UCD Student Cookbook 2011

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Cookbook for students with recipes, tips, and healthy eating information. Produced by UCD Health Promotion Committee.

Transcript of UCD Student Cookbook 2011

148 mm × 210 mm

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The UCD e-Pub is an interactive web survey that allows UCD students to enter information about their drinking patterns and

receive feedback about their use of alcohol.


www.ucd.ie/studentadvisers and click on the E-Pub logo.

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UCD Health Promotion Committee under the chairmanship of Vice President for Students, Dr Martin Butler, sponsored the 5th Healthy Cooking Competition last academic year. Contestants were asked to submit recipes for nutritious tasty well balanced and economical dishes – quite a challenge!

To help students focus on these criteria, Cooks Academy gave an excellent demonstration and included an interesting variety of dishes suitable for students limited budget. Judging by the speed with which the tastings were mopped up we are assured that it is possible to have a nutritious, budget conscious yet very tasty dish! We are indebted to Dr Eileen Gibney who shortlisted the dishes to be cooked for the final by Cooks Academy.

The recipes in this cookbook include those chosen for the final along with some that just missed selection as well as contributions from Cooks Academy and a selection from a student dedicated website (www.beyondbakedbeans.com). They all comply with the guidelines of being nutritious, with readily available ingredients which can be cooked using minimal equipment. This edition also includes dietary tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, particularly during periods of intensive study and exam times as well as suggestions for kitchen equipment.

The generous sponsorship of this publication by UCD Commercial Office is much appreciated.

Ros McFeely

Student Adviser


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Food Pyramid 4 Basic Equipment for a student kitchen 6 Smart Foods 8 Budget Tips 12 Food Safety 13 Weights, Measures, Abbreviations and other terms 14


Carrot, Orange & Ginger Soup 16 Tasty Vegetable Broth 17 Quick Minestrone with Tortellini 18 Chunky Winter Broth 19

Fish Dishes

Cod Fillet on Fennel and Lemon Risotto 20 Salmon Kedgeree 21 Baked Salmon in foil with beans and tomatoes 22 Pan Fried Mackerel with Salsa Verde 23


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Meat Dishes

Crispy Turkey Bundles with White Bean Mash 24 Chicken with Spring Vegetables 25 Green Thai Chicken Curry 26 Oriental Beef Stir Fry 27 Moroccan Beef Tagine with Butternut Squash 28 Easy Beef Fajitas 29 Stir-fried Chicken & Noodles 30 Chili con Patata 31

Vegetarian Dishes

Black-eyed Bean Fajitas 32 Broccoli, Chili and Garlic Pasta 33 Bean Quesadillas con Salsa 34 Simple Tomato and Basil Italian Sauce 35 Vegetarian Tagine 36


Frittata Selection 37 Very Quick Cheese Snack 38 Sardine Tartine 39 Wholemeal wraps with peanut butter, carrot and cucumber 40

Sweet Dishes

Blueberry Yoghurt Brulee 41 Old Fashioned Apple Crumble 42 Strawberry Mess 43 Chocolate Mousse 44

Useful Websites 35 45

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Bottom Shelf: Breads, Cereals & Potatoes

2nd Shelf: Fruit & Vegetables

3rd Shelf: Milk, Cheese and Yoghurt

4th Shelf: Meat, Fish, Alternatives

5th Shelf: Sparingly



Food Pyramid

If you are wondering what foods to eat and what to avoid, the Food Pyramid gives you a guideline as it balances foods in the amounts needed to ensure you are eating sufficiently for the lifestyle you are leading. The more active you are, the higher your energy needs will be. Energy should come from the breads, cereals and potatoes shelf and from the fruit and vegetable shelf i.e. the two bottom shelves of the pyramid. Fats, biscuits, cakes, confectionary and high fat food snacks can be enjoyed as part of a healthy eating plan, but in limited amounts. Foods that contain similar nourishment are grouped together and can be interchanged. This allows you flexibility of choice, and provides the variety you need for good health.

Variety is the spice of life!

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BottoM SheLF Breads, cereals and potatoes

Choose at least 6 or more of the following each day:

1 bowl of breakfast cereal • or1 slice of bread • or3 dessertspoons cooked pasta/rice • or1 medium potato - boiled or baked •

Note: If physical activity is high, up to 12 servings may be necessary

2nD SheLFFruit and vegetables

Choose at least 5 or more of the following each day

½ a glass of fruit juice • or3 dessertspoons of cooked vegetables •or salad orBowl of homemade vegetable soup • or1 medium sized fresh fruit • or

3 dessertspoons cooked fruit or tinned fruit (preferably in own juice)

3rD SheLFMilk, cheese and yoghurt

Choose any 3 each day:

1/3 of a pint of milk • or1 carton of yoghurt • or1 oz Cheddar/Edam/Blarney cheese •

Note: Choose low fat choices frequently

4th SheLFMeat, Fish and alternatives

Choose any 2 of the following each day

2oz cooked lean meat or poultry • or 3oz cooked fish • or 2 eggs (not more than 7 per week) • or9 dessertspoons cooked peas/beans • or 2oz Cheddar type cheese (preferably •low fat) or3oz nuts (not suitable for young •children)

5th SheLF to be used very sparingly

Oils and fats• Use about 1oz low fat spread/low fat butter or ½ oz margarine or butter each day. Use oils sparingly.

Sugars, confectionary, cakes, biscuits •and high fat snack foods If you drink or eat snacks containing sugar, limit the number of times you take them throughout the day. Eat high fat snacks in only small amounts, and not too frequently. Choose lower fat, sugar free alternatives.

Alcohol• In moderation, preferably with meals and have some alcohol free days.

Suggested amounts to eat from each shelf


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Basic equipment for Student Cooking

The table below contains suggestions for equipment that will make your cooking easier and more enjoyable. In addition, if you have the cash (approx €30) or can persuade your fellow students to share, invest in an electric hand-held blender. It is terrific for blending soups and sauces. A small food processor will also help you speed up many preparation jobs.

