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Transcript of [UFH6003-ZA]BN68-05495A-02ENG-1101

8/10/2019 [UFH6003-ZA]BN68-05495A-02ENG-1101

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/ufh6003-zabn68-05495a-02eng-1101 1/2

 Auto Program The AutoProgram  functionmemorizesall channelsthat are availableoverthe airor throughyourcable system andaddsthem to theChannel List.

 To start AutoProgram, follow these steps:

1. Push MENUm→ Channel → AutoProgram → ENTERE onyourremote. The Antenna Source screenappears.

2. Onthe Antenna Source screen, selectthe source of yourTV signal.


IfyourTVisconnectedto anantenna choose Air , andthen press

ENTERE. The TVwill automatically start memorizing channels.


Ifyour TVis connectedto a cable outlet, choose Cable, andthen

pressENTERE. Go to Step3.


If you choose Auto, and then press ENTERE, the TV will

automatically select the correct Antenna source. Go to

Step 3.

3. On the Cable Type screen, use the◄/►/▲/▼buttonsto selectthe type ofdigital and analog cable systemsyou have:STD, HRC,or IRC.  Mostsystems are STD (Standard). Whendone, selectStart, and thenpressENTERE. The TVwill startmemorizingchannels.

 ✎ Channel memorizationcan take upto 45 minutes, dependingonyour cable system.

 ✎ Memorizedchannelsare addedto the Added Channels 

list. These are the channelsyou will see whenyouuse theChannel buttonson yourremote.

Clear Scrambled Channel

 Thisfunctionfilters outscrambled channelsafter AutoProgram iscompleted. Thisprocessmay take up to 20~30 minutes.

 ✎ Pressthe ENTERE buttonto stopthe ClearScra mbledChannel.

 ✎  Thisfunction isonly avai lable in Cable mode.

❑ Managing Channels

Channel List

See yourlistof Addedchannels, Favorite channels, orchannelsyou've scheduledforviewing. Addor delete Favorite channels, addordelete channels from the AddedChannelslist, schedule channelsorprogramsfor viewing. Watcha channel by selecting the channelinthe All Channels, Added Channels, or Favorite screen, pressingthe ▲ / ▼ buttons, andthenpressing the ENTERE button.

A  d  d  e  d  C h  a n n  e l   s 

6 A ir 

6-1 ♥ TV #6

7-1 ♥ TV #7

8 A ir 

9 A ir 

9 -1 ♥ T V # 9

10 Air  

1 0- 1 ♥ TV # 10

1 1- 1 ♥ TV # 11

  Air ' Zoom ' Select TTools ► Next Program

Channel List Screens icons are listed onthe left side. Select aniconusingthe ▲/▼ buttons toview eachlist.

 ■  All Channels: Showsall currently available channelsincludingthose youdeletedfrom the Added Channels list.

 ■  Added Channels: Showsall Added Channels. These are thechannelsthat appearwhen youpress the CH button.

 ■* Favorite: Showsall favorite channels.

 ■   Programmed: Showsall channelsand programscurrentlyscheduledusing TimerViewing .

 ✎ Remote control buttonsacti ve onthe Channel List screen.

 x Green(Zoom ): Enlargeso rshrinks a channel number.

 x Yellow (Select ): Move the cursorto a channel. Press the Yellowbuttonto selectthe channel. A cmarkappears. Repeatto selectadditional channels. Then, openthe Toolsmenuand apply afunctionto the channelsyouselected.

 xT (Tools ): Displaysthe Channel List Toolsmenu. (The Tools menusmay differdepending on the situation.)

Display Icons Used in the Channel List Screens

Icons Meaning

c  Aselected channel.

*  AFavorite channel.

)  Areserved program.

(  Aprogram currently being broadcast.

❑ The Channel List Tools Menut

 The Channel List Tools menu contains most of the functions youcan use on the  All Channel, Added Channels, and Favorite Listscreens. To view, select a list screen, select a channel, and thenpress the TOOLS button.

 ■ Add /Delete: Delete a channel from oradd a channel to the Added Channels list.

 To delete channelsfrom the Added Channels list, follow these steps:

1. Selectone ormore channelsin the Added Channels  listusingthe ▲/▼ buttonsand the Yellow Selectbutton onyour remote.

2. Pressthe TOOLS buttononyour remote. The Toolsmenuappears.

3. Select Delete  inthe Toolsmenu, andthenpress theENTERE button.

 To addchannelsto the Added Channels list, follow these steps:

1. Selectone ormore channelsin the All Channels listusing the▲/▼  buttonsand the Yellow Selectbutton onyour remote.

2. Pressthe TOOLS buttononyour remote. The Toolsmenuappears.

3. Select Add  inthe Toolsmenu, andthenpress theENTERE button.

 ✎  All deleted channelswill be shown onthe All Channels  list. Youadd channelsbac kto the Added Channels listonthe All Channels  list.

 ✎  Agray-colored channel indicates the channel hasbeendeleted from the Added Channels list.

✎  The Add menuoptiononly appearsfordeletedchannels.

 ■ Add toFavorite/Delete from Favoritet: Letsyouaddchannelsto anddelete channels from yourFavorites list.

 To addchannelsto the Favorites list, follow these steps:

1. Selectone ormore channelsin the All Channels listusing the▲/▼  buttonsand the Yellow Selectbutton onyour remote.

2. Pressthe TOOLS buttononyour remote. The Toolsmenuappears.

3. Select Add toFavorite  inthe Toolsmenu, andthenpress theENTERE button.

 To delete channelsfrom theFavorites list, follow these steps:

1. Selectone ormore channelsin the Favorite Channelslistusing the ▲/▼  buttonsand the Yellow Selectbutton onyourremote.

2. Pressthe TOOLS buttononyour remote. The Toolsmenuappears.

3. Select Delete from Favorite  inthe Toolsmenu, andthenpressthe ENTERE button.

 ■ TimerViewing : Youcanschedule a channel to be displayedautomatically ata settime, even whenyou are watching anotherchannel. Youmustset the currenttime firstinthe Time > Clock functionto use Time Viewing.

 To schedule a channel, follow these steps:

1. Selecta channel inthe  Added Channels listusing the ▲/▼ buttonsand the Yellow Selectbutton onyour remote.

2. Pressthe TOOLS buttononyour remote. The Toolsmenuappears.

3. Select Time Viewing inthe Toolsmenu, andthenpress theENTERE button. The Time Viewing screenappears.

 Antenna Channel Repeat▲

DTV Air 6-1 Once

  LMove U Adjust EEnter  RReturn


Date Start Time

01-01-2013 12 :01 am

4. Use the ◄/► buttonsto move from entry fieldto entry fieldandthe▲/▼buttonsto change the entries. Where numbersare displayed, youcanalso enternumbers directly using thenumberkeypadonyourremote.

 ✎ Ifyouselect Everyday or Every Week , the date youselectinthe Date fieldbecomesthe startdate for yourscheduled viewing. ForEveryday, the TVwill turnonevery day, atthe time you selected, starting from thatdate. For Everyweek , the TV will turnonevery week,onthe same day ofthe weekas the startdate youselected, atthe time yousel ected, from thatday on. If youselect Once, the TVwill turnononce, onthe dateandtime youselected.

5. Pressthe ENTERE buttonon yourremote whendone.

 ✎ Only Added Channels  canbe scheduled.

 ✎ Scheduledprogramsandchannelsare displayedin theProgrammed List.

 ✎ Whenyouselecta digital channel, pressthe ► buttontoview the digital program list. Ifyou highlighta program inthe list, andthenpressthe ENTERE(Schedule ) button,youset TimerViewing   forthatprogram directly.

 ■ Select All: Selectall the channelsinthe displayedchannel list.

 ■Deselect All: Deselectall the selecteddisplayedchannels.

✎  Youcan only select Deselect All  whenone ormorechannelsare selected.

 ■Channel Name Edit: Analog channelsonly. Letsyou assignaname ofup to five charactersto ananalog channel. Forexample,Hist, Food, Golf, etc. Thismakesit easierto findand selectachannel .

 ■ AutoProgram: See AutoProgram underMemorizing Channels.

 Programmed List (on the Channel List Screen) The Programmed listdisplays the channelsand programsyouhave scheduledforviewing using the Time Viewing function. Youcanview, modify, ordelete a show youhave scheduled using the

functionsonthe Programmed Listscreen Toolsmenu.

Programmed List Screen Tools Menut ■Change Info: Change the scheduling informationfora show orchannel youhave scheduled.

 To change the information, follow these steps:

1. Selectthe Programmed  Listicononthe leftside oftheChannel List  screen, andthen pressthe ENTERE button.

2. Onthe Programmed  Listscreen, selectthe show orchannelentry youwant to change, andthenpress theTOOLS button. The ToolsMenuappears.

3. Select Change Info, and thenpressthe ENTERE button. The Time Viewing screenappears.

4. Use the ◄/► buttonsto move from entry fieldto entry fieldandthe▲/▼buttonsto change the entries. Where numbersare displayed, youcanalso enter numbersdirectly using thenumberkeypadonyourremote.

5. Pressthe ENTERE buttonwhendone.

 ■Cancel Schedules: Cancel a show orchannel youhavescheduled.

 To cancel a scheduledshow or channel, follow these steps:

1. Selectthe Programmed  Listicononthe leftside oftheChannel List  screen, andthen pressthe ENTERE button.

2. Onthe Programmed  Listscreen, selectthe show orchannelentry youwant to cancel, andthen pressthe TOOLS button. The ToolsMenuappears.

3. Select Cancel Schedules, and thenpressthe ENTEREbutton. The Cancel Schedule screenappears.

4. Select OK , and thenpressthe ENTERE button.

 ■ Information: Display the informationfora show orchannel youhave scheduled. Youcan also change the schedule Information.

