ubail Leader Rejects U.S. Women. Children Flee Congo...

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Transcript of ubail Leader Rejects U.S. Women. Children Flee Congo...

Scoreboard T raffic Death

i f i 'v . 'i iv ; ; i 7i,’ !r.

- Mailc VallEJ-. 1959 .30 i r Z u l i M»fic Vftiicy. lOGO... :a



Ir'd it t o n

rR lC IC T) C E N T S

ubail Leader Rejects U.S. P r T O s t O v ^ O i l ^ e i z u r e s ;

Red Nations Give Support‘V su i)port fro m l i l h iho U iiitoil •0 ..f AmPi-ieiiii-

rojecU 'd Jis o i)i'iation of th e

HA VANA, Ju ly 8 (UPli— C u b a ’.-; r e v o lu t io n a ry K ovcrnn ien t, liol.'l red China and Russiii, h ea led up it.< d iiilo m a lli; a n d tcon<nnii’ \ ita les today by »" an^rry ro jp ctim i o f U. S . c o m p la i iits iibouL Qrthcd p ro p er ty . A 10-p;*i,’c no te i,-sucd by th e fo re ijrn m in is try 1;•faMc, hvp roci'ltic nnd m jilevoiu iu" n W nsh inK lon jiro lc s t uKiutist . x i.ic p n a u o n

and T cxaco oil re f in - * * * * ' • . * * * *

S sS S it'M exjco SpokesmanBacks€uba Regime

:\!E X 1(’0 n iT V , J u ly 8 W ) — A spokesm an fo r M exico’s po litica l i>art,y deeliired yc .'tc rd u y M uxico s ta n d s w ith th e I 'u b iin people in th e Krov.-inir I'finftict be l T as tri ) n o v c rn m e n l a n d th e U nite ii Siui,..J’j f iin is . fhaij-m ’;jTi o f th e p frn ia ;)t'i)l mj jrn.‘.'‘,s, chcers in ;i .-o,tor.H and depiitie .s n t nn e x tra o rd in a ry im in s called to e x p la in th e po lic iw o f tin

(■leelrt by tlie Kovernmi EA ngDlnst Cuba, the ....v Pnmitr Fld«l Caslros rov, lenl ftW rejected ft Britlsli i S over seizure of the Shell

finer)' but in wtiat appeared n

Big Man Witli Knife, Fjjrk

ro ra iu r« for Pits\icxy EUtnliower'» BS6,0fl0-Ion cut li p-jrchases of Cuban sugar, Cnstrt

hai nuthoMMllan lo aelzc-jiAv ind *11 U. S.-owned property, li Cuba ty decree..Commuoltt China today brand' k Ihc 0. 8. sugar cut » "dlny nd niiamelcs* M l” The’ Sovlei

'agency and radio Mos- fd tlie United Slniw o:


trous!it on by ‘he refinery i

Tio anll-U. S. demoMlral :oke out In llie' provinces. iAbout 150 porwiij milled ouuMc' ,..3. Infommllon .'ervlcc lieid-

in Santa Clnrn lor two. • urs slio'Jtlna -'Yniikee.v oiili",

pjiiT Del Klo, Wjh iciical .la carfttled'V'lth placiirds rc:itl-;

IT.; -Cuba, V est Yankee-s Btlore the appi usn Mlnlitcr u r. Aminnuo . one-time card carrying r ff of the CommunUt parly.Tl)e dcmi)n.stralieiu. plus iut.ningly niilttant toiie oi iiUn pre.\s and radio, vitir

peeled 10 spur the CAOdu Amtncin resldenu,. alrcafly

iirire-numtxra. General .amiiJBng—

Dividend and.Interest Tax Gets Results

WASHINGTON, July 8 jlnicrnal revenue o lllqal.1 ji |d,>y the RoveriuticntVdrive jptcple to pny Income

F r ..................J ia te o s . X a 8peul<in>r foi th e .Rtivohittlonv-PRI-->oi wlielm!n-; mi; S;inrhf 7. I'll fiM

. c,i;crullv. i;r

iCmilio Sanchu:„! COD

■■h M o r e se m ,- l ;rc..csii]nal m e e t- ' K ovcrnnie iit o f:

.\d o lfo L o p ez ' y i n K he w as j • Ihe P a r ty o f) io n a ry In s titi i .

Women. ChildrenFlee Congo Area As Army Mutinies

B R A Z A V ll.l.i-;. fi.i ■Kites, mail'- w-lni.'t

pon<[ciit n'i 'ubti> ' uf ( L. repo rt.'i i In r sor n c r nrli:i;iii Ci’i'K

• « (;T) — Tli'i iiiH iia jan ias . ni.-ihpt o f a ssau lt and rape,

i'olivc ro n tn il n f l.<Miitin.ui-..pi.liUilU',

Driver. Begins Jail . Term Levied in ‘58

l \T . \ (elrpholo)

and m icrtsl appears ti

a of Edu.

producing r A check of 2.500 Ux returiu

. Ii0',vx a 50 per ccnl drop Ij number, ol loxpayers undersi dividend Income and a <[ cent decline for those not In* income front Intercr.t,

Ofllclali caullonecl, 1: ihat Itle sample wa.t limited I ■m'pccted tax cheaier.t and could not be used (o conclude four billion dollar RAp 1| tug of.dividends and inti

|;Sugar Men Disagree On Cut’s Importance

■Z'-'i.'r.iw'' ' v , \ s h i . \ < ; t 6 n , Jiii.v s ran — P r c j i . im i i ii.'S™:ut our n o rti,.|S h ie l(U o f th e U. S. R eel Snjcar as.^ociation sa id y v s te r - "',ng the doors; d a y P re.sidcnt Eisenhow er'.'^ <iecision to c u t th e C u b a n ^ r t^ " J.

^*<UKnr tjiiola m a rk s th e en ii o f an e ra . l i e told a new;; cun- Tnurmit fercnc :- it will be d if f ic u lt fo r th e U n ite d S l a te s lo tu rn ti-uck n b ad e once a^a in t-oC uba a f te r eallinK on a la rire lu im bnr foi'Toi o f o ilie r fo re isn .suppliers lo n iak u p th e c iil, l i e em pha-' ‘“mc'.’ /

ized th a t th e dom estic s iijja r - in d u s try . w.itl n o t ob ta in vvjiii.i n ^ * * * * n-,.

Loriri -■^I'nli'nui fbyjiiicid th e tr a f f ic doatli .Mr.s. W illiam ,Ian . no, l!).oS,.she wa.s ridi l>y A nderson . T he

lidok;R u p e r t, hc'^.'al^s.‘rvin^'-H fiTnr-montii

ja il T hur<dav for iieKliKCnl se n ten c i'ii In .lin ir, ID.'.S. as tlie re.sult of .r A lle iie K ra f t . S. daui!ltU *PJit-Jlr. and K ra i l , R u iiu rt . .Miss K ra f t w as killed tw ii-1'.jir collisicjn w hen th e c a r in _ w y :b

•as, .s tru c k heado ii by n. vc jh icle 'd rive ii s a p p ea led to th e siip rem e c o u rt

a n d jn n . decision ha n < led |'

'S S:;i5‘:0ccan DiversP d n ,


jlrtjnoUirinEltctrlc compa

Head Tax Reason Giv&For Surplus irSponlEfalfaSS

'*oiB r7m y '^ 'W t::^K ew -ir two ilUion doll&r*_or_ttie 4.8 million

Ultne* In tha .ganeraf (un 'd 'the end of ui« flrsc yekr of tti« pru> ent biennium came from ldtJ)o'« new so-called head t*a.

I Tax Colleclor P. O. Neill >day thai. tha latest figures collections ahowed tha t thi

■mount from tb t h u d tax CoUiledm m - . ..Taking iio>« that Oov. Robert Smylie w u uJgim repeal by the

next lefilslaiure of the head ta: 'edit given (ixpayera In'> ||

>nt retum.t next year. Nelli aald that R would pul a lol of wf ■»n hla oUlce.. _______ -------

.. ....... IVelil added, "fnfalrneai to the U*pay*r«, It should | *•9 don*,"

Nelli iixo reported that record! il-i oCrice ahoned tha t • sub. >tlai number of persons p re ,,

-red to forfeit what o U i^ U e ^ I d be a small lefUnd ralhei

t>ay the $lp .tiling fes o(


of the pay-up d] m-y offlclab will continue to op p<ue putting A s‘ltiiJ]{>ldliig tax.o

leeO federal budget .aurplus. Fig-] the gdvernmeut business

___ :h-endtd_Ju m 30 t«.been released. iQlormed £ said the furplus might g

lilgh as one billion dollars.Revenues. It »-ftS reliably li .

ed. Mine clots to 'th e 78.S billion doUsa predicted by otlleUh. M^ ..................w rge In Individual

• ■ hSnestyd InterJ

est _ottaet.* AUunp-,ln..6ttBor*M - caused by the long 1»9 steel


of lls friendship and under:Ing in the face of the yearnlnRi of th« Cuban people to live In liberty 'a n d economle independ- enee. we. 0]e rfpfeseutatlves the people of Mexico, repeat the Cuban people our same nt tude of aolldarttjr and we ylsh«lU litm-Uiat,w?.*re-eerul«-tlM.t their right to live In social Justice

“ ThT’aIt*“ or’lhe'T)Ua4«t-il hlnge4 .-upoa-tift-/tn» l »pei........toUl. still a closely guarded secret but believed likely to lUp '7B billion dollars. f

The return* being cliecied by le Internal revenue service

corporations and savings ins uohs~surge<i«d-t»e~|io iini( subslAntlal linderrepo^ng ‘sch of a t lean »iOO Uv dividends ind Interest. '

*>«en claimed as credit on UiiU- vldual Idaho Income Ux returns.

He u id a great number of per- »ons Who had refunds coming u •brm In amounts betwe'eti »l and 110 didn't even bother to file r« . urn/, but desired Instead to for

“ It the refund Instead of paying 'be diUerence between the noKia: relund and Uie tlO head' tax.

Persons maklac 'over t<M required to file, PaUur* lo Xm “ frlu s penalty of *100.

fniose persons who were . . Wired lo file are belng'checked,

. « ia , - .............. - .............. -

. Neill u id there were n>v..» « o fewer r«nmds In his ot((e« ' u of thU jQOf SO th»n for tb f

cute in 19S».also n o ; ^ t tU the n u s M


Italian Reds Accept Truce

' To Halt RiotsROM£..July 8 (UM - The com-

munlst'Comrolted Itallsn general -atlon of labor today accept-

- He llGo___LOS A N O iiJa . July s 't w -

Former President Harry 8. Truman h * « ..............................

Monday. Missouri Oov. James' T . Blair announced today.

T nim ui win ' kttend "aa a delegate,- Blair told a ne»'s

nomlnaUon of S e n . Stuart

dent,. Truman had innounced last week he was, reslgolng as • deteg«t« and would no t attend the eon»ehU«» •because; u he pu l It, it-w as "pre.arrapged" {or one candidate—Sen. J c ^ P. Kennedy.

Blair saU'KenMdysvsuppiSrt U "sU n-tbla- and 'that-^lefec* Uons frORi his early strength wUl show up 00 th i second baf* loU

n over by a hay wagon I. m ie 10-y«K-old — ■•t rtdinf- with

s Banww, w

jpported proposat '^or a 15-dsy ..•upe In street riots and strikes

'thit--ttaTF-T»rtmghe • Ita ly -d i-----'ouary d o s t to rewlucion, '

The -federation said in a munlque th a t I t reserved the right to continue and "Inteslfy If neces- ssiT" econonic strikes but wouic not touch Off pollUcal strikes dur­ing ttie m ice period.

The eooimuDUts had indicated beforehand th e r-» o u 1d-go-»long

tense session a t the U[q>cr house this morning. Chamber of DepU' ties President Giovanni Leone im mediately nipporUd the meMure and so did the leftwlng aodallsU of Pietro Nennl, who are allied wfth U u communists.

The eatlon-sald-lt wotUd-go along v lth Ihe plan which was an attem pt to restore order * tte r a week of strikes and bloody HoUng dislgoed to topple the pro-Western govern-

The truce proposal would hi the parliament begin debate on c rts lsn m \TedBesd«y;'no^ political---------^

normal police forces

■me le ttU u tiajl charged bni- UUtjr b y 'n o t K i u ^ which UWdeJuU tear g u u d w n r ' “ brest . iip rtdU ed MoUiv.

ounce of th e 700,000-tci . .. ..• A ll of th e add itio iu ili ■ t t » i

su K u r-w ill conic fro m f o r - ' A c r C a g e H l K C ci}?n aupplio.o, he said. > • D

,;S’,Er.:?S,.X’:Si Next Year IsShltid* prcillclcd that Brazil ih"'

Philippines and otl pa<.vlblv Including the British West ____ -provide the United SWies xiith thel Itwervcd oatlmU-m

WJIIisn) n. E .i:c \ 34. nonpburf Ore.. v,r.i lined and ,n.^ts nni given :5 demtrll.s by Burley Ju.s ticj Of tlie Pence Allred Cr.in Tliursdny for failure to drive rca ."ionably and prudently. He v.-a cited by Slate Patrolmnn II, I Carr c. the rc.vuU of « oue-ca

:cldent Thur.'.daj, jnoinlnK nc.i

Lo<;ate Bodies Of 3 Victims

LAKEHURST. N, 3.. July B MW ‘ Divers .Marted brlnRlnR up today I the bodlej o( crewmen killed when• 11 litimp r.ra.'ihed and xsnk l i mile ' olf the New Jer«y cna. t.* .T he blimp, a 'lOS-foot g la n

among pre.'ent-day n 1r ^ h lp ;■renewed Jn ftlehi Wednestfii}’' crashed olf Barnegat Inlet. F\Jur ‘ crewmen were picked up then, f one died later. Seventeen ol -] were'mirnnff and-prrjiimed dead,

Tlie first body recovered from •• 5S feet >;f water at 9:15 bjh -

Hint of lleary V. Ooubold, ai

ipoMed J2S bond In ‘•ourt^frJdm- /o r a J’len ' ¥ lo - j j ,^fyr ,

D- Arlen Taylor, 22, nurlisy, was! i,urg, f

James A nnul Frld.-»y m orn -f" "' ^ for going 4S miles per h ^ r Jnl^

We used to gel 20 per ct our sugar from Cubs but nc

re entering a new era," he «kld.T he department of sgrlculture

has said I t ha«:.n[)t been deter­mined whether (here would be

:ase In sugsr beei' acreage. Before any action eoulil be tv'tncTCTw.'theTrrrwist: v Orpsrt* ment spokesman ssld-public hear. Ings would have to be •held.

■ -Ssir-TTanciKorHsroid-Bel' knap of the Western Beet Sugai

disagreement with Shields.••Domestic beet groaer* wm def-

JnUely bene/H by Ui# CuJwn cul, he said.

'"Under, the previous arrange, ment. any deficit In luppty w u

up by Cuba-and-<tooia»ti« -.s. I t was divided equally.

Now any deflclt-and 11 is expect- ' IM.DOO tons—will

be 'made' by domestic powenr."He noted that most o( thi

nestle sugar came from trDwerar-Some-can*'suiar-eomes /root the South.

Belknap said sugar be6l groweri normally supply more than twc million tons. They fonneriy sup-

'• 1 an addlUonal Ho.oop tons to » up the deficit. He said thsl

under the new situstlon domestic growers probably would dellcU.oI eM.000 Ions.

Area s BeaiiWholesalers Not Worried

Maglo Valley bean whoIe«aters

the-potentlal^ Io«s-ef the- Ouban m arket tor red beans,« survey by the iTIme«-News revealed yeater- da r'arteraoM .

ro u r dealers contacted-alh ex­pressed gener^ optimism on po­tential new maitels. increased do­mestic cvtsuinpUon sod potential reductions In acreage which might be twunc to new crops. T hat the farmer may feel the pinch' with

.T b t axwkauit.Uksly.to be.ai- eeUd bz ,cu ttli« off tbe Cubat

mftrfcet u the.Ooluobla basin.ln WMhiagton. D ealtn pointed outa » t 'C u b i '- “ ~ '‘' - — ' — — '

of the Idaho Sugar BdcI Oro'.vcr.' nist>clnllon. tha t there will be no forsceable chanRe In the dome-iUc area except the posslbUlty thal fannera who gambled and orer- planted ttiis year will face no problem in selling their surpluses

About 31.000-to 88.000 acres In Mairto-^Vallejrw.-plantfd in b«r« Clatborn spld. the to U l ' f ”

'•aU«a.4 K m 1. Calmaa

Jewelry Shop. Gets Damages In T.F. Blaze

"An“ ealtma'Ced~M;000“ lb-|<,000 damage was c a u s^ by a fire al Schubach's Jewelry compaoy. 1BD4 Kimberly road__lhm adai!_nlght

The -twin ralls'T lre'aepaftniBhl «ld • the bla»e apparently wai itarted by a defective fluorescent■elllnF tlx ture ,~ -“ - --------------

Tlie flre.desiroy«d approximate, y 100 square feet of the celling of the quonset-type building, the fire department said. U n . John K Balscn. manager of the store, said the fire also ruined the finished attic of tbe building.__Aft«r th e defective fixture s tsrt- ed the blaxe, firemen theorised.

tacking «f 'th e "flre-reaistant' iDSuloUon in the celUnc wall of thfe-TicK re.'------------- ---------------------

Smbke and water caused major damage to the stock, according to Mrs. Boltch. ParUally o r con pletely .destroyeci items Included' shipment of foreign ch ina stored

the attic , a colleoUon of Im- te d Germaneuckooclockssoak-

._~by 'i water;-.sawlng machines damaged by water aad a oollec- Uon of,plaMlo d l n n n a r * melted by tb s _

Owner « f the store. Mrs. Balseh .jld . Is Stanley Bchubaeb, Sfl. Salt U ke City. H e-has a chain of

iven Jewelry stores.Sdiubach U

In Twin Falls with an '

C , and Lleut.'iJj.l'B NillrBeachwetfqr W;- J

Allen N. Freeman, Ore

Local Girl Is Named Queen .Qf Stampede

N J ^ A , July 8 — More than 10.000 specUton waUhed Karen Bumgardner, 18, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Bumgardner, Twin Falls, ride lo victory over 30 olfier contestants when she was namet queen of the 1960 Snake Bivei Stampede Thursday n ight ai Nampa.~MlM^BtimggrQin rr - « n — Idaho State-college sophomore, was 19M rodeo queen of the Twin Palls

■....riding 13 yean, knd pres'

cntiy owns her own Quarter horse,■ 'C o^ r ■penny.-' — — ------

Nampa Mayor Tom Leupp crowned her queen, and she re­ceived many prizes after* the Thursday night performance. As queen she will reign -----

■ ■ ■ “'rar,- -stampede,

~JQ q8 ln r~ th r-ecn tesfwere t or* mer Idaho Oov. Len Joroan.- • ;-Karry-Qutrttta.Jf, afeita.w o rld _____Elmer Terry. Pocatello, president of the Frontier Days rodeo there,

OUwr flaalUU were K aren ,1* - .e ia. Jerome, and Betty Bninel. Nampa. THree « tn l.flna lisU are June plush. Kuna: 8h a rt» M a t rlsttti, Boise, and Dowthy 8d u e - '

**^tf*e*wsra two Injuries during the eonU*t. P « 8y Abshlre. went off her horse Just a fter noohlng the finish Une'and was mcsnenlarOy stunned, and Frances Aker. MeHdlan, was to have

In her leg after

and took over on the seen* ■com. mand of the sslvage operations from., the destroyer McOowsn.

Throughout the night, dlvi descended into tKe U-foot d< water as s^arcbli^U played the scene.

. . «Uier- -UuM, 2POUV-4yp( blimps In navy s e r v l c ’r w i grounded today by the command­er, naval air forcis Atlantic fleet, located in Norfolk. Va., la d in g a 'detennlnaUon of the cause of the crash.

U. s. Stand in World Court T s Discussed

-B U K -V A IiSV , July l . t l l —TWO projnlnenl American lttwyer»-de- bated yesterday w h e t h e r United SUles should submit 10 jurisdiction of the mteiCourt of Justice, or wslV until world tensions are reduced, . -

Prank E, Kolman, BeatUe! for­mer American Bar association

president.and former dean bf the University of UUh law school,, and Albert J. Jennv , Jr.. Chicago, prttia tbt-orU ii-feeflciih-Jiia fca. tlon society, debated th« n iu e of

Hoijnan said that if the Coq nally IteservaUoos-UmlUng U. S. partieipatloa In the world court a t The Hague. Netherlands—w trt.it!

' ' "Cuba conU now sue thi SUtes for lls sugar cm.

bargo,” - V But Jenner sold this country

'm ust proeUce what It preaches" :onc«raliMr intematloaal Justice, without rcserfng (o itMlf the right to decide lU own c ^ .

Th* reserratioos give the United a u te s Ihe r l g h 't to delemine whether a cas« U donuiUc or In- tenuUon»J“ W nalure.-Th*y pre­vent tbe in tenatlon ia court from

Supporters Concentrating on Getting Kennedy Nominated on Second Ballot

DifficultyWASHINGTON. July 8 W —

TliB stnte department said to­day It K t i having difficulty communlcMlng with the U. 8, emba.vy In the Congo republic capital of Leopoldville.

AlthouRh the depsrtmenLs ilatement dirt-nol-report It, a Mcli U. S. official <ald that at one point (lie embafsy was .sur­rounded bv * mob of native African soldier* and tha t mem­bers of the einba'-iy, Including Ambas-^ador Deslgnnte Clere Tlmbrlake, could not leave the building.

A department spokeamsn Mid no'Americans had been Injured In 'ih e . disturbances In Ihe new A l ^ n republic. He .said "everything possible Is be­ing (lone (o aasurt Uie safety of Arfterlcana.“

ilamied a t reports of auaults and •apes of white women.

AP corrupondent Lynn Heln- terhnR. in a dispatch from Leo- . poldvllle, said btLj’onct-wleldlng soldiers stopped BelgUfns tr>-lng to take the ferry to Bratxavllle.

But he reported 3.000 to 1,000 BeJjIsns, mostly women and chi!^.

i^eace^reat^ Is Predicted

VIENNA, July 8 Wl—N t t l t a B3irusbeh«r h b iM today tha t Soviet imioD inay aign i

list Ea,y with c It East O er.

•T tflU teU you' a s e c r e f ^ Khrushchev told correspoodenU in Vienna. . , ,

“We b a re InfonnatJoa from West Oehnony tha t U u West Oerinan federal parllam oit may meet In West Berlin in Septem­ber. This is another provocallca.