Cooking Utensilslarge & small non-stick frying pans wire whisk2 Medium sized pots vegetable peeler1 large pot for cooking pasta/rice measuring cups/ spoons2 spatulas cutting board1 cooking spoon garlic press1 can opener salad spinner1 sharp cutting knife mixing bowls

Handy ingredients to have in your kitchen cupboard

Fresh/tinned BasilGarlicParsleyGingerTomato pasteTins of tomatoesTins of chickpeasKidney beansRice noodles


Dry Basil OreganoBlack pepper (Ground) PaprikaChili powder PeppercornsCloves RosemaryCoriander SageCumin SaltCurry powder TarragonDill ThymePasta shapes Rice

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Smart FoodsAccording to the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI), some of the smartest things that students can do in the run up to exams is to eat healthily and incorporate some moderate exercise and fresh air into their daily routine; all of these routines will lead to a more focused mind and make it easier to study properly.


Eat a good breakfast if you want to ensure that your brain is sufficiently energised to absorb all the new material you are being given. Your brain uses up to 20% of your total daily energy requirement so you must feed it with suitable foods – high fibre cereals will give your body a steady slow release of glucose. Slow release foods at breakfast include:

Wholegrain cereal like weetabix with milk and fresh orange juice•Bowl of porridge with sultanas•Wholemeal bread toasted with chopped banana•Smoothies are an option on days when you may feel too nervous to eat.•


Regular snacks are very useful especially around exam time which can be scheduled right throughout the day. Snacking on healthy foods will ensure a steady stream of glucose necessary to ensure that the brain can function properly. INDI recommend the following healthy snack options:

Fresh fruit (apple, strawberries, kiwi) or veg (carrot, celery, pepper)•Popcorn•Fruit /Wholemeal scone.•Dried fruit /nuts•Fruit Brack.•Wholegrain cereal bars•


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What to drink?

INDI recommends drinking approx 1.5 lts of non-caffeine drinks/day (eg. fruit juices, herbal tea and of course

water) in order to keep well hydrated. If you drink fruit juices, Nutritionist Natalie Savona recommends diluting them

by half with water to reduce the high sugar content.

While some studies indicate that the equivalent of one cup of coffee can make us more alert, excess caffeine can lead to loss of concentration and add to anxiety levels so avoid using caffeinated drinks as they are likely to have the opposite affect to the one you want!


A good lunch is always recommended but particularly around exam time – It’s very difficult to concentrate on the exam question with a rumbling tummy! On the other hand a sausages and chip lunch while it might be very tasty at the time will leave you feeling very sluggish for the afternoon as fat is very hard to digest particularly if you’re nervous. Avoid the quick fix sugary bun too as that will upset your blood sugar levels – not the best way to study or take an exam!

INDI recommends :

Bowl vegetable soup and wholemeal scone/bread•Wholemeal chicken/ham/egg/cheese Sandwich•Chicken/tuna Wrap•Prepared Tuna/pasta salad•Smoothies.•

Beyondbakedbeans.com has a great selection of lunch recipes a few of which we have reproduced in this cookbook.


Excessive indulgence in alcohol has consequences for your health and academic performance. Check your alcohol intake compared to other Irish students by logging on to www.ucd.ie/studentadvisers and click on the ePub icon on the righthand side of the webpage.

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General advice

INDI’s expert advice is applicable at any time but especially around exam time:

Don’t skip meals especially breakfast.•Avoid any kind of weight loss diets during exam time •as many of these are lacking in essential nutrients and can cause you to lack concentration.As many students leave home quite a while before an exam be sure and take •a healthy snack with you to eat either during or before the exam. Avoid caffeine drinks especially in the evening - try herbal/green tea •instead as this will help you sleep better - another essential for successful exams.Get some form of exercise every day for example a brisk 30 min walk etc •which will help you to relax and concentrate better.

Amanda Wynne of the British Dietetic Association adds that students especially females should boost their iron intake. Red meat is ideal (mince works just as well as more expensive cuts) but if you’re a vegetarian, add nuts, pulses and leafy green veg such as broccoli to your diet to boost iron levels.

It is recommended that you include oily fish such as tuna, mackerel and sardines in your diet as they can help to stabilise your mood and combat depression. Fiona Beckett (beyondbakedbeans.com) recommends sardine tartine! (p. 39)

evening meal and a good night’s sleep

A light protein-based meal is best for your dinner in the evening – use lean chicken or fish and plenty of vegetables. Recipes such as Baked Salmon in Foil with Beans and Tomatoes on page 22 are very suitable for students conscious of maintaining a healthy nutritious diet.

Share your meal and the cooking with someone - have a chat and relax. A small snack before bed of a banana and a few nuts, a slice of hot-buttered wholemeal toast or wholemeal crackers can stop you waking with nighttime hunger pangs.

Some people find a warm milky drink comforting and it helps them get to sleep, but a camomile-based tea has a very calming effect too. Coffee - and other caffeine based drinks -should be avoided at this stage of the day so as to promote relaxation rather than excessive stimulation. And leave at least an hour between finishing work and going to bed to allow your body to wind down. Have a bath, dim the lights, listen to some favourite music and try to relax.

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Some Budget tips!

Always make a list before going shopping. That way you are less likely to impulse shop

Budget: Work out how much you’re going to spend on food each week and thenstick to the budget. There is no sense in T-bone steaks for dinner in September and sliced pan by Christmas! Processed food and takeaways are expensive. You can dine in style if you buy fresh ingredients and cook yourself.

Compare prices: Remember to shop around. You may find the shop nearest to youis charging you for the pleasure of being close by. A short walk away may result insubstantial savings. So know what to shop for and where. Sharing the cooking willalso result in savings and its much more sociable to prepare, cook and eat together!Don’t forget those carbon footprints. If you can buy local produce in season youwill be doing yourself and the environment a favour!

economise - cook in batches. It’s much more economical to cook a larger quantitybut you don’t have to eat the same thing every day! After cooking, cool the foodquickly (within one to two hours), then freeze in serving-sized portions. Make sureyou reheat the food until it’s piping hot all the way through.

Food goes off so cut down your waste by using up what you buy and freeze whatyou don’t need.

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Food Safety

Please take it seriously

hand washing before cooking.

Do get into the habit of washing yourhands before you start to cook. If youare entertaining some friends they won’tbe impressed by your efforts to poisonthem if they are ill after your cooking.