1. Selectthe Programmed  Listicononthe leftside oftheChannel List  screen, andthen pressthe ENTERE button.

2. Onthe Programmed  Listscreen, selectthe show orchannelentry youwant informationfor, andthen pressthe TOOLS button. The ToolsMenu appears.

3. Select Information, andthenpresstheENTERE button. The Time Viewing Informationscreenappears.

4. Select Change Info andpresstheENTERE buttonto change information, orselect Close and presstheENTERE buttonto close the Informationscreen.

 ■ Select All /Deselect All: Youcanselector deselectallchannelsin the channel list.

❑ Other Channel Menu Functions

Channel Mode (Added Channels/Favorite

Channels)Letsyouselectthe channel listdisplayedwhenyoupressthe<CH> (Channel) buttonon yourremote. Forexample, ifyouselectFavorite Channels, youwill only see Favorite channels whenyoupress the<CH> button.

Fine Tune  Analog channelsonly.

Ifthe receptionis clear, youdo nothave to fine tune the channel,asthis isdone automatically during the searchandstoreoperation. Ifthe signal isweak ordistorted, fine tune the channelmanually.

 ✎ Selectthe channel, andthenselect Fine Tune.

 ✎ Fine tunedchannelsthathave beensavedare markedwithanasterisk “*” onthe right-handside ofthe channel numberinthe channel banner.

 ✎ To resetfine-tuning, select the channel, select Fine Tune, andthenselectReset onthe Fine Tune screen.

Setup Menu

Plug & PlayLetsyoure-runthe Plug& Play initial setupprocedure. Forinstructions, see yourQuickStart Guide.


Setthe menulanguage.

 ✎ Choose between English, Español, and Français.

 ❑ Setting the Time


 ✎  The time youset will appear whenyou pressthe INFO button.

 ■Clock : Setthe clockso youcanuse the varioustimerfeaturesofthe TV.

 ✎ Ifyoudisconnectthe powercord, youhave to settheclockagain.

Toset the clock, follow these steps :

1. Select Setup >Time > Clock .

2. Press ENTERE andselect Auto or Manual, andthen pressENTERE again.

Ifyou selected Auto:

 The TVwill automatically downloadthe correctt ime from adigital channel.

• Select Time Zone, and thenpressthe ENTERE button.Use the▲/▼ buttonsto selectyour Time Zone, andthenpressENTERE.

• SelectDST (DaylightSavingsTime), andthen pressENTERE. Select On ifyouwantto turnthe DSTadjustmenton andoff manually. SelectOff to turnofftheDST adjustment. Select Auto ifyouwantthe TVto adjustto DST automatically. Press ENTEREwhendone.

 ✎ DST and Time Zone functionare only available whenthe ClockMode issetto Auto.

Ifyou selected Manual:

 The ClockSet screenappears. Use the ▲/▼ buttonstochange the valuesin eachfield oruse the numberbuttonstoenterthe valuesdi rectly. Use the ◄/► buttonsto move fromfieldto field. When done withall the fields, pressENTERE.

 ✎  Available only when ClockMode issetto Manual.

 ■ Sleep Timer t

 Automatically shutsoffthe TV aftera preset periodof time. (30,

60, 90, 120, 150 and180 minutes).

 ✎  To cancel the Sleep Timer , select Off.

Timer 1 / Timer 2 / Timer 3

 Turnsthe TVon andoff automatically attimes anddays you

select. Youcan setthree differenton/off timersettings.

✎  Youmust setthe cloc kfirst.

 ■OnTime /OffTime: Sett he hour, minute, am/pm, and Activate/Inactivate fieldsfor the OnTime  and OffTime. Use the◄/► buttonsto move from fieldto field. Use the▲/▼ buttonsto change the valuesin eachfield. To activate the timerwiththe setting youhave chosen, setthe Activate/Inactivate fieldto


■ Volume: Setthe desiredloudness.

 ■Contents: To selectwhat will be turnedon whenthe timersetting isactivated. Youcan setthe TVto turnon a specificchannel orplay backcontents suchas photo oraudio files.

Use the ◄/► buttonsto move to move to the Contents field,andthenpresstheENTERE button. The Contentsscreenappears. Use the ◄/► buttonsto move from fieldto field. Usethe ▲/▼ buttonsto change the valuesineach field.

- TV/USB: Select TV  or USB. The USBdevice must beconnectedto yourTV before youcan selectUSB.

-Antenna: Displaysthe current antenna source, Air or Cable.

-Channel: Ifyouhave selectedTV, selectthe desiredchannel.

- Music/Photo: Ifyou have selectedUSB, follow these stepstoselecta folder containing MP3 (Music) orJPEG (Photo) filesonthe USBdevice:

 ✎  The maximum displayednumber offile s, including subfolders, in one folderofUSBstorage device is 2000.

 ✎  The media may notbe play ing smoothly whenusing thedevice lowerthanUSB2.0.

1. Use the ◄/► buttonsto move to the fieldunder Music orthe fieldunder Photo, and thenpressthe ENTEREbutton. The TVdisplays a single folder(the Rootfolder)andthe type orname ofthe device.

The On Screen Menus

 YourTVhas two kindsof menus, the Mainmenuand the various Toolsmenus. The Mainmenugives youaccess to mostor all of the menuoptionsavailable onyour TV. The Toolsmenus displaya selectednumber offrequently usedmenu optionsthat changedepending onthe screenyouare viewing. AToolsmenusymbol (T )inthe lowerrightside of the screenindicatesthata Toolsmenuisavailable.

 The Mainmenuhas sevenprimary categories:

 y Picture y Input

 y Sound y Application

 y Channel y Support

 y Setup

 To view the Mainmenu, pressthe MENU buttonon yourremote. Toview a Toolsmenu, pressthe TOOLS buttonon yourremote.

 ✎  The menuoptions thatap peari nthe Main menudepe ndonthe Source youhave selected. Forexample, ifyou haveselected the HDMIsource, the Channel category will notappear. To see the Channel category, youmustfirst select TV inthe Source List.

 The Menuoptionsare presented below, arrangedby Mainmenu

categories. AToolsbutton symbol(t ) nextto anoptionname indicatesthe optionisal so available inone ofthe Toolsmenus.

Picture Menu


Selectyour preferredpicture mode.

 ✎ WhenyourTVisconnectedto a PC, youcanonly selectEntertain  and Standard.

 ■Dynamic: Brightensthe screen. Suitable fora brightroom.

 ■ Standard: Suitable fora normal.

 ■Movie: Darkensthe screen, making itlessglary. Suitable forwatching moviesin a darkenedroom.

 ■ Entertain: Sharpensthe picture. Suitable forgames.

 ✎ Only available whenthe TV  isconnectedto a PC.

Backlight / Contrast / Brightness / Sharpness /

Color / Tint (G/R)■Backlight: Adjuststhe brightnessofthe screenby adjusting the

brightnessoft he individual pixels.

 ■Contrast: Increasesordecreases the contrastbetween darkandlightareas ofthe picture.

 ■Brightness: Adjuststhe brightnessofthe screen. Notaseffective asBacklight.

 ■ Sharpness: Sharpensordulls the edgesof objects.

 ■Color : Adjuststhe colorsaturation. The higherthe Color setting,the more intense the color. Low settingsremove color andthepicture becomesblack, white andgray.

 ■ Tint (G/R): Adjuststhe amountof greenand redin the picture. Asyou increase the amountofgreen, the amountof reddecreasesand vice versa.

 ✎ Whenthe TVisconnectedto a PC, youcanonly makechangesto Backlight, Contrast, Brightness, and Sharpness.

 Advanced Settings Available in Standardand Movie mode only.

Comparedto previousmodels, new Samsung TVsoffera moreprecise picture withmore precise controls.

 ✎ WhenyourTVisconnectedto a PC, youcan only makechangesto Gamma and White Balance.

 ■ ColorSpace (Auto/ Native): Auto automatically matchestherange ofcolorsavailable to create picturesto the colorrange of the video source. Native providesa colorrange widerthan thecolorrange of the video source.

 ■White Balance: Adjuststhe colortemperature of the picture sothatwhite objectslook white (insteadof, forexample, slightlypinkor slightly yellow) andthe overall colorof the picture looksnatural.

R-Offset /G-Offset /B-Offset: Adjustseach color’s(red,green, blue) darkness.

R-Gain/ G-Gain/ B-Gain: Adjustseachcolor’s( red, green,blue) brightness.

Reset: Resetsthe White Balance to it’sdefaultsettings.

 ■ Gamma: Adjuststhe primary colorintensity.

 ■ Dynamic Contrast (Off/Low / Medium /High): Adjuststhescreencontrast.

■ BlackTone (Off/Dark/Darker/ Darkest): Selectsthe black level to adjustthe screendepth. Darkersettingsmake blackslookdarker.

 ■ FleshTone: Adjuststhe amountofredin skintones.

 ■MotionLighting(Off/ On): Whenon, the TVautomaticallyadjuststhe brightnessof the screeninresponse to thebrightnessofthe room. Inbright light, the screenbrightens. Indim light, the screendims.

 ✎  Available in Standard mode only.

Picture Options

 ✎ Whenthe TVisconnectedto a PC, youcanonly makechangesto the ColorTone , Size and HDMI BlackLevel.

 ■ ColorTone (Cool /Standard /Warm1 / Warm2): Cool makesthe picture bluer(cooler). Warm 1 and Warm 2 make the pictureredder(warmer).

 ✎ Warm1 and Warm2  are deactivated whenthe picturemode issetto Dynamic.

 ■ Size: Setthe size andaspect ratio ofthe picture onthe screen.