•We will cacslder wlth - w - frlehds Otto Orotewohl and Wal-> ter Ulbrlcht whether it would b« possible, to sign a t this time a peace treaty with the O ennan democri«ff*-7eiHnmff-OCi«“ Q «ri- - many)."

‘nh ls.’ he continued. *wpuld ieaa-4h » t -4U m im bera-<f-the-'-

W esi-€en nan parl(atiS2n t'w ould have to ask for a visa from Ihs

Earlier, m uusbcbev had tm - ^ t i c a l l y declared th a t be con- slden West Berlin lo be oo the Kit of Bast OermaDy.

Khri • -

________________ WeA Oetinanleodar-would-be-B Boshed-tf h e - attempted to touch" aay eountrr in the eommunlst bke.

_____ maUny s__marks oo A u s t in loU but s a id . It W1S h it '•doty not to e v ^ anyquestion;*'"."'' - ...................

Signs Bill _WASHZKOION. J t t l y a (II—

R .I h *ocM1oB.

today'* TimN-M«wt.'Alg« 2—WiiU«i flM doBf9 «


viTiitesXeaveCon^o Areas;Army Rebels

(Pr«ia Pm * Ont)dm i. manjiBwt to gel across before the tr»«le wM h*lt«d._ V t tf tld w m e Belgli


No prcclplUllon and near o r tilghlly below normal wmpcraiures ■ th iw ih Wedneedny. Hl«li gener&Uy

arrta tedT lju t th a t there violence.

The (low oT refucees >ilart«d *bou ia»Jii.

■ The European Mttler* cf Br»z- tav lUc tu rned ou t to care tor the

children had fled Chelr homc3 In hnite. M any told o( seeing vio­lence.

With alJnoat no formallUe*. the retugcM were taken In charge by Midlers, police and Buropeaoa and dlreclcd toward echool*. army eampa, th e homea of Europeans, mid hastily M i up sheliera. The prtildent of the French Congo. Abbe Pulbert Voulou. named i com m ute to c*ra lo r the refU'g«M,

The Republle of Congo.got lU Independence from Belgium June 30, Since th a t Ume pa rt of the I country h as been Iri turmoil asl Midlers demanded more pay and dlim lual or tU whlt« ofttcero.

There a re about 100 Amerlc In the Republic o t Congo but U.S. 5tat« departm ent said It had DO reports o( Injuries to them.

In B ruaseli,' Prim e Minister O uton Eyskens announced tha t two companies of Belgian toldlers] of about 900 men each will leave' today for Congo bases a t Kamlna Jn DOrthem K atanga, and a t Kl- t o u and Banana Rl the mouth of the Congo river. About 3,000 8,000 white Belgian soldiers already there.

MAGIC VALLEY — OenerallT /a ir Ihronih toa t l e r ^ n clondinea with ebanee of iKlated ......... ...........mounUIni this afteraooR. SllfbUy cooler today m d (onltlit. llUb both days M io 94. low tonight « to 6Z. Illfh Thursday M. low l« t Dlfbt S3; » a.tn.. 10, Boon, 89.

, siiBhiiy

Area Driver Begins Term

Given in ’58(Fnai P«f« Om)

Mont., was nned $38 and costs .- King Hill Justice of the Peace

------- lynn Stiennan lo r speedlng;-Ralph E . D raper, Boise, was 1

ed »1B a n d costs and W. L. Blsh, Boise, was fined »13 ond costs Judge Sherm an for speeding. B- drivers were cited t i j S tate Pa­trolman' W Ullanu-Van.Djke.

K atherine M. Klllen. Twin was lined $33 a jid coats and .24 demerits Friday by Jerome tlce of th e Peace Leo Terrill for stop sign violation. She was cited by S tate patro lm an M. J . Bays, jr.

James R . vanZonte. is , Jerome. « u (Ined $5 and given as demerits T M ty by Jerom e -Pollce“ ^udge| M d E berhard t for going 3S mllesl

/■ per hour la a as-mlle eone. l_ Mrs. Nola E . Kennedy, route I,

nFalU , 1 given >e Jus-

Weather, Temperatures^ Cuba Leader

niytht, Calif., where the' mercury reached 110 d tn e n , Ihe L’. S, feather bureau reported. The temperatur? s t FrsKr, Colo, hit a ;oo1 20 depeei thU mornln*, maklnir Fraier Ihe nation'* tonl«t ipol. At the U. S. gouth Fola sUUon Ibe coldest teifperalure p-*' ' low ten .

Rejecte U. S, Oil Protests

(Fr<a> Plilf OnORevoluclon warned ^'Senior E howcr" th a t he should drop any though's about sending U. 8.

■inca to Cuba. •'Oiey aon’tl :o anybody anymore,"

I paper tald, j One passage of the Cuban note; Iclnlmed the revolutionary r e ^ C ' I had "Ihe "active, consclenttous

belligerent backmg - of thi

E s te n CUbIo Hwpltal Mrs. Maude Ountcr has been

admltted to Twin Falls Clinic hos­pital. _____

Visiting In Area Mr and Mrs. Alfred Peters,

Westfield, N. J-. ore visiting l i i . and Mrs. Dominic Qreco and fam­ily, 30i Eighth avenue east.

SUUoDtd Id Wyoming phlllip W. Uvely reported to ew position with the federal ovl on agency a t Worlond. Vyo.,

Recent defections within- the anks of the Cuban foreign service ind-a new antl-communlst warn- nt! Lisued yesterday by the Most iltv. lEdufirdo Boia Mosvldal, Ro- iian Cathoilo ouslllary archbishop ot Havana, cast doubt on th ‘

:nt of this backing. ' - Cuba's first reaction to the

I quota cut irom a fiscal staiid- 'point nos.to raise the price of Iti •lURar exports 25 ccnts— to 3.2: cents per pound to help make upl some losses from the cut In U, ' sftica,

11 cams as n surprise to some ipcrts. Including sugar growers '■ormo*a, who had feared Castroi ■ ould 'dump ot cut rate prices! n the World market.

Magic Valley FuneralsBUHL— Funeral services for

Olenn B. Lemmons will be held a t 2 p jn . Tuesday a t the First Christian church. Buhl. I j u t rites will be held a t the Buhl cem etfir. Friends may call a t th e Albertson tuneral home, ' '

BURLEY — fMneral services fori Ura..Qbdys..Lccmii.£miHi-Mt(ldo! will bo held a t 1 p jn . Saturday Ini the Ma1liTLDS'«ard"chapeI with! Bishop's counselor Harvey Wight officiating. Final rites will be held at- the Malta cemetery.. Erlcada may call a t the Payne mortuary Friday evening and a t the S, K. Barlow home. Malta, from -10 a jn . juntU.tlme of the services Saturday.

WENDELL — Funeral scrvlcesl for Quy Nelson Metcalf will be I held a t 10 a. m. Monday a t the Assembly of Qod church with the Rev. Blane Russell offldatlng.

Last rites will be held In Ihc Wen deU 5onet«ry. Friends may call e the Wedver mortuary ffom noo Saturday until time of services.

__________ — Funerol service*!for Ernest E. Owin will be held at

,4 p.m . Tuesday a t the Shoshone Icemetery. This will be a.military Isenrlce,_____________

BUHI^^Surisefscrvlca fbr T.ITS.Ima Dell Markham Parker, Si

. jcr Buhl resident, will bo held 8 p.m. Monday a t the Buhl city I cemetery under direction of the| Albertson funeral home, .

Orave!ilde services for Lfuiny' jDean Bo«’en, Infant son ot Mr. land Mrs, Garth L Bowen, Paul.I will be held a t 10 a. m. Saturday a t the Plcnsnnt View cemetery with Bishop Noel Bowcut offlcl-


Magic Valley Hospitals

e court Friday morning I

Magic Valley MemorialVlslUng hours in the moternltyl

,ward are from 3 to * and 7 to 8 |pmT-ln-all-olher-W M ds,-from - J l aJn. to 8 pm , ___

dted by Tw in Falls city poUce July______ i. ln Ibo BOO block of Main avenue

north.Danny L . Skelton. 18. Eden,

lileaded gxaity before Pumphrey to a charge of falling to remain a t the scene of an accident which

---------- took plaoa Ju ly -4 and wai-aoM- - . 13 eourt^ixiets and h b license .....

----- lUiptnOed for^O"«iay8rThe~accPdent occtlrred a t the Intersection «f Filer avenue and Fillmore itreet.-Police said Skelton stopped after th e accident bu t 'failed to IdenUfy himself and left the scene.

I . }lo other deUlls were available I Cn the

- flned |1 3 by aeU n g 'su rl^ 'p o iice l 1 Judge Jam es Annest Thursday for| I speeding 37 miles per hour in a!---------ras.'m llB -B m erS hr-w M clt*a-br« '

Burley police officer.Oay Howard, Rupert, forfeited

! II Qerald C. Bean, Paul, forfeited a! |2S b o n d 'ln R upert poUoe court' I for disturbing th e peace by car.

- . A repo rt In Tbursday'i paper aoted th a t a 1948 Studebaker drlv* tn by Olydean BaUou. IS, IMO Maple avenue, was destroyed In ' ~ accident Wednesday evening

. --F l lec —Avenue— * n d - Washington j . k irc^ A c.'i'inU nfttoT w lnF allipo 'l F ' - lice accldenv report, damage tc

thft TnhlelB was Mtimated by tin InTecUgatlng officer as a :"lotal' loss bu t did no t say It was "de-

— stroyed<«-<nie~clrl-wMi-clt«d~fo» failure to yield th e right of way as a x«sult o f th e mlshap.-

Twln P alb ; Mrs, John Scholl. [Johnny Merltt, ja y . Depew and ' Mrs. William Stombaugh. all Buhl Mrs, Arthur M. Herd, Filer; Mrs David Kenyon. Castleiord; Mrs Willard Baoey and John Brum bae^. both Shoshone, and 'Mrs Dave ElUs, H uelton,

________DISMISSED__________•Robert FoxwoVSiy. Mrs. Nenl l a r r l s o n , Leslie shobe; .Dale

and Jessie Davis, all Twin

County hospital are from 10 tfjaC-

ADMITTED . . 5k-Nl8bel and-Mrs.-Ygnaclol

Aviles, both Rupert, and Wayne, Reddekopp, Acequla. - ' „ '

BIRTBS A■A son was bom t« Mr. and w s ,

Tgnaclo AvUes, Rupert.

Gooding Memorial■visiting hours a t Qoodlng Mem­

orial h o ^ lta l are from 8:30 a. m, B:SO p. n .

ADMITTED Mr. and Mrs. Parke Payne, Re.j

e«c* Payne, Catherine Payne.l Ked Payse and Thomas Fayne.'all i Arlington. V a, M a rt Lee. Fair-' field: Mrs. Orval Brown, Tuttle,

_ Less Than 1958. BOISS. Ju ly • (Dn-Idaho's fa., tallty toU th b year Is about 4.4

..........per cen t leas -Ihanrlt-w as In thexecord year o f lOU according to the traffic safety division.

_ - -_ T h e jf llT U to a Jioiw l U«t.U»_t<fc tal OD Ju ly 7. 19S8. was 117 com­pared to 112 a t th a t date this year. Id ah o h a d 370 fatalities on ih s roads In 1988 and 333 last

_____ x-narU Seve& Jata llU e».ln the_flrstseven days of thU nwDtb hare

. iMMtwl the tou r^ ld lr.

. K e tp t h e W hite F log „ . . _ _ . o t . 8 aIetjr. F ly la j

' I t


Terl Burgcs-v Jerome; Mr.i, Wil­liam Eden and Mrs. Cordon Braun, both Shoshone; Mrs. Emma Dodge. Hagcrman, and Mrs, Edward Ot- •- wendeU, . . .

BIRTH!!|—A son,was-born-to Mrs, Ann Loj 'Davis, and a daughter wos bornj to Mr. and Mrs. Leijii Carnellson.l

I all Jerome.

Cottage, Burleyvisiting hours a t Cottage

pltal are from 2:30 to 4 and from

Demonstrations Feature Parley

6(«ve~carlson demonstrated on jhome cleclritleatlon and SharonI ' - • -led ho* to frot]

horse-atra-meeUng o f the-T>lpie IB 4-H club a t 8 p.m. Thursday a t I the home of Sharon Harper. .

Members discussed making signs ,for the Twin PalU county fair, ^Ulle A nB inoa:' v iee“ president, 'called tlie me«Ung,.to order.'

posted wlU) Twin Falls city police H iu n d a y by Joe Rowlon, M r^ c . p ,-W yU le,-B lll-R ow «r-8htrl«y^.Kendrick, Bill Warberg, Ardeon

|Laoc, W. P. Chapman, Mrs. Jackl ,jP lerce.-B . --L. -CarpenUr,- Betty!

^ Gerald .....

iu ia , O tij 'T u u * .— ---------------Jimmy Purvis, w aiter Smith, cilf.

St. Benedict’s, Jerome

loppcr and M rs .^ ^ n Carncllson,

Twin Falls jVews in BriefMeeting Date Changed

Twin Falls Community Fairo Bureau will m eet a t 8:30 pm. July 18. lasUad of Ju ly 11. for i picnic a t the O rcn Boone resi­dence, Refreshments will be served by the Farm Bureau. rejJorta Frank Wells, chairm an ..

Vtilti Itclatives• •Mr. and Mrs, Lelnnd Creed. St. Louis. Mo., are visiting lils uncles gnd aunts, Mr. a n d Mrs. I, T, (Pete) Creed. Twin Falls and Mr, ond Mrs, Orville -Creed, Flier, Lc-

Mrs. P . W. Lively, He was gradu­ated with high honors In elec­tronics Irom Jdaho State college. Pocatello, receiving a scholarship. He Is scheduled to receive lout months of special schooling a t Ok- Jahomo City, His wife Is the for-

Jene Worley, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Worley. T h e ^ u p le has

Acreage Hike Next Year. Is Seen for Ai-ea

Spokesman in Mexico Backs

LCilbanRegijnej< F rS ;j^ jn‘Oii»i i

.md economic liberty will have to prevail In this conilnent In* the , hope of peace and reciprocal frlendshliS."

I Sources close to the President I said they doubled that Lopes Ma- teoa would have any statement to make on Sanches Pledras’ — marks. Tfiey felt the declari represented only the view i spoktOTjiin f o r the iegWatffe briiricTi'-hnd'dld not eem m lfthe:govenuiient.--------------

Even though congre.ss Is domi­nated by th e oHJcUiJ party, I t wa; pointed out that under the Mexl- ran constitution tlie country's for- fign policy Is in the hands of the oxccutlvc. >•

The official party, the PRI, of which Sanches Pledros U the spokesman in congress, not only elects the president of the country but rwrmaliy Is resporwlve to ’h ls ^policies once he Is in ofllce.

No Injuries Are Noted in Wrecks

Ts'o minor acclderkts were re ­ported to Ttt’ln Farts city poiicel Friday betw een'11:45 a. m. a r ' ' 12:0S p. m. No one was injured.

At ll:4S a. m. a Plymouth aut mobile owned by H- F. Jlsrdmon;oro&erlv parked. — - ------------ihe le it, "

of sugar;

acreage runs about 1.000,000 .N^aglc Valley's contribution annual U, 8, produci'—

about 111.000 tons.Incre.-ised acreage next year.

Clalborn said, probably w'H de­pend a great deal on what con­gress does after March 31 — tin

hill hnnrtfri to the PrfSl-|dent runs only to that time. '

Clalborn said he feeU the sit- uotlon In regard to domesUc sugarl production la cause for general| optimism.

C. W. DaJgh, county farm agent, feels th a t any. new quota of acreage | probably would be allocated to

ew growers.The' main feeling expressed

beet handlers and growers is that tho Cuban situation should allowthcm-lncreaaed-aercages-renl yfHrf|-|

\rea beet producers, according Clalborn. were osklng author­

ities for an Increased quota o; 150.000 tons for next year.

But, he added, congress appear: i t th is time to ho favoring in­creased Imports from other Latin I

I A m erica nptlons to rcplaee the I I lost ‘CnBoh tonnagi

Ford truck driven by Joseph L.'

backed into In front of 458 Blui Lakes boulevard north.

At 12:05 p. m. a 105B slntlon- wagon owned by Haskell Parks, route 5. Rupert, properly parked and 'unattended received about.

of'Debts IsMercury driven by Mary W. Salis­bury.'538 Cindy drivp. as she-beek-

• • no a parking spoce. The ac- It took place, according to po- near the l(iO block of Second ue west. t

ADMITTED Mrs, Jeannie Warren, Jimmy

Sliay. Leo Cole, Ethel Estrada, und-Ratpn-EstTndnrnlt-B urley: Kerry Kosman and Mis. Clylssy Gamble, both Malta: Mrs, Donna Perry, Declo; Mrs. Elaine White" and Baby Manuel Puentes, both] Rupert. . '

"DISMISSED , Mrs. Betty Novwel. O, M, Me-, IClmtock,-Mrs. Rita FVanks, Mrs.: Dorla- Mecham. Leo Cole. Perry' Cottlngham, Mrs: I^ula Lopez and Mrs, Scott Moon. Heyburn.

BIRTHS Sons_wer«_feprn ,tq_Mr. j n d . Mrt.

Robert Warren. Burley.; Mr. and Mrs, Paul White. Rupert., and daughter was bom to Mr. and

PAUL, July 8-.— iJn n y Dean owen. infant'son of Mr. and Mrs.

Oarlh U Bowen, died ' Friday morning shortly after birth a t th< Cottage hOH>It«I.

Survlvon Include, in addlUon K his parents, paternal grandpar- :enU, Mr. and , Mrs. Thomas E , Bo*-en,-8pringdale,'and matemall :grandparents,-Mr. and Mrs. A. D.j!wilcor.-PauL__________________ '

Graveside serrlces will be held ..I 10 a. m. Saturday a t the Pleas- sn t View cemetery «1tli Blsht^l Noel Bowcut oJfklaUng, Last| rlt«i”wlll -be ;Tmder-thc-dliTctJoi of McCulloch funeral home.

. . . . — 'ertales^an crass and an aiiwan’s medal take the ^ aee of the

l ecvice-croa-and to------among air fore? personnel.

Body of Nepalese Soldier ReturnedTOKYO. July 8 iTli—Commun

1st China annoynced today return on iiiT bM y— -------— *—

t New,

broadcast iieart'here tha t the r turn was made Ju lr 4 a t Manltul, southeHst of the Kore pass, on thi remote Nepal-Tlbel border.

The agency report said the prU- oners, the body of the dead mar and the prisoners’ horses and gear were handed over to a Nepal offi- ■cIM in 'th e Monday border meet­ing.

ley Fraiier, 8S, Jerome, -----cn to Gooding Memorial hospltall for observation alter the vehicles: they were driving, collided a t a |

■ rural IntersecHon one half mile ’west and a mile and a half south, of Tuttle a t lo sjn , todt^, I

Damage ta jh e I6i7 Ford Mrs.: Brown was driving was estimated a t *1,200 by Deputy Sheriff Bill Bunn who InvesUgoted. Damage

Aiea’s Bean l~Wliolesalers

Not Worried. . dM ler though t .

................ surpluses _ th is year Ivouldn't affect dealers a n d grow-

here, and w ould end up as sur- Ipluses, If a t n il. a t shipping ports.I One factor In favo r of a re a beSns,| thU dealer fe lt , was the cheaper

Ishlpplrg rates from coastal ports.Any government tendency

d auxll-

I Barnes hospital in S t. L

etcrani to MeetGeneral Lawton <amp

J ry , United Spanish ons. will hold a business meetlngl a t 2 pjn . Sunday a t the Amerlcanj Legion hall. Visitors are welcome.'

Marriage LleenseA marriage . l i c e n s e e s Luued.by

the Twin Falls county clerk Prldsy morning to Ross Edward Comstock, Poruge, Wls.. a n d Verla Mae

|Schroeder, Tu-in Falls.

Meeting Slated County officers o t the Daugh- :rs of Utah pioneers' wUl meet at

2 p.m. Monday a t the home ' Mrs. George Webb. 1631 Eleventh avenue east. C aptains or repre­sentatives from cam ps are a^edl

be present to receive informs-1 lion about the convention held Aug. 13 a t Jerome.

Artleles Filed Articles of incorporation

l/JJed «-»h the T nJn Fails c irecorder • F r ld n y by the Valley Sporting Goods. Inc.. Twin Falls, lusting capital stock a t 350 shares 'for a total valuation of 425,000. Incorporators a re Ray E, Sher­wood. James M. Olson and T. M.

|Brovn, a ll o t Tw in ITalls. and each] holds one share o r stock. The tides state th a t (300 of the s(ock| is.presently subscribed.

Vacancies Open In Swim Classes|

Ernest Craner, superintendent if city parks and recreation de­

portment, announces adult swim- iming cln«es will begin Monday at Harmon park . and Harry Barry park swimming pools. There are Tacancles in twth groups. Ihe classes wiU last two weeks.

Adult closscs a t the Harmon [park

Death Takes Guy Metcalf

WENDELL. Ju ly 8 — Guy Nel­son Metcalf. 70, died Thursday at tho Gooding Memorial hospital after a long illness. Hs had been

,a patient there since May 2.I Ho was born Aug. 16. 1333, Austin, Ca.«' county. Mo., i married Georgia P earl Strode. Harrlsonvllle. Mo.. M arch 18, 1912, Tft o years Iat<rr they came to Ida­ho. living in Twin Palls county for several years before golng'to the nortlulde tract.

They moved to the Orchard Val-

from 5:30 to 6:30 p, m. Mondayl

time a t the pool. Persons who wish to sign up earlier may, con' t « t the swimming pool a t liW wood 3-8378.

Classes a t tho Harry Barry park swimming, pool will l)egln-frora 6 lo 7-p. m, Monday.

Sought in Courtsix suits were filed In probate

court late Thursday by the State­wide Adjustment bureau ^eeUng collection of debts.

Sued for M755 plus costi Albert Osborn for money due brlcatlon'Engineers, ini,---- D8B------------------------Webb Pum p and Equipment pany on a promissory note.

Statewide Adjustment asks tl54 p^u»^nt«ree^-end-co6^«-^rom-Jlr. nold Fairchild for servlets by Dr. V. V. Telford, Twin Falls,

S, J. Faneill Is sued for »67.50 owed Ralph Harris Movlng_an.4 Storage company, Twin Falla, in ­terest and costs are asked,,

, . sued for *15450 and Interest U |Roy Deatherage for Dr. Douglas Schow. Twin Falls.

William Clawson is sued for »57.46 owed Magic Valley Memort* al hospital. Interest and costs areasked- _ _ ______. Attorney for the corporation tn all actions is Lawrence Quinn, Ttt-ln palls.

mately 10 acres of heavy sage­brush were burned Thursday ev­ening three miles east of the Ow< en*a aiding east ot Dietrich in the first range fire this week; bureau of land management officials here report.