Crimes against hygiene

Some people think that having piles ofdirty dishes in the sink and eating foodsof dubious safety is an essential part ofthe student experience. But if you don’tthink a bout of food poisoning is goingto enhance the semester, here are a fewof the safety corners you can’t afford tocut:

Leftover takeaways

If you really want to, there’s nothingwrong with eating a bit of leftoverpizza or curry for breakfast, as longas it’s been kept in the fridge. But youmustn’t eat it if it’s been left out atroom temperature overnight. In the rightconditions, one bacterium could multiplyto thousands of millions in twelve hours.Remember to cool leftovers within oneto two hours and then put them in thefridge. If you reheat them, make surethey are piping hot all the way through.

‘Use by’ dates

‘Use by’ means exactly that. There reallyisn’t any leeway - once the ‘Use by’date has been and gone, you just can’tbe sure the food is safe to eat. If youchance it, it could make you ill. ‘Bestbefore’ dates are used on less perishablefoods. Once this date has passed thefood might not have such a good tasteor texture, but it’s unlikely to make youill.

Mouldy food

Once you spot some furry growth onfood, don’t be tempted to cut that bit offand eat what’s left. Moulds and otherfungi produce invisible toxins, which canpenetrate the rest of the food and makeyou ill. So, if a food has gone mouldyit’s safest to bin it.

Food on the f loor

Floors aren’t clean, so any food thatis dropped on the floor - even if itmakes contact for just a fraction of asecond - could be covered in dirt andbacteria when you pick it up. So, if yourtoast lands buttered side down it belongs in the bin!

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Tablespoon (Tbls)

Teaspoon (Tsp)

Millilitre (ml)

100g = 3.5 ounces(oz)

500 grams = 1.10 Lbs

1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds

= 35 ounces

5 ml = 1 teaspoon

15 ml = 1 tablespoon

100 ml = 3.4 fluid oz

240 ml = 1 cup

1 litre = 34 fluid oz

= 4.2 cups

= 2.1 pints

1 fluid oz = 30 ml

20fluid oz = 1 pint

1 cup = 237 ml

2 cups = 1 pint = 473 ml

Litre (l)Pint (Pt) Ounce (oz)

pound (Lb)

Weights, Measures, Abbreviations

and other terms...

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16 Sean Brennan, International Commerce & French Stage 4 (Healthy Cooking Competition Finalist)

Carrot, orange and Ginger Soup


Instructions for Cooking

Soften the onion in a pot with the olive oil over a medium high heat. 1. Add the ginger for 2 mins, then add the carrots for another 2 minutes. 2. Add the veg stock and bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 mins on a low heat. 3. Peel the oranges, make sure that there are no pips in them, and add them to the 4. pot for another 10mins.

Blend the soup using a handheld blender. 5. Season to taste. Serve with slices of baguette. 6.

note: Preparation time about 15 mins. Allow 45 minutes cooking time

1 onion, roughly chopped 6 carrots, chopped

3 juicy oranges 900ml vegetable stock

2 tablespoons minced ginger 2 tablespoons olice oil

salt, pepper to taste baguette, to serve

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tasty Vegetable BrothServes 4

Aileen Egan Graduate Medicine, Stage 2 (Healthy Cooking Competition Entrant)


Instructions for Cooking

Soak the dried soup mix overnight in cold water, then rinse1. Heat the olive oil/butter in a large saucepan and sauté the onions and garlic2. Add the leek and celery, cook for about 5 mins until softened3. Add the stock, and soup mix and bring to the boil for 15 mins4. Add the potatoes after 5 mins5. After 5 mins, add the carrots6. After 5 mins add the parsnips and thyme7. Reduce to a slower simmer as soon as the vegetables are cooked to retain their 8. texture

Add peas last, bring the mix back to the boil for 2-3 mins and then remove 9. from the heat.

Note: Great served with your favourite toasted cheese sandwich, or garlic bread with melted cheese

200g dried soup mix, soaked overnight in cold water1tbsp olive oil, or tsp butter1 medium onion, sliced4 cloves garlic, chopped 1Litre (2 pints) low salt vegetable stock (2 cubes, dissolved in boiling water)1 leek, sliced

2-3 sticks celery, sliced2-3 carrots, diced1-2 parsnips, diced1-2 potatoes, cubed150g frozen peas3-4 sprigs fresh thyme (dried will do if not available)Cracked black pepper and salt, to taste

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Quick Minestrone with tortellini

Serves 2


olive oil 1 medium onion , chopped 2 garlic cloves , crushed

a pinch chili flakes 2 stalks celery , chopped

1 medium carrot , peeled and cut into large dice a small bunch parsley , chopped 1 courgette , cut into large dice 1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes

500ml vegetable stock 250g pack cheese tortellini

Instructions for Cooking

Heat 1 tsp olive oil in a pan. Add the onion and garlic with some seasoning and 1. the chili flakes.

Cook for 5 minutes and then add the celery, carrot, 1/2 the parsley and 2. courgette. Fry for 5 minutes more. Tip in the tomatoes and break up slightly with a wooden spoon. Add the stock and simmer for 10 minutes.

In a separate pan, cook the tortellini following the pack instructions. Add to the 3. soup, stir well then serve with the remaining chopped parsley.


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Chunky Winter Broth


2 x 400g/14oz cans chopped tomatoes 2litres/3½ pints vegetable stock 4 carrots, peeled and sliced 2 x 420g/15oz cans mixed beans, drained and rinsed 175g spinach 1 tbsp roasted red pepper pesto

Instructions for Cooking

Tip the canned tomatoes into a saucepan along with the stock, bring to the boil, 1. then turn down the heat and throw in the carrots. Gently simmer the soup until the carrots are cooked, about 15 minutes.

Stir in the pulses and spinach and heat until the spinach has wilted. Spoon in 2. the pesto and gently mix into the soup. Serve with some crusty bread.


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20 Sean Brennan, International Commerce & French Stage 4 (Healthy Cooking Competition Finalist)

Cod Fillet on Fennel and Lemon risotto


Instructions for Cooking

Fry the onion in a pot on medium high heat for 5 mins in half the olive oil.1. Add the garlic and sliced fennel. (To prepare fennel cut off the root end and 2. the leaves and peel off the outer layer of skin). Fry for another 5 mins, then add the rice.

Stir the rice around (at this point drop the heat down to low). 3. Add the lemon juice, and stir it into the rice. 4. Now start the risotto process: every couple of minutes add some hot stock to 5. the rice mix and stir it in, making sure it doesn’t dry out. This will take 20 mins roughly.

Meanwhile in a frying pan over a medium high heat start frying the cod pieces 6. in the remaining olive oil, skin side down, for a couple of minutes, depending on their thickness.