 Yourcable boxor satellite receivermay have its ownset of screensizes aswell. However, we highly recommendyou usethe TVs16:9 mode mostofthe time.

16:9: Setsthe picture to the 16:9 wide screen format.

Zoom1: Providesmoderate magnificationof the picture. Sides,top, andbottom are cutoff.

Zoom2: Provideslargermagnification ofthe picture. Sides, top,andbottom are cutoff.

Wide Fit: Enlargesthe aspectratio of the picture so the picturefitsthe entire screen.

4:3: Setsthe picture to the old, 4:3 formatandputs blackor graybordersonthe rightandleftofthe picture.

 ✎ Do notwatchyourTVin the 4:3 formatfora long time. Tracesof bordersdispl ayedon the left, righta ndcenter of the screenmay cause image retention(screen burn) whichisnotcoveredby the warranty.

ScreenFit : Displaysthe full image withoutany cut-offwhenyourTV isinputting HDMI(720p / 1080i / 1080p) orComponent(1080i / 1080p) HD signals.

 ✎ HD (HighDefinition) hasa 16:9 aspectratio and1080i/1080p(1920x1080) or720p(1280x720) resolution.

 ✎  Youcan adjust andstore settings foreach external device youhave connectedto aninput onthe TV. Picture Sizesavailableby InputSource are listedbelow:

2. Pressthe ENTERE button. A listoffoldersonthe deviceappears.

 ✎ Ifthere are no foldersonyourdevice, pressthe Yellow selectbuttonto selectthe Root folder, andthenpresstheRETURN button. The Timerscreenre-appears.

3. Use the ▲/▼  buttonsto highlighta folderthat containsmusic orphotos, andthenpress the Yellow  selectbuttonto selectthe folder.

4. Pressthe RETURN button. The Timerscreenre-appears.

 ■ Repeat: Select Once, Everyday, Mon~Fri, Mon~Sat, Sat~Sunor Manual. Ifyouselect Manual, youcanselectthe daysyouwantto activate the timer by using the◄/► buttonsto highlightthe day, andthen pressing theENTERE button. To unselectaday, highlightit, andthenpress theENTERE button.

Whenyou finishedmaking all yourselections onthe Timerscreen,presseither the ENTERE or RETURN button.

 ❑ Other Features

Program Rating Lock

 The Program RatingLock feature letsyou blockprogramsyou've determinedare inappropriate foryour childrenbased onthe program'sratings. To accessthe Program RatingLock feature andmake any changes, youmustenter a PIN (personalidentificationnumber). To watcha blockedprogram, youmust alsoenterthe same PIN.

 ✎ Program RatingLock  isnot available in HDMI or Component mode.

 ✎  The defaultPIN number ofa new TV seti s“0-0-0-0”. Youcansetyour ownPIN using the Change PIN function.

How It Works

Whenyouaccessthe Program RatingLock Menufunctionsforthe firsttime, the PIN inputscreen appears. Enter0-0-0-0. The PINscreenclosesandthe Program RatingLock Menuappears. Everytime youaccess the Program RatingLock functions, the PINscreenwill appearandyoumustentera PIN.

Whenthe Rating Lockscreenappears, select Program RatingLock , andthen pressENTERE. Select On, andthenpresstheENTERE key again. Depending onwhattype of programsormoviesyou wantto block, selectone ofthe optionsonthe screen,andthenpresstheENTERE button. The optionsare listedbelow:

 ■ TV Parental Guidelines: YoucanblockTVprogramsbasedontheir ratings. Thisfunction allowsyou to control whatyourchildrenare watching.

 ■MPAARating: YoucanblockmoviesbasedontheirMPAA ratings. The MotionPicture AssociationofAmerica (MPAA) hasimplementeda rating system thatprovidesparents orguardianswithadvanced informationon whichfilms are appropriate forchildren.

 ■ CanadianEnglish : YoucanblockTVprogramsbasedontheir Anglophone Canadianratings.

 ■ CanadianFrench: YoucanblockTVprogramsbasedontheirFrenchCanadianratings.

 ■ Downloadable U.S. Rating: Parental restrictioninformationcanbe usedwhile watching DTVchannels.

Locking/Blocking Programs or Movies

 Youlock orblock programsand/ormovies inessentially the sameway foreach option. Eachoption displaysa gridor table. All thetableshave ratingslisted onthe left. The TVParental Guidelinesoptionalso haskindsof contentlistedacrossthe top: ALL: Lockall TVratings. / FV : Fantasy violence / V : Violence / S: Sexual situation / L: AdultLanguage / D: Sexually Suggestive Dialog.

 To lock/blockmoviesor showswithcertain ratingsand/or kindsof content, clickthe square nextto the rating and/orunder the kindof content. Alock appears. To unlock/unblock, clickt he square again.Whenyou clicka low rating, all the ratingsabove itwill also displaylocks. Youcanalso Allow All orLockAll. Whendone, presstheRETURN buttonon yourremote.

 ■ Change PIN: The Change PIN screenwill appear. Choose any4 digitsforyourPIN andenterthem inEnterNew PIN fields.Re-enterthe same 4 digitsin Confirm New PIN fields. WhentheChange PIN screendisappears, presstheOK  button. The TV hasmemorized yournew PIN.

 ✎ Ifyou forgetthe PIN, pressthe remote-control buttonsinthe following sequence, whichresetsthe pin to “0-0-0-0” :POWER (off) → MUTE → 8 → 2 → 4 → POWER (on)

Game Mode (On/Off)Whenyou connecta game console suchas a PlayStation™orXbox™ to yourTV, youcanenjoy a more realistic gamingexperience by turning onthe Game Mode function.

 ✎ Precautionsandlimitationsforgame mode:

 x Before youdisconnectthe game console and connectanotherexternal device, set Game Mode to Off inthe setupmenu.

 x I fyoudisplay the TVmenuin Game Mode, the screenshakesslightly.

 ✎ Game Mode is notavailable whenthe inputsource issettoTV .

✎  Afterconnecting the game console, set Game Mode to On. Youmay notice slightly reduced picture quality.

Caption(On-Screen Text Dialogue)

 ■ Caption: Youcanswitchthe captionfunctiononor off. If captionsare notavailable, they will notbe displayedon thescreen.

 ✎  The Caption feature doesnotworkin Component orHDMI mode.

 ■ CaptionMode: Youcan selectthe desiredcaption mode.

Default / CC1~CC4 /Text1~Text4: (analog channelsonly) The Analog Captionfunctionoperates ineither analog TVchannelmode orwhena signal issupplied from anexternal device to the TV. (Depending onthe broadcasting signal, the Analog Captionfunctionmay ormay notworkwith digital channels.)

Default /Service1~Service6 / CC1~CC4 /Text1~Text4:(Digital channelsonly) The Digital Captionsfunctionworks withdigital channels.

 ✎ Service1~6 may not be available indigital captionmodedepending onthe broadcast.

 ■ Digital CaptionOptions: (Digital channelsonly)

Size: Optionsinclude Default, Small, StandardandLarge. Thedefaultis Standard.

Font Style: Optionsinclude DefaultandStyles 0 to 7. Thedefaultis Style 0.

Foreground Color : Optionsinclude Default, White, Black, Red,Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta andCyan. Youcan change thecolorof the letters. The defaultis White.

Figuresand illustrationsin thisUser Manualareprovided forreferenceonlyand maydifferfrom actualproductappearance. Productdesignandspecificationsmaybe changedwithout notice.

Important Warranty Information Regarding

Television Format Viewing

 ✎ See the warranty cardfor more informationonwarrantyterms.

WidescreenformatLEDDisplays(16:9,theaspectratioofthescreenwidthtoheight)areprimarilydesignedtoviewwidescreenformatfull-motionvideo. Theimages displayedon themshouldprimarilybeinthewidescreen16:9ratioformat,orexpandedtofillthescreenifyourmodeloffersthisfeatureandtheimagesareconstantlymoving.Displayingstationary graphicsand imagesonscreen,suchas thedark sidebarson non-expandedstandard

formattelevisionvideo andprogramming,shouldbe limitedto nomorethan5%of thetotaltelevisionviewingperweek.Additionally,viewingotherstationary imagesand textsuch asstock marketreports,videogame displays,stationlogos, websites orcomputergraphicsandpatterns,shouldbelimitedasdescribedaboveforalltelevisions. Displayingstationaryimages thatexceed theaboveguidelinescancause unevenaging ofLEDDisplays thatleavesubtle,but permanentburned-inghostimages inthe LEDpicture. Toavoid this,vary theprogrammingand images,and primarilydisplayfull screenmovingimages, notstationary patternsor dark bars.OnLED modelsthat offerpicturesizing features,usethesecontrolstoviewdifferentformatsasa fullscreenpicture.Becarefulintheselectionanddurationoftelevisionformatsyouuseforviewing.UnevenLEDagingasaresultofformatselectionanduse,aswellasburned-inimages,arenotcoveredbyyourSamsunglimitedwarranty.



Subjectto therequirements,conditions,exclusionsand limitations

ofthe originalLimited Warrantysuppliedwith SamsungElectronics

(SAMSUNG)products,and therequirements,conditions,exclusions

andlimitations containedherein,SAMSUNGwilladditionally

provideWarrantyRepair Servicein theUnited Stateson SAMSUNG

productspurchasedin Canada,and inCanada onSAMSUNG

productspurchasedin theUnited States,forthe warrantyperiod

originallyspecified,and tothe OriginalPurchaseronly.

 Theabove describedwarrantyrepairs mustbe performedby a

SAMSUNGAuthorizedService Center.Alongwith thisStatement,theOriginalLimitedWarrantyStatementanda datedBillofSaleasProofof Purchasemustbe presentedto theService Center.