Crews were called at 4:45 p. Thursday and remained unUI midnight. The fire started along the road »nd_bum edj)c^een the

.. . . Ill health forced hLi retire­ment several years ttgo. He was i member of the Assembly of Qod church ond wos Interested '

Layton, Utah, and Mrs. Naomi

sons, Cecil ond John Metcalf, both Layton. Utah, ond o brother, George Metcalf. Tw in Falls,

Funeral services will be held at the AssemUy of God church, Wendell, a t 10 a. m , Monday with the Rev, Blane Russell ofllclating.

riles will be held In the Wen- cemetery. F riends may call he“ w eaver mortuary from

Saturday un til time of vkres.

Six Hospitalized

morlol hospital a fte r a one-car ac­cident about two miles east of here{ Thursday afternoon. —SsporU d-in-aood-conditio day by hospital attendants Mr. and Mrs, Parke payne and their four children. Ned; Thomas, Catherine and Rcbecca, -

Ihve.sugating ‘officers 'sa id ' the car was headed west and the driv­er apparently w ent to sleep mo­mentarily,


A double e:q)lo#lon r(^kcd_the [ S o u th philodelphia waterfront' 'yesterday, killing th ft i-w o iii ih at an oil and solvent processing plant, and generating a four-alarm fire.

Al Vaughn opcnins car dv, lie who carries. Urnt

Ford with license : t .C513 c,. •. front ot cutbsldt Mel Cnrr waving to l:;cm Man surveying from n-'dd

I street a t 8m m n s[r«i Bob Ellis Malklnc do-.ui i-r„Man carrying wlndo-.v bird Woman we^ lnn blue c-Ll • ■ mulf . . . Man un.\hlc lo ■ hearing C.illlornla ltccr.-(Woman walking down alloy Ing blue umbrelln , ., uionj ^Ing pink convenii)

vould most lllccly be reflected in L cut In price supports.

nccent C h ilean disasters wen rlesed by one dealer as a pa^stbli lid to V S. so les inasmuch ns h<

Ithought on embargo h a d beei Iploced by 'the Chilean governmentl ' ^ export of food beans. '

One dealer h e re already ho-s Iceled a shipm ent -to Cuba because; lot Cuban im port regulations whlchj ‘look the Im ports away from pri-

individuals a;id. placed them...... a govenjm ent agency. The.government agency had n o t made a tonllrm otlon-of credit for the beans, sta ting w h e n paymept would be made.

The consensu* is tha t If trouble I developing, i t Is too early to

..lake a de fin ite prediction ot If [effecton locol producers a n d shlp- |pers, A ten ta tive estimate of an. !nual shlomentji which rench Ctlbll was set a t a b o u t *1,000.000 by two local dealers. Overproduction In the past has rcduced ocrcnge here

e point w here too m any won’ti iffectcd, sourcci int«rvlcwed|


Death Claims G. Lemmons

BTJRU Ju ly 8 — Olenn B . Lem-I mons, 67, d ied-T hursday night a t' the home of a son, B. P . Lem -' mottf, after a n extended Illness,

Mr, L im oos lived Is th e Peckaddlllon-lo-Buhl.-Ke-wa»-boro.atOsbom county. Kansas., Aug, 13, 18SJ. and m a rr ie d Lenora Turner at Lincoln, K an sa s , Sep t. 8, 1010.

carpenter, coming to Hill City in lt>36 and m orihg to Duhl in I038i-Ke hsd resided here since. Mr. Lem mons yoa a mem­ber of the F i r s t Christian church, Buhl.

Survivors Include his widow. fli MU B P. Lemmons, ond Wendell

Lemmons, b o th Buhl; Clifford Lemmons, Sunnyslde. W o sh ,: Blaine Lemmons. Blair, Nebr., and J, R. Lemmons. Wendell; three daughters, M rs. Morvin .Castle, Buhl- Mrs, R o y Banzhaf. Cam­bridge. Nebr.. ond Mrs, Donald Broughton.- Sftlinm K ans.; nine brothcni »nd filsters, 22 grand­children ond I I great-grandchil­dren.

FTineral servicM will be held o' B m T uesday a t th e Fir*

- - • -Jjost-rites

Chamber of Commerce ori « Broken glass on sirc tt. , [.-j Isl's car Rtalled nl inurjntil* Woman donating don -inilo i

i stiff-lipped nnq silent I doing watiiing r Ic*- nun;,;f,'

be held i . Friends itery..............

Ibcrtion funeral home.

Money Taken at Drive-in Theater

Tlie G rand-V u drlVe-ln theaUr. Grandview d rive , wtis robbed of

,18.05 early T hursday morning, the |T>jn FalU sh e riffs deportm ent

'm n f ’ W03 gained by prying jpen a window on the overhead

Idoor entrance, according to Sher­iff James Bcnham , T h e money was taken f ro m a cigarctte chine.

Deputy C lartnce Ylngst said the „ ;I« t-o t-th l» v«s apparently re., freshed themselve-s while n t thelr|

Meeting SetFILER, Ju ly 8-A special c<

blned meetlntf of F a rm ..bureau and Onmg‘r r 'w l in ) e “heId a t 'th e Orange ha« u t 8 p, m . Tuesday. Speaker* will include Jo h n Breck- enrldge and » forest service rep­resentative, ____ , . :

Slides on 0»e mulUple use of the forest area %vlll be show n. Orange and K arm B ureau :



Seen Today

iildnlxht raoocher .with some ct Ji police Judge J, O. I'mr nuJ hl^ eye slmde . ,. soft drink walking dn-.<r “I didn't know \(,u straight east on hijhia


Grange Notes I Fail' WorkcrsI

Additional fflir cntnmni appointed at a •tountnln Rock Gran.-c Tlirjt«rt|

.•ening at.the Granut liar * Mr. ond Mrs. M- W. r.iri

added to the shcnf commu; and Mrs. H- A. Smitli nc:i

,e vegetable fommltti ivnd Mrs, Clnuite nr:.:

Koy Lake were adrift! to tUetosiMcommittee. ■

Mrs. Velma ■nMdwclI jirtscntfii the lecture program by tcadirj I Amerlcnh creed and an nrilcle#" the American flog by Chirb Evans Hughes, who w^s a t

leuprerae coun J\»Uce. She discussed tatety.

The group wted to as-'e's n ers to pay for puimtng

Orange Hall interior. Mr. and

were selected lo call lor bid; painting. _

The annual Grancp pknlc n l be a potluck dinner at i p.m. a- 23 a t Nat-Soo-Pah. Mcnibcrs t- asked to bring suc.sH.

I Mr. and -Mrs. Firlcj- n)Mid Mrs. B tjan l ffrvtd : .. ments on a table drcbralcd n gilded Bheaves ol wheat.

Former Resident Claimed1)y DealklBUHL, July 8-Mrs. Alms I

Markham Parker, former ruldf:; I died a t the Ma^nlc home In

Grove, Ore., Tuesday, te WAS the mother of Wi11l-i I

Parker, Portland, fomier T«'j FalU and Buhl ruldent.

Parker lived In D u h ljx l , years. Also surrlrlng Is i f

daughter, Mrs. Dltle P. Mona;:.

son funeral home. Bun.wi u wlU be held a t 8 pm. Mondij I the Buhl city cemetery.

Charge Denied i•UNITEb NATIONS. N, Y, J t j d

8 tf^-The United Arab RepubH denied yesterday an braell thargJ tha t U, A. R. troops are cod« i^ tratlng on the Isr&ell-S}TlaD be der. I t said Israel Is lo t ' ‘tension in a border deml______tone south of the Sea. of OsUlaH

U. A J{. Delegate Omar lo u d l In a letter for the security «

similar letter filed Friday b j l y l raell Delegate Michael B, C« " Neither osked lor a councU nl n « - __________ _

H elps You Overcomi .l

FALSE TEETHIKo looier b* «anom or f«l Ul- V

line inon-a«)J S S o l5 ? lo m f^b ^

n : B « f o r 6 ^ u t B w

jr ttte r .-U n . C. J . K bu iiUd Tom I V aa-pktteii. >1

' ' .ACTRESS ilA S FA ll, . l | , WARWICK, R. J.. July 8 W : - hHoTte ^ Ginger. Rogen fell In*I p i t from ^ blcjrcU

r *;peifonnancB of. “Annie 1JW .- /0UT Oun“ a t the Warwick

t J ^ iM t alght. She

See GAIN'S for

A U THORIZED ?_j .EACIORY:SERV-tCEz±$:T orceif ■ ■ on most

t® !! Factory Ualned,.experienced technicians. -nnest-lesl-cqUIpmrat;-

U N ITID— A W T O M O nV Erti


Kennedy Has Edge in P«UOf Delegates

i„w B LB — 5«n. JohnBOISE. J“ a c h u » e li* nppc„.

jead as t l.t •■ ‘‘J C choice «monB W»»0;

delfS**** ycsterdny.. he can command n

WoUcrt. sta le Dcino- ' / '”■•

*!m Angtl^a «'hffe the;

-A t The Churches Go p Singera VSITKn PENTECOST*

I.FV CIIRIRTIAS__• Tbufn e«»lK. Ktnnr. nlnMtr

h.»inj Mondny, dcicrlbcd the]

=“S ” • - - - iiw ant.W be[

the m«n »'ho i to M Uie win"''’-*UMl delegtties don t *ecm to M «1ny reMly firm cUolee. i f .J cue-or want'"*“ , S f d " w « * « '■ “ «“r,duon to achieve th a t goal. Un- ^ LtrucUona from th tlr slate

■^v« on cBrlltr ‘h i . year. « c h 5“ !” « delegates cnn cast Ills MtMolc M lie prefers liidlvUhi-i ^ on ‘I'e " " « ,“ • Al'er* idAho-s 13 votes must be cnst M » unit for. the candidate prcfer-

llr s rb iu o t roll call rIvm , Vorf indication ot the Probsble »-lantr. Idahi.. . . -. switch

,._ his column on

*"* by T}ie Associatedprea msde Kennedy the cholcc of ^ghl dflegates and Sen. Lyndon JoHMon of Texas the cholcc of jli,Btn. Stuart, Symington of Mis- louri »M preferred by five and AdUl Stevenson by two. Five still «eR twdKlded.

a vote basis thftt added up K this- Kcnnedjr four, Johnson iiw s ^ ln g w n two and one-

b»U ■ fltevensoA one, undecided ro'uid one>haIf.Uittnslve efforts have beenbd« jn-reecnt-wem-lO-dnim_up Kfl'rt for Johnson, They hAve KO lucccssful to the extent thr*

Johnson displaced Symington i llie runner-up to Kennedy;

0ns of those who Bhllted wi llfUl. Qov. "William E. Drevloi , CrtUmont. He announced himself u » lupporter o f the Texan fof- lotinj Johnson's visit to Idaho

May.. _n doubtful," Drevlow said,

‘ths delegation will give £cn. Johnson a .m ajority on Uint first bilof

.r« u( huDrlllx •

JRIIOVAII'A WITNESSES '"J'-?<” " > p'm ^4 ls .r 'n"bit* r

Plan Is Told For Survival

CT. PfTTEnSBDRa. rift.; July 8 llTt-The underground approach to wnlvsl in WOT is CTd m history.

BunhnniBerwiitCT~toncBpt-u Dfs-tnd the community ot fit,

Btitftored In th htie yeslerdsy.JU'U cofflposed of tv o I0,00(K gallon taoU made erf rubberized fabric liut, when -btneftni the (UrTue.of the water, a re radla. Uon-pn»f. • '

[Tftrr csn b« t«ed for, eJorlnff liuldj, toUds and gases and ore Bd to be able-to w ithstand such

ittn as nuclear a ttack (bar- . k direct h it) , hurricanes and

lonudoes,•nieunks were drowied >nto

*ate/ today Jn cweajonle* ipon- >«(d by St. Petersburg beach and the three llrm s whlcn develgpcd

'J e t F^jel"8nd fituiune compjny. W ashington. D. “ruestone Tire and Rubber ___I»ny, Akfon. 0 „ and Global Ma- fine Engineering company. Ix5» ^njelei.


Cruelty Charged IirD ivorce^ase

A iivorce su it was Wed In Twin >Jlij district court T hursday 'by Mn. Patrlelft L. Kingsley against Gllbtrt LaiW Kingsley "f nitntal cruelty.

l^e suit sta les the couple was mtTficd March 38. 1857, In Win- MfliuccB. Nev, Mrs. Kingsley asks "" custody o f on unborn ' infant

psymcht o f *205 monthly t«m- uy support. ' _______ .

snentTsupport fo r.th e child,

‘iiaiiion, paymeDt of the court costs snd tISO attorney’s fefe. It the *cilon Is uncontestcd. Is requested, „M»x R. WoodaU. Filer, is Mrs, *UnBs|ey‘s a ttorney In Uie action,

6 Acres Burned, fltTRLBY, Ju ly fr-A sman iiwg« ■‘re 10 miles west ot Burley waa ffought under control by noon ;i«Sy—a fte r ' ■bclST^repbrtM—i t 10:30 ajn., bureau of land man' •gfment o ffld a li here report. • • ,,The (Ire was reported by Mrs.

U e«m M -*adB lM M tkU k « ‘|J It apparently was caused by * tourist ihrowtng » ^ a re tte ln> ‘0 dry cheat grass along highway

•*«,-One-tanker-and Ti-erew— 7% a ienB ead S by j^ ilT f lc E - . ‘•f. sstlsUot flr» bou. were dlt>

to -tto -b lm .w b lca bun>>,

-Neighboring _ Churches

Attempt Made to ! Checit Generator

T E i> ;«n0R 0, N, j„ juiv 8 nn- —A ccnrratnr'dlNcnvrrcrt at the

.IwUom-i-f -»aip«ii-lmv -wmtid- be-

'U 'fd ill Itii' attplnne In uhlcli nv-' ;i;unx Amelia Kariian fluappearod •n yc.ii.« ncinrdliii: to the DcndA o-nx-Kiii.m, ^ l.lch nianu-

Clnric Smiih. a mnpany ST>okf.v.' ■man, >.M(1 \r'trMlay, IlfiiiiK w

[ The. fi-fjc’ccuir, «,M McNli/ied by

HecticLOS ANC.KLES; J u i r 8 “’. r ^ '

As If thfnt.'i wcfcn'C-fllrciicty lietUc rliouBli al thi‘ HiUmori' liotcl - he«aQuaiuiA-luj--thfl-. - Democrntlc nauoiial rom,'n- (lon—lliere, on lli i 'H tl i llgor. i wns a nian llirfatcninK lu jump.

Hnjid-sJinklnc, b.iclt.'.Lippliic nnd buttoiihnllni: cra-^elt ini the crowded >lrtrwalW ye.Mrrday nnd hundred.^ -- IncKiillnc m a n y delegalM — w.ilrhrd as police nnd nevvfiiieh tried to ix'tsiiadc Lee Kliodev 34. a beauty .s.ilou operator, noi to Jump.

_C.ilif, iui- M-rvu'p npi'taidr who eqiiiiiiK'il .Ml'-. r.:iiluitf;. plniio lor

'a n a.i.:tl',d-tli(-v.uilil llid.l, ' Hr .' .11(1 tin ' Ki'iicnMdr u.i.v iilcnliml ’

•ti> I'ne !»> otyiTra r,<r ttir ml ■>l c iaIiViiUt 111 103G hi-Ii-re Mi.s Ear-

he iliou ld iir They aKrrcil lo print hU Mory. The- l.•>le Is rcvoklnK In. ca',mt'loli),;y 11- cciiwi <m ^Mlat hr rlalin.i Li a fjiho clii.r»!C. Down hb earner—


S i.m. Sundtr Kha,I. II (.tn.

ilmrr,;5^i: "rV .

____ ...J CliHilUn t t ...................Mths, Oldwell. I p.m. Tundar b>ii Junior hllh Chrlilltn ••


•t *n,{ tblrd Uondt, ol

n." V«.tloi. ..m. Mnndir t, lU>f &OUI

-----BUH1.-Eiast-WABD. LD8_« i.ffl, PrlMthwd nxMlnr. 10:10 und>r »thoo1. II;40 s.ni, W.ll»r.If, »^p.m^»Mrira«nt •trvlcM!

itartirrt Ann Hl'ubceck; im k m . ilrmda JliuhcQck. Nildt IliutKMk, B. C. JUtckweJt. lIuHtl illuhtxVi Wi>. fdlcllon, Clw fikaildr. TUf.dt»

■f »ocift».

__ hiti»dIeUon,*D?ol'»li7....Wrdn.»(l»7 rrUnmrr. S p.m. Tliiiml»r

BUBL riRST PBE88TTEBIAN fliilh tn i Main — J.hii -----

aduit Ch'rlTrian torom.“ unirr, I I 'a S•• In* »or»lilp. 'Thr** Watrin* Men.'

I p.m. Thundar Et. Andrtw anal, chureh.

*;W a.m. Sundar a<Sool. Il a.i


. . V ' ; « £ , S K K . a t s - r . :chunk ackMl for all *ct>: FallhM '

UMbodotrt «]»• for m n c .— Itoom, laaaon. "Wbat CPer-' Tmhtr, U ob 8.......

•Thf Jlappr Clirbtlai) Erotduul ov<r VBAK.

WBNDKU. MKniODIBT ‘B*ktrt HcMuUr. aldUtar

, i r . ; s

r\-nnErJicAl. fallli nrfaniialiniiIn Scjldf, Wath., workin* In r.idio and public rflatlons.lSl.iff ciiKrnviiiO

■ * * * *

Western Gospel Singer Will Be

Church’s GuestPally Prc.'icoll, intcrnailonnlly

Itnowii we.ilpni BO?;p«l .•iinKcr, ■nill be a t the Highland chapcl. Hlsh' land avenue, at, 7:30 p. m, Sun­day,

Since 1955. ML«a Prwcoil’s radio program. "Western gospel round' up time." lias b « n aired mi thi Far E nst' broadcosilng station KSAB, Nnlin, Okinn^ 'a i XEDM, Hcmioslllft. Mcxlco, ._

"«’ffTnu'rtirF,Tdlff”roitronr-/n-'AT(- Oregon. Washington and

Montftnn.Wlillc In Lo.? AiigclM. Miss Pres­

cott nppcnrcd a t the Hollj-wootl ChrLMlnii group, a t Youth for ChrUl mcctlnET;, on tlie Phil K«rr muslc.ik nnd a t churchcs ot nil dcnoniln.itlon.^. In 1059. she record­ed n serle.? of mdlo prosrain.i for the volcc of the Andes productions

1 Los Aiisclcs,Ml.^s Prc.'Witt accompanlc.^ her, af on the (cultnr nnd will appoa:I one of her n^anj', colorful

Western co.Uum«.Other area nppcarnnces will be

8:30 p. m. July 20, fit First Bap- ILit church, Castlctord; 8 p, m., July 27, Faith Memorial church, Filer; 6 p. m. J\ily 29, Gracc Blh)c

■church. Tttln Falls.

p.m. Mjitilar Cub 8«iuli.

K . 5 ;IfHr builntM niMlln*. .

IMMANUKI- LUTIIEBAS <H SKond atrrel m .v

'S s & S S i sI unamunkiB ttnlct.

,. MIDrl. p. ..- ITour WonhlB .... a.m. Sunday a hool. ]KT>'t............. ............ ....... ..

•ronhlp •*rvlt», "TJi# Stnpilcliy -. CTllUHanlLf.'! f p.ai ■y«utWtll»«al.l>l .dull raltwi. 7:J0 p.ni. - '■ S K M " ‘

I'llKSCOTT rnatinnally knnnn WrNl- spfl »/(ifrr, n-i/l be s( Utt nil I'hapcl. llUhland avr-

Sunday, Slite ( in t f< f >ra

. Ihe Klnt>

■ photociilplil'! ('Viilrili r ' I ’ fiiinmi.s uo;iina itrrt nn 8iip;in 'oy Japm rsr

Idaho Delegates Lean to Johnson

Divorce Action Is Kl®d4)y-H^shand

day by Leavy BlRgers against Mrs. Mary Lou Blftgm.

Tho suit notes the t , . , . ...........married Aug, 10, 1955, They ho<'e

0 children.Blggers chargM his wife with hysicol and mental cruclty,

. o im in; th a t on iliree separate occasions she struck him on the face nnd «houldfr with her poekej^ book. In addition, the suit says, Mrs. Blggers threatened to kll: him,

Biggen asks for avard of a 105: Plymouth and a homemade trail­er house, a u y L. KJnney, Twin •Falls, Is attorney for Blggers.

GREETED WlTli B.^NO LOS ANOELEa,' July 8 m —

Former Gov. Averell Harrlman of New York yesterday was greeted in this convenlJon ciiy with i bang—the result of a collision o his auto with another cor. Dam age was minor and there, were ni Injuries,

iuB iir}bvui.irrii,ihltKijh »-rldarrurtdar Bfti


rr.y .r Tmwirv^^nyTHESM



Illinois Guests

« 'i . siiiUiv-.-And-luniili. and Ilie E 1.. siiircd (nmtly.

Htiarmi lluUsinllh, TJnk's bu.'l

nes.1 coiicH* student; Cher>V Swett, •Mudeni nur^e, Donna Luff androoninie Pauy Petcra, all BoUf. spent the lourlh of July liolldsy In Rfchflflrt with rclftlivc'. Ella Dean Cnidln, aL'n a Link's stud­ent, .with ML'.i l.uff. vlsitwl lier p,nrenU'. .Mr, iind Mj-s. Morjhflll Cartlln,

Bright Light Is . Given by LampNEW YORK, July 8 '.r—A «pw

atomic Inmj) Unit Kcuer.itr.' n IIkIU briRhtcr than tlic ic n tfr of the

Ml un i reported .vr.'lcrdiiy. In-sleatV nf siiieadliiK <"it in nil rectlon.' llUp ordinary ll|tlil,.this s h t^ n ib out par.illel be

(Irllt npnrt only 200 Icct ii>tle.'v. (.clentLst. »ald.