As the risotto approaches readiness, turn the fish over and cook for a further 7. 2-3 mins. Season the fish with salt, pepper and dill.

Check the risotto, the rice should be soft, creamy, but with a little bite in the 8. centre. Season to taste, being conscious that the stock would have much salt in it already.

1 large onion, diced1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp freshly ground cumin1 tsp freshly ground coriander

2 tsp chili powder2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 courgettes, diced6 carrots, diced2 tins tomatoes

1 tin kidney beans, drained and rinsed1 tbsp brown sugar

Salt and pepperBasmati rice to serve

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21Aileen Egan, Stage 2 Graduate Medicine (Healthy Cooking Competition Finalist)

Salmon Kedgeree serves 4


Instructions for Cooking

Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan; add the onion and the spices and sauté 1. for a few minutes.

Add a little water to prevent the spices from burning.2. Add the rice, stock, carrots and peas, (and raisins, if using) bring to boil, then 3. cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

Fold through the spinach leaves, add the lemon juice and allow to sit for a few 4. minutes.

Add the salmon and gently mix.5. Garnish with some slivered almonds, ground black pepper and a squeeze of 6. lemon juice

1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion,chopped/sliced small piece of fresh ginger, grated ½ tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground cumin 1/4 tsp ground coriander 1/4 tsp ground turmeric 200g basmati rice 375ml vegetable stock1-2 tbsp raisins (optional) 2 carrots, diced

100g frozen peas 2 handfuls baby spinach leaves 1/4 lemon, juiced1tbsp slivered almonds for garnish 300g salmon fillet, poached and broken into bite size pieces (smoked salmon or smoked haddock are equally as tasty- or can be substituted by 3 hard-boiled eggs, shelled and quartered either, for a fish free version)

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Baked Salmon in foil with beans & tomatoes

serv es 2


100g fine green beans, trimmed 2 salmon steaks or fillets

100g cherry tomatoes 1-2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely sliced Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Lemon quarters, to serve

Instructions for Cooking

Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. 1. Cut two pieces of foil large enough to take a fish fillet and veg (around 40cm 2. square).

Place the beans on the bottom, then the fish and the tomatoes on top. 3. Drizzle olive oil all over. Add the garlic slices and season well. 4. Crimp each piece of foil to make parcels – something like a Cornish pasty, but 5. tightly, as you don’t want the air to escape during cooking.

Place on a baking tray and cook in the oven for around 15 minutes. 6. Gently open the bags and serve on plates with the lemon wedges. Some new 7. potatoes would make a good accompaniment.

Helen’s recipe recommended by Fiona Beckett. (www.beyondbakedbeans.com) 2008

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23Cooks Academy

Pan Fried Mackerel with Salsa VerdeServes 4


4 good sized mackerel fillets, pinboned but with the skin ON1 tbsp sunflower oil30g butter

Instructions for Cooking

You can make Salsa Verde in a food processor but the results are never as good as when you do it by hand.

To make the Salsa:

Chop the anchovies and capers to a paste. Add the crushed garlic, remaining 1. olive oil, mustard, lemon juice, salt & pepper.

Stir in the chopped herbs, taste and season.2. To pan fry the Fish:

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the butter and when the butter stops sizzling 3. place the mackerel fillets, skin side down in the pan.

Fry for 2 minutes without moving the fish, then carefully turn it and cook for a 4. further minute or two.

Remove from the pan.5. Serve with the salsa verde.6.

For the Salsa Verde8 Anchovy fillets, drained and chopped2 tbsp capers2 tsp dry mustard2 cloves garlic (crushed)3 tbsp lemon juice12 tbsp olive oil1 bunch flat leaf parsley, chopped1 bunch basil, chopped1 small bunch fresh mint, choppedSalt and Pepper

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24 Michelle Ryan, Law with French Law Stage 4 (Healthy Cooking Competition Finalist)

Crispy turkey Bundles with white bean mash


Instructions for Cooking

With a sharp knife, cut the turkey breasts in half diagonally to form four 1. smaller pieces. Cut a slit in each of these pieces and butter the inside generously with the cream cheese.

Take a slice of Parma ham and wrap it around the turkey, then wrap a second 2. slice in the opposite direction. Spear bundle with a toothpick to keep it closed.

Cover all four bundles with a layer of cling-film and press down on them with 3. a heavy pan to flatten them out a bit.

Heat a frying pan with a little oil and add the four bundles. Once the ham has 4. been seared closed, turn the heat down low and allow to cook for 5-7 minutes a side depending on how thick the bundles are.

Empty the tins of beans into a colander and rinse under the cold tap until all 5. the tomato sauce has been washed away. Put into a saucepan and heat gently through – don’t forget to keep an eye on the turkey at the same time!

Cook the peas according to packet instructions.6. With a fork or the back of a spoon, mash up the beans and add the knob of 7. butter. Season with salt and pepper.

Mix in the peas to the bean mash and mix well.8. By now, the turkey bundles should be cooked – to test, slit one open slightly at 9. it’s thickest point and check that the meat is fully cooked. There should be no pink and the juices should run clear

To serve, spoon a generous helping of bean mash onto each plate, place the 10. turkey parcel on top and give everyone a thick slice of crusty bread to mop up the juices at the end.

2 large turkey breasts 8 slices of Parma ham

½ tub garlic & herb cream cheese3 tins of baked beans

¼ pack of frozen peasSalt and pepperKnob of butter

½ a crusty wholegrain loaf

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2 tbsp olive oil25g butter8 skinless bonesless chicken breasts, each cut into 3 pieces8 shallots, peeled and halved2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped450g baby new potatoes, washed and halved450g carrots, peeled and chopped into chunks

1 heaped tbsp dijon mustard3 tbsp plain flour425ml dry white wine425ml chicken stock225g asparagus spears, chopped225g broad beans, thawed if frozen1 tbsp lemon juice100ml creamhandful of chopped mixed fresh parsley and tarragon

Chicken with Spring VegetablesServes 8


Instructions for Cooking

Heat the oil and butter in a large saute pan and cook the chicken in batches 1. for 3-4 minutes until golden all over. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the shallots, garlic, potatoes and carrots and toss together well over a low heat. Cook for about 5 minutes or until beginning to turn golden.