 Transportationto andfrom theService Centeris theresponsibilityof thepurchaser.Conditionscovered arelimited onlyto manufacturingdefectsin materialor workmanship,and onlythose encounteredinnormaluseof theproduct.Excluded,butnotlimitedto,areanyoriginally specifiedprovisionsfor,in-home oron-site services,minimumormaximum repairtimes, exchangesorreplacements,accessories,options,upgrades,or consumables.

Forthe locationof aSAMSUNGAuthorizedService Center,pleasecalltoll-free:

––In theUnited States: 1-800-SAMSUNG(1-800-726-7864)

––In Canada: 1-800-SAMSUNG

Still image warning

 Avoiddisplayingstill images(such asjpeg picturefiles) orstillimageelements(suchasTVchannellogos,TVshowsormovies

inpanoramaor4:3format,stockornewsscrollbars,etc.)onthescreen.Theconstant displayof stillpictures cancause ghostingorimageburn-in(image retention)on theLEDscreen, whichwill affectimagequality.Toreducetheriskofthiseffect,pleasefollowtherecommendationsbelow:

• Avoiddisplaying thesame TVchannelfor longperiods.

• Alwaystry todisplay anyimage infull screenmode.Use theTV'sPictureOptionsmenutoselecttheoptimalscreensize.

• Reducebrightnessand contrastvaluesto theminimumrequiredtoachievethedesiredpicturequality.Valuesthatexceedtheminimummay speedup theburn-inprocess.

• Frequentlyuseall TVfeaturesdesigned toreduce imageretentionandscreen burn-in.Referto properusermanual sectionfordetails.

LED TV user manual

©2013 Samsung ElectronicsCo., Ltd. All rightsreserved.


Ifyouhaveanyquest ionsorcommentsrelat ingtoSamsungproducts,

pleasecontact theSAMSUNGcustomer carecenter.

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CustomerCareCenter  1-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864)







- 2 -- 1 -

- 6 -- 5 -

- 3 -

- 7 -

- 4 -

- 8 -


Input Source Picture Size

 ATV, AV, Component(480i, 480p)16:9, Zoom1, Zoom2, 4:3

DTV(1080i, 1080p), Component(1080i,

1080p), HDMI(720p, 1080i, 1080p)

16:9, Wide Fit, 4:3, ScreenFit

 ■ Digital Noise Filter(Off/Low / Medium / High/Auto) : Ifthebroadcastsignal receivedby yourTVis weak, youcan activatethe Digital Noise Filter feature to reduce any static andghostingthatmay appearon the screen.

 ✎ Whenthe signal is weak, try all the Digital Noise Filteroptionsuntil the TVdisplaysthe bestpicture.

 ■ HDMI BlackLevel (Normal /Low) : ForHDMIsignals, selectthe blacklevel to adjustthe screendepth. Low make blackslook darker.

 ✎  Available only in HDMI mode (RGBsignals).

 ■ Film Mode (Off/ Auto) : Setsthe TVt o automatically sense andprocessfilm signalsfrom all sourcesandadjusts the picture foroptimum quality.

 ✎  Available in ATV, DTV(interlace), AV, COMPONENT (480i /1080i) andHDMI (480i / 1080i).

 ■ AutoMotion Plus (Off/ Clear/ Standard /Smooth/ Custom / Demo): Enhancesmotion infast moving scenes.

 ✎  The info screenon yourTV displays the resolutionandfrequency ofthe incoming vide o signal (60Hz). Thisdisplayedfrequency isnot whatthe TV isdisplaying byusing the AutoMotion Plus function.

 ■ LEDMotionPlus (Off/On): Removesdrag from fastsceneswitha lotof movementto provide a clearpicture.

Picture Reset ■ Picture Reset (Reset Picture Mode /Cancel) : Resetsthepicture settingsto theirfactory defaults.

Sound Menu

Mode t

 ■ Standard: Selectsthe normal soundmode.

 ■Music: Emphasizesmusic overvoices.

 ■Movie: Providesthe bestsoundfor movies.

 ■ ClearVoice: Emphasizesvoicesover othersounds.

 ■ Amplify: Increase the intensity ofhigh-frequency soundsto allowa betterlistening experience forthe hearing impaired.


 Available inStandard soundmode only.

 ■ Balance L/R: Adjuststhe balance betweenthe rightand leftspeaker.

 ■ 100Hz/ 300Hz/ 1KHz/3KHz/ 10KHz(Bandwidth Adjustment): Adjuststhe loudness ofspecific bandwidthfrequencies.

 ■ Reset: Resetsthe equalizerto itsdefault settings.

SRS TruSurround HD

 Available inStandard soundmode only.

SRSTruSurroundHD isa patented SRStechnology thatsolvesthe problem ofplaying 5.1 multichannel contentthroughtwospeakers. TruSurrounddelivers a compelling, virtual surroundsoundexperience throughany two-speakerplayback system,including internal televisionspeakers. Itisfully compatible withallmultichannel formats.

Preferred Language

Digital channelsonly.

Digital-TVbroadcastscan transmitmany audio trackssimultaneously (forexample, simultaneoustranslationsofa programinto foreignlanguages).

 ✎  Youcan only select a language from among the onesbeingbroadcast.

Multi-Track Sound (MTS)

 Analog channelsonly.

 ■Mono: Selectfor channelsthat are broadcasting inmono orif youare having difficulty receiving a stereo signal.

 ■ Stereo: Selectforchannelst hatare broadcasting instereo.

 ■ SAP: Selectto listen to the Separate Audio Program, whichisusually a foreign-language translation.

 ✎ Depending onthe program being broadcast, youcan listen toMono, Stereo or SAP.

 Auto Volume

Because eachstationhas itsown broadcasting conditions, thevolume may fluctuate eachtime you change the channel. Thisfeature automatically adjuststhe volume of a channel by loweringthe soundoutput whenthe modulationsignal ishighor by raisingthe soundoutput whenthe modulationsignal islow.

Sound Reset

 ■ Reset All: Resetsall soundsettings to the factory defaults.

Channel Menu

 ❑ Memorizing ChannelsWhenyoufirstsetupyourTVusingPlug& Play, the TV memorizedthe channelsthatwere available overthe airor throughyourcable system andadded them to theChannel List. The

 Antenna and Autoprogram  functionsdescribed below letyoure-runthe channel memorizationfunctionwithout having to re-runthe Plug& Play procedure.

 Antenna (Air / Cable)t

Before yourtelevisioncan memorize the available channels, youmustselect yourTV's signal source, Air (using anantenna) orCable. SelectMenu>Channel > Antenna > Air or Cable. Afteryouhave selected the signal source, go onto the Auto Programfunction.

 ✎ Selecting the signal source using the  Antenna  functionalsodeterminesthe signal source the TVistuned to. Forexample,ifyoureceive yourTVsignal overthe air, andyou selectCable, youwill see only snow. Youmustselect Airto see apicture.

Background Color : Optionsinclude Default, White, Black, Red,Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta andCyan. Youcan change thebackgroundcolorof the captions. The defaultisBlack.

Foreground Opacity: Thisadjuststhe opacity of text. Optionsinclude Default, Transparent, Translucent, Solid andFlashing.

Background Opacity: Thisadjuststhe opacity ofthe captionbackground. Optionsinclude Default, Transparent, Translucent,Solidand Flashing.

Returnto Default: Thisoption setseach Size, FontStyle,ForegroundColor, BackgroundColor, ForegroundOpacity andBackgroundOpacity to itsdefault.

 ✎ Digital CaptionOptions are available only whenyou canselect Default and Service1 ~Service6 in CaptionMode .

 ✎  The Foregroundand Backgroundcannot be setto thesame color.

MelodyLetsyou control whethera melody playswhen the TVis turnedonoroff.

 ✎  The Melody doesnotplay:

 x Whenno soundisoutputfrom the TVbecause the MUTE buttonhasbeenpressed.

 x Whenno soundis outputfrom the TVbecause the volumehasbeenreducedto minimum withthe VOL– button.

 x Whenthe TVisturnedoffby the Sleep Timer  function.

 Auto Protection Time■ AutoProtectionTime (Off/ 2 hours /4 hours / 8 hours /10

hours): Ifthe screenremains idle witha still image fora certainperiodof time youdefine, the screensaver isactivated to preventthe formationof ghostimages onthe screen.

Eco Solution

 ■ Energy Saving(Off /Low /Medium /High /Picture Off): Thisadjust the brightnessofthe TV inorder to reduce powerconsumption. Ifyou select Picture Off, the screenis turnedoff, butthe soundremainson. Pressany buttonexceptvolumebuttonto turnon the screen.

■ NoSignal PowerOff(Off/15 min. / 30 min. /60 min.): Setshow quickly the TVswitchesto standby mode, ifno picture isbeing received.

 ✎ Disabledwhenthe PC isin powersaving mode.

 ■ AutoPower Off(Off/ On): The TVwill be automatically turnedoffwhenno useroperation isreceived for4 hours.

Support Menu

Self Diagnosis

 ■ Picture Test: Use to checkforpicture problems. Ifthe problemappearsin the testpict ure, selectYes andfollow the directionsonthe screen.

 ■ Sound Test: Use the built-inmelody soundto check forsoundproblems. Ifthe problem occursduring the test, selectYesandfollow the directionsonthe screen.

 ■ Signal Strength: (Digital channelsonly) An HD channel’sreceptionquality iseitherperfect orthe channelsare unavailable. Adjustyour antenna to increase signal strength.

■ Reset: Resetall settings to the factory defaults.

 ✎  The PIN inputscreen appears before the setupscreen.

 ✎ Enteryour 4-digit PIN. Change the PIN using theChangePIN option.

Software Upgrade

Software Upgrade canbe performedby downloading the latestfirmware from samsung.com to a USB memory device.