Tlie ntom'lc l^iinp, will'





: ruby I -. luu bi'Cii

Kclc.s.0 delfKalc*, who had Indlcat- •rvlousiy (hat they ncre Irnn- MroiiKly tuivard firn. John itdy ol Mns.'sichusctts fnr the 's prt-sldcnilal iiomumtlon, yesterday they now li.-ivc nn

open mind nnd mlKht vote forj John.son on the second ballot., I

In Ihe deJeRstlon from tW.i area' :o Ed Fonnlnn ot Idaho Falls,'

chnlrmnn o f the Bonneville coun-l ly Democratic central commlttcc;! Rnlph Litton, former Fremont county senator nnd now a nominee lor reprcscnlnllvc; Howard Potter

!oJ ncxburg,.MftilL?nri cotm li^any_ chnlrmnn, and Cecil Orecn of S Ir- by. Jefferson count/ chnlrmnn. Fanning and Litton are Uie d£le-

. and the others are nlter- nates.

dubbed developed tompany, Culver City. Callt,

They claimed it could fire Inch-wide beam of llcht the dis­tance from Los An(;rlc- m ' ' I'Vnncl.'tco wlIhouL spreading than 100 Icet.


GoodPositionsAreAvailable To Our Students


Dr. Bittinger Is Guest Minister

Dr. W. D. Bittinger will be guest minister Sunday a t tho Church of the Brethren. 461 Flier avenue: west.

Dr. BlltlnRcr Is pre.^Idenl of Pherson college. McPherson. Katu. He Is n former missionary to Af­rica nnd one of the moderator.? of the a n n u a l conference of. church brotherhood, ‘


Philip L, Wlllklt, son of the 1040 a o p presidential nominee Wen- dell Wlllkle. predicted, yesterday


[ h p p w USED CAR B in g SJ

Continuing our big Used Car SALE . . . New o n es^^ ^ed , come on in. SAVE!

1960 FORD TAUNUS: German bulU Ford . . .. Radio, heater, white wnll tirra. Je t Uack , flnbh. This car sold for »2480.

T»t:tinA:ra is iteuld—nom—............. ...................:,-Kcnpedy_ivnd

Sen. jjyndon B, Johnson for pres­ident and vice president. But Wlllkle . jd d ed "I feel th a t vici president Nixon Is the. most ablt and experienced man to be pre­sented, from both parties."

3 0 . ™

Srili a go o d choice o f Quality>built Kellys fro m 4 th of Ju ly ScIeJ


$ 1953 STUbEBAKER, 4 dodt Commander . *195 1952 STUDEBAKER V 8,4 door, oyerdrive . *195 195VGADILLAC C oupelD eviH e^.. ; : . . .1495^ W l FO TlT4^a6xV 876V erdr^^^T w rP D P G t 4-UOOR SEftANTnmy^l1950‘DGDGEPICKU P, good engine, rubber*395

- T l M - E S - N E W S r T W i N - F A L - t S r l D A - ^


sunscRiPTios n


W HIRLIGIGWASHINQTON—The outcome of 111# "Slop Ken­

nedy’' movement a l i«x t week’s Democrnilc con- venllon may clcpenfl upon a pathollc govertwr »lio places the welfare of the parly aliearf of personal­ities—David L. t.awrencB of Penn!t>'l''»nla.

Although II Is understood Uini many of his 81 delecatea fa»or Use Uoalonliui, Ltiwrcnce - - -

n iu u . aut«


I3( UiikO SUXL. >Un rrinclK’ii. C>lir.

, OUR GOOD NEIGHHOU ^ Nat too long ago our relfttlons with neigh-

borirtg Canada appeared to be deteriorating. Now we have fresh evidence they have been restored to fuller, It not complete health.

Canadians became gravely disturbed over a heavy imbalance o( trade with tlje United States. Our mammoth investment In Cana­dian in d u s ts y in v e s te d to m a n y .that w« placed them in some sort of colonial status,

They felt also that we took them too much for granted as friends and allies.

It Is not entirely clear to what extent oui own political and economic efforts'have al­tered the situation."But that It Ig Improved Is evjdent.from the tone and contents of the epeech delivered to the governor’s confer' ence at Glacier park by Canadian Prime Minister John Dlefenbaker.

To be sure, h e still makes a strong point of the fact that Canada buys some 500 mil*

' lion dollars more in goods and materials from us than we do from them. Naturally enough, he wants th a t gap dosed, prefer-

‘ ably through otir stepping up our Canadlar . purchases.

But Dlefenbaker a t Glacier chose to dwell------on-the-flrmnesa-and-permnnenoe-of-U.S.-

Canadian tics, and on 'th e ma&slvc R\ze of -these countrlra’ mutual,trade.

He noted that we take 82 per cent-of . Canada’s total exports and supply 67 per ; cent of all the goods Canadlan.i buy from• foreign lands. This trade annually comes to• around seven billion dollars.’ With 45 of the nation’s 50 governors : listening to him. Dlefenbaker explained that : virtually every state in 'the Union shares in ; this huge commerce. • . i

■ ; The prime m inister said flatly that In ' urging that the Import-export gap between ; the two nations be closed he was not bcg- : glng for favors. In h is judgment, it should• be clear to the United States that it-ls in the

Interest o l both nations to have an econom-; Ically healthy Canada.1 Certainly it should be. As Dlefenbaker ob- ' serves, Canada along with' the Unit«a^talcs ■ ataftds almost a lo n e .in never having had

I __ down m i l easy lhc.seOovtrnor Ijiwrcnce and tl'fiiny.v n lihough tha t ring on the

Clarit.Dllworth fncitnn In Phlls-iproptr finger nori of helps lo ease dcl[ihln hnve-bccn responsible loriihepain. ‘(rnnflformlnu this eatwhllc a i- | . • _ • .l)raltar of ncpiibllcanl'm lnlo„»i KfTTKNS FOR K ID S BKP’T.

• d. They havS'Pot Shots; „». tlic founila-, five lan s-h alrtd kiU eiu noed ” ,the dcprc-vMon ntw homc.s. T he m other, loo. Stop'

ilay*, Tlioy do ifol Banl. the Ro-called Kcyslone^n 2C0 Huyburn nvcnuca te (o relum {O’ific OOP. JocaJ;)’ or naUo;u)11>'. tvfnihg '<'•Oovemot Lawronce. imlikc Hnrry S. Tnimaii. liu 0 perjonal animosity toward Senator Kennedy. He


I,..., miw^ed none of the eorfercnces -of Kovcrnnri headed by Oov. Robert D. Meyntr of New Jtrwy, that have been charged with trying to hc;ia oil Hit

More than that, Canada Itself, has^since 1845 dispensed more than four-and-fout' tenths billion dollars in foreign assistance, including some 300 million to Aslah c trles’strugglin^ to develop themselves. ..Canada Is our^frlend, ally, partner and good customer. We can do no less than be all these things to Canada. In lu ll and balanc-

_ ln tjiicasu rc .___________ ___________ i _ 1_

COURTING NEGRO VOTE Although .it Is estim ated that the Negroes

will have only about 20 delegates at the Defflocratlc convention, their strength can-

_ p ^t- m ^ PTV^"^ Ip n f t h u n n m h oiof nominators. The leaders will be thinking of a candidate’s November appeal when

' they essemble in th e decisive huddles and begin to trade.

Every smart politician recognizes that the colored vote In the large cities of the North and Middle W est could be determln-

- ,Jng.. Thus, If Nixon can split it so that he gels 30 or 40 per cent, he wHl have' ah ad­vantage not generally accorded to th& Re­publican n o m in e e .

The vice president and his cabinet back­ers, Attorney General Rogers and Labor Secretary Mitchell, are resorting to every possible strategy to th is end—Rogers in the field of Totihg and Mitchell In the field of«mplpxment._.' Senator Kennedy’s recen t^ a iem en f that

~he^:g»et«no-bB-nom inated -withoatrSouth ern support could be Interpreted as a ges-

; subsequent letter eatplalning or modlfjrtng ' ; his stand may hurt him with the Negro

' group.' I F ina lly , the late word Is that Kennedy IS

giving thought to selecting Senator Hum- phrey as his running mate, in the event

_i_ilh8t_the Bostonian wins but. This, ot-course, t would be a direct appeal to the Negro eie- ! nient.• In view of I h e ‘NAACP’s high pi'alse of

■ • Senator Symington, and assuming that Sen-J ator Johnson does n ot cop the prize, where* does this setup leave the South? And what

— i » n n R r B o u i h " d o ? - ^ ---------- --------------------------

- E I S H B O m- Confesslon-med_ta..he_ good-lot. thc.fittul,

-but now it’s Mttet* t o r the baolc account. . .. .S o points out an article in the current is-

■*=m iB^l.:atori»on-m atpi7lnfr.:::m ia7Tftte re n ee Is “ T-to-the-htgh-prlce5-(as-m uch-as-»780,000)

.paid by publishers for revelations of drug -and-«lcohoLaddlctlon.jnea(^JUness,_adul-

t e r y , etc., which the public gobbles up.^iif- right crime niay «tlil not p a y j but sin ((he jD0r« ^detailed the better) Is doing nlccly, thank you.

f r om t h w t.gfOT^g loss of priv;i(y among all of us, 3Mi.MtMnpmied^by-^.p1ang-.lQ_plpft_caiined -JDUaJc JQlXed..with drug.coninierclais into doctors' oiiices or to project wide-screen WOjinerclaU on the clouds above.our head^. _ grtghtgnlng^ tiQ ok , forjia pdvacy moves

''eutrao dp »odeaty, taste and good iaahiiers. most Irightenlng thing, is-that peo-

— ; y y t o ~ ^ n t . i t : t h a v w f t y . - r ~ ~ --------

iM ^ cr^ aays.lt's better lor newlyweds ire. »lbn(L.whcn ppaible. Better than

reJ*Uve#’Who-ar«-impb •


actually cancral his delCRatloii ' Proin his own


PEGLER’S ANGLEDave Oarroway has publiahed In

McCall’s a dUcuulon of Che air force manual' which wiu auppress- ed because It eontalned th r t r u th - tttl,char*e (hat fellow-traveler* had filtered.into American churches.

SHE F H .I. HAKD ' e fell h a rd " 1: n phrase n o t ; ' '" * '

uticumnion fn reference to a youne!‘ ' ' i '‘' “"

m . Doe upstair!, e h c l '^ ^.. ______ . . . ... -,i»de a dash for the plione. ended;''’*-Uiat the senator’s rcllRlon ^wlll up. ‘or maylJc dawnJ by ^ ''hclnB

amn .2fl. sten i._ - -imteaitons-

di-iptt5SAnztlti. j , | wearing

:perlcncc. ina.s-i xiie o ther , ........... .................... - .........: first Cattinlic.tanj, Doe Lake-wa-t upstairs. 6hcto pre-sldc a t HnrrwbUfK, he fears m»de a dash for the plione. ended


. . Democratic stronRhold. They havs Pot Shots;victorious orRanlMtloii <

by hi3 o vn JndJf/erence to tru th or hla Ignorance of facU, Oarroway presents a much graver potential evil. To aay the best th a t can be aald of th lj Holy Roller of th e New Order, Oarroway either llfcs o r doesn’t luiow w hat he U. talklnR about.

T he Matlhewa article was thor oiighly verified » t Uie time of I t occurrence In 1933. The Rev. Dan­iel A. Poling, editor of the Chris-

m Herald, wrote that he Joined •’Friends of Hus.Mft committee,." commdniat apparatus which he

IjoJyjne defined, u—

I led seminar*Amerlcan col-

IcRinns lb Mokow in the early ■ ,e of the new deal and Paar

iioD - coril'®' W Castro after,, p The Armpit had earned the loath'i.irr ...At,

e woulil

KENNEDY CI.AI.MS ABOLT CIO DKLEOATK . . may'be tha t fiennlor Kennedy has enough cl( uatfs to cop the nomlnallon wlUiout Penn^ylvanl* support, since he. claims, lo have about 040 ot the necc.ssary 161, But if Coveri\or Lawrcnce'.s "10 him on the first or sccond ballot, the undoubtedly be a Kennedy stanipedi-.

However, if Oovenior Lawrence scatters his v> among Senator Johason, Senator Symlncton ArilflJ E. Slevwi-son. )t would ctru in ly encoursKe anti.Kennedy cabal, There Is said to be conslUeraWe Johnson sentiment In Pennsylvan:

REI.1CION fiTII,L FACTOR IN BAI.LOT BOX- Oovemor Ljiwrcncc him.«lf discovered In 1958, 30 years after .tho Hoovcr-Smllh dLuionsirailon, thst religion Is still a factor a t the ballot box. .lie Ms said that he lost between 100,000 and 150,000 becausa of hi* faith.

Allbough he had served as mayor of Pllt^burth for four terms, he wa* considered to bo Jewish when he was announced for Kovcmor In 1KB. The Mmllanty of names led people (o confuse him with Dnvid L. Lawrcnce. the dlitlnRuUhed coltimnlii and mngailne publisher a t WashlnRton, Pew thUJalUi -have-held.high offlco.iu. Etnnailv_____

When It was learned Uiat he w m a C.ithollc. the flrrs of opposition blazed more fiercely, Tlie Perui- sylvnnia Dutch have hated Uie Catholics since Spsln ruled The Netherlands In the 17th century, a: ' Madrid’s m llltoo' nJler. the Duke of Alba, ihii duced all ihe •horrors of the Spanish InquWllon.

It Is the saino kind of historic hatred whleh t CathollM of South Ireland feel fur the British, bu on Cromweirs atrocities and efforts to wipe c (heir fafCfi (furlnx Uie 1600-1680 regime of tfir <fo dictator’s roundheads.

GOVERNOR WOUI.D NOT LET HIS RF.LIGIOU.S BELIEFS INn-mFERB WITH HIS rOLITICS - Governor Lawrence responded Immediately to the 10S6 deinotulnuion of anii-CatholIc feellnjr. He forted Joseph Darr. now mayor of Pittsburgh and i M lovCathoUc. to rctjffn as Democralfc ctsle chair. maJi; and substituted John nice, a protestant. L rence showed ih a t he' would r o t permit his llRloua beliefs lo interfere with hts pollilc.v

Moreover, although a Rposevelt*lYuman admirer, Lawrence Is a relative conservative, and may hate misgivlnB-1 about 'Senator Kennedy’s" view's,'Pacins a'jnT'ooO.obo 'deficit when hcTic^na-«W6l-norrHf adopted harsh njeasurrs. In jffopoaltig tiia lirja i

I’UPS KOR K IDS UEP’T.Dear po t S liols;

Our family ha.i lncrc.^ted aftnin »'iih e ight new iiupplc-'., all black and White, four malc-s ---■

Foreigners Tire of Heariim American Tourist Remark,

« . H *t. n o v i r wouldn't Jet their kid,

dLMurblnn fact, 11 true, from the suiidpoint of national sanity aniT morals.

at) I addre.M the Rev, Garrowny to (iiicmloii his honwty nr hi;

malc.1 vViil make Kood (luntcr.t compcte/jce lo rifni B'llhji scuffed' lor d’ad arwl excellent pets for,up o. capnde which began w ith o children, W c live hiilf a mile wc.^t.plot lo Ret Joe McCarthy by means

O u r DULI.KTIN HOARD T„ Jerom e — Y our best bet

!d be to «rln nnti Ijoar it. You'cantallon by serving the Dlc-i . .. ralght be th e butt of a lew JoKes'nimce tij examiner and Inform-

fr the m a tte r, but Jf you'll ihlnk nnr, over, you might reallie that's

belter th a n belnif know-n os a poor sport. At a n y rate, we don't want

get Involved in a n y way. shape form. T hanks, anyway.

f a m o u s m s t l in e. JtidKlnK from her fame

to ir, ahe 'd do well to itlck to b»»lln*."

g e n t l e m a n i n THE FOUHTM n o w

•PENNSYLVANIA KINGMAKER' AS BIUB- BORN AS KENNEDY — He boosted the unpopultr sales lax from three to four per cent, making It the hlshfst ln the nation a t tha t time. He resorted to other measures! to creattf a favorable climate business and Industry.

Fearing Henry A. Wallace's radical thepries. L«*........ ...itH tm tnpresident in 1S44. When Wallace seemed to be < the brink of a majority.. Lawrcncc moved: for . reces.1 that checked Henry Wallace’s drive. In wJj he witHnstrumental in persuading SlevenMn ' cept the nomination.

Thus. In the' "Pennsylvania klngmaker"-ir Kmnfdy- will mfK f ____ _

J skilled and stubborn a.% himself.


In Uie city of dreams where Johann Strauu soi times made political m e of melodies In three-iiuir- ter time. Premier Khruschev and 80 other Soviet perWJirtwmjQdtng gentle Ausirlans of the bear i walttes like a fox. •

III seeking coexistence so- perslslently. Mr, Khfu- shciiev inspires a question as (o whom he Is seeklnj It Ofialnst. Enjoying the unlle* of a summer dij along the Ringstrasse the Soviet leader Is polntbs Uio weapons ot geniality In two directions a t once.

Tiie wastern world may see cocxlstence nlbbliri Inlo Its fringes with the teeth o t Russian trade ol' fer*. And Peking wUI look on lo wltiieis how com> lsience c4i» advance the Iniereats of communlun

lhan-ovcrt.sUu«cJe-iuoj’. _______________Ausirlnn setting for the KhrujJicfie*'. chore-

ftgrapnrHW -Mtir-W jTlous-KlvanUges-and'Ttlaa- vamaRcs, Tlie latter may bo the larger. Bui one

this 1 Lihe ballet ma.ster: He......... to fuce considerable oddi^in {he hope ol

winning small toe holds tha t can be kept,6o. with the help of the relatlvtly small Austriio

Communist pany , he can vu it aeenes of N ul ei< cesser. He need etnly lOtsrllrvl t h i Oerm ut militu- isn) of yesterday to have It understood that It Is the Grrman power ot today th a t he has on his mind.

Austrian Roman Catholics are .Mported as b({la> nlng a week o t prayer for thelT-.tellKtOiu. fellOTt per­secuted behind the Iron Curtain, and It Is under­stood that Mr. Klirushcher has Infonnally undei taken, on-Aiistrla'a lnslstenee.-DOl to use-Uiat llui rtuirol’s i^TTltcry to Jauncti attacks on western leid-

But the polite but clillly reception he has rcceliid IQ Vienna may warn him tl}al auch attacks could only Temta(l-Atistrt«ns~ofT-hl*-un^edlctabUliy-• • partner.—Chrlotlon Science Monitor. '

- ------ eAUTION^-BTAY-VUT-----

vacationers taking to the hills. I t i«: Stay out «f andonnl or Idle mines. ’The wanUirg kpplies lo

boHi-tunneU-and-opan-Dlt-c>cavatloM--and shodd tt^ h e « l« lb y - to u rU li-* h (n 5 e n n n n r tq U a c = r7

In addition U ihe hazard frvin cavelns and fillUt rocks old mines mny harbor dangcivus gases or Ixli aitliclept oxvaen. Poisonous anakes. wild anltfils

. o f Flier.

Dick Byce

honx,Tlie pretext of the ho.ix ..- -

mntinziiic article by J, S. Matthews, II. ProtcjUrit niWLnor who hnd fallen in with the communijts

h«J proved hla

Dr. aarrowiiy wrote in'McCJKll’ hat Ihe air force scandal wa. ’trajic" because nobody troubled o Icorn whether Matthews.’ charfte

hnd any basis ot truth. H a said "this indifference to tru th "•'Just another instance ot a n .....sickness that seems' to be sweeping


m r n c l ls — origln.^^ He also exposed stupidity on h la own part, but without th bandor to use th a t word, when h spoke of Ru.'aio' a.s "our great ally.

However, probably thousands ot others were gulled Inio a delusion about nus.Ma from which the try h as not recovered even U-2. .summit and the Tokyo rlois. Chu^cJiJIJ, and cycn nwMtveJl po in te d ly withheld the' tiile _.pf 'a l l y from Rus-sia, ,•Oarroway ycBrn.>i for tru th with-

>ut th e zeal or intelligence to learn t o r the conscience to expound II.

The tru th 1.S th a t MatUiews did not smear any religion or the communicants thereof. But he did say th a t In one period of 17 years, "T ile- communL"it party enlL^cd the support ot a t least 7,000 Frol- c stah t clerRymcn-party membeis, fellow travelers, rsplon.igc agents, party line adherents and unwilling dupc.1.'' . , '

T o this tlie Rev. Dr, Poling .. plica, "I beTlevo he will be able lo support {this slatementt with facta.'-

T h e word-"dupe'’ the Rev. Dr. Polln;? applied to himself,

" I was ono,'* he said, "and so were the •dupes' who Invited me. Several thousand cfergjTnen K’ere among the •unwilling dupcs^ who went on petitions or sponsored communist sct*up conferences and programs."

A Protestant layman pointed out to him th a t although scores of

By HAL HOYLENEW YORK. July 8 Liv -Amerl-

cart tourist remarks tha t people of foreign countries get tired of hearing:

'T liis Is a'h lce-looking litUe country. Is It 'p a id for?’'

"Now tha t you pwple have got "fjcver mind the m,u hard roadi, when are you goJjjg gjjaut showing us tojii.i to take a chance on tnodeni Lvji) keep us awake?- plumbing?- I -Well. Ethel. ] guev.

.'•Don’t bother to ask If ll’s okay In this country too ion - ,i to take her'picture. She probably Some or the natives ... . l. wouldn't know what you were soy-,Inc.nnywfty,"••‘Yeah. J I nice 1

.’’Why do you just and keep saying -Ko Anybody who will ought to be able u

Some o t the natives are bMnV- to look almost Inleiuufn. i

•'Oee. w hat fiiimv • .1.. r. 'go, but I Uiought the

“calh tdrali'ey-W hat do.they u. e

..... ................ renl.ciiss.”•’Don't tell me you^rc out of Ice. ’

Go freezo a pond. Go do anything.But don’t come back without Ice. ‘What kind of a country Ls it any- .....

fellow can't get a ' "Sure. I'll admit tin- vifJ^'n»* iin tj,,» ..i,

•Hlya. Jo-Jol jn k e „„ i - , leader." •

•’Well, It you don’t hsve . hot dog.i or ha:ribur^,•rr . ,h iu

that U fit t

simple thing lllfc ice?'"GcorBe, take me oac

hotel, this very minute, stand hearing any mori foreign gobble.*'

"I don’t care how poor .they If they had nny prlOe a t »11, they

Protc.slant. mlnUlens appearrd communkt pctltlon.s ".'cnrcejy « thn namtfTifa-Cnthollc Priest"' signed.

But there was a Catholic priest in the hoax of the Concocted ' gram to tlscnhower which prepared In the White House trick to get Joe McCwthy because he liad Just recently hired Mat­thews a.1 chief Invr-stlirntar for hU committee, God knows why. but Elsenhower has always fought red baiters harder than lie fought reds,■ At any rate, a priest, a Pi taut minister and a rabbi signed tha synthetic squawk to Ike and ATstlheivs quit to spare McCtrthy embarra-ssment. The truth ol Mat­thews’ article was so notorious

no authority ever (liiied deny

Ike 1 r bothered about the

fine up here. But ...........the. do you. .do for Inughs?" ’

“f 't i ‘T he real Irouolc w U in ] . , this these jokers l.i-Ujfy

meet a payroll.""Don’t give, her moii'v p.i.