Add the flour and mustard and stir well. Cook for a few minutes over a low 2. heat, then add the white wine. Stir well and bring to the boil. Let the sauce simmer for a few minutes and reduce by half.

Pour in the stock and bring back to the boil. Place the chicken back in the pan 3. and when the sauce is boiling reduce the heat and cover the saucepan. Simmer for about 20 minutes.

Add in the asparagus and broad beans and simmer for 8-10 minutes or until 4. tender. Stir in the lemon juice, herbs and cream and heat through gently.

Serve with french bread.5.

Cooks Academy

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Green thai Chicken Curry


500 g Chicken Breast, diced 2 Peppers 100g Soya sprouts 1 tbsp. Green Thai Curry paste 1 glove garlic, a little bit of fresh ginger, 1 fresh chili

(deseed it for milder taste) Juice of 1 Lime 1 can of coconut milk 1 Onion 200g of Basmati Rice

Instructions for Cooking

Marinade the chicken pieces in green curry paste and lime juice. 1. Cook the Basmati Rice.2. Chop the garlic, ginger and chili into very small pieces. Sauté in a Wok with 3. peanut oil (olive oil also acceptable).

Add onions and cook until they turn their colour. 4. Add the marinated chicken breast and cook for about 30 mins. 5. Add the diced Pepper followed by the coconut milk. Simmer on a low heat until 6. the chicken is cooked through. Season and add more green curry paste if you prefer it more spicy.

David Wozar, B.Comm Intl , Stage 3 (Erasmus) Healthy Cooking Competition Finalist

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oriental Beef Stir Fry


Instructions for Cooking

Wash all the vegetables. 1. Finely dice the ginger and chili – leave the chili seeds in for spiciness or 2. remove for a less spicy effect.

Chop the onion into small chunks, not too small as they will burn in the wok. 3. Cut the pepper into long, thin slices. 4. Peel the mandarins. 5. Thinly slice the beef into slices less than one inch thick. 6. Heat the wok over a meduium high heat and when it begins to smoke add two 7. tablespoons of oil. When this heats add the sliced beef, stirring for 2 minutes.

Next add the green beans and the pepper, stirring constantly for two minutes 8. to avoid burning.

Add the ginger, chili, and onions and squeeze in the juice of one mandarin. 9. Cook mix for 3-4 minutes, then add the segments of the second mandarin. 10. Stir for a further 2 minutes, then add a generous amount of soy sauce 11. (between 50 and 100ml), and simmer for a few minutes.

Place on a bed of rice or noodles in a deep bowl. Ensure each serving has a 12. generous amount of each ingredient, the colours of each component compliment each other well. Garnish with the coriander or chopped spring onions.

Mark Hobbs, Psychology Stage 3 (Healthy Cooking Competition Finalist)

500g of thinly diced beef – the best cut affordable 2 inches gingerTwo red chili peppersTwo mandarinsOne red pepper

Two red onionsLarge handful of green beans/sugar snaps/mange tout Low salt Soy SauceCoriander or chopped spring onions Rice or noodles, 75g per person

Note: Dried chili and ginger can be used, but the dish will benefit from fresh ingredients.

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Moroccan Beef tagine with Butternut Squash


Instructions for Cooking

Mix all the spice rub ingredients together in a small bowl. 1. Put the beef into a large bowl, massage it with the spice rub, then cover with 2. clingfilm and put into the fridge for a couple of hours – ideally overnight. That way the spices really penetrate and flavour the meat.

When you’re ready to cook, heat the olive oil in a large pan and brown the meat 3. over a medium heat for 5 minutes.

Add the chopped onion and coriander stalks and fry for another 5 minutes. 4. Tip in the chickpeas and tomatoes, then pour in 400ml of stock and stir. Bring 5. to the boil, then put the lid on the pan or cover with foil and reduce to a simmer for 1½hours.

After this, add the squash, prunes or raisins and the rest of the stock and 6. gently stir, then pop the lid back on the pan and continue cooking for another 1½hours. Keep an eye on it and add a splash of water if it looks too dry.

Once the time is up, take the lid off and check the consistency. If it seems a bit 7. too runny, simmer for 5 to 10 minutes more with the lid off. The beef should be really tender and flaking apart, then season to taste.

Serve with a scatter of coriander leaves along with a sprinkle of toasted 8. almonds and some lightly seasoned couscous.

9. Aileen Egan, Stage 2 Graduate Medicine

(Healthy Cooking Competition Finalist)

600g stewing beef pieces 1 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, peeled and finely chopped a small bunch of fresh coriander

400g tin of chickpeas, drained & rinsed 400g tin of chopped tomatoes

800ml vegetable stock 1 small squash (approximately 800g),

deseeded and cut into 5cm chunks

100g prunes, stoned and roughly torn2 tbsps flaked Almonds, toasted

For the spice rubsea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 level tablespoon garam masala spice mix 1 level tablespoon ground cumin

1 level tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 level tablespoon ground ginger 1 level tablespoon sweet paprika

148 mm × 210 mm


easy Beef FajitasServes 4


500g minced beef1 tbsp olive oil1 clove of garlic, finely chopped1 onion, finely chopped2 teaspoons ground cumin1 tps ground coriander½ teaspoon chili flakes2 teaspoons dried oregano1 tin chopped tomatoes1 tbsp tomato puree2 tablespoons olive oil12 flour tortillassalt and pepper

Instructions for cooking

Fry the onion in the oil for a couple of minutes, add the garlic and beef and 1. cook over a high heat until all the mince is browned. Add in the coriander and cumin and cook for a few minutes.

Pour in the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree and oregano. Lower the heat and 2. simmer for 20 minutes. Season well with salt and pepper.

While the beef is cooking prepare the toppings.3. Assemble the fajitas by placing some of the beef into the tortilla, follow with the 4. topping(s) of your choice, wrap up and serve at once.

Cooks Academy

Toppingsshredded iceberg lettucespring onionssalsasautéed red and yellow pepper slicessourcreamguacamolesautéed sliced onionsgrated cheddar cheese

148 mm × 210 mm


Stir-fried Chicken & noodles


400g skinless Chicken breasts - cubed300g dried Chinese noodles

5 Carrots1 Courgette

1 red Pepper- thinly sliced3 handfuls of Bean sprouts

Spices Espelette pepper

(use hot paprika if Espelette unavailable) Curry powder

Olive oilSoya sauce

40g peanut non salted

Instructions for cooking

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add in the cubed chicken pieces and cook for 1. 5 minutes. Halfways through the cooking, add 1 tablespoon of curry and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. Put the mix into a dish to keep warm.