HD Connection Guide

Referto thisinformation whenconnecting external devicesto the TV.

Contact Samsung

 View thisinformationwhen yourTV doesnot workproperly orwhenyou wantto upgrade the software. Youcan findinformationregarding ourcall centersand how to downloadproductsandsoftware.

Media Play 

Enjoy photos, music and/ormovie filessaved onaUSBMassStorage Class(MSC) device.



 ❑ Connecting a USB Device1.  Turnonyour TV.

2. Connecta USBdevice containing photo, music, and/ormoviefilesto the USB jackon the backofthe TV. Apopup windowappears.

3. Pressthe MEDIA.P buttonon yourremote. The Media Playmenuappears.

 ❑ Using the Media Play Menu

SUM  ■  ChangeDevice E Enter  R Return



 To openMedia Play inthe Menu, follow these steps:

1. Pressthe MENU button. Then, pressthe▲ or ▼  buttontoselect Applicationonthe left, andthen pressthe ENTERE button.

2. Pressthe ▲ or ▼ buttonto select Media Play (USB), andthenpressthe ENTERE button.

3. Pressthe ◄ or ► buttonto selectanicon( Videos, Music,Photos, Settings ), andthen pressthe ENTERE button.

 ✎ Media Play mightnot workproperly withunlicensedmultimedia files.

 ✎ Need-to-Know Listbefore using Media Play (USB)

 x The file system supports FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS.

 x CertaintypesofUSB Digital camera andaudio devicesmay notbe compatible withthisTV.

 x Media Play only supportsUSBMassStorage Class(MSC)devices. MSC isa MassS torage ClassBulk-Only Transportdevice. ExamplesofMSC are Thumbdrivesand FlashCardReaders. Devicesshouldbe connecteddirectly to the TV’sUSBport. USBHDD is notsupported.

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 x Before connecting yourdevic e to the TV, please backup yourfilesto preventthem from damage orlossof data. SAMSUNG isnotresponsible forany data file damage ordata loss.

 x AUSB device thatrequires highpower (more than0.5A) may notbe supported.

 x Do notdisconnectthe USBdevice while itisloading.

 x The higherthe resolution ofthe image, the longer ittakes todisplay onthe screen.

 x I fa file iscorruptedorthe TVdoesnotsupportthe file type, the“NotSupported File Format” message appears.

 x The TVc annotpl ay MP3 fileswi thDRM that have beendownloaded from a for-pay site. Digital RightsManageme nt(DRM) isa technology thatsup ports the creation, distribution,andmanagementofdigital contentinanintegratedandcomprehensive way, including protecting the rightsand interestsofco ntentprovid ers, preventing illegal copying ofcontents, andmanaging billing and settlements.

 x PTPdevicesare notsupported.

 x I fanover-powerwarning message isdisplayedwhile youareconnecting orusing a USBdevice, the device may notberecognizedor may malfunction.

 x I fthe TVhas no inputduring the time periodsetin AutoProtectionTime , the Screensaverwill run.

 x The power-saving mode of some external hard disk drives maybe releasedautomatically whenyourconnectthem to the TV.

 x Ifyou use a USBextension cable, the TVmay notrecognize theUSBdevice ormay notbe able to readthe filesonthe device.

 x I fa USBdevice connectedto the TVisnotrecognized, the listof filesonthe device iscorrupted, ora file inthe listisnotplayed,connectthe USB device to a PC, formatthe device, andcheck the connection.

 x I fa file youdeletedfrom the PC isstill foundwhenyourunMediaPlay, use the “Empty the Recycle Bin” functionon the PC topermanently delete the file.

 x Photos only supportsthe sequential jpeg format.

 x The Videos optiondoesnotsupportthe scene searchandthumbnail functions.

 x I fthe numberoffilesandfolderssavedona USBstorage device isoverapproximately 4000, the filesandfoldersmay notappearandsome foldersmay notopen.

 x The maximum displayednumber offiles, including sub folders, inone folderofUSB storage device is 2000.

 x The media may notbe playing smoothly whenusing the devicelowerthanUSB2.0.



00:04:03 / 00:07:38►1/1Movie01.avi

EPauseL Jump T Tools R Return

1. Inthe Media Play menu, pressthe ◄ or ► buttonto select Videos, and thenpressthe ENTERE button.

2. Pressthe ◄/►/▲/▼buttonsto select a video inthe file list.

3. Pressthe ENTERE  buttonor� (Play) button.

 -  The file name isdispl ayedon the topof the screenwith theplaying time.

 - Ifvide o time informationis unknown, playing time andtheprogressbarare notdisplayed.

 - During video playback, youcan searchusing the◄ and► buttons.

 ✎ Inthismode, youcanplay movie clipscontainedina game,butyoucannotplay the game itself.

 ySupportedSubtitle Formats

 - External

Name File extension

MPEG-4 timed text .ttxt

SAMI .smi

SubRip .srt

SubViewer .sub

Micro DVD .sub or .txt

SubStation Alpha .ssa

 AdvancedSubStationAlpha .ass

 - Internal

Name Container Format

 Xsub AVI Picture Format

SubStation Alpha MKV Text Format

 AdvancedSubStationAlpha MKV TextFormat

SubRip MKV Text Format

MPEG-4 Timed text MP4 Text Format

 ySupportedVideo Formats


Container VideoCodec Resolut ion Framerate(fps)



*.m p4 M P4

DivX 3.11/4.x/5.1

 /6.01 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s


 AACH 26 4 1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s

 AVC 1920x1080 6~30 30Mbps

MJP EG 6 40x 48 0 6 ~3 0 1 0Mbps



DivX 3.11/4.x/5.1


1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s MP3 /

 AC3 /LPCM /



1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s

H 26 4 1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s

MJP EG 6 40x 48 0 6 ~3 0 1 0Mbps

*.asf *.wmv


DivX3.11 / 4.x/5.1

 / 6.01 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s

MP3 / AC3 /LPCM / 




1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s

H .2 64 1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s




M PE G2 1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s  AC3 / AAC /MP3 /DD+/


H. 264 BP / MP/ HP

1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s




M PEG 1 1920x1080 24/25/30 30Mb ps AC3 /MPEG /LPCM / AAC

M PEG 2 1920x1080 24/25/30 30Mb ps

H. 264 BP / MP/ HP

1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s

* .3 gp 3 GP P


1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp sMP3

H .2 64 1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s



H .2 64 1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s


1 92 0x 10 80 6 ~3 0 3 0M bp s

Other Restrictions y Video contentwill not play, ornot play correctly, ifthere is anerrorin the contentor the container.

 ySoundor video may notwork ifthe contentshave a standardbitrate/ frame rate above the compatible Frame/sec listedin theSupportedVideo Formatstable.

 y Ifthe Index Table erroneous, the Seek(Jump) functionis notsupported.

 y The menumay take longerto appear ifthe video’sbit rateexceeds10Mbps.

 y Video contentcan notbe played ifthere are many contentsinone file.


Supportsupt o H.264, Level 4.1

H.264 FMO / ASO / RS, VC1 SP/ MP / APL4 and AVCHD arenotsupported.


–Below 1280 x720: 60 frame max

–Above 1280 x720: 30 frame max

H.263 isnot supported.

GMC isnot support.


Supportsupt o WMA7, 8, 9 STD, 9 PRO, 10 PRO

WMA9 PRO andWMA 10 PRO support 5.1 channel. (LBRmode ofWMA Pro isnot supported)

WMALosslessis notsupported.



I Love youJhon

Music 1No Singer

Music 2No Singer

Music 3No Singer

Music 4No Singer

Music 5No Singer

I Love YouJhon


01:10 / 04:02

SUM EPause L Jump T Tools R Return


1. Inthe Media Play menu, pressthe ◄ or ► buttonto select

Music, andthenpresstheENTERE button.

2. Pressthe ◄ / ► / ▲ / ▼ buttonsto selectthe desiredMusic inthe

file list.

3. Pressthe ENTERE  buttonor� (Play) button.

 ✎ During music playback, youcan searchusing the ◄ and► button.

 ✎ (REW) andµ (FF) buttonsdo notfunction duringplay.

 ✎ Media Play only displaysfiles withMP3 andPCM fileextension. Otherfile extensionsare notdisplayed, evenif theyare savedonthe same USBdevice.

 ✎ Ifthe soundis abnormal whenplaying MP3 files, adjusttheEqualizer  inthe Sound menu. (Anover-modulated MP3 filemay cause a soundproblem.)


Image1024.jpg 1024x768 2010/2/1 3/15

E Pause L Previous/Next T Tools R Return


1. Inthe Media Play menu, pressthe ◄ or ► buttonto selectPhotos , thenpress the ENTERE button.

2. Pressthe ◄ / ► / ▲ / ▼ buttonsto selecta photo int he file list.

3. Pressthe ENTERE buttonor� (Play) button.


 x While a photo listis displayed, pressthe� (Play) / ENTERE buttononthe remote control to starta slide show.

 x All files inthe fi le listsec tionwil l be displayed inthe slide show.

 x During the slide show, filesare displayedin order.

 x During the slide show, youcan adjust the slide show speedusing (π ) (REW) or(µ ) (FF) button.

 x Youcan move to otherfiles using ◄ or ► button.

 ✎ Media Play canplay Music filesautomatica lly during a SlideShow if Background Music  issetto On.

 ✎  Youcannot change the Mode in Background Music until theBackgroundMusic file hasfinished loading.

 y SupportedPhoto Formats

Image Photo Resolution

JPEGB ase -l ine 1 53 60 x 8 70 4

Pro gre ssi ve 10 24 x 7 68

Other Restrictions y CMYK, YCCK Colorspace JPEG are notsupported.