She’d probably much lather D package ol chewing g- - - ■' tiome to her kids."'

•'Ycw Jt J.s picJujf.s<ju, _ t everything seems so terribly i,* rlbly dirty . you pmifd bar of stuip, you’d proDnbly a panic.'' *

•They could tell ' ............cans. Otherwiie, I’ll bet v b ' could get this same room li ' n e r t—In.'stcfld ot a day—i: same prlcc."


Nelson, doughter of Mr. and i Carl Nelson. Hazelton, ha* tt... pleted a general, buslncu c«n it W nlfs Bchoo! of business, Ba» ihe wa* named student of

month in April, served as a cJ mlttee member of the an^ Christmas’ party, for the CK dxen's home and was a member of the sorority.


_ l ! l ie .b u U J in g ] jo Q n iJ H !n c Iu 5 try :I> t:in g B arp r o m i j c o f - i n o r e - jo b s a i i d i m p r o v e d i i ro d u c ta r J

As.long as business expands with confidence ^'q can look forward lo ever increasing prosperity. -.

Atlveriisiiig is tlie tool which gives husiuess confidence lo spend money on g rowth.

. increased productiveness demands the raovcn'- i of jnore merchandise.

'By selling o ur iiiercasing production advertising creates more jobs.

Just as importaut,.it enlarges.our. iliiy-lo-buy.inore and more good thing* for good livinj^.

. deep pools ot wnttr a lio jnoke lUrk aht) dontd tunnels perilous.

Many old mines have been sealed by the o*nml or by rock slides. Remaining "Bttractlvi! booby-lnia“i should, be closed off agaliisl unwary explorert.--Sil

>t two ol'theti) n...............................................................eachotheiby telephone.. Any..p.ar«u c#n lell.IBM-what-to_especiJi_lliMe pnoae conversations geC'lonser'&ntlTlcnker. A sign of puppy love. I t Is needless to tlwell on m t l , Ji»tf-thaLJBoiiii,m gB_K llL ,bfc^ • June.moon songa.'iDen’(he m eehuilctl irJU turn MCa adulU. Mad tbere m ay be BueatalctI bsttle hymns.

Anyway, U. no longer sum s aafe to argue ihil machines never will cauijru& 'w lth.Jium ans.-8i. Louis Post-Dlspateh. . , -

- 2 0 / 3 Ci r c u l a t i o n

Idaho ’s. Second Largest Newspaper Serving Idaho’s. Second Largest Man


|l l ,7 0 4 F o o d gill Owed h y Cliuich Unit;

-rticrt* K. tnkPii

loftiorro* rtllglous seel climb oiil

byf me Fiill Oospcl nM.ciiibly

shclltr* niid lliclr;

. v * ' «■» ”«;r~ v " *brought tliem

» slMtlV «lrcnm of amioy-. ihc l»l“ l occurlnn jrMpr-,

K ulitn In'*’ officers ecrvrd no- < • V.T11 of allacfimeiil. '

Rroctry flrm .Ipncd « ouint setkliig the writ nnd,

counly Atjomcy l.loyd;

Ai-ea Men Hit Target at 3,100 Yards Burley’s Elks Band Leavins

LDS Speaker Report Over Econ<)iny for

Labor Situation Noted by Group

S M.» a»"'banit on plunil.iiiR.

some shoutln,. brfort; fh.v roiild uroiise nevortil ,ii5-;j ot llie '•

„ haven't been « to r ihj bMik since It eIo«d o

' ”V SS‘^tnef*tU«*Bui’l<v would Inunch ,n »1I-DUC nueJfnr ollnck on Jts this weflt divinely. ,cl:ed. the members liRve said. However. If the Btttvclt docs not Hne place. UiM P'^n ^ ihelf theltert, tomorrow.

►project Dropped By Rupert Aides

nUP*ERT. Ju1y - 8—Rupert o»l- fc:ials~6^ld-iodiy—UllV. no further *MUon would be taken on ' & pro-

DMcd enabllnn ordinance which ^ been under consideration by

tihe city council over Uic past - v .

„ . , n .lhat « stale !aw '» unconsiltu- lions) hM canceled any plans to isUe 3 mllllDn dollars tlirouRh a I bond lMU«- Th* council has bcrn censldcrinK s proposnl made by m n t Rich. FW">0' Callt.. to set up «n industrial support program, 'rhe law, passed 1650, would

hire allowed cities to pass bonij lisues to provide funds to set up bduJtrles. It was declared uncon- lUtutlonal.

10 Tablrs Play In Bridge Meet

— -Wlnnmgamt«fO>e-T<i-la J a ilsunit of American Contract Bridge

-----lutUt v h lifia »t Mogao - hftltnight. Ten Ublea were

Sp. 1/cl lltrl^n D. Fillmore. Twin-Falls, and S/Scl. Itoy F. Coulton, iU ielton. (Ire live rnumlj nf white iihoiphorus a t a ta rcet 3.IM yards away durinc tralnlnc maneuvers (hU week a l the Yakima firing center. The two men form a 4.? morur crew. A direct h it was acored on the Urgel. The men are membtn of the combat support company, area reserre unit. (Staff enitratlng) ____________

Area Reservists Return After 2 Weeks Intensive Training

Arcx ra e n isu of the conibal support company, T » ln Palls, thl5 * f f t R'ln conclude two weeks of Intensive training and maneuvers

the Yailma firing center, rtie first week of training

sWed of four days and nights In field encampment. All training

Sermon Title Is Noted at Church

BWILEY. July »—The 11 worsWp «rvlccs of the Burley F«-8t Methodlat cJiurcii will be broadcaii over KB AH Sunday by the Rev, Edward E, DUon with the fourth In n scrita. of scrmon.i on the Beatltudca entitled "Hnjjpy Christian; Discipline.".

A quartet. "Lead Me &»viour". b7-i»r«»k-M!-Devl«r-wHl-be-*dni

choir members, M n . Bruce J:i'

winners were Mrs. JsckKehdey and Mrs. M, C..Oll«- son finl* Karen Dawson and Mrt. B. R- lUInr. second: Mr. nnd Mrs, Klchifd Coot third, and Mrs. H. Uill«r Proctor and Mra, J. C, Me- Ifillan, fourth. ^

Xut-«cst winners we^e'Dr. and m . H. B. Bur?«s, first; Mrs. Iran Skinner and Donald Luslt, Mcond: Mrs. Charles Beymer and «t». H. D. Fitzpatrick, third. In

aid BatM and W. B. Spmcue, companied by the organist. Mra, Keith Uscola. „

An offertory solo "Prayer Per­fect" will be sung by guest soloist. Penny Keen, daughter ot Dr,-and M ra.-^W . Keen, Mias Keen Is n muale major a t the University of •Arteasts. FayWtevJHe, M)t.

Mr, »nd Mrs, Lewis Hack, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8a*s and Mra. O. H. WflnUch and Mrs.. H. O. Hall.

Ike Okays Plan For TV Boosters

WASHINQTON.. July 8 <f> — Pre.siaent Elsenhower yesterday Mened a bill legalizing television booster stations—the chief means of puliln* TV. service Inco remote

. TT?e measure permiU the fed-

to wMve constnletlon and censing reflulrttoents fo r the more than 1,000 boosters believed to be in-opierRtlon, mainly in the West.

The POO malnUlned for yean that It could not legally allow con- itruction of the low-powered re- ............................ w ithout ••sensed operator.

during thtf jicnoil wa.-! at niRht during the p;irly momlnR

hour.'. U coii,sl.sii'(l o{ HAilmllatcd firing ot mori.ir.s nnd taliks

imc mrineinw.DurlnK ilie {.cconil week n ?rs of the combat support i my puL [heir tminlnR to actual ractlce by firing live ammunition : prcdetenndicd t-irgccs.The morl.nr platoon fired the <.2

mlllunetcr morinr with dc.idly curacy. The men lircd a l t«rRcw

larRPr llian iv barrel and con- sL'tcntly lili them a t ranges up to 5,000 yard.1

Mcanuhlle tlie tank platoon waa flrlnjj the varlou.? tank wcapon.>i. The Fourth of July »ns celebrated with the roar ot'16-inllllm etcr guns and JO-'cnllber machlneguns across the Yakima foothills.

Intervention in (SBaTsBlasfed

SAN FRANCISCO, July a (uni - Memben of the rraUonal Assocl- atfon Of Atiorfieys Qenerai embroiled In a ho t dispute today over a eominlttefr- report recom­mending possll>lQ armed Interven­tion in Cuba by the Unit«d Stales,

Wisconsin Atty. Qen. John W. Reynolds yesterday threatened to present a moUon to expunge the report fr«n Uie record of • the group's meeting here this week.

j i f said the a&soclation's Inter­nal Security committee,-' i^hlch presented the report, "far exceed­ed the scope of Ita authority" co»nmeatln» on foreign policy.

The tepoit sugge«t«d the United States use force against Premier Pldel Castro U he makes a deaf with Russia to allow Soviet ba. es in Cub*, or It he continue* aggres-

' Pl«ch. Kor- I ' arConl. 8lsr>d n«i i> likt tIS.iM*... t,W» UW t.lM

rnmiHr.S.OM.MO*_______ JS.IM 1.8M

----------- s.o» >-®J5> 1 ) . IJI^OKI*

„ . i ! i .,!!iW.Imu , .1,1. J.l 1 . ■ M.M

z i j O T E N i n r e j o r e E T , , . KBYBORN. July 8 — H a r o ld uioii “Heyfrurt). o/“ ^ov^

emment. a t the Mlhlco high school, and Richard PlnllnaOn. principal a t th e .P .e r^n g school in Rupert, were delegates to we National EducaUon aasociation ccmvenuoo held Angeleslutw eek.

Ernest L. Barrett Honored at RitesMALTA, July 8—Funeral C.1 for Err,c.il Lee Barrett, II-

. 'ar-olU Kin of Mr. and Mrs Clarrncc Bnrrct'i, were held at tin Malta LDS Mard clmpcl Wciltie.v dft>; I'ftemoon w i th Bishop'* Coun'.elor Harvey Wight offl-

Fnnilly prayer wiu given by Dean L. B arre tt Invocation by Blaine Wight, obituary' and re- marks by Dlj)iop's CoujiseJor Wight. 8j)cakors were Floyd Bell and O niilc Udy, and tlic benedlc-

on wiis given by Jay Cotilc. Meclitntinii mu.sic wa.i played bv

Barbara Udy, who accompanlcri two wlcctiim.s by a school chorus of clasranaisA, and a wng by a trio compo.-«(i of Sherry udy, Sisaron Udy and Morjcsn Udy.

Pallbearers were Terr^- Barrett, Ronald Barrett, Oeorge T>’ner. Dennis Barren, Curtis Earrctl nnd Billy Hiilchlsonr Floral nr- rangemenui were under the dlrec-

Last ^cc.^ were held at the Mal­ta ccnietery with Joseph Barrett dcdlcaUng the grave.

week with Mr. and Mrs. . E. Corless.. Mr. and Mrs- HollL? NelUon and children have returned to Butte,Mont., ___Louis Connor.

Mrs. James Wilcox and her sis­ter. Mrs. Inej Hendrick*. Boise,

Wyo.. to vlslt'Mr. and Mrs. Roland Beasley.

Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Savage nnd ailldren. Moses U kef have been iruests of Mr. and Sfrs, Everett Savage.

Get BasesLONDON, July 8 H»-BrlUIn'

ynlon Jaclf,can fJy forever ove two strategic base areas of C)-pn« under a treaty published last night on Independence for the east MecT- llerranean Isle,

The firlUsh KlU.hsve military control of the base areas covcnng » square miles and some' training and Btoclcplllng sites for any kind of weapons, including the atomic. O-prti* wUl become a Tepublle by mJd-Augujt,

school teachers will meet a

rK o d a lrF in ls h in f f-DA ILT 8KBVICE- '

L e e d o m P h o to

j i o 5 £ s o l d . ________

k.'ji.s.p. K.a, on TO SETTLE ESTATE


Low-Gut Dress Is Worn by Russian" ’IBNHfi. July '8 — So?fet

cut cocktail dress. .Russian women.tradltlonnlly do

no t go In for plunging -necklines nnd EJenea Khrushchev. 23.

(lay for clrl cqulpmenu

An offlccr ssld while \ Ilams drovr. a pa.v,eiigcr poised wKii a can of brake fluid to pour into the master cylin­der and provide brnklng pres­sure when a «!op n-as neces-

nypERT, Jul>- B-Aii ndilltlon.-i)' jf usable laml will he Ihp Idaho Hanch, for

Youth thl,< siminicr iiiulcr pUin.soutlined this week by t h e ...........

)ll coiuervnticfn service. |George Welch, manager of the

local office, said that local land-j contractor-i were belns;

a. ked to donate time and equip-],ment July 10 nnd 20 as pnrt of the program. W lth'tach contractor IcTc'llng about 50 ocre.s. the iirnKd can be completed ln ‘a short Welth snlA,

Contractors who’ wUh to (ictpale Jti the ptolccl «r<? n.^kcd LEWISVILIX, Ju ly .8 i-P — A to contact Burley Estes, Burley! or 3-year-oldGeorge Iledllnd. Rupett. nnd plan U, move their macftniiry to the heodgatc of the location July IB- "

Child’s Bo^ Is Found in Ditch

I SHOSHONE, July 8 - A I .... mlng parly will be held, July 19 by members of the Wood Rlitr Center Llve.«ofk <-H club, It wa decided a l a meeting this wetk.I The group will leave a t 9:30 n.m.I from the Orange hall. Memlxra I a^c to bring thler lunch.

Reports were given on projtcis ' I the year and members yniert > chnrgc 10 cents to mrnibers ■ho talk out of turn sv m«tlns«,

Charles Drpew served refrwh*

4 2 0 Main A ve. S outh D ia l RE 3 -2 2 3 3

Q oallly Electronle Seniea for yean.

Last Rites Held For Mrs. Ritter

SHOSHONE, July 8 — r\ineral . rvlces'l were held for Mrs. Eva n ittcr a l 2 p.m. Tuesday a t the McGoldrlck funeral home wuh the Rev. Paul WlnKltr, Baptist pastor, officiating.

W.- T. Jasl«r, Boise, wo* wJolst1th Mrs. Garland Blair aa ai!-

companlit.Flowers were handled by . . .

Slrunk, Mrs, Harry Turnbull Fletcher,'Pallbcai

Turnbull. Fcrrel Clark. E, J. £hawand Frwik Steams_____"

Concluding r l l« were held at Shoshone cemetery.

niR TII REPORTEDM lU ten , July' B-M r. and Mrs.,

James N ugent received vord of the birth ot a son to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Agtee, Spokane, Wash, Mrs, AgUfe4eirtafe.Iftnng^L9i».-§ap{tnl.u

. irrwmlon It one and a. hnlfj Had dL«ippcared'

evcnlns, after

froaj-fcer he The victim “ wns Lana Joyce

Unditrom. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Llndslrom. Her body

found about one-«lghlh mile j the yuTd w hrrr she and txi

brothers, ages 1 and 6. had bc( playing.

She wn.'< ml-acd about 4;30 p. i and her body wn-i found about

jn . Some 20 neighbors Joined In. !h« search, said Ihe Jf//er»on ' :ounty sheriff's office In Rigby,! where the mishap was first report-]

after the toddler's body had been found.

T50reErJnIy-«-UV-Idkho'»-«*n-- ral fund showed a balance of

t4 ,euj)uj)3 a t the end of th e fis­cal >-ear June 30, State Trcnaurer Rulon Swenson said-W ednesday-

Swensen said the general fund balance a year ago was »1.188,- 121-53. He said $S.710JX» In public school funds will be tranaferredj Iroat the geneml fund this month,)


2 2 2 M a in St. G ooding

SAT.July9,19608 ;0 0 A.M. to 5 :0 0 P.M.

FREE. . .ughnuttrPO O R PRIZ ES

We handle CfflTflTBD'l Uairy equipment^ Milk Coolers, Bulk Favm Tanks, and

..all other Dairy Supplies.,


Soviet delegation vtsltlng Austria with Uie Soviet leader.

But not now. Last night Elena's dress would have brought wolf whistles on almost any main street In America.

t-w as nowered stUv-TIrawTi-fn the waist with / broart white

belt and i t snuggled Just a t the, middle of her knees. And In front the dress was slashed so low that It revealed deep cleavage.

CHERRIESBbif* - Laaberla - Royal Anne and M ontaereacr Pla Chenlei

N O W RIPEJny Them P le W or Yob Pick

- Crystal Springs ORCHARD

Filer . DA. 6 -5 0 7 5

^ T t l f t R ’M V IO R m sO H S a y s^

r r s TRUEY o ih e ff^

I ® ^ ^ fi I W nMONEY TO LEND N o H f B B m r T H w a b W W T A n i i ^

U . & R O Y A I - i o i v H i S f a i ” t l R B

e t M - -

O lo n e u D o i e a i r . V i

[ iKa-jear .to par.'h. Tliii -iKiiiii .farni ia,^ » r y ; ’

' ^ F o r eom plete iilfo n ii» tlo rrP h o i\e .^ IO fc .( ^ week day«, Sondiiy and evening »S BHHL. ' '

_ _ , _ r M j U m n f ¥ y > r > n i f ~ i r l


____ T I M E S -N E W S .'T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O ' FR ro AYrJHLY

Mrs. Neddo, Age 49, Dies After jQlness

BimLEY. July » -M rs. Qlodya I^on* Bmlth N«Jdo, 49, dim » i ihe Coitag# hosplul Tliuraday m — ing * ltfr h BUdflen lllneas.

— siio WM U rn D e c . - n n m r a 'Elbti, and attended schools in Malta. RradutLlnK with Uie (Irst cloAS from Mallft high school. Lattr, she wM Rrndualtd from Albion Normil m IiooI «nd In 1060,

dcKrcB from Ut*h BUt«-univ^cr-

siie married Mlllon Nrddo Aur. 31. 103J, »t #nd iniarrlagc later v.aa iolcmnlzud the Balt I>nkC City LDS - trtnple-, MrA Ncddo (auRlit icfiooi prior Co her mnrrUBe and for the past rlKlil years al Malta. After her nnrrlaee she iind hw , hiLibnnd ItTptJ m the Inlermounlflln * i“ while he worked on road cc suucvon. They moved ,!o MaJia 1M3 where they hsve resided tlnce. She was an active member of the LDS church &nd, at lime of her deatli. wm Sunday «;hool ^ecretAry and stake dram a director.

Surviving besides her hiL-.baiid ate four sons, Hal LeRoy NiKldo, Keith 8- Neddo. Daniel Kent Ned­do and Nlcholo* J. Neddo, all Mal- tii; h e r mother. M r*.' nos.ile smith, Malta; four brothers, Vance Smith, Rupert: Verl Smith, Tuc­son, Atln.; John P, Smith. Twin Kcll.i, and Dale Smith. Malta, and n sWtcr. Mrs. Shirley (Inet) Bar­low, Malta. - . ■

Funeral servlces-wlll be held ai 1 pm . Satufd/iy M Jhe Malm LDS ward chapcl with bUhop'.'i coun­selor ilorvey W ight, om claim c. Final rites will be held » t the MaltA cemetery. Friends may cftU U the Pftjroe mortukry Priday evtnlBg mm a t the S. H. Barlow home, MalU. from 10 iJn . until Uma of Ih# tervlcM Baturd»y.



Miilntt Viriitin

K B A R( in « UlMyclM

niiiiAT »■<4.M Uu>r< ^

I M Tomn t » CMntn

It Dl WtkthtTIt U »'W.ind«lfal »»ei Irt* »;w..-<d«rlul •>».' I'M 8 Wnnd'rfnl-SBe^

K E K P()4M Ulorytletl


K H Xl l i l l aUoejelM)

K T F Iim o ftUoeyelM)

rk iu a i


h Uii; -

k a k t

Salt Lake Gty Beauty Named As Miss U.S.A.MIAMI BEACH, Pit,, July

-:^Jna» Bement. a curraceous. bUck-halred beauty from Salt Lake City, U it nlgtit beciuAe M lu U3.A. of 18M,

1i>« Rob -n>orn« SI

USo i r p

Htrliii Ricort

HartJuU* SetM ;tt Mirtn H»B*rf;<0 ll'jk rhllllM Ub«»

Judges selected Uie J8-year-oJd Utah representative over 14 other

albts. Including the first N e*rd,evcr to compcte for the crown.

Unda closed her eyes as If In _.Kct—prayer.. m[iinent.^-J?eJpflt wlnnlna. Tears of joy showed or her face as she beamed a t th« audlerice In Ularal Beach Conven­tion haU. . .

She' r e p iw n u the United Slate.i I starting Friday In. two-day com­petition ' for the . Mias Universe crown, now held by Aklko Kojlma of Japan, Olrls from 43 other na- Uons seek the worldwide title. The

. winner .wlU l» .named •Baturdoy night,

M1UUB.A., a fair-skinned 5-foot, W nch entry, succeded Terry Hun­tingdon. Mt, Shasta. Calif., who estimated tha t winning the crown

rorth *18,000 to- her In Job opportunities. Terry placed the ahlmmerlus cro»7i of 1,200 pearl* on the -head of Linda and gave her the Jewel-decked gold sceptor.

Cuba Charge Is Published

^^BW DSLHI. Juy 8 W8—Cuban premier Fidel Castro. In an in te r­view published here today, claimed the tXnlCed States has a stand-by plMi for "direct action of Korea- iype'-aKOlnst his regime.

Ca-itro wo* quoted by Blltr.. a left-wing weekly.- as aaylng U £. officials were •'doing their darand- e s f (o .................... ..American action against Cvba through the Organluitloi^ American Btates. '

" If they fall to carry the Amer­icas with them, they have an al- terofttlve plan o( dJrect action of Korean type" Castro wid. "They might even put up some sta te to attack; us and plead an a ttack our side to enable them to co to the rescue.''

- • H th» TInllAH fin

Fortune Is Offered for

l ife o f SonBVDNEY. Australia. July

-BasU Thome, a. travelln* sales- man who recenUy won USt.OOO In a lottery, today offered to tu rn o n r hi* entire fo rtune for th e safe return of his kWnopped son.