Slice the red pepper thinly2. Use a speed peeler to peel the carrots and the courgette into long ribbons3. Put the noodles into the boiling water and cook for 3 to 4 minutes4. Preheat a large frying pan, add olive oil and when it’s hot, add the vegetables in 5. the following order: pepper, carrots and courgette. Stir-fry for 4 minutes until vegetables are tender-crisp and add a pinch of Espelette pepper in the middle. Set aside and add the bean sprouts and the chicken mix into the pan.

Drain the noodles and pass them under cold water to stop the cooking6. Toss noodles with the mix in the frying pan. Add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce7. Divide the dish between your plates and add chopped peanuts before serving.8.

OYARZABAL Maïder –Masters Marketing (Healthy Cooking Competition Entrant)

148 mm × 210 mm


Chili Con Patata


500g Beef Mince 2tbsp oil 600ml vegetable stock 1 onion chopped 1 red pepper, cut into chunks 2 garlic cloves 350g new potatoes, cut into chunks 2 tsp hot chili powder 250g tin green beans 400g tin chopped tomatoes 2 tbsp tomato purée

Instructions for Cooking

Fry onion and mince for 3-4 mins. When using ‘value’ mince, be sure to drain 1. excess fat at this stage.

Add crushed garlic, chili powder, tin of tomatoes, tomato purée, stock, red 2. peppers and new potatoes. Season.

Bring to the boil, cover and simmer on a low heat for 15 mins or until potatoes 3. are tender.

Stir in green beans (fresh are best, but tinned are fine, and cheaper). Continue 4. to cook for 5 mins until beans are tender, but crisp.

Serve with warm, crusty bread. Homemade garlic bread is best. 5.

Jennifer Courtney. 2nd Year PhD (Healthy Cooking Competition Entrant)

148 mm × 210 mm


Black-eyed Bean Fajitas


Instructions for Cooking

Pre-heat an oven to 150°C.1. To cook the beans: strain off the soaking liquid and rinse the beans. Place 2. beans in a saucepan and cover with plenty of cold water, bring to the boil and boil for 10 minutes. Skim off any scum from the surface. Simmer until tender.

Drain the beans and pat dry with kitchen paper. 3. Heat the oil in a heavy based frying pan and add the cumin seeds and fry 4. briskly until the seeds begin to pop. Add the ginger and fry until fragrant then, add the beans and fry in the spicy mixture for a few minutes.

In a separate pan heat 2 tbsp of sunflower oil and the onions and fry for 5. 2-3 minutes until just soft, add the peppers and fry until just beginning to tenderize, season well with salt and pepper.

Prepare the salad ingredients. Wrap the tortillas in tin foil and place in an oven 6. to warm through for 10-15 minutes.

In a bowl mix together soy sauce, sugar, chili flakes and add the water. Pour 7. the mixture into the pan with the beans, add the mint and mix, mashing slightly.

Season with salt and pepper and sharpen with a dash of lime juice.8. To serve: Spoon some of the bean mixture into the tortillas, top with the peppers, onions, sour cream, guacamole and other salad ingredients. Roll up from one end, catching in the two sides as you go. Cooks Academy

225g black eyed-beans (soaked overnight in cold water)

1 onion, sliced (optional)1 red pepper, cut into strips (optional)

1 yellow pepper, cut into strips (optional)2 tbsp sesame oil2 tsp cumin seeds

2.5cm fresh ginger root, peeled & grated4 tbsp sweet, dark soy sauce

2 tsp muscavado sugar1 tsp dried red chili flakes

2 tbsp water1 tbsp fresh mint, chopped

salt and freshly ground black pepperlime juice

To serve:flour tortillas

shredded lettuce, sliced tomato, silvers of spring onion, sliced cucumbers

soured creamguacamole

148 mm × 210 mm


Broccoli, Chili and Garlic Pasta Ingredients

Instructions for Cooking

Slice the garlic thinly then put it in a small saucepan with the oil and the 1. crushed chilies, if you are using them rather than the hot chili sauce.

Place over a ring or gas burner and cook on the lowest possible heat for about 2. 10 minutes or until the garlic is soft and transparent.

Meanwhile cook the pasta following the instructions on the pack. 3. Divide the broccoli into small florets and microwave or steam them until just 4. tender. Drain thoroughly.

Drain the pasta, reserving a couple of tablespoons of the cooking water, return 5. it to the pan, tip in the drained broccoli and garlicky oil, season with salt and chili sauce if you haven’t already added chili and toss together.

Pour in a little of the pasta cooking water (about 2 tbsp) and place the pan 6. back on the hob for a minute or two to warm through, then serve.

Fiona Beckett. Beyondbakedbeans.com

4-5 large cloves of garlic, peeled 4 tbsp olive oil ½ – 1 tsp dried crushed chilies or ½-1 tsp hot chili sauce1 head of broccoli or a small pack of broccoli florets 250g wholewheat or ordinary spaghetti or pasta shapesSalt

If you’re cooking wholewheat pasta you need a punchy sauce. This one is based on the classic Italian recipe – spaghetti con aglio, olio e peperoncini (spaghetti with garlic, oil and hot pepper) It’s also a good way to sneak in some good-for-you greens without too much pain.

148 mm × 210 mm


Bean Quesadillas con Salsa rica

David Wozar B.Comm Intl Erasmus student (Healthy Cooking Competition Entrant)


8 plain wheat tortilla wraps1 can of kidney beans

1 ½ red onion1 sweet red pepper

3 tomatoes300 g medium cheddar cheese

1 avocadoSplash of Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar100 ml of Crème Fraiche or Sour Cream

1 lime

Instructions for Cooking

Refry the beans in a pot and season with white pepper, salt and paprika and 1. chili.

Chop ½ onion and the pepper and fry it in a pan. 2. Mix it with the refried beans and fill the wraps and sprinkle over some cheese 3. and fold them.

Put them in the microwave for just long enough to melt the cheese. 4. For the salsa, peel the avocado and slice it into small pieces. 5. Do the same with the tomatoes and 1 red onion. Mix them together and season 6. with a splash of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Serve the Quesadillas with a spoon of sour cream and some salsa on top.7.

note: Refry simply means to fry the beans really well so that you make a paste of them.