Playing Multiple Files■ Playingselected video/music/photofiles

1. Onthe File Listscreen, highlighta file, andthen pressthe Yellow

buttonon yourremote.

2. RepeatStep 1 to selectmultiple files.


 x A c markappearsto the leftofthe selectedfiles.

 x To cancel a selection, press the Yellow buttonag ain.

x To deselect all selected files, press the TOOLS button, select

Deselect All, andthenthe ENTERE button.

3. Pressthe TOOLS button, select Play Selected Contents, and

thenpress the ENTERE button.

 ■ Playinga video/music/photofolder 

1. Withthe folderson yourUSBdevi ce displayed, use the

◄ / ► / ▲ / ▼ buttonsto highlighta folder.

2. Pressthe TOOLS button, select Play Folder, andthenpressthe

ENTERE button.


Ifthe TVseems to have a problem, firstreview thislist ofpossible problemsand solution. Ifnone ofthese troubleshooting tipsapply, visitsamsung.com, thenclickon Support, orcall Samsung customerservice at1-800-SAMSUNG.

Problem Possible Solution

F l ic k er i ngand Di mm i ng I f your S amsungTe le v is i on i sfl i ck e ri ngor d im mi ngspor ad i ca l ly ,youm ayneed tod i sab l e som eof i tsene rgye f fic i en tfeaturesl iketheEnergySavingfeature.Followthestepsbelowwithyourremotetoturnthesefeaturesofforon.

 y Energy saving : Menu → Setup → EcoSolution → Energy Saving →Select Settings




DiagnosisTestontheTVto makesuretherearenodeviceissues.

 y SelfDiagnosis : UserMenu→ Support → SelfDiagnosis → Picture Test

 y Ifthe test isok, try making sure ;

 y  Yourconnections are all consistent. Forexample, ifyou’ve used the AVIn jackon yourTV, make sure youhaveusedthe AVOut jackonyourvideo source.

 y  Try making sure youhave connectedto the correct jacks. Forexample, ifyou use the Componentjacks, labeledPb, Pr, andY, to connectyour TVand video source, make sure youhave connectedthe blue Pbjack onthevideo source to the blue Pbjack onthe TV, the redPrjack onthe source to the redPrjack onthe TV.

S c reenBri ght ness I f youfi nd t ha t t hecol or sonyour S amsungTVa r ecorr ect b ut j ust a l i t t le t ood a rk or b r igh t, t he rea r esomese t ti ngsyoushould checkbeforecalling fora repair.

 y Backlight, Contrast, Brightness, Sharpness, Color, Tintandso on. Goto“Picture” inthe Menu,and thentryadjustingthese options.

Unwanted P owe ri ngoff I f your S amsungTVap pea rst ot u r nof f by i t sel f , t he r emayb ean i ssuewit he i the r your T i me r se tt i ngsor your EcofriendlyNoSignal PowerOff feature.

FirstmakesuretheSleepTimerisnot accidental lyset.TheSleepTimerletsyoufal lasleepwiththeTVst i l lonknowingthat itwil lturnoffafteracertainperiodoft imeandnotwasteenergy.

 y SleepTimer  : UserMenu → Setup → Time → SleepTimer 

Ifthe SleepTimer isnot activated, youmay have engagedthe No Signal PowerOff orAuto PowerOff feature.

 y NoSignalPowerOff : UserMenu → Setup → EcoSolution → NoSignalPower 

 y  AutoPower Off: UserMenu → Setup → EcoSolution → AutoPower Off

 TroublePoweringOn BeforeyouturntheTVon,find theredlightontherightorleftbottomofyourTV.PressthepoweronbuttonontheTVor remoteandthel ightshouldblinkabout5timesbeforetheTVturnson.


beforemakinga callto theservice department.

 y Ifyouhappento be using the TV asa monitorandthe stand-by l ightonly bl inksfora few secondswhenyou

pressthe powerbutton, yourPC isin sleepmode. To take yourPC outof sleepmode, pressa key onyourkeyboardormove the mouse. Thentry turning yourTV on.

Ifyou’resureyourpowercord,remotecontrol,andPCarefunct ioningproperly,youmaybehavingacableissue.If youhaveacableorsatel l itebox,yourTVmayappeartobeoffbecausethecableorsatel l i teboxisnotoutputt ingasignal.Totestthesignaloutputofyourcableorsatel li tebox,presstheguideorinfobuttononthe cableorsatel l i teboxremotecontrol.Ifthescreendisplaystheguideorinfodata,theproblemiscausedbythebox.

StandAssembly   • Ifyouhaveanytroubleassemblingthestand,referto“Instal ltheStand”intheStartUporStandInstallat ionGuide.

Cannotfinda channel   • Re-runPlug&PlayorrunAutoProgram.(gotoMENU - Channel-AutoProgram )

PoorPicture First,perform the PictureTest andtoseeifyourTV isdisplayingthetest imageproperly.

Got oMENU - Support-SelfDiagnosis- PictureTest

Ifthetest imageisproperlydisplayed,thepoorpicturemaybecausedbythesourceorsignal.

 TheTV imagedoes notlook asgood asitdidinthestore.

• Ifyouhaveananalogcable/satell i tebox,upgradetoa digitalsettopbox.UseHDMIorComponentcablestodeliverHD(high definition)picturequality.

• Cable/Satellitesubscribers:TryHD channelsfromthe channellineup.

•  Air/CableAntennaconnection: TryHD channelsafterrunning AutoProgram.

 ✎ Many HD channels broadcastu pscaled SD (StandardDefinition) content. The picture quality ofupscaledSD content islow.

•  Adjustthe Cable/Settopbox videooutput resolutionto 1080ior 720p.

 Thepicture isdistorted: macroblock error,smallblock, dots,pixelization.

• Compressionofvideocontentsmaycausepicturedistort ion,especial lyonfastmovingpicturessuchasthoseinsportsand actionmovies.

•  Aweak signalcan causepicturedistortion. Thisis nota TVproblem.

• MobilephonesusedclosetotheTV(within3.3ft )maycausenoiseinthepictureonanaloganddigitalchannels.

Coloriswrongormissing.   • Ifyou’reusingacomponentconnect ion,makesurethecomponentcablesareconnectedtothecorrect jacks.Incorrectorlooseconnect ionsmaycausecolorproblemsora blankscreen.

 Thereis poorcolor orbrightness.   •  Adjustthe Pictureoptionsin theTV menu.(go toPictureMode/ Color/ Brightness/ Sharpness )

•  Adjustthe EnergySaving opt ionintheTVmenu.(gotoMENU - Setup - EcoSolution - EnergySaving  )

•  Tryresetting thepicturet othe defaultpicturesettings. (gotoMENU - Picture - PictureReset )

 Thereis adotted lineon theedge of thescreen.

• IfthepicturesizeissettoScreenFit ,changeit to16:9.

• Changethe cable/satelliteboxresolution.

 Thepicture isblackand white.   • IfyouareusinganAVcompositeinput,connectthevideocable(yellow)totheGreenjackofComponent Input1ontheTV.

Whenchanging channels,the picturefreezesor isdistorted ordelayed.

• Ifconnectedtoa cablebox,pleasetrytoreset it .(ReconnecttheACcordandwaitunt i lthecableboxreboots.Itmaytakeupto20minutes)

• Settheoutputresolut ionofthecableboxto1080ior720p.

SoundProblems Performthe SoundTest toconfirmthatyourTVaudioisproperlyoperat ing.

(goto MENU - Support-SelfDiagnosis-SoundTest )


 Thereis nosound orthe soundis toolowat maximumvolume.•


 Thepicture isgood, butthere isnosound.

• Ifyouareusinganexternaldevice,checkthedevice’saudiooutputopt ionEx.youmayneedto changeyourcablebox’saudioopt iontoHDMIiftheboxis connectedtoyourTVusinganHDMIcable.

• Rebootthe connecteddeviceby reconnectingthe device’spowercable.

 Thespeakersare makinganinappropriatenoise.

• Checkthecableconnect ions.Makesureavideocableisnotconnectedtoan audioinput.

• ForAntennaorCableconnect ions,checkthesignalinformat ion.Aweaksignalmaycausesounddistort ion.

• Performthe SoundTest asexplainedabove.


 TheTV willnot turnon.   • MakesuretheACpowercordissecurelypluggedintothewallout letandtheTV.

• Makesurethewallout let isworking.

•  Trypressingthe POWER buttonontheTVto makesuretheproblemisnottheremote.IftheTVturnson,referto‘Remotecontroldoesnotwork’below.

 TheTV turnsoff automatically.   • Ensurethe SleepTimer  issetto Off inthe Time menu.

• IfyourPCisconnectedtotheTV,checkyourPCpowersett ings.

• MakesuretheACpowercordispluggedsecurelyintothewallout letandtheTV.

• WhenyouarewatchingTVconnectedtoan antennaorcableconnect ion,theTVwil lturnoffafter10-15 minutesifthereisnosignal.

 Thereis nopicture/video.   • Checkthe cableconnections.(Remove andreconnectall cablesconnectedto theTV andexternal devices).

• Setyourexternaldevice’s(Cable/SatBox,DVD,Blu-rayetc)videooutputstomatchtheconnect ionstotheTV input.Forexample,ifanexternaldevice’soutput isHDMI,itshouldbeconnectedtoanHDMIinputontheTV.

• Makesureyour connecteddevicesare poweredon.

• Besuretoselectthecorrect inputsourcebypressingtheSOURCE buttonontheremotecontrol.

• Rebootthe connecteddeviceby reconnectingthe device’spowercable.

RF(Cable/Antenna) Connection

 TheTV isnot receivingallchannels.   • Makesurethe coaxialcableis connectedsecurely.