Thome, who w on the tax-free prbe In the Sydney opera house lo l i^ June 1. m nde a pewonsl ni»» to the k idnaper l u l night

a dramatic television appeor- ee.'If this man Is the fa the r of

ehlldrfni-l-ftpp»«l- to -h lm -M -an­other father^for O od’s sake, send my ton back In on# piece," he sobbed,

7?t«rne said he wa» prepared to to give the kidnaper the entire amount he won—provtded Ills I- ytar-old son. Frederick Illlton 'BiOfne. Is released unitarmed,

nensrds to la llne more than »,P0) were offered for Informn-

tlon leading to the arrest and con-

of be'lhg "fascist" and t

ir 1 wlU fe*d him v

Band Concert Is .-Set for Burley

Lincoln Reports 33 Youth Cases

SHOSHONKi July 8 — A total of 33 youth «asM were hamUed in p r o t ; ^ court of U ncolp coun­ty between July 1. 1»5>, and June

• SO, l««o,-reporta Probate Judge R.

Liquor vtolalons were major causM of eltaUona a (a lnat the Toutha, with IB boys and three girls l im g h l In on th a t offense.

Neat' la order of offenses was

oueiu<9, u m s 'iAgcB ln*ol»ed

and 19-year-old» with two n and four 14. Only two were repeaters.

Twenty-one were placM on pro- tMtli^.. three cammttt«d to the s ta te board of health, one placed ________ _ — -

retUtuUoQ was detnanded tn aer- en cases and two wore placed In ICMter homes.

During the year thew were 10 •<UitLls»iato fr«m JuvenUe xojirt.

Achievement Day —Is^t-in-Lincoln

_ _ i . w e d n e i d a y . _______crodnds. The evenU -will take day.

There win be ]udsli]f practice, demonstralloos and a style rev i- In addtUoci.to a question period.

Carolyn Wagner, home'demon- tti*UDtrnMnrBtnar»e;-wll1-l)B-ln eharae. Olrls are t« bring their

>' Record Set

pal band p r e s ^ Its fifth concert of a series of seven a t 8 p. m . Sat­urday a t the E ast park.

'me band, under the direction of Ronald Archll»Id. will open the prteram with th e popular march "WaAlngton Post." and during the evening they will play three other marches, "E 'P lu ribus Un- um", •'Oomtt March", and 'T he KUxon".

•njB orehurea will be "Poet and the peasant" and selections from

ley high school muslo tu t f t v .

The trombone players will be featured In a specUl number "Holiday for Thombones." Other nuoljen' will Include r “A t the aremlln Ball“ a n d Valse T rlst.“

Sergeant Visits Heyburn Family

HBYBUBN. Ju ly 8 -M /SR t. and

T his dally Kchrdule of (rlcTlsliirt-and radio progrsnu Is presented •a a service to rM den c / iJif Tltntj-Sewf. Ll.itJnjs are tu to i s M by the Rtallon. Any errors ur ctimtea should be reported to the ataUoD ItaeU and not the TlmevNevs.

Television LogKLIX-TV ' BATUBOAT

l:M KLIX IlMilllnn i:M Major L*a«u» Uai twll1:19 Put. of Edootlsn t:00 UlibU Moum riifbout.

Boyles Ranch Shooting Nets Assault CountCHALLI8, July 8 if l - A chor?e

of assault wlUi a deadly weapon was filed yesterday waiiist Involved In a shooting.

Probate Judge J . Les.ill Sharp Mid Ike Cibi^ii AVdR released on a »300 bond and ordered to oppcar Ju ly 23 for Ulsl,

He was arrested earllfr day after Lawrence lllbbi rccelved

su n wound. In the shoulder dur- is an argument ftt a ranch, Hibbs was hospitalized In S&J, ............................. ..... J8-callber

BURLEV.JulyB-Between *4.000 and 15,000 damage resulted to a IBCS International tw o-ton moving van which overturned IQ miles i of huie nt. U a.m. Thursdoy higftaay 303.

The driver, Pete Chldo. 80. Salt U ke City, and his wife escaped injury after the vehicle went down

fair rdndlUaa.-DoctOP'-Plangl to remoye the bullet In g dny or so, i

Sheriff Qlen Heed of Cutter county said the "hooting occurred

■ "ae Boyle ranRi^ 75 miles no(U___ ere, during aff sTffunient Wednesday night. Reed and olher of­ficers arreeted Qibson about a mile from the ranch, Reed said Qibson could not give any reason for the •nrument.

Hlbbs. about 65, worked at the r»nch. aibson ts a prospector fn th e area.

- " P i r e s - N o t « d ~ -5 department - ^ I n r t lU district of the Catherine Howland. Idaho

Sairtc«th natJonaJ forrM reporis two llres have occurred tr lc t in the past week,

Ned Millard, ranger, reported •niursday th a t i>oth Kcrc on the headwaters of ll)e upper Fourth fork of Bock creek. One was .sight­ed T hursday.^ id was ezllngulihed Immediately'. The flr*t fire. Tuw- day. also was put out Immediately.

MllUrd said both fires appar­ently were caused by discorded cigarettes. /->

mile hill,"nent o. — the -

.... ..............................o Sheriff Le-Pu!(e Uiyton, who Investigated.

The truck tore ou t IDO feet of fence- owned by Cline Preston. Burley. T he truck, owned by the Jess W atson TranaTCr-Wffipiny, Salt Lake City, was en‘ route to .Denver from the W est coast with

i2 Appointed■ BdlBE. July » 0!?D — Two ap­

pointments to, slat® boards have been by Oov. Robert S.Bmyllc.

a. L. Crowley, Tv.'ln Falls, was reappointed to th e pharmacy board for a term to ' end in July IDl , and June Ooodson, Idaho Falls, was appointed to the board

........... - and nursing

New Contract Discussed for Phone Union

DENVER, July 8 Ifl—.U n lo r lcader.1 and officials ot..,lhe Moun­tain States Telephone and Tele­graph company held another coh- fffence yesterday on tenns of i new cootffict.

W hat progress « u itUde was not reported. The Communications Workers of America represents 15,000 company workers In Colo­rado, Wyoming. Utah. Idaho, New Uezlco, Arizona and El ~ counU,. Texa.1.

The present 14-month contract expires July 29, WUllam n . " - tin, regional director of the usold negotiations so far h a v e .......amicable and "our desire U to get a conCrset without tiny b>e fuss,"

The union Li seeking a general wage Increase and such other ben­efits' as four weeks of vacation after 15 yeara'"servlce and crease In pension mlulmums *125 per month-

Wage scales vary by communi­ties. Martin said the top wage for the plant deportment a l Denver Is » I13« lor a 40jhour,week, com­pared to (lot p«r Week In a group D community such as Arco, Ida,

Infant Dies-BURLEY, July 8 — EUeen God­dard, Inftot .daughter of M rr^nd Mr*. Perron Ooddard, Burley, died

lUcky Ooddard. Tommy' Qoddard abd Tony Ooddard, all Burley; pa­ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, PMd Ooddard. Malad; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Sybil Smith., PoeaUJlo, and maternal' grahd- father, Ernest Anderson, Moab, Utah. — . _ -

Oraveslde seirlces will be held 3 pm . P^raaT aflhe Pleaiant View eemetery with the Rev. Emil Hel-; Mth offlelsUng, The Services are Unilfr Ih t Ihtmortuary.

Two Debt Cases Entered in Court

Two sulta were filed In Twin Palls district court Thursday by the Stalewldc Adjustment bureau. Inc., asking Judgments against in ­dividuals.for d ^ ts .

Siniigerlsllln,K. July 8NEW YORK,

Lawrcnce TibUeit l potted In crlttcil coniUtrt,f UrU«y n t Roo.cvrli loalns head siirnu-v ' '• • Tlbbett has bcm ui ii,. i sinec June 27 when irIviduals.Ior deots. - | w/ieii in- „r». -'■i.

The flrm 'a sk s ' p a y m en t-o f i surgery for an-oiria^ul494,58, plus eight per cent interest r n — — '*494^8, -------------. . .

due alnce Aug. IS. 1950, and *125 allom cys fee, Leonard Mathis.~ ~.liinTnrTWgHlUen was named defendant in the second suit, i cording to the suit, McMlllen o the collection agency $S59J3.

Award of this sum, plus eight per cent Interest elaco Oct. 31, 1858, ------ ----------- - - *■t costs and a . $150 t

Fender DentedA parked Plymouth owned by

the Globe seed and Feed ccm- pany, 223 Fourth avenue south; received a .dented-lelt rear fciuler In a mitior-accldent-around.11:30 a jn .. Thursday. Twin Falls police reported.

C. W. Brown. 538 Jacfcon street, was the driver of the. other car Involved, police snld. The ml.shr.p occurred In the 100 block of Fourth ■Tenuo west. No cltnUon wa; sued.

FR ID A Y '. SATURDAYClmrlcs Hcrl)orl ;,:„i

Su'.in Onrili.-i"T H E BOY AND 1 m




First runnenip was Mary Ro- dllcs. from Port Jefferson, N.Y. i

Next came Margaret Jo Gordon of Birmingham, Ala. Fourth place went to Lyndla Ann Tarleton. a- blonde from Wingate, N.C. The final runnerup was Florida's Nan­cy Wakefield a blonde from Wln-

r Haven.

Southwest Is Hit by Rmhs

B t Velted Press iDtematiooal.Scattered cloudbursts {ell alonft

the southern. Onlted States last night and drenched Arizona with more than two Inches of rain.

The thunderstorms, spawned by a stationary front lylng.along the Oulf coast, triggered downpour* from Georgia and northern Flor­ida into control Texas. .

Another rain .belt sUetched down the southern Rockies and tlirough tha central and southern plalO).

Douglas, A rlt, reported a two- inch downpour, another 1J4 Inch fell a t Sovannah, Ga . and Waco, Tex, and Roswell, N. M... each recorded ft half-inch rain.

Fair and mild weather blessed the rest of the n<itlon yesterday and the Inland PacUlc Northwest enjoyed a 15-degree- temperalure drop from s?,’cltertng readings of the night before,

Tfic weather bureau predicted more JhunderaWrnis today /ilon* the Oulf coast ana In the western plains, with a few lite cloudbursu over the western m o u n t a i n s . W ann. sunny weather was fore­cast for the rest of the naUon.


Batlsfaellon Guaranteed PH O N E liE 3 -2 0 5 0TREE ESTIMATES by

Don Prasler and Bob FlslJ<r

SMITH Roofing •Co., Inc .


ORSON WaiES-WILLIAM WARFIELD ■ -ssrr«£M lftM A N «i»m E N R f«SA N B T -.



"13 FIG H TIN G M EN "S tarts TODAY!- - “ '-PRICE S— '

ADCTLT3: . 15c T il 7:00

Then .1.00

d 'a t th» Westover airforce__ Massachusetu are gueststtili week of M r. and Mrs. Royauimtr.

■ T racy and ; two chll- Calif., are vlslilng hU

r. and Mrs, Henry Tra*

Otiesti or Mr. and Mrs. Ernest .BUmoMn this week are their-son. rw ^ r^ tIm p tt .1 irT in d -T a-ffl I ix Warm Sprlngi. Calif.■ Mr. and Mra. Ralph BIxIer, Ohu^

U VlsU. Calif., were We'dnetday UttU of Mrs. Grace BIxler.

Heyburn NewsHSYBOBN, Ju ly 8 -M r, a n d Mr*,

lUlph McCombs and family and, Mrs. Flora Macldng are spending thto-weet with relallre* -Jn-Les^ Anieles.

Mr, and M rs.' Les Shultx and Iwr parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Stle. Burley, have returned from \ vsatlon trip to the G rand csn* no. AbUtne. Tax., and Mazleo.


i sanr . J tJTiniDTifflrBiaMniiiiiironwrBYi ^ ^

A new world of excltemBnt!As 'Giant' told of the peopleo f modern Texas, this .tells of the deep raw

, lic tsa tiJ U - t h e stripped-— -

passions of a

' » ■ « « T I M M ;


- ^ T r j O t Y - 9 r l 9 r o - 'TIJIES-NBW S; TW IN FALIS,-IDAHO - — P A G E S E V E N -

porter Might Be Heir for Scot’s Money

» S®^'h. » u n 2 * 190“ «h«nce ol ■ !.“.!.inT ft rWi. not-BO-ordlntiry

■**'SS3-E 'rotl«aH »-c»n j>ro»e

>'• **, A Ola«ow. Seollsnt!, whoA 19M Wd '• » ‘ lo

KTStol'iu. who U single, wm born

a « » ! woiM_

AiMd "helhw U)» inherllnncs- J J l d r t he (tel* lt-* W ch«nx#

D owmi Hplltd- ^ V t r . m been )lvm« one. , .3

Literacy R ate High in U. S.

WASHINOTON, July B WD-Th« • — th«i only two

per centper com of the U. a. pop' l lllcrale compared to 20 in Uio 1B70'«.

The U. 8 . ofric# of educftUoB Mjd yesitraay m lu « in u » l^ o g .

of all

r- t report ‘M*me U. S. public MhooU

mure Uian IS million or 48 per cent Stween JM9 *nd MSB. Enrollment

total* ‘48-5 million.^ •n i# report aUo said:■About es per c e n t "m erlcini Mcd U to 17 ... rolled In tchooU during the dtiDle year 1867-195B. In eonUnal to less thwi »«»en per cent Uie »ame ft«e group In IBM.

About 30 per cent of the achoftl MoulaUon entered colleRe Icisl jfir. compared to only 13 per cent la 192<.Local «urce» accounted for 8.7 Mllon dollar* or the amount spent on local schools In the 1957-1B5B jtar, ffWle stales contributed i : billion dollars snd the federal rov- ermnent less than 400 million dol­lars. ______________ ^

Goldwater Office Opens in ChicagoCHICAGO. July B W'—"Amerl-

c»iu for Ooldwater" opened a Chi- cigo campaign office yesterday and said Uiey are for whatever

Ben. Barry Ooldwater . indicated whether he »ould

nlir» nn h li-DnftT’» ticket at the Rtpubllcan national coa- YUtloa Utu thU month. 1

m n t C. Srophf'atid Clarence Minion, •ornnlier* or the movt-j ment, old the group 1* more Inter­ested In puihlng Goldwater'* p rlri-1

• than in puahlng Goldwater. I

Area Men Aim at Target Demos Take . Measures to Halt ForgeiY

Hope Was Seen JChurch Has' to Balance Talk For TV and Parley AudiencesAs Talks Ended

WASHINQTON, July.,1 - Censored testimony iimdc public ] u t niRht indicated the

ZO.H ANOKI,ES, July Democratic Coiivuituiu .‘uin:

t ft It in It H:.borJTr;jS ;n li> iircvfni counirrlmt

;lnK Kej.'ioiii,' I.CDinrd Ilrlnscli, fx«ultvi fctor of the Lom'ciilloii. out cil llir pl.iii.' today nmtnoulcdKCd thnV t« rt of tin

iribiitloti o{ btidKf* nivrt tlckci;

•nctlce llifir ....tlie 19 2 Dpiiu>cr;iHc Cor

1011, rcftlistlc-lnoltiiii: rlbbo lmdi;r.>. were himkcil on tlic Mrcd o\ilslilc Chlfnco> 'liilrniallon: nmphlthenlrc. The rr.nili was . traflic Jam on Uie convenilon fjoor.

Seciirllv mcisiirf.' cned in 1350 nnd hnve bp<-n made more elnbwste thu yei — For-oii^-Ililn«—Uic-UmlnnlM plasltc badcrs which vlll xi delfiates, cnn’vpntlon wf>rkfr^

dally trrr'lccl ,sn snri-i Irtentl'lv- Ins mnrlts cnii be .'p-nird \m dn specIM

Convcnllim official. nKn Imvc dflnvpd piuMliiK nit /pcrtalni tlckem iMl mrnrnne Irv t/> diipll- ratc tliciiv 'rlip dr.'icii nl ini' ttrk- e ti hQs.btfii madp morp iiililcntc than for pn»i convciitlnin

M holiinlU|> rsriiMl Im winning .. njuliiii-nidc hlKh school ora-

., toriciiLiiuiittiL__________________

suspicion that ihe Soviet Un­may be conducting /necret iiu*

clear weapons testa,Ttiese two points hlfthllnhlca 1

formallofi . given behind clas June 10 by phlltp K. Fr

f,|j irjnow^pfCCh for "IP; F:,riir<t :<iuf fnrlhrlrht-fn his |U fm «ratlc convention Is ba lnnc rtnivrry. Chiirrh piiw Rreat em-

- 'li tR npfxfBl bclv?»rn the TV tiii- ‘pl,f,>K'rn ^tlll^fIl^^^lnffl(l-mOdU—''•.dlrI,rc „nd cnnvcnllon dcleK:>lc.s. At tlmrv hW mannrr H «1-

,jL_i.Ci'i_.»!in._.rtlllif!l._fnr_?;L«-.:jiirr: !luL-oL-a.voung-«vai>g«llcal-

■j -While - Church fcH» thatjiiinlii iinM u ImprPi'lni! tin .

^ ! Hiidlniro r[ • million.', Ihe fpcrch d,ftbn mii't nroii«p Ihe tlmu.?anc'

Ion hnll, keep

Brmament speclalltl. and John Ir-i Oili. r .xi'O the InuMcl nn 'lhe ' win. ■.'.iLMant sewel.iry of defense nudlm.r isould Dc ifv'cned for tdcurll>>flalra. | The Urmncrat.V keynntcr, n

The >«toraniiUltpe hearing was.'Mil uiivcil hH.IIulMicd proilucl held 17 days before * Hovlet walk- Ui.' AiiRi ■

.1 halted the Oehevk talk.s June..^37, I‘Pile 1 f (hnr

" member ihrcc

Sea Search forHe uili he 36 on July 2<-

Cliiirch fl Klim lUurc,. black 1 iifl rtark-smun eyc.< sive him a 1

»-k | ' _T I ? J J . > '’'ilhfiil look nl niiy dlkanre Iliil ' ___ .’’r i a n G l S “ i j n u e u l-trhppciXratrc-rirTnmo-^TTmtieTTcvr-Jirr; i:i ;\nnrn-T nnTfm pir7?nir- ~

BODO. Norway, July t i.P-Tlie; scarch for a U 5. nir force RD47jreconnali,sance plane mluing with I.o' Anscirs th'Ix men over the Arctic tea 'irator,' he docalled off a t midnight ye.Mprdoy.['f’'‘ech fomfx-.<liis on n tjp.

ro u rteen U, S. air force search;- '»ucli Iti the maiiiier of a planes had combed the bleak and P"Per or mncnr.lne wrl cr. lonely waters north of the Nor- I'or .'evcr.il wrekJi, he sr

•Rian and Soviet coa-'t" tor I '-- ------

or spec. 4/el Donald Monta doKng f l r ln r exercise tn ar« from Burley, and ai« mtmbera of ballerjr A' I; Infantry division, V. 8. ,imy ruerre. T h e SSih li tah. The division Is commtaled by M aj. Gen. I t -

Eeaders to Talk On Cuban Crisis

NEWPOflT, R, I., July (! ■,? - Pre.^ldent EUenhower and Sccro- tnry of Slate Christian A. Htrler will dlscu>>s the Cuban crlf^K nl conference here this week end.

James C. Hagerty. White Hoa« press aecrelary. today announced p!ans tor the conference at El* senhowcr's vacation headquarters

The mcc^ng will be held Sun. ay or Monday. Haserty lald, Hertcr. now on vacation a t Man­

chester. Mass.. plnns to return tt Washington Saturday 'and wll.

Neft-port from the capital.

h i ' r

1 rocket.' HI be conducted . Utah, gunnery

c plane disappeared alter] maklns a routine position report I la.'t Friday. I t had hee|i on an ' Pltctro-moKnetlc mnppliii; m1s.slon and was due back to lu temporary bo-'c In Drttatn tha t nlRht,

nipilol lull I

Woman StranglesSALT LAKE CITY. July fl '-P -

A m other of three atrangled Wod- ncAday on a handkerchief she ap> par«oCly was using to *iop bleed* m g «i}M i resulted in m havlnjr

CO teeth pulled, _Mrs. B ttty . Evelyn Anilrew For-

«ey. 39. was found yesterday In her bed. An attending physician said the handkerchief was Kill In her throat, where It apparently had lodged.

Pttlr rln'liis wcfks of the pre-

Church fnld h r has been writ­ing hU spcixhc' that way since hL collcw dajs at Stanford uni- •crsity. He a((ciidf<i St,inford on

BeD iscreet. . .




TOPS Club Is Noted at Hai%

HAILEY, July 5 — A meeting ’ the newly-organized TOpS club as held Wednesday afternoon.at

tho homfl or Mrs, Wado Outehes, with seven members present. Mr*. Elmer Bylngton was a guest.

Since the organlrjitlon meeting of t^e club June 20. a total of lO'.j pounds has been lost by members, Mrs. noy Reader'wb" top loser of the week.

The name chosen for the rc ' club Is "Have Pound!»-Wm Lose. Meetings are to b« held a t 1:3. p. m. Wedneaday a t the home of Mrs. Qutches.

Beao, Nev„ w»* founded In IBflS.

. Sermon Set |BURLEY, July 8-"Chrlstlanlty

Without Christ?" will be the title of the scrtiion delivered by the Rev, Kenneth Jlc:iU o{ the Burley Prcsbyttrlau chtircU a t 11 a,m, Sunday. ,

e Ftev. Mr, Ucall will be on Vacation (or the next two weeks and a layman, Dr, Jamrs Klrchef, will apeak on a physician’s faith on.Jtily 17,.Tlie Hcv, William Nllts, Dowa,. la., who was m Burley

boy, will preach 011 July 24.


"Dutch Boy"



Jewell S tu d io snier Art. »l Blae I^k es No.

dler ha* only confuted the Re* ubUcan *lal« makers and th a t Ice Pieildent Nixon U too liberal.



p. 0. Bex 86

M olod C ity, Idahft


A t Fabulous

MAGIC_HOT SPRINGSH ealthful Mineral Baths

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Bring you r Fishing Rod ond Cam era .

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MORE FOR LESS!Johns-M anville

Roofing & SidingDoes Just T hat For You!

Guarantees you only TOP QUALITY MATERIALS . . . New- 1 e st Iti patterns and colors . . . applied only by Johns-Manvtlle


On HOMES• Conventional• FHA

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2 3 3 Sho ihona S tre e t N o rth

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1 5 1 ROSE ST. TW IN FALLS RE 3-2179



p a B e ' e i g h t -T I M E S ^ N E W S ; T W I N ^ F S L L S r iD S H O l -FRIDATtTO L T e

Miss'Shoemaker, Ja c k Sisco T ake Vows in Church

. cantjelibra holding pink laptrs iormed the Mtting /or the double ring cercmony unltlnR In tniuTlage Carol (Mldgle)'-StiotmaUrr ftjifl Jack ei4co.

The wedding took place June 20 a t the First McthodLil church w ith the' Rev, Earl RIddI* of- Xlclatlng for the * p.m. ceremony.