148 mm × 210 mm

35Mark Hobbs, Stage 3 Psychology (Healthy Cooking Competition Entrant)

Simple tomato and Basil Italian Sauce


800g Passata Pasta of choiceOlive OilTwo onions Four cloves of garlic200g cherry tomatoes 50-100g fresh basil 2 tbs sugar Salt and pepper

Instructions for Cooking

Finely dice the onions, garlic and basil. Halve the cherry tomatoes1. Heat a deep pan, then add a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the cherry tomatoes 2. and then fry over a medium high heat until they begin to blacken a little. Remove and leave aside in a warm place.

Reduce the pan to a low heat, adding more oil if necessary. Add the garlic and 3. stir for one minute, then add the onions and simmer over a low heat until both are soft but not coloured. This should take about ten minutes.

Add the passata and bring almost to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and 4. simmer until the sauce begins to thicken. Add the sugar.

After half an hour the sauce should be of a nice consistency. 5. Season with salt, pepper, and a little olive oil and add the cherry tomatoes. 6. Stir in the chopped basil and serve with pasta. Garnish with a few large leaves 7. of basil.

Serve with a pasta.8.

Note: This sauce contains a minimal amount of fat, and offers the best benefits of tomatoes, garlic and onion. The accompanying recommended pasta is also low in fat.

148 mm × 210 mm


Vegetarian Moroccan tagineA variation of Aileen’s beef tagine for vegetarians!


Instructions for Cooking

1. Heat oil in a deep saucepan on a medium heat. Sauté onion & garlic in the oil. When the onion begins to sizzle add the peppers and butternut squash.2. Add a sprinkle of salt to bring out the juices from the butternut squash. (This 3. helps to mix the flavours together) Leave the ingredients to “sweat” on the heat for 5 mins, stirring occasionally.

Then add the chopped tomatoes - start with ½ a can, and if the mixture looks 4. too dry add more, up to a full can. The tomatoes will bind the ingredients together and form the base of the sauce.

Finally, add the grated carrot. The natural sweetness of this vegetable will 5. balance the acidity of the tomatoes.

Let the dish simmer on the heat for approx. 10 mins, stirring occasionally to 6. stop the mixture from sticking to the saucepan.

After 10 mins, add the spices and the chickpeas (canned chickpeas are already 7. cooked so simply need heating), Stir thoroughly so that the flavours are mixed.

Add the chopped coriander & stir through immediately before serving (optional).8. If you have time, leave the dish to simmer for about 10 mins longer to bring out 9. the richness of the flavours.

Aileen Egan. Stage 2 Graduate Medicine (Healthy Cooking Competition Entrant)

1 red (or white onion), diced 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

50g butternut squash (peel, deseeded & chopped into very small cubes) 1 (medium size) carrot, grated

½ red pepper, diced ½ yellow pepper, diced

½-1 can of chopped tomatoes (start with half, and add more if

necessary during cooking)

½ tin of cooked chickpeas ½ tsp. ground black pepper

sprinkle salt ½-1 tsp. ground cumin

(depending on taste) Pinch of cayenne pepper/chili powder

(optional) Small bunch of fresh coriander

(optional) 1 tsp. olive oil

148 mm × 210 mm


FrittatasOmelettes and Frittatas make for a very satisfying lunch.The difference really is that an Omelette will fold around its filling while the added ingredients will be mixed into to the egg to create a frittata. Omelettes are served straight from the pan while Frittatas are often served at room temperature, making them perfect for brunches or larger groups. The BBC website (www.bbc.co.uk/food) features several omelette and frittata recipes to brighten up your eggs and give you a really nutritious lunch. We have reproduced one of Nigella Lawson’s Fritatta recipes here as she offers a number of variations to try out.


For each frittata2 free-range eggs knob of butter and a drop of oil, for frying

For the cheese frittata25g/1oz Emmental, grated (or any other cheese of your liking)For the chili frittata1 long red chili, deseeded and sliced¼ tsp ground ginger¼ tsp ground coriander

Instructions for Cooking

Crack the eggs into a bowl, add your choice of flavouring and beat well to 1. combine.

Heat the butter and oil in a heavy-based frying pan. Once the pan is hot, pour 2. in the egg mixture, swirling quickly to coat the base of the pan in a thin layer.

Cook the frittata for 2-3 minutes over a medium heat, then lift the edge of the 3. frittata with a spatula to check it is set and golden-brown underneath; the top of the frittata should be just set but still a little gooey.

To serve, slide the frittata out of the pan onto a plate and fold one half of the 4. frittata over the other. Repeat the process with different flavourings to make more frittatas as needed.

Nigella Express, BBC2 www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/frittataparty_87270

For the green frittata20g/¾oz watercress, baby spinach or rocket, finely chopped 1 spring onion, finely slicedFor the ham frittata50g/2oz ham, chopped

148 mm × 210 mm


Very Quick Cheese Snack


2 slices of brown wholemeal bread lightly butteredDijon/ wholegrain mustard

3 x 3cm wide slices of cheese per slice1 tomato per slice of bread

Ground black pepper

Instructions for Cooking

Spread some mustard on the buttered bread1. Place the tomato on top and sprinkle with black pepper.2. Place the cheese slices on top 3. Put in the microwave or under the grill for 1 minute or until the cheese has 4. melted


www.Beyondbakedbeans.com is a website aimed at students who are just embarking on their culinary experimentation. It has plenty of tips as well as easy-to-follow recipes some of which are reproduced in this publication.


148 mm × 210 mm


Sardine tartineServes 1

This is a fancy French version of sardines on toast. Perfect brain food for revising. The flavouring ingredients - onion, capers and parsley - are optional but do lift this dish into another league.


1 can of sardines in olive or sunflower oil 1 spring onion, trimmed and finely sliced or a slice of onion, finely chopped A few chopped capers or chopped gherkin (optional) 1 heaped tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley 1 thick slice of wholemeal bread 1 clove of garlic, peeled and cut in half Salt, black pepper and lemon juice to taste

Instructions for Cooking

Drain the oil from the can. Mash the sardines if you don’t mind the bones 1. (much better for you - full of calcium) otherwise cut each sardine in half lengthways, split it open and remove the backbone, then mash.