• RunAutoProgramtoaddavailablechannelstothechannell ist .got oMENU - Channel-Autoprogramthenselect Auto andmakesurethecorrectCableTVsignaltypeissetinthemenu.Thereare3opt ions.(STD, HRC and IRC )

•  Verifythe antennais positionedcorrectly.

NoCaption ondigital channels.   • Checkthe CaptionSetupmenu. TrychangingCaptionModeService1 to CC1.

• Somechannelsmaynothavecaptiondata.

 Thepicture isdistorted: macroblock,error,smallblock, dots,pixelization.

• Compressionofvideocontentsmaycausepicturedistort ion,especial lyonfastmovingpicturessuchasthoseinsportsand actionmovies.

•  Aweak signalcan causepicturedistortion. Thisis nota TVproblem.


Purple/greenrollinghorizontal barsandbuzzingnoisefromtheTVspeakerswithComponentcableconnection.

• Removetheleftandrightaudioconnect ionsfromtheset-top-box.Ifthebuzzingstops,thisindicatesthattheset-top-boxhasagroundingissue.ReplacetheComponentvideocableswithanHDMIconnect ion.

 Thepicture willnot displayin fullscreen.   • HDchannelswil lhaveblackbarsoneithersideofthescreenwhendisplayingupscaledSD(4:3)contents.

• Blackbarsonthetop andbottomappearwhenmoviesthathaveaspectrat iosdifferent fromyourTVplayonthe TV.

•  Adjustthe picturesizeoption onyour externaldeviceor changethe TVto fullscreen.

 Theremote controldoes notwork.   • Replacetheremotecontrol'sbatteries.Makesureyouinsert themwiththepolarity(+/–)correct.

• Cleanthetransmissionwindowlocatedonthetopofthe remotecontrol.

•  Trypointing theremote directlyat theTV from5~6 feetaway.

 Thecable/set topbox remotecontroldoesnotturntheTVon oroff,oradjustthevolume.

• ProgramtheCable/SettopboxremotecontroltooperatetheTV.RefertotheCable/SettopboxusermanualfortheSAMSUNGTV code.

 A“ ModeNot Supported”messageappears.

• Checkthe supportedresolutionof theTV andadjust theexternal device’soutputresolution accordingly.Refertoresolutionsettings inthis manual.

Caption ontheTVmenuis greyedout.   •  Youcannot selectCaption intheTVmenuwhenwatchingcontent fromadeviceconnectedviaHDMIorComponent.

• Caption mustbeact ivatedontheexternaldevice.

 Thereis aplastic smellfromthe TV.   •  Thissmell isnormal andwill dissipatein afew days.

 TV SignalStrength isunavailablein theSelfDiagnosis Testmenu.

•  Thisfunction isonly availablefordigital channelsreceivedthrough anAntenna /RF/Coax connection.

 TVis tiltedto theright orleft side.   • RemovethestandbasefromtheTVandreassembleit .

 The Channel menuisgreyout(unavailable).

•  The Channel menuisonlyavailablewhenyouselecttheTVsource.

 Yoursettings arelost after30 minutesoreveryt imetheTVis turnedoff.

• I f TV i s i n t heStoreDemo mode,itwil lresetaudioandpicturesett ingsevery30minutes.PleasechangefromStoreDemo modetoHomeUsemodeusingthe Plug&Play procedure.Pressthe SOURCEbuttontoselectTV mode,go toMENU → Setup → Plug&Play→ ENTERE.

 Youhave intermittentloss ofaudio orvideo.

• Checkthe cableconnectionsand reconnectthem.

• Lossofaudioorvideocanbecausedbyusingoverlyrigidorthickcables.Makesurethecablesareflexibleenoughforlongtermuse.Ifmount ingtheTVto thewall,werecommendusingcableswith90degreeconnectors.

 Yousee smallparticleswhen youlook closelyattheedgeof theframeof theTV.

•  Thisis partof theproduct’sdesign andis nota defect.

POP(TV’sinternal bannerad)appearsonthescreen.

• SelectHomeUseunder Plug&Playmode.Fordetai ls,referto Plug&Play (InitialSetup).

 ✎  ThisTFT LED panel uses a panel consisting ofsub pixels whichrequire sophisticated technology to produce. However, there maybe a few brightorda rkpixels onthe screen. These pixelswill have no impactonthe performance ofthe product.

 ✎ Watchthese troubleshooting onvideo at www.samsung.com/spsn.

 ✎ Some functionsandpicturesshowninthismanual are available onspecific modelsonly.

 ✎  Youcan keepyour TVin optimum conditionby upgradi ng itwith the latest firmware from the Samsung website (samsung.com

→ Support → Downloads). To upgrade, downloadt he firmware to yourcomputer, copy the firmware file to a USBmemory stick,

insertthe USBmemory stickinto the TV'sUSBslot, andthenselectSupport>Software Upgrade in the TV'smenu.

Storage and Maintenance

 ✎ Ifa stickerwasattachedto the TVscreen, some debriscan remainafteryouremove the sticker. Please clean itbefore watchingthe TV.

 ✎  The exteriorand screenof the productca nget scratchedduring clea ning. Be sure to wipe the exteriorand screenca refully usinga softclothto preventscratches.

Do notspray waterdirectly onto theproduct. Any liquidthat goesinto theproductmay cause a failure, fire, orelectric shock.

Cleanthe productwitha softclothdampenedwith ina small amountof water. Do notuse a flammable liquid(e.g. benzene, thinners) ora cleaningagent.


 TheaterSound, SRSand the symbol aretrademarksof SRSLabs, Inc.

 TheaterSoundtechnology isincorporatedunderlicense from SRSLabs, Inc.

SRS TheaterSound™ provides the most immersivesurround sound experience from the TV's built-inspeakers, while maintaining steady volume anddelivering rich bass and clear dialog.

DivXCertified® to play DivX®video up to HD 1080p, including premium content.

 ABOUTDIVXVIDEO:DivX®is adigital videoformat createdby DivX,LLC,a subsidiaryofRovi Corporation.Thisis anofficial DivX Certified®devicethatplaysDivXvideo.Visitdivx.comformoreinformationandsoftwaretoolstoconvertyourfilesintoDivXvideos. ABOUTDIVXVIDEO-ON-DEMAND:This DivXCertified®device mustbe registeredinorder toplay purchasedDivXVideo-on-Demand(VOD)movies.Toobtainyourregistrationcode,locatetheDivXVODsectioninyourdevicesetupmenu.Gotovod.divx.comformoreinformationonhowtocompleteyourregistration.CoveredbyoneormoreofthefollowingU.S.patents: 7,295,673;7,460,668;7,515,710;7,519,274DivX®,DivX Certified®and associatedlogosare trademarksofRovi Corporationorits subsidiariesandareusedunderlicense.

Manufacturedunderlicense from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby andthe double-D symbol are trademarksof Dolby Laboratories.

Manufacturedunderlicense under U.S. PatentNos: 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 6,487,535 & otherU.S. andworldwide patentsissued& pending. DTS, the Symbol, & DTSand the Symbol togetherare registeredtrademarks& DTS2.0 Channel isa trademark ofDTS, Inc. Productincludessoftware. ©DTS, Inc. All RightsReserved.

 The termsHDMIand HDMIHigh-DefinitionMultimedia Interface, andthe HDMILogo are trademarksorregisteredtrademarksof HDMILicensing LLC inthe UnitedStatesand othercountries.

OpenSource License Notice

OpenSource usedin thisproduct canbe found onthe following webpage. (http://opensource.samsung.com) OpenSource LicenseNotice iswrittenonly English.

 Tosendinquiriesandrequestsfor questionsregardingopensources,contact SamsungviaEmail(oss.request@samsung.com).


This product uses some software programs whichare distributed underthe Independent JPEG Group.

ICULicense-I CU1.8.1and later


Copyright(c)1995-2008InternationalBusinessMachinesCorporationandothers Allrightsreserved.

Permissionisherebygranted,freeofcharge,to anypersonobtainingacopy ofthissoftwareand associateddocumentationfiles(the"Software"),todeal intheSoftware

withoutrestriction,includingwithoutlimitationtherightsto use,copy,modify,merge,publish,distribute,and/orsellcopiesof theSoftware,andto permitpersonstowhomtheSoftwareis furnishedtodo so,providedthatthe abovecopyrightnotice(s)andthispermissionnoticeappearinall copiesofthe Softwareandthatboththeabovecopyrightnotice(s)andthispermissionnoticeappearinsupportingdocumentation.



Exceptascontainedinthis notice,thenameof acopyrightholdershallnot beusedin advertisingor otherwisetopromotethesale, useorother dealingsinthisSoftwarewithoutpriorwrittenauthorizationoft hecopyrightholder.

 Alltrademarksandregisteredtrademarksmentionedhereinarethepropertyoftheir respectiveowners.

- 10 -- 9 -

- 14-- 13 -

- 11 -

- 15 -

- 12 -

- 16 -

Media Play - Additional Functions

 ■ Videos/Music/Photos Play Optionmenus

Whenplaying a file, pressthe TOOLS button.

Category Operation Videos Music Photos

Title  Youcan selectanother videofiletoplay directly. c

RepeatMode  Youcan playmovieand musicfilesrepeatedly.

c c

PictureSize  Youcan adjustthe picturesizetoyourpreference.


PictureMode  Youcan adjustthe picturesetting. c c


 Youcan enhancemotionin fastmovingscenes.


SoundMode  Youcan adjustthe soundsetting. c c c


 Youcan playthe videowithSubtitles.This functiononly worksifthesubt it leshavethesamefilenameasthevideo.


 AudioFormat  Youcan selectthe digitalaudiooutputformat.



 Youcan changethe audiolanguageifthevideohasmorethanone language.




 Youcan startor stopa SlideShow.