■ Tlie brido the dtkugliler of Mr. d Mr#. Rolph Shotmaker, Twinn n tn a <ni! BnacgToony,'tne~Mn'

of Mi». Gfirnei Tlmbcra and Dtale Sisco, both LanjilnB, Mich.

• Carrying a white DIblo « single y p in k Cymbldlum orchid bncketf ■ with tulle nnd ribbon atreamers, the bride was given in marriage by her father. Her gown of white French Chantilly lace over pale pink’ pcau de wie was fashioned with a sculptured bodice

--•feaiurlng-tradliional--long..«la«vu nnd.A scalloped Sabrina neckline, Tlie bouffant- ik lrt wiu floor- lyigth.

Ilcr fingertip length veil held In place by a cnp of pcnrl^ and tulle r<»ettcA.

. Cascades of white chrj’santhe- niiJnui nnd pink tulle Mreiimcr* formed ihe bouqucu c.vrlcd by Jier ollendiinlj, Thry were Irock- cd Identically In gowai nf chiffon over taffetn .aiyled with scoop neckllnu, bouffant sklct* cunimerbunds, Tliha la matching their gown.?.

J a n i c c Shoemaker. Bellevue, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor in pink chiffon over pink tnffeta, and M h. Kenneth Richie »nd Mrs. Michael Oaratera, both Boise, were bridesmaids In gowns o f white chiffon over pink t»f- Jetft.

Ed Bluewlck, Boise, served as best man. QuiUs (Mickey] Duker, Beilenie. couslit of the bride, and Fred Sonu, Mountain Home. «er« ushers.

Viekl Curl and Cherl Barker, cousins of the bride, were flower glrU. Ttiey wore matching dress-

petAb. Dennybrother of the bride, was ring beUer,

Mrs. Shoemaker chos« & pink lace sheath dresa with matching M ceuorles f o r her daughter'! ■a-eddlng. Titio bridegroom’s mothei selected a w^lt« cotton lace gowr w ith bluo accessories. Each wore » pink orchid corsage. Mrs. Nellie McDaniel. Imbler, Ore.. maternal sraiidsiother oC the bride, and Mr*. Charles Bath. Wendell, pa­ternal grandmother of the bride,

. *lso vore. pink .orchid, corsages.Traditional wedding m a r c h e

-wers played by Thomaa HOlter, organist.

At the receplldn after the cere­mony. • i i i t . Lou KoonU. Belle- TUB, cousin of the bride, took care of the guest book. Mra.'OenB

M arian Martin Pattern

Gare of Y our^tiilS renBy ANGELO PATRI

SHAFEDITINXSee the dnunaUe dive (he lur-

pUce oecklloe tafce«-lt bves 7our tan M beautlfullyt This glamour sheath and Ite on-agaln, ofl-agaU Jacket are «««-ea«y.

------Printed-Pattern-®a801— MUe«»‘-S lset ID. U , 14,16,18. su e IS drea

'tak e* 3 U yard* IS-lnch (abrle;ja d u t IH yards.

—*-B«M 96 eeBU'tcoiM)- for thli add lO cenu for each

pattern for tlrat-class malUnr. Sand to Marian Martin, e/o llD ie i.

-rMew>, Pattern Dep(H-3sa WMttSUi -.-■treet New Yorit U , N. V. Prtat

______d ityle _______. J tu t outi Big, new 1»B0 Spring

: and* Summer PaUem- Catalos-la TlWd, IuU>cotor. Ofcr.'itKr smart

' st]rlei_ .. . a ll .a lx e t. . . all oce*- Bloo*.-j8end nowl Only as ceaW.

M arry InTwin Falls Rites Mitebox Funds For Missions Are Taken by LWML'

The quarterly mlteb^y «ffm-inp _ 'iCnSken for m' '

school auditorium.Mrs. Arnold Werner, Je n

med & cjilzcnahlp theme for t devotional.?.

T h r buslne.M WA ion wa. c ucted by .Mrs. Herman StAmri

John, president. I t was annout ed thnt a U tah-Idaho- Blsi LWML retreat .win be held Auj.

Concert Is Given At R esort ChQpelHAILEY, July-8—The J lrs t con-

.ert of the season of the Wood lUver Maslo association u -u held Wednesday evening a t the LDS church a t 8un VaUey. Kay Bobln-

vaa gueat arUst. Roy Coopei . her aocompanUt and alsc

played several piano solos.The grea ter number o( the u s

members o ( th e association a t­tended. Miss Robinson’s pres'

n of ciaoslc, folk and "gay nine- les" numbera*waa well received._* ^___FetecT in^OakleyOAttLBY. July 8-M r. and Mr*,

knols CrlWhfleld. who were mar­ried June i a t Faith, N.C. were hcmored Ja«l/.week a t open house by his m other. Mis. Virginia Crltehfleld.

The hoatess was aasisted by her Mrs. David Lee and

Group PreparesFor Rood Shows' Of LDS Church

BHOSHONE. July 8 -PrepB rtt- Uons are' being made by the Sho­shone LDS MIA for a rood show (o be presented along with others from Blaine sUke a t Corey the firat week in August.

The shows win follow the theme from

Urs. Delmar Decker, Burley.

Bolin, La O rande. Ore,, aun t of the bride, and Mrs. Ed Blazewick, Boise, were in charge of the gUt

»m.The tie red wedding-cake was

decorated - w ith pink roses and topped by a miniature bridal

the cake were

the stake board.' with each ward responsible for writing and pro- duclng lla show on that ihemg,

Mrs. Velma Allen direclecf girls of the Shoshone MIA In songs for

low a t Wednwday's meeting. All youths of the MIA hero will partlelpate.

Assisting Mr«.> Allrn with (he show are Mrs. Burton Thome, Mrs. Vern Barnes and Mr.v lia r - rell Thorne-

Other comlmttees Include Janet

Odermott and Vem Barnes- Other committee members are

Janet Croft, Mrs, Cecil Cope. Con­rad Thorne. Jerry Allen. William Odermtitt and vem Barncs.

During the MIA hour last week, late Patrolman William Van yke showed a safety lilmTTTie

film was made nt Merldan and of the actors was a nephew

of Mr. and Mr«. Harley Handy,

ert Curl, aunt* of the bride, pre-i, The lUm, produced by the Urj- sided a t . the punch and coffee Pacific railroad, stressed need Mrvletj ifo r. more observance of trsfflc

As a traveling'ensem ble the:i»w» ■nd In. handUng auto- •• • .............................. fthowlng.Unt.Uie,.mMoisbridtreh9#fr . .......................

aceeswrle*. O n return from a three-week trip to Lansing, the couple will be a t home temporarily

I Boise:Out-of-town guests included Mr.

and Mrs. Oene Bolln, LaOrande, Ore.; Mrs. Frank Orr and sons, Rupert: Mr. and M »^.Jam e< Shoemaker, Jerome, and Mr, and

ity of accidenu are caused by

Louise Larsen 'played a-p ian o solo. Vem Baines conducted and boys .or the organUatibn played soltbalL


TUTTLE, July 8 — M a r l , Baw ka-harretuiiM J f iii i i 'n i i i tv point where she attended Uje r a n d eounoU of Job's Daughters.

body or spirit, and it U th a t which I.' every anxious parent is hoping for t hU child—the pQ w er,s^ grace oC

Height in(l weight, like the color or eyes snd hair,' are to a great

* extent, beyond anyone’s control. B -They ire hereditary. Children

come from a long line of ancealMs . and each one' come* w ith some• contrltfuUon from some of them,

nuke* them something likeI, prUe packages. One never knows

what U Inside them, but experience " us that it is something good

. . , » but have the patience, af- I. fectlon and sound common sens< I to.wait for-..........................

the nutritious food. rest, work and affection h e needs (not w hat his brother needs), and let hlm alone.

O n»-« f-lhe -worst -things th a t happen, to a child U to have

his'paren ts keep at-h im because no t mfeet their speclfica-

........... .ChUdren,grow in healthy fashion in n lnd and body, need to be happy: need to kncFw they are liked Just as they

W hen they are made to feel

................. . to a p tte n t becauseof his envisioned ideal of hU chUd, take eare ot themsel,ve« in 'good time. -Good sense teaches us .lo iccept the 'chlld'arhrtomes;-allow him to develop his own peculiar gifU. a t the rate nature prescribed. That done, things wotk out nicely,

Anitta Pitrl ellm nwkn ImVI*!! en

- P-tO, lt lU."__»n>d

Tlie Rev. CnrI BrcugRtn rome. will be cnmp dean. And Mr*. Edwin lloltr.cn. Filer, In charRe of reerentlon? Mrs. C.. V. llovcy will Rive ft talk ond demonslr.i- tlon on Braille wrlUnEr Memberr. decided that an offering will be l--ikcn 10 supply food Rlfw to Clille.

A brief study of Colc.wlans. con­ducted by Mrs. Werner, program chairman, concluded the meeting. A _liJP .jJr3,_i;etftld_H cldcm aiuu Mrs. Clyde Moudy and Mrs. Siiim-

olin, s.->ng '"Die S tar Spans- Janner," accompanied by Mrs,

Hovey.* * *

Chicken, S teak Absent in Menu

Listing 35 FoodsBy GAY PAULKY

UPI Women’s EditorNEW YORK. July 6 UPD-Tlie

banquet menu for a group holding its 12th annual convention in Nei^ York listed 3S foods—and

01 a chicken or steak in sight. Two thoaiand members Qf th

American Natural Hygiene society. Inc.. sat flown to a buffet dinner of fruits and vegetables, almost all of them raw. There was no soup. There were nu ts — cashews, a l­monds and peanuU.

The foods ranged from "A" (for apples) to "Z" (for zucchini). In­cluded 12 vegeUbles, 13 frulU, dates, raisins, unsaltcd pot cheese, olive oil and black ollvta.

Fruit punch was served — aplked. There waa-PQ. hrpa/l. J ter, water, snlt. pepper, tobacco, coffee or I£a. If members found

parts oC the feast loo bland, they reached for a special vege­table seasoning. The tables wen decorated with candles and ferns.

It. J. Cheatham. Tampa, Fla., ie society president who was

verted to vegetarianism after surgery 13 years ago, explained

tha t members are "scientific vege­tarians-”

They believe food.< served In their natural atate provide the best hutrlUon. But they’ll steam some vegeiablcs—broccoli for inr s tance-to make them more palat­able. Seasonslngs used are lemon

iHKvegetable oils."Meat tfs a second rate food.'

said Che&tham. no t the least bit worried about the label he put

staple of the American diet.

got the beat’ food. You kno most all animals used for

e vegetarian- Pigs and poultry e the exception—they'll eat any-

'There have been yegetartans all through history, Cheatham continued. In an Interview between meetings. "George Bernard ^haw was one of the most famous- Qlorla Swanson is one."

Cheatham, a healthy looking lan of about <0 years of age, used

. j own a business in Detroit sell- tHg-^tutomatte*ttre=ateBT~~gqgip^ ment.' A year ago the famll>-— wife and five daughters rangUig in age from 11 to 3 years—moved to 'Tampa, F la , for a "more aalu- brloui climate."

"All of us are vegetarians," h t said. "TTie baby hasn't had milk since she was 8 months old and

n fruits and vegetables." society members' -aliinmer

than the .rest o t us71,“ th fa th am said, "I’m aix 0 Inches tall. For my height. ■llfe'tnsuranee-Ublee-eay -I weigh about ISS pounds.

I weigh 165."The same holds true for most

of the ■ThB' majority- are underweighi measured by orthodox standardi Some are a little plump. They're the not-so-good hygleners."

One thing you'll have to say about the raw vegetable and fr^it seL They match th j energy of Kerry S. Trpman, a non-vege- taHan.

exercise period.’I'll wager that no other conven­

tion in this clty> history got off ^-iha t_k ln lp f.,s tari.eaeh_ tlarc_

Summer T ravelers Keep Gool W hile En Route

If your vacation IriTeli this lumroer are by e ar. i t’s Best lo equip yourself aliead of llaie for (hit ipecia! kind of travel. In order to look tool and feel fresh, pack a upedal kit w ith your own soap. wasbcJoth and foMJitllfi and h ttp I t hsndy. T b li motorist, left, can wsih away Usrel toll wlihout fear rif iplaahing her dress. Bhe utca a plastic risn bonaet tied blb-fashlon about her neck (o keep

splashes off. A wash-up kit goes iiler. so that before and after picnie lunebe* she c ,sudsy water poured from plastic bottle. She wears ihotli «, drlvlDg and keepa matching skirt tidy for the '*top« ahtid. a. here she Is. right, a t the end-of a hot sftemoon. She ferli rool u elean.-Iooks It. (NBA newifeature)

Social CalendarHAGEBMAN—Woman's Society

of Chrlstion Service genera! meet- wili be held a t 2 p.m. Wednes-

. a t the Methodist church. Mrs. John Jones, jr., will present the program. Mrs. RobertTupper and. Mrs- Donald Rea will be hostesses.

T n z a T O S r ^ - -* S ;V ii^ v - 5 FMothers will hold a picnic at I

I. Monday n t the home

Couple Chooses Church in Area To Recife Vows

HAILEY. July a-Denine Shroedrr, daughter of Mr. Shroder, daughter of .Mr. nnd mcnto, Calif., and Dqnild Hugo Novotny,-son of Mr. and Urs. H. N. Novotny. Chicago, III. ex‘ changed weiiding vows In 4 double ring ceremony,.held at 2 pm. at the Emanuel Episcopal church last Saturday. The- Rev. W. D. Ellway officiated. The bride wki given

' marriage bv her father.Miss Shroder wore s

length blue chiffon gown with matching acceisortes and csiried a bouquet of pink rosebuds set in sh ite baby chrj’sanihtmums.

bride; was her brldFsmiKt.'Her gown was pale green chlllon and her bouquet was of jHnk carna­tions. H ie bride's mother, wore a blue .p rin t dreiu and the bride­groom's mother wore an orchid i r f t n - n o o n print. The bride's grandmother wore a varl-colored

•ftfreiiicd’NovoInys his best man-------- •• _The church sanctuary vas dec­

orated with gladioli I n tall bask­ets and gold candelabra holding white tapers.

Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party attended UOD a t the home oI Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen. Sandrs Brld?es slsted. "The refreshment table

Campbell, all Boiie;Mrs. Richard Allen. Oskland, Catlf.; Mr. and Mrs. Frtd Allen, Ufayetle, Calif., snd Mr. and Mrs. John Becker and family. Sac­ramento, Calif,

Mr. and Mrs.- Shroder phose Hailey as their wedding place in order th s t they mUhl be wlUi the bride's grandmother, Mr. and

be the color oI their halr.or their •ack'trt-sameablUty trarBl b7~their parents, cannot be happy.

Their ^ ir lU are under a cloud Ifld.ai_loni.a*_Oi*t U.tnjfc.ffia?ti; mum growth,ln quality or measan. wlU not appear.’ Food eatea In bltUmeu of «pint will not nourish

______ Y O U FEED IT____:O R P L A N T IT . . .

-C L O S E SEED W ill H o « r It.

Miss Schlund Is Wed to Brownell In Local Church

HAZEfTON. July 8 — Wedding vows were exchanged by Patricia A. Schlund. clnughter of Mr. and Mrs. BUI Schlund, and UU-ryDrewnellr-son-of-M rrrm iB’BTOW-nelL- at 3 o’clock Sundoy after-

the Twin Falls First ChrL-Mlan church.

T he double ring wedding ccre- mony was perform ed, by the Rev, Donnld Hoffman in front of the fireplace. Two large baskets of sunirner flowers tmd floor candel* nbrn^ decorated the room. 1

Given In m arriage by her faUicr, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white nylon chiffon over taf­feta featuring a Chantilly Ince bodice wiih ro und scolloped neck- liner- brief sleevc-i and cummer- burxl. Her shoulder-length yell was sccured by a bandeau, carried a bouquet of pink tea nn/t white com atlons backed

net <uid white streamers love knots. Her Jewelry In­

cluded a crysUU teardrop pen­dant.

M aid of honor Leona Smith

street-iengih brocode tnjfeta with w hite ooccssoriea. She carried a white and pink carnation bouquet w ith .a pink n e t background.

j:idQii_BiRan£liib rother of the bridegroom. U injf were M ichacl Schlund. c of th e bride, a n d BlUy Schlund, b rother of the bride.

'The bride's mother chose ligh t blue sum m er cotton suit with

Falls, served coffee and Sue Rob­inette served punch, both are cou­sins of the bride. The reeepUon book was attended by Sharon Blaze, WkAiita, Kan., a niece pf the bridegroom.

"She new Mrs. Brownell chosi _ white two-piece suit with a pink corsage from her wedding bouquet tor traveling- Tlte newlj-weds spent several days In Reno and returned H e r e ^ mike thelf 'hom e. Brow-

1 employed by his brother arm near here, bride attended Valley high

school, and the twldegrown ot- lended schools In Wesley, Kans. lie served three years In the air force arid was sutioned in Alaska and Guam.

¥ ¥ »

Meet for SupperSPRINGDALE, July 8 — Young

married couples of the local LDS ward ■ met for a potluck supper Inst week in the church recreation hall.

The program Included n solo byii Sandra Olson, accompanied by|| Mrs. L>-nn'Stoker from the Unity' ward. Dancing was directed by Oerald Hurst.

DINNER MARKS DAY;ng - h i u w u !

^{rs. Claude Hopkins and family attended a family dinner Monday I

the home of hi* brother. Ray I Hopkins, in Oooding. in honor of their fother, B. P. Hopkins, Den-

Dates- Observed By Two in Edi

EDBN,.JuIy e-Blanch« ( Eden, and her Brother. Sam o Pocatello, were honort-d MoMi o l tho home o f Earl pfck in « servance of their birtftdiy a -»ersiiries..wIikh_ire_July-t:^

Other guests were Mrs nnd Charles, Mis, Arcic Otto honoree*' mother and Mrs. c lie Stone, all Eden; Mrs. f. „ Sullivan and daughter, Mri. Di.-- ien Clawson and dauihter. fo .nomo, Cnllf.; Mr*. I,arr>- Dale ion. Brookings, Ore., and Mr. Mrs. Guy Newman- Burley,

- Original Floral Deslfini All 'Types Wedding BouqucU

and Floral Arrangemenu

A Career in Beauty Culture

hrlHn*K rrmnH.'___ corsagM. 5 ^ e bride]s grand­mother. Mrs; 'Jake ' Schlund; selec­ted a blue nylon afternoon dress w ith while accessories and pink corsage. ^

T he reception wos held in the cijurch parlors a fte r the ceremony. A three-tlered white cake center­ing the bride's teble wa.i surround­ed a t-thebose with summer'flow-

ond greenery and topped with, miniature bride and bridegroom.!

centered with a ihree-tlered cake.Out-of-town guests Included

oni Coles, ‘Wannle Col»; Kay ■weJtTHlciiBrd-HBll ana-Mre.-tovev whItc-TielUTmcr-whJte R«.’#ia-aec-

orated the layers with rosebuds] for acceiit. 'The bride's table and serving tables were flounced In w hite nylon w ith pink bows and covered wltn w hite satin.

'The cake w as served Vy Mrs. Charles Kleinkopf and Mrs. A. C. Allen, both 'Twin Fails. Mrs, Bruce Parro tt, Jewel Parrot and Carol Parro t, aunt a n d cousins of the bride, were in charge o f 'th e gift table. Mrs. S ta n HosteUer, Twin

Classes S ta rt Jgly 11 Ph. RE 3-7722

In su re you r fu tu re w ith a e a re e r in b e a u ty culliJfe. N O W IS TH E T IM E W H IL E A LIM ITED NUMBER O F FREE T U IT IO N COURSES ARE-AVAILABLE,—

Become a professional hair stylist. Appllcojls must be at l«Jl‘ 16’.» years of age. w ith a tOth grade educaUOQ or equlvllial.

HOLLYW OO D BEAUTY COLLEGEother Sebooli Id Nampa and Idaho Fallt



-M M IEM HEBM ES:; : - Bripg containera, one mile w est of

.1 - XJiystal - S p m ^ O i ^ r d in the canyon

Johin GoiiHey—Filer 'C«!l D A 6 - 5 0 1 4 b« fer* 8 ;0 0 A .M . o r a f t e r 8 :0 0 P .M .

aimer Drops 7 Strokes )ft Pace in British Open; )eVicenzo Leading Packp ANDREWS, ScoHiinii. Jiih- 8 W‘j—A Kc'cond strniwhl 67 .vc;!( Ro- n" Dc Viccnzo of Mexico intiV the hitlfwnv iead of th e Brilisli Opni-.golf- cham-

‘,hip with 134 Thiir«(iay Aniokl i>almur w as in ti fam iliiir spot—scvon shots bnck. nucitioii around bt. Andrews' Old course. Kointf into Friday'.-; tiduhUi-round climax. Vn'n the daring youiiK i)r<)fess|onal from iJitrobc, Pu„ duiilioiue his mirnclc

---------- - ^ •■'omcbiicky. nf the MastersGirlto Jump^ and (jpen tournament;

I-liileritii; I'riciay’s' 3^-hole .sliDuiifjwii. Du Vicenzo. ^ C

•planlcii Argentine. o C r i C S

TTanks Sweep{( r(l|(C oviT Kel Nngle.,

ip-llrai mill WGrkt-r from AuA-' ' • I .roni Oi-ioies'A «oc)Sfe3TrSi

Ttomrriiii -b y Bob Cti CI«H«.Do>u


i .a‘ fniMraiint! sccoiid round 'o f H .■ - ! Ufii-wttli Peifr-Thomson-oJ AU*-

trnlla, iim rcsWercd n fiJ-nnd . - -j.siirpru'ttij Stiinstlnii Mluuel of Thursdny iiiiilu niid gave the .Spain. WHO rallied w iih n bnilinnt leaKUc-k'iuiuiv Yiuikcrs n sweep of [G8. - I their two K:imr scries; Here.' Two Kbj-cr.1 ttcre tied i\t 142— , ccrv, pmfh-hlttliiK tor Yanlcfe Field dtLuce of ArKcntlnn, wlll> r.larler Uoi)'Tiirlcv homereil in' » r.i:d I. D, A>-lon of EnB- the fitlli •■oil] ruiiiicr nii to put land, 73.52. n c * y„fj; „ „„ t,,c ,.,„„e

' Dcli'iidlni: ctinmplon Onry P in y -1 nfter ihi- Orioles lisd inovcd to a •T 111 .Suulli Africa, flKhlUlK put*, 3.0 |c,id

ril'crtcj, I r a t I Do>cr

the Clilcai;(i

SliXhON MoKEK . who will p»rtlcip»le In ll>e

broadjarop «»enj.«i the men't Am»t«tir A Hi I e 11 c

1 nMtloaii (nek *'*<>fhlM i t Corpui ChtU- n S»turd*y. (8UK «n-

oimerArea lirH3ompetes- 1 Track Meet

NNS FERHY. July 8 - McK«, Slicrmaii OaJui,

i f . fomerly of 01cnn,i Ferry, I b e among the participants In 1 Women's Am&ttur AtJiIctlc

1 nntlonal track -and -fie ld iplonshlpj In Corpus Chrlstl.

