap- communlca:hons . ar~d m-., proached his plane at 250 terfered With hts JllS(tftt-5,

    b mm~ : , mft flew alongside hi$. The planes.buzzed...,by t~e Plane for three minutes. "saucer" were a ..,pnva1r

    ! It then wheeled abrupt- airliner and an Apf(ch~ ' l ly and flew off.. . light aircraft. .

    The pilot reported the 1 !(AA:P-.R~utr>. : : . ; . ,v, ' ' ""' . - - -

    MONoa:y 22.No MARCH. 19h

    !sAUCERS .;;;:-Rar~u~~~: ' . . . . On June 24,

    194'7.:--When Kenneth Arn~ld I saw, ;a fieet of ~0 flymg. saucers, like shining circu-lat>t.lalsks' whizzing along.,at I

    l lOOb'njilE;s aii hou~. darting in .a.na';. out of the . pe,aks. ( around:'~:Mount Rlliner : l--b~e-. sJate. of ' washing 1(t~~.;: Qe.ws flas,hed , ~roun '' the world . and .star.ted .. tR,e

    comm'otion we .call Flytpg ~s;tucers: - ' "H..R." __ , .:::

  • t ' t' I I

    t t.


    in t_he night sky over Bu~nos Aires .on Saturday. The obiests remained .; stattonary for about 10 mmutes and then flew away at great .speed. The-\

    photograph was taken with an _exposure of one minute. 1

    'JL YING .SAUCERS' l 1 ,~.SEEN OVER .arabola, three I cer :was Sl?

  • officer, shan1.

    From iime to ~.A.A,F, s t 11 sauce.r"' Jile Austnifian

  • l

    l ~

    Monday night on Vaucluse Beach. He beneath with a bluish-green glow at the c~n;ttmr-ee or four "legs."

    . ll_Oise was quite unlike. any made P.ngin'eS!'

    Mr. Crowe said that the object a giant disc, was bathed in a glow.

    He no sign or within . the

    any portholes or he became 5.30 on

    a glow beach.

    investi-saw that the

    .glo}Y cma~ated .from a hlige disc restmg on the ll~ach. tqea.; disc at

    take-off ; He was v.-ithin 50 or 60 1 !eei: oJ the .disc when ic

    rook o~- . ~iameter appeared ~bout 20 feet," he

    Mr. Cro-.ve said when be returned he sa: do= ~

    . h1s thoughts. He had dinner,

    wrote down what wa,, ...... w. vividly in his and sket..:hed the 'l'lh1P.nr.>-

  • I



    ------ -

    S;upport for . the !1

    . saucer~sigliter .Mr. Dennis C~owe tO.Id the: Press cibo~t the green, . glowing .obj~.d . he saw take off from Vaud&Jse beach, . the~ sat back to await th_e penalty of . being frank about flyin - saucers.

    XU L'r: I 9b


  • ::')-.. ~~~~.},1 .t~.

    . : ..

    _.. ... .-- ........................ _. ___ .. ___ -----

    ' Sau(er I . chase !

    . CANBERRA, .Mon- f ~ day.-RAAF investi- ~ i gators are still work- ~ l ing on a report of 1

    ~ sightings of flying j ~ saucers over Can~ :berra. 2

    ~ ':fhey h avl ' a.lso re- : ceive

  • r,,,, 0.J~DNES0tt) z8:i:l:f JUL't -~q~ I

    ""Flying objeet'' not identified CANBERRA, Fri. - The RAAF could not positively.

    identify a flying object seen from Canberra several weeks fJ. ago, the Minister for Air (Mr. Howson) said today.

    l\{R HOWSON said the sighting, on July 15,

    was made by a number of peopLe including Depart-men't of Civil Aviation officials on duty at Can-berra Ail'po1t.

    The sighting could not be positively identified but

    investigators believed there were three possible ex-planations.

    These were : A broken condensation trail of a high flying jet aircraft. The planet Venus.

    A meteorological bal - loon.

    Mr. Howson said the planet Venus was clearly visible during the day under some conditions.

    Its position at the time I was about the same as the direction of the sighting 1

    , of the object. ' Meteorological balloons, 1

    r t"\I u R ~ ~ J .., l =~ .,-u, v filled with hydrogen a.nd I -

    ':l ...... M.....,....,_...._~'-'-_,__"'r-~-':Jt..I-__,~>L ....... u.L.u..l se.nt to high ~titudcs for 11 wmd forecastmg, were visible from long distances '1 due to reflecting sunligh.t

    . - -- I 'FACTS To "Diluted": If

    you think that the only time people see flying-saucers is when they are "bombed" you ought to go the local library and read the book "Flying Sauc Have I:.anded." It co actual fa{:ts and photos-ll:bj I cameras do not get the DTs. I suppose, if you had i been alive around the time 1 of Christopher Columbus 1' you would have believed, the world w~mt.-"Carll I the Sh1?ook." . ~-1''461

    ~~ rs;:u -tlf4 t94?S ..

    .. .

    Because of the moisture ;I con tent of the air close to . the ground they often ap- 1 peared "furry or h ave a ! llalo-llke appearance." ~

    This effect could also [ change color. f

    Mr. Howson said ap- i ,, , parcntly Lhe object dis- ! appeared sudclenly. i T his could be explained l ,

    by the fact that meteoro- i logical bal loons normally f burst a~ varying alt-itudes. ,

    The RAAF had previ-, ously Investigated sight- 1 , ings which tumed out to 1 be weather balloons, high_ i flying aircraft, s atellites, j

    1 stars and meteors. I 1 In the !)ast few years 1 , only Chrec or .four percent i I of sigll~ln~$ 'CO~d ;riot :.be' ! sat.is!'actOf'l Y.1 1c$plii,i'n~d. 1 I "' t,. 'j . , ' ~t:' .
