UBS Australian Emerging Technology Conference · social media (i.e. make my enterprise apps look...

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Transcript of UBS Australian Emerging Technology Conference · social media (i.e. make my enterprise apps look...

Citadel Group LimitedDarren Stanley – CEO

5 April 2017

UBS Australian Emerging Technology Conference

Strategic rationale

What we do…


We specialise in managing knowledge in complex environments through integrating know-how,

systems and people to provide information securely on an anywhere-anytime-any device basis

Security & assurance

Protect and control

Integration &



collaboration and

presentation systems, unified


telemedicine and video


Big Data & Knowledge


Capture, share, access and

use corporate information,

plus provide de-identified

data as-a-service

Trusted brand

Unique IP

Proven pedigree

Scalable cloud-based SaaS offer

Long-term sticky revenue contracts

Best practice EBITDA margins >25%

Strong growth drivers (right markets/right time)

People & Advisory

Strategic advice, systems

engineering, program management

and support services

...with a focus on IP scalability


Research & DevelopmentSecurity, Risk, Identity, Military, Intelligence, Health,

Information Management

AdvisoryBusiness Transformation, Enterprise Risk,

Digital Transformation, Enterprise Content

Management, ICT Strategy, Enterprise Service


SolutionsBespoke Design & Build, System


Managed ServicesService Desk, Service Management, Field

Services, Service Operation, Support

Services, Facilities Management

IT as ServiceUnified Comms, Desktop,

Application, Infrastructure,

Network, Data Centre, Control


Software as a ServiceECMaaS, IDaaS, VCaaS

Integration Platform

as a ServiceHealth IPaaS

Platform as a ServiceServiceNow®, Microsoft Azure ®,

Amazon Web Services ®

Infrastructure as a

ServiceCitadel Cloud, Microsoft

Azure ®, Amazon Web

Services ®

ProductsLaboratory Information Systems , eBloods, Kapish

eDRMS Productivity Suite, Assured Identify

Management, Citadel Information Exchange

Significant technology trends


Move away from ‘mass drowning’ of information to mass analysis and prediction.

Unprecedented information flows will require predictive analytics to determine

what people need to know and when

Interconnectedness to continue (IOTT - internet of things and threats) but with

greater requirements to ensure connectedness does not mean information


Continued blurring of lines between the individual and the corporation due to

social media (i.e. make my enterprise apps look like social apps) and make it

available anywhere anytime and any device (but particularly my mobile phone!)

Secure content and collaboration trend is increasing the importance of securing

data and identities: information harder to conceal but easier to steal

GMM (Give Me More….of everything!) but make sure its actually for me. It is the

‘individualisation’ of information

Artificial intelligence, robots, intelligent sensors, virtualisation will all lead to

disruption … IP protection and competitive advantage now more important

than ever

Strategic rationale

Key outcomes for


No longer just Government and Defence

Growing need for secure information



Changing macro economic environment – greater ‘nationalisation’ and increasing threat of

‘information compromise’ across all industries and Governments

Numerous data security breaches have impacted large businesses globally

– May 16: 117m LinkedIn emails and passwords hacked

– Jun 16: T-Mobile employee attempted to sell database of 1.5m customer records

– Aug 16: Yahoo reveals that account information of 500m users (names, emails, phone

numbers, encrypted passwords) hacked

– Nov 16: 1m google accounts breached by malware, to access data

– Nov 16: £2.5m stolen from Tesco Bank online accounts

– Jan 17: Lloyds Bank hit by DDoS attack attempting to block access to 20m bank accounts

– Feb 17: Over 1m WordPress Sites Hacked

Smaller organisations with outdated IT infrastructure are even more vulnerable

As data migrates to the cloud, robust data security systems are required

Large and growing markets

– Requirement to protect sensitive information in education, technology, finance, healthcare,

and Government

Citadel is leveraging its Government and Defence pedigree to drive growth

Strategic rationale

Key outcomes for


Managing integration in complex environments

Information anywhere, anytime - securely


As technology evolves, more data is migrating to the cloud, requiring:

– Greater bandwidth and storage capacity to support “real-time” decisions

– Real time analytics of fully scalable big data (no sql database limits!)

– 24/7 service desk to support thousands of users globally

– 24/7 system management in the most complex and secure environments in the world

– Security management (people, process AND technology)

– Enterprise grade cloud as a full managed service

– Secure direct access to provision and manage cloud instances (data sovereignty)

– Centralised management and control of the cloud environment (private, hybrid, public,

enterprise) – ability to automate and manage very complex environments across all popular

technology stacks

– Ability to capture all cloud, server, device and application logs in a centralised system to enable

detailed Operations & Security Intelligence

Citadel’s scalable platform solutions address all complex integration requirements

Security in a connected world


Managing a secure environment – in a connected world



Our eye in the sky that captures all cloud, server, device & application logs in a centralised

system enabling us to provide detailed Operations & Security Intelligence and predictive

analytics to our clients


Case study: Government clients

Leveraging our “trusted provider” status with a long-term

customer to deliver tangible outcomes

Selected given security specialist


An ‘end-to-end’ solution: scoping,

training, migration, integration, security &

service support

>110,000 users (30,000 log in every day)

Users access and manage over 350m

electronic objects from across the globe

Contract held since 2005, with three

‘market retests’

Replicable into other Government and

Corporate clients









Case study: complex e-health integration

Optimising service delivery in a disconnected sector

Solutions for clients are enabled via multiple modules

– Order placement and management

– Positive patient identification

– Specimen and Image handling

– Point of care testing

– Biochemistry, microbiology and haematology

– Molecular diagnostics and molecular genetics

– Immunology and anatomical pathology

Largest Australian-based LIMS supporting >34

laboratories, 3,500 laboratory staff on a 24/7 basis

>50,000 daily transactions… ~40% of all public

hospital tests

27 years of patient histories for data analytics/BI

Leveraging into other health areas 10

Strategic rationale

Key outcomes for


A history of service contract renewal…


Managed service contracts prolong the average duration of client relationships and provide stable,

recurring revenue streams, as well as opportunity to upsell

Information security and track record often more important than price

Strong history of renewal through exceeding client requirements and adding value to the relationship

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Important Notice and Disclosure



Darren Stanley, CEO

Tel: +61 2 6124 0800

Ronn Bechler, Managing Director – Market Eye

Tel: +61 400 009 774