 Youcan selectthe slideshowspeedduringthe slideshow.



 Youcan setand selectbackgroundmusicwhenwatchinga SlideShow.


Zoom  Youcan zoominto imagesin fullscreenmode. c

Rotate  Youcan rotateimages infullscreenmode.


Information  Youcan seedetailedinformationaboutthe playedfile.

c c c


Using the Setup Menu

 ■ DivX®Video OnDemand : Showsthe registrationcodeauthorizedfor the TV. Ifyouconnect to the DivXweb site andregisterwith the 10-digitregistration code, youcan downloadthe VOD activationfile. Once youplay it using Media Play, theregistrationis completed.

 ✎ Formore information onDivX® VOD, visit “http://vod.divx.com”.

 ■ Information: Selectto view informationaboutthe connected


Other InformationInstalling the Wall Mount Kit The wall mountkit (soldseparately) allows youto mount the TVonthe wall.

Fordetailed informationabouti nstalling the wall mount, seethe instructionsprovidedwith the wall mountitems. Contactatechnicianfor assistance wheninstalling the wall mountbracket.Samsung Electronicsis notresponsible forany damage to theproductor injury to yourselfor othersif youelect to install the wallmounton yourown.

Wall Mount Kit Specifications (VESA)

✎  The wall mountkit isnot supplied, butsol dseparatel y.

Install yourwall mounton a solidwall perpendicularto the floor.Whenattaching to otherbuilding materials, please contactyournearestdealer. Ifyou install the TVon a ceiling orslanted wall, itmay fall andresultin severe personal injury.


 x Standarddimensionsforwall mountkitsare showninthe tablebelow.

 x Whenpurchasing our wall mountkit, a detailedinstallationmanual andall partsnecessary for assembly are provided.

 x Do notuse screwsthatdo notcomply withthe VESAstandardscrew specifications.

 x Do notuse screwsthatare longerthanthe standarddimensionordo notcomply withthe VESAstandardscrew specifications.Screwsthatare too long may cause damage to the inside of the

 TVset. x Forwall mountsthatdo notcomply withthe VESAstandardscrew specifications, the lengthofthe screwsmay differdepending onthe wall mountspe cifications.

 x Do notfastenthe screwstoo firmly. Thismay damage theproduct orc ause the product to fall, leading to personal injury.Samsung isnotliable forthese kindsof accidents.

 x Samsung isnotliable forproductdamage or personal injurywhena non-VESAornon-specifiedwall mountisused ortheconsumerfailsto follow the productinstallationinstructions.

 x Do notmountthe TVat more thana 15 degree tilt.

 x Alwayshave two pe ople mountthe T Von a wall.


 TVsize ininches

 VESAscrewhole specs(A*B) inmil l imeters




19~22 75 X 75M4

426 100 X 100

32~40 200 X 200 M6

46~60 400 X 400 M8

Do notinstall yourWall MountKit while

yourTVisturnedon. Itmay result in

personal injury due to electric shock.

Securing the TV to the Wall

Caution: Pulling, pushing, orclimbing onto the TV may causethe TVto fall. Inparticular, ensure thatyour childrendo nothang overor destabilize the TV; doing so may cause the TVtotipover, resulting inseriousinjuries ordeath. Follow all safetyprecautionsprovided onthe includedSafety Flyer. Foraddedstability, install the anti-fall device for safety purposes, asfollows.

To prevent the TV from falling

✎ Since the necessary brackets, screws, andstring or cable arenotsupplied, plea se purchase these separately.

1. Insertthe screwsinto the wall bracketsandfirmly fasten them tothe wall. Make sure the screwsare firmly fixedto the wall.

 ✎ We strongly recommendyoudrive the screws into a stud.

2. Using screws, insertthe screwsthroughthe TV brackets, andthenfasten the screwsto the topVESAscrew holesonthe back ofthe TV.

3. Connectthe bracketsonthe TVand the bracketson the wallwitha strong string orcable, andthen tie the string orcabletightly to the brackets.

 ✎  Verify all connectionsa re properly secured. Periodically check the connectionsforany signoffatigue orfailure. Ifyouhaveany doubtaboutthe security ofyourconnections, contactaprofessional installer.

 ✎ Install the TVclose to the wall so thatit doesnotfall.

 ✎ Connectthe string orcable so thatthe bracketson the wallare atthe same heightorlowerthanthe bracketsonthe TV.Untie the string orcable before moving the TV.

 ✎  To purcase a TVHolder kit, contact Samsung customercare.

Kensington Lock

 The KensingtonLockis notsupplied by Samsung. Itisa deviceusedto physically fixthe system whenusing itin a public place.Referto the manual providedwiththe KensingtonLockfor additionalinformationonproper use.

 ✎ Please finda “K” iconon the rearof the TV. The Kensingtonslotisbeside the “K” icon.

 ✎  The positionand colormay dif ferdependi ng onthe model.

 Assembling the Cable manager

Display Modes (HDMI/DVI Input)Optimal resolutionis1920 x1080@60Hz.

M od e R es o lu ti onHorizontal

Frequency (KHz)


Frequency (Hz)

Pixel Clock 

Frequency (MHz)

Sync Polarity

(H / V)

IBM 6 4 0 x 3 5 0 3 1 .4 6 9 7 0 . 08 6 2 5 .1 7 5 + / -

 7 2 0 x 4 0 0 3 1 .4 6 9 7 0 . 08 7 2 8 .3 2 2 - / +


 6 4 0 x 4 8 0 3 5 .0 0 0 6 6 . 66 7 3 0 .2 4 0 - / -

8 3 2 x 6 2 4 4 9 .7 2 6 7 4 . 55 1 5 7 . 28 4 - / -

1 1 52 x 8 7 0 6 8 .6 8 1 7 5 . 06 2 1 0 0 .0 0 0 - / -


 6 4 0 x 4 8 0 3 1 .4 6 9 5 9 . 94 0 2 5 . 17 5 - / -

 6 4 0 x 4 8 0 3 7 .8 6 1 7 2 . 80 9 3 1 . 50 0 - / -

 6 4 0 x 4 8 0 3 7 .5 0 0 7 5 . 00 0 3 1 . 50 0 - / -

 8 0 0 x 6 0 0 3 7 .8 7 9 6 0 . 31 7 4 0 . 00 0 + / +

8 0 0 x 6 0 0 4 8 .0 7 7 7 2 . 18 8 5 0 . 00 0 + / +

8 0 0 x 6 0 0 4 6 .8 7 5 7 5 .0 0 0 4 9 . 50 0 + / +

1 0 24 x 7 6 8 4 8 .3 6 3 6 0 .0 0 4 6 5 . 00 0 - / -

1 0 24 x 7 6 8 5 6 .4 7 6 7 0 .0 6 9 7 5 . 00 0 - / -

1 0 24 x 7 6 8 6 0 .0 2 3 7 5 .0 2 9 7 8 . 75 0 + / +

1 1 52 x 8 6 4 6 7 .5 0 0 7 5 .0 0 0 1 0 8 .0 0 0 + / +

 1280 x720 45.000 60.000 74.250 +/+

1 2 8 0 x 8 0 0 4 9 .7 0 2 5 9 .8 1 0 8 3 . 50 0 - / +

1 2 8 0 x 1 0 2 4 6 3 .9 8 1 6 0 .0 2 0 1 0 8 .0 0 0 + / +

1 2 8 0 x 1 0 2 4 7 9 . 97 6 7 5 .0 2 5 1 3 5 .0 0 0 + / +

1 3 6 6 x 7 6 8 4 7 . 71 2 5 9 .7 9 0 8 5 . 50 0 + / +

1 4 4 0 x 9 0 0 5 5 . 93 5 5 9 .8 8 7 1 0 6 .5 0 0 - / +

1600 x900RB 60.000 60.000 108.000 +/+

1680 x1050 65.290 59.954 146.250 -/+

1 9 2 0 x 1 0 8 0 6 7 . 50 0 6 0 .0 0 0 1 4 8 .5 0 0 + / +








10%to 80%,non-condensing


5%to 95%,non-condensing

Model Name UN55FH6003 UN60FH6003 UN65FH6001

Display Resolut ion 1920 x 1080










Output 10W x2

Dimensions(WxH xD)



49.2X28.9X 3.7inches


49.2X31.0X 8.9inches


54.1X31.4X 3.7inches

(1375.6X 799.3X94.4((mm))

54.1X33.9X 12.9inches

(1375.6X 862.5X329.7((mm))

58.4X34.4X 3.7inches

(1484.5X 873.8X96.3(mm))

58.4X36.4X 12.9inches

(1484.5X 926.5X329.8(mm))










 ✎ Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

 ✎  This device is a Class B digital apparatus.

 ✎ For information about power supply, and more about power consumption, refer to the label attached to theproduct.


 Typical power consumption is measured according to Energy Star Program requirements for Televisions. ✎ Dispose unwanted electronics through an approved recycler. To find the nearest recycling location, go to ourwebsite: www.samsung.com/recyclingdirect or call, (877) 278-0799.


1   2





(Unit: inches)

Model name   1 2 3 4 5 6 7

UN55FH6003 16.7 15.7 15.7 6.1 7.5 36.4 12.6

UN60FH6003 19.1 15.7 15.7 8.6 9.2 38.8 14.9

UN65FH6001 21.3 15.7 15.7 10.7 9.5 41.0 17.2

NOTE: All drawingsare not necessarily to scale. Some dimensionsare subjectto change withoutprior notice. Referto the dimensionspriorto performing installationofyour TV. Notresponsible fortypographical orprinted errors.

©2013 Samsung ElectronicsAmerica, Inc

[UFH6003-ZA]BN68-05495A-02ENG-1101.indd 2 2013-11-01 오전 8:48:03