Add the sliced spring onion or onion, chopped capers or gherkin if using and 2. parsley and season with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon.

Toast the bread and rub with the cut garlic. 3. Put it on a plate and drizzle over a little oil from the can. 4. Arrange the mashed sardines on top of the toast. Good with a sliced tomato or 5. a handful of watercress

Note: You could add a little grated lemon rind for a more intensely lemony flavour. If you haven’t got any parsley you could up the amount of spring onion.

Fiona Beckett (Beyondbakedbeans.com) 2008

148 mm × 210 mm


Wholemeal wraps with peanut butter, carrot & cucumber

Serves 2


2 large chapattis or wholemeal wraps Crunchy peanut butter, preferably organic (I like Whole Earth)

1 medium carrot (about 100g), peeled and grated 2 lemon wedges or some freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 good chunk of cucumber (about 100g), finely sliced

1 spring onion, trimmed and cut into fine short strips or a few finely sliced red onion rings

A few mint or coriander leaves (optional but good) Sweet chili sauce to serve (optional)

Instructions for cooking

Heat a frying pan without any oil for about 2 minutes. 1. Freshen the chapattis by warming them for a minute each side in the pan. 2. Turn off the heat and let the chapattis cool while you prepare the vegetables. 3. Spread one side of the chapattis with a layer of peanut butter, cover with grated 4. carrot, squeeze over some lemon juice cover with a layer of sliced cucumber, a layer of sliced spring onion and a few mint or coriander leaves if you have some.

Squeeze over a bit more lemon juice and trickle over some sweet chili sauce. 5. Roll up the wrap and eat or wrap in cling film to eat later.6.

note: You could also use this filling to stuff wholemeal pitta breads or wholemeal rolls.


Do not give this to anyone without checking if they’re allergic to nuts!

Fiona Beckett (Beyondbakedbeans.com) 2010

148 mm × 210 mm

41Cooks Academy

Blueberry Yoghurt Brulee Serves 4


200g fresh or frozen blueberries2 tsp honey250g greek yoghurt4 tsp dark muscovado sugar

Instructions for cooking

Place the blueberries and honey in a small pan and heat gently until the juices 1. of the blueberries begin to run and the fruit softens slightly.

Remove from the heat and spoon into four glass bowls or ramekins. Allow to 2. cool.

Spoon the yoghurt into the dishes and sprinkle over the muscovado sugar. 3. Leave in the fridge until ready to serve.

148 mm × 210 mm

old-fashioned Apple Crumble

Serves 4-6


Instructions for cooking

You will need a medium-sized shallow baking dish.1. Peel, quarter and cut out the core from the apples and slice them thickly into a 2. large saucepan, sprinkle with 3 tbsp of the sugar, add the cinnamon and 3 tbsp water. Cover the pan, place over a low heat and cook for about 12-15 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally until the apple pieces are soft.

Check for sweetness, adding a little extra sugar if you feel they need it but they 3. should be quite tart.

You can also beat in a little butter for extra richness. Tip the apples into a 4. medium sized shallow ovenproof dish and leave them to cool.

Measure the flour into a large bowl. Cut the butter into small cubes and tip 5. into the flour. Keep cutting until you can’t get the pieces of butter any smaller then rub the butter and flour together with the tips of your fingers, lifting it up and letting it fall back again into the bowl, until the mixture is the consistency of coarse breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar and carry on rubbing for another minute. (You can also make a crumble topping in seconds with a food processor if you’ve got one).

Turn the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Spread the crumble mixture evenly over 6. the cooled apple mixture, making sure you cover the whole surface; then bake for about 30-40 minutes till the crumble is brown and the fruit juices bubbling along the sides of the dish. Serve with cream, vanilla ice cream or custard.

3 - 4 medium to large Bramley or other cooking apples (about 900g)

3 - 4 tbsp unrefined caster sugar1/4 tsp ground cinnamon (optional)A small chunk of butter (optional)

For the crumble topping175g plain flour

110g butter at fridge temperature50g unrefined caster sugar

Published by Fiona Beckett (Beyondbakedbeans.com) 201042

148 mm × 210 mm

old-fashioned Apple Crumble (cont.)Note: * to make a slightly fancier crumble add a handful of raisins to the apples and replace 25g of the flour with 50g finely chopped walnuts.

* Other fruits that work well in crumbles include rhubarb, apricots and plums (stone them first). Packets of frozen fruit like mixed berries are also good - mix them with apple to make them go further.

Fiona writes that “the secret of a really good apple crumble is cooking the fruit before you top it with the crumble mixture. Takes a bit longer but it makes it possible to get your fruit soft and your topping nice and crunchy. It’s also worth using Bramley apples (or an equivalent cooking apple) which are much juicier and fluffier than eating apples”. She says it takes about 15 minutes to cook the apples, 45 minutes to cool them and about 30-40 minutes baking time.

Strawberry MessIngredients

Punnet of StrawberriesMeringue nestsPink icecream


Roughly mash half of the strawberries and then slice the rest. Divide between 4 small bowls. Top with a couple of broken meringue nests and scoops of pink ice cream.

Published by Fiona Beckett (Beyondbakedbeans.com) 2010 43Recipe from Good Food magazine, August 2004. www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/3124/strawberry-mess

148 mm × 210 mm


Chocolate Mousse serves 4

If you must have a chocolate treat this recipe may fit the bill without stepping too far away

from your healthy eating plan!


150ml/5fl oz of low fat yoghurt 300ml/10fl oz low fat fromage frais

1 tbs icing sugar 4 tbs low fat drinking chocolate powder

4tsp cocoa powder 4 drops of vanilla essence

2 egg whites 4 squares of dark chocolate to decorate

Instructions for cooking

Mix the low fat yoghurt and fromage frais in a bowl, sift the icing sugar, 1. drinking chocolate and cocoa and add the vanilla essence & mix well.

In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff. Mix the egg whites into the 2. chocolate mixture with a metal spoon, gently!

Soon the mixture into four desert pots/glass dishes and place in the fridge for 3. 30 mins.

Grate the dark chocolate over the pots for decoration.4.


148 mm × 210 mm

Useful Websites













www.beyondbakedbeans.comAimed at students who are just embarking on their culinary experimentation. It has plenty of tips as well as easy-to-follow recipes some of which are reproduced in this publication.

148 mm × 210 mm

Brought to you by The UCD Health Promotion Committee

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