[. Saturday. 1U the dauRhler of Mr. and'

I Floyd O. MeKee. Olcnns Ker-1 nd was g r * d u f t t e d fromIS Ftrry high school. t» McKec’s event U t*e 1

Ib ro jd jump. Should Mie of the first three pJnccs In onal AAU competition, she

^be cllKlble to compete m the Inpic tri'ouw, to bo held July *n Abilene Tex.

. H3 nflfr a slinty 7t. (vnj he said I 'I 'l l iiuu Ihn course's eyes ou. tuiiiiirfo-,v-rm confident I'll win."

' With w,\rm, alm ost windless wciilhtr incvnllliiR, It look a score] ot H9 Of liclUT to tjualify foi" I ,

IF/JdnjUjiu) rounds. Hmltcd to n " ' ' maximuiii of 50. Par lo r this ven- ritrcc ersble lasoui Is 30-37—13, Gene F m

'hlieleveland Indians ■cep uf

rounds, limited .. ____ _.................. by homerun^

............................ .. . ....d A1 Smltli,Cent HirnEii,- the 58-ycar-old, Ffccsc's iciimnn Mih two men on

■Kiulre br Gcrnuntown. N,Y., mndcloose a.' tlie feature of ft flve-nin Kood hluhrest and withdrew a fte r rnlly.Wednesilay's iwollen 80. 1. Bill Miiffcit nmde a desperation

Pfllmtr was dejected Uter-Jslaf-Rrt^Sox. R.iinble p

Braves’ Star Hurlers Are Snubbed on All-Star Team; M u M a l r 8 e t e c t e d r b y ^ M s t D n —

C1N!('JN’> 'A T 1. Ju ly 8 i,"!’)—M a in ire r W u ltr r A b lo t i 's xmiK o f .MiUviuikee pilchiufT- nces'VVHiTuii S iialtii niid l.riv Hiiiili-tlu in liis lOGl) X n tio n a l Ii'uku.; A ll-S t;ir pliins w an r e g a rd e d Thui-silay in MUtic liirlc.'^ ns u slaj) a t (.'harlio H ris -i 'ii ' h is I'o rm cr coacli Ut L os Annelo.'i. T hu imiissinii o f tin- HriiVL'K pitcher-'^ w as a i s tr ik inV a.-i ih c iu flii- . sibn <>f S t jrn M u s ia l. 'th e frr,iiiil v e te ra n ' ’f.^St, l.c n iis ' Caniiiiiil:*. fi>r lh i‘ 17Mi lim e. Almitrw ith M iis ia l. A lslin i rmnn’i l '-----a l2 -m a ii c a s t lo5u iii>h?nieiii:C f,,^ ,.^c j

;tl ie s t a r t i n g tr a i L 1 L >by th e p in y e rs la s t w i'i'i;. rti.i., . s(nn'.'< atlditiei

CUltj,o ther members In-

V Eail?ne Drown and Pam Sell, both KiO Olympic Rames ^IsCs In dlMus, Their coach

round Bluch for th e second slralslrt day saw him play near- pertfct self from lee to green only 10 « e hii hop« dlaalpated on the greens,,

He taw (our of his putc« Up the cup. Just >s elBht p u tts did the day Mart, mil he te t t tii'O others witliln s unglt roll of home.

T)ic tcrlou.'i young man, wcar- liiR a »hlle cnt> Unfl Biay^swrBtKT played vith crlm determ ination. He tmoittd Incessantly. He didn't pass Ihc mual plensntitiles w ith his wllc, Winnie, and father. Deke Pnlmer, In the gallery of 5,000.

He iDoke only to hU caildy.^ young Scot, He looked neither to the rliht nor Kll as b e atrodo th e falrwayi.

Jaycefe Junior Golf T«urney Is Scheduled

-Approxlmaltly 30 Juniors will will compele'Saturday and S un­day In tin local Jurtlo r Chamt>«i

' Commerce golf tournam ent for • ■ j c a t

Wnshliiglon and a twl-nlght double split.

The Senator*•5 on ft passed ball, Billy Oard- er’s triple aim ehitch ninth In­

ning relii-f by Hal Woodeshlck.Muffclt, a riglil-hnnder rejected

by the San Finiirisco Olanta and • - n' Red Sux reliever.

Rlve?nnK-cir»TcTW Tn>-Trtirrt-ii»LT4mr«day^i(U ai(M U K hia_diluaX £.d th e f i r s t d a y ofIh. I...! io «... _____ ,1........... . _ „ ~ » r. ^ „ .if U l------------------------------

■ innUli in both the 1032 nnd

of the last 13 bailers.-strlUng . . El* and oxhlblllnK near perfcct control, -WnshlnRtun.-dld not gel a B'slk ollJjough jjm Ltrnon reaC cd in the ninth when h it by pilch. ,

Don Larsen, falling to go the 5Ute for ihe elBhlh straight lime,

walked the Detroll Tigers Into.* ' • 'ead and the Tigers went on

C-3 victory over the Katuas City Athletics,

The big rlKht-hander o f World Series pcrfecl game fame walked Fcvcn batters In less than three Innings, Ho survived minor trou-

In the flr^t two Innings but roiiled (luring Dclroll's five- burst in (iie third Inning.

neiburg July 15. 16 Rnd 11 lo r the state champlotufiJp tourney, announces K en Pollard, Tw'ln Foils Jsycce g o l f tournam entchairman und oresldcnl.

w iu . 11,. I

briano Counts fe Hoop Stars rlSflSTFrosh

______/. July 8 Joe Clprl-■ th« Univerally of Idaho's new ^ tb a l i roach made -his flret blUi» report this week with I annouricement that four

Jhlnglon player* and one prep■ /ram Che home /itate planned >iler Khool nexl fall.Ule» or the players w)io will

Vandal freshmen »re TOm ■Uleld, fi.fooL S-tnch forvard % Oarfleld in Seattle and S- l.ir lnch . John- Penny of Spo­

t ' s Central' Volley, and class■ runner-up. The other w kah-

7-ZcrT-ifeirdf-AnrcStisrSniJ'TfoSl |c h Joe Pettit of West Valley,

,. 'l* n o . fonner Waahlngton I and Husky (reslunan coach, V came up with Idaho's top

scorer In Tom Bkllai 'I. 10-Inch guard from

I. Bnllnntyne’a acorlng . ih a t-

\ Iftter became an- Idaho tta r .


W I,

In the tw o-day, 30-hole lournsment, to be held a t the Twin Pjlij MurtclpiU goU courac.

• 4sllty lor th e -a ta te cham - . . . . Ip, Carl HOfts ond Chick cutler tre favored Co win spots on

: tho'tesm again Chls year, but they win fsce competition from DavidNore and Doug H arper. ------------■ Trophtes fin iie S u n ­

day nljhl ifier the f in a l round of tournuncnt play. I n addition to the (our qualKleni. trophlM will be as'irded in three nee divisions —11 yurs.old and tmder, Pccw • division; Q years o W to 15 yea old. SOfj ?!ir|jl®n, a n d IS yeara ojd ' I IT yrata old. Juniora division.

Additional entran ts should con- . ict Clllf Whittle a t the Tw in Falls Municipal golf coutm by *

, m, Ptldsy. .The first foursome will ice off

8 ». m, SiturOay m d Sunday, wim.iucceedlng foursomes i r " —

■ IlM'.mlnule Intervals,_____ flwi-foartome-tocludM .C&rlIIU5, Chick Cutler. Jan sm ith and AUan Sanderson. All four were members oC th e Twin FalU • )«h ichocl *£>1/ te am last term .

IWirwrnei to be- filled out w ith taler entronla (to follow In or­der! Include Keith Melville. F rank McAlee.'Joe K inney .and Ch*rle» msariir- noMir -Harper. David Driscoll and Dick t™ uJ-BIU COOK. M itt HiiptT aiid_ David Nore:

I S d " coo ° '^rad a n U Jonas. Kenneth D rury and David BalKh.

Daild N9f» *hpt » t»'0-under par M -niuraday In a practice rounil; CsrJ Ho*s *hot " ‘ Dcut Hirpcr t 73.

Net Group Vetoeslen

r„Rj3_ -jufy t on—7*8 Inter- aaOotuJ uwn TwuiU federaUod Wedneiday turned thumbs dora

‘ rottourounenu to profes-

I four-h

Late Buc Rally Defeats Reds By 3-2 Score

t'ranciscn-iei’ Dodgers Inokrd good In walloping j nlghl. "but pulled a -Uooger stunt from oaya <>r i.ici ni

doing It. Here Giant cau-lier lioii ^ciiiiiidt rare* In third to find two DoUgen there. Charlie Neal (43| had irleil to wMir» trom third on Tammy Davis' Infield grouniler, hut when Srhmldt ran him hark to third Frank Howard wn» there, too, Howard, who h id 'bfen ot\ aeeund, was ruled out. J(m Davenport a t G ltaU lookt on a t right. |AI> wirepholni

Bear, Navy, Orange Crews Win in Trials

SYRACL'SE. N. Y., July 8 lUPIV-California, Navy’s va .sity and tlici Syracuso Alumni Rowing as.sociation, wc Iheir lluaj fyin^ heats in fhreo- spcctncufar eifrht-oared rates at the Olj-mpic rcwirij: trial.t on Onamiage lake

three-day proR ram ^ with' rousinjT fini.shes th a t drew

from some 2.000 spectators watching on a briRht, .sunny day.

w ith the first two In each of the three heals qualifying for Frl- di\y'« st-ml-finnl*. California nip­ped Cornell's varsity ahell by 15 feel,- Navy's varsity en try edged Cornell's Junior varally by seven feet, and Syracuse bent Navy's previously unbeaten plcbes I about 30 feel in the th ird heat.

Thus Navy and Cornell each plnced two crews Into the eighi- oared seml-;inab.• The -third and fourth -p laec

crews In each of the h(?nts wMl meet In two rcpcchagc — second chance for first-heat losers—heaU <wltb-4'


67 Fired by Pocatellan in Idaho Amateiii’

POCATELLO, July 8 catello youth. David Barrett, fired ft flve-undcr-par 67 Thursday for the best round so far In the Idaho StAte Amateur golf loumamenl.. Barren's round gave him a and e victory over John Vcssci. Idaho State colleges alhletlc di­rector, In the first of Thur.wlay's two ifl-holir round,v But in the, iccond round. Barrett bowed, to Scoop Felt, another Pocatellan, a and 6,

By The A«»oclate<l Tre**Bob Skinner’s two-run double In

the top of the ninth ca another of the Pittsburgh late Inning ralllrs Thursday night And. brought them a 3-3 vlctoi? over' the Cincinnati Reds.

Only Wednesday night Skinner in-JntlHg.; the - park, gnind homerua to give the Buci

a victory.There were two oul In the ninth

when the Pirates broke lo^ for their game • winnlttg rally. Bill Ma«roskl.-who also-had two dou­bles. singled and wenl to third on Smoky Burgess’ pinch h ll single. Materoskl and pinch runner Joe Christopher then romped home -- Skinner's double,

at. Louli rlghC-hander Larry Jactw n won his lOth game of the season beating San Francisco 7»3 and'dropplng the tliunplng Giants within one 'gam6 of (he National league second division.■ The A rd lnala sent Sam Jones to-the showers In the third in- ning, charged with five runs and his eighth setback against 10 trl- umphi. I t w u Jackson's fourth victory orer the Ofants.

Veteran W arren Spahn turned In a great pitching performance, holding Philadelphia to f iv e singles and striking out 10 m the Atllwaukw. BrnvM ilrfrftletLaht Phillies '3-0.

The 3t-re»T‘o!d lefC-huder «eJ- W U 'ia 'tb U b ls a j" 'h6‘ Keia

Che Phillies hlU eu In all but the first, eighth and ninth Innings, Kls 10 strikeouts ran hU total toi jm .

Duke Solder drove In two run« MUi • Jott btU triple and another with bU first homer off a left­hander la nearly four y e ^ u Lo* Angeles belted Chicago 7-1.

Don Dryadsle, .recently entang-

d n p ^ a i s gnlnitig the m als,

California look the. first heat In (5;41,l, Cornell's varsity wa.s sec- ond~ln 6:<24 Brown th ird In, B:«S and the Union Bonl club fourth In 7:05.5.

Navy's varsity was clockod In 0:37,7 In the second heat followed by Cornell Junior varsity in 8:38.3. Harvard third. In S iieJrH od the Detroit Boat club In 7:^8.!.

S)Tacuse. made up of the Eyra- jM -unlv*rsity-cren'.iolsiered-by

.so graduates, took the third heat In 8:13.1 followed by Nnvy'splebes 6:45.8, Washington 6:48.9 Pennsylvania.6:52J.

....... ....... In the eights andother six ctasse.^ wi

rrapic dis i!« miles.

The big eights were really the show in the Inaugural races that saw some crews reach the semi­finals and others the flnaU. F ri­day's program will Include repe­chages and semifinals with the /JftsU'Jo, the seven events.Satur­day afternoon.

In the single scuIU. favored Navy Lleut/H arry Parker of the Philadelphia V e s p e rs ;. .V/ayne Frye, a fonner Navy great towing for the Potomac Boat club .of W ashlnjlon; and f ta n k Robben o r the-6 t«nford Crew auoclatlon gained the semifinals easily. Har- ry Blleden of the Lake Washing­ton Rowing club — ■■ ■X the other

B O W Ij ^NGI- !Ulu:i

0( (1

Kcll 1)-'>JSt. fxiuLs, nick O]

biirnh, Nonii Latl;<r of Ajwi-Ii'.

Taylor ot l>lill;ulili>lil.>: i Holders Orl.indo Cciii'cm in

ranctsco, ItobcrUi L:i'-iin'iHe PllUsbUrnh iiiid Viic!Cincinnati..

Alston named 10 pi 10 All-St.ir cln:ilii'.'i nuiiin.M

American Icniiupr.s. l iic iir.vi u be plnjed nt Knii.sn.' i

___ Monday, the second m 1>‘ork Wcdne-sday.

Three of the pltchcrs — \ Ijiw. Bob Friend ond Elroy ? —arc Plrntts, Tlie otJiers ore Joint McComilck of Snn Francisco, L-ir.

Jackson and Llndy McDBiilei nt . LouU. Bob Buhl ot Mllttnukeo.

Bill Henry or Clnclnnnll Johnny Podres and Sian Wllll; i of the Dodsers.

BuHI <8-3) OUT!.? B bflicriMVi . mftrk than either Spaliii (7-6i Burdette (8-4) and hns licen___________the Dodger.s this ycwhile neither Hpnhn nor Uurdcl

had much luck against Uu Angeles.

Alslim-iald Jilt seJfcllcn of \iu- Blal was- based partly On tenil- ment. _

Tlie 'TTTTi storting, squad Include Joo Adcock, Drnvoi, Ilmt base: Bill Mtucroskl, Plrate.s, tec-

Eddie Mathew.s, Bravu, third; Ernie Banks, Cubs, shwl; Del Crandall. Braves, catchtr; and Willie Mays. Olants, Iltnrj Aaron, Braves, and Bob Skinner, Plrtiie.s, outtleldcni.

big upsets, Mike Blstllne. Pocatel­lo, dumped medalist jay Orlggs.Idaho Falls. 3-up, Bistllne lost his second round, though, to Mike

Added4o -Dtsplay-

Game SlatedTlio Twin Falls .ilcrchanls

semi-pro baseball team sill piny Valley a t 8 P Valley. The game

roundsThe golfers havp been alternat­

ing betw een'the Municipal and Country club courses here. The pace stackens now until Sunday's 36-hqie finals, with 18 holes a day Friday and Saturday.—BlggMl of-rrlday's QuarterXlsol matches ^ t s two former amateur championit—the onlyones still Inl play — Billy Welch. Kennewick.' Wash., the defending Utllst. and SiLbe-Htskey. Pocatello. wh». won the 1W8 cro»Ti when he was only 17.'

Felt playing Paul Davids' Lava Hot Springs. Sklliyi facing Bob Johnson, whose hometown wasn't llitea. ond Qftry Ploon, Lewiston. »olnt-agalnst--.Or.«JR.-H. -Buck. Eugene, Ore.

COOPERSTOWN, N. Y., July S| WV-Tho ball and bat that regis­tered Ted WlUfonis' 5«Wi hoaie- nin hftve been added to the mo- menlos on display a t the national baseball haU of fame.

Williams, Boston Red Sox »lui- ger-hlt-the homer June 17.


July 14 to 17

Office to OpenPHILADELPHIA; July 8 MWThe

Natlonitl FootbaU leagiie office will open lU new headquarters In New York City next- Monday. Commis­sioner Pete Bwelle announced Thunday. The office has been In PhUadelphl» since Ut« IMS.

-frem Mstillefsflf4IM-BEAM4ouri)on- -

ously . . . and Wlllkle's own honesty aad sincerity brought him victory and th e notnlna- tlon.

people will tor apoUUc^ly-. nnknowD.. If.. Uiey Uke w h a t h« asyi and how he aays It. Bat In tb o is days wise car bayera knew be tter than to bay » e a r . new o r used, freB en “unknown" dealer..The y e ar was 1»<0.W hether'you’r« In the market

- — fftii new ,p w m w ith ,-------

Volvo or P la t or used car, you're

o f a n honest deal,.vlthout

FEn>AY. TOLY 8,1960 T T IH E S ^N E W S frrm 'N T A ^^^ ID A H O ' F W M Y . JU L Y

Crossword Puzzle. ACKOSS J.tJn lto l . worJc-

4. BrulUtn timb«rtr«ei

5 .D lifon ill/ ' ]2,CrtuyAeId IS. C lour

w»olcn clolh lS.D«r)v«d

from f i t IT.Lomr ,!».P*lmllly 1>. Carried 20.Crlllclie

unliVonblyi, coltoq.

Jl.M tnner n.Pileh«r

U CtndybM l* 30. M m ure ot

capaetty33. Sea eagle34. Averaes 37. Ai Ja n a se.ClrVinam* 3#.Oiilflcd

40. Character In "Peer C ynr

□ § n ^ ^ § g g ^ H g g j

i D Q E i is c ] a g B g o D



gSRKETS AND FINANCEStocks. Livestock,


S & S ' S S s r . . . ,


U. S. Stand ill World Coiii t

Is 'Discussed

Oil Firm Mergtr Plan Considered

Many Newcomers Overlook Over-Couutel’ Stock Market

idglnR mall.ic.' Stc nntiirr Holmiin snii

•'‘tlchnncrs. Bui thrrr's ‘' ‘ i.... . for s i« ’k»,th

rr brokera nnd dealers. *11 such • dptilcrn mu<t

jcrj ot NASD, Dul the r il pcoplff pay for-the rfRu

Meat Supply Will be Low;

Price Stable

; Official Asks0.180, or 8.S5S r ilart of the jeni

icr ol new tlrms In thiA ,«i» monlhs 16,230 lo the securltlcj b\iaUie?-',*nnri 12.6B1 dropped o

lumber or troployts otj Stock mnrkel qiiavi

Aid P lan lv lir-e O P : - l * a r l c y j > > g V i , ; ; , i - , ; ^ , . , „ ,\v.\ iiiiN fi'vnv .i.iiv fl 'Vn' —jciirltlcs Dealew (NASD). Mlf-r

..... A ii,„ 1 ,.<ii),.r iK irv'iiliUUiK orcnnlznlloii of tills buHiluMii piiV-;nc?>.i, rcporl.s n jecord^072 me

r,K'cppUi)'lo'tlrrt o("the jeiir. nnd 354 m

,The n([[-iniiture department u ld itnflnx Mipplifs of meat for cMUh j Icoii.^lihipiKm durlnft iho next few ImoiillM would nveraRe below thooa 'Of a jrn r jairlier at relaUrely eta- jblc rpinil prices.1 EconomKi* wrllinif In the de»

.'nar:n;enf.'.,puljllca[lr>n, •'The U t»- -Ic and Meat Bttuatlon,” S4ld f consvimptinn ihls«umnier w&« iccLcd to be up & lltUa from Imst

I * nr*

" eid 131 membci I. Of the laltt . by the NASI


, 2 : ,

• •In; Cillfomlt lone

“ ■i ^ c ”[ y

ss-' I S :i0H Hl^M »

ihn MSCmir.l 15%

To End JourneyBROOKINGS, Ore., July 8

Ono of the three young murlntrs fho se t out .June 26 from Neah lay. • Wnsh., to sail Wflund th« .’orld h u decided dry U nd loi

him:-n c d Swelgle. 33. told here yeS'

terdny being aw«y from his girl I friend for three to five year*

vould be too much. H e «ald he vil) go to Seattle,

Swelgle. Charles McOuddl)

.li.r Alum 41S W.l«mi. ts rrMrolt Co 14‘i Win> Um 4»: rrr-MfC iJ-i Wm.rn Alrl « '

Stock AveragesC»pll*« kr Ttx AiMcUtMl Pmm

h r o ? .= S T .T » - r

Water Rights At Reservoii' Are Lowered

slockji. New i.«UM ciioM of the lncre».«.t Ic inocc Inmb aUo prob- U be A\-ailab1e but Uiea* Li lilccly will be more than jy reduced pork tuppltes.

I per cent IrKreiuie In rfRh- ,011 RWtenienlfl' propMlnR piib- lalo of stocka and bond5. Tlie 1 .Issuti.v.ere..ytilued nl 15)i

My. tha t 1.2BS of 11

\!cBl brokerage h

order t lcKnllll<

presentTrine ihe rcqucil lor addltlonn avi- clcrk.< In order tha t roiUUn rcaearcli burdens will not coruunn the Judges- time in the conaldcra tlon ot cM‘e and delay the final

■ ion of opinions. By the deli of routine work to lav

d ciciks. the court linpcs i

light nljsticld-s whci

; Justlccright f

plxllorn ilew d

tha t "at tills Mage I linvi , . .'IlcthTr the (innl platform Villl

ncceptnblc lo Rockclciler, Pcrcy. «ho ^aunded out the N

York Kovernnrn views on the pli form a t a threc-hotir mrclini; New York City Wrdnr.-day. i rnnKcd for a breaklaht inreli with Nixon today to go ovrr sli Inr sround. Percy r.nid In adv.ii of this meellnc that the IlnnI pi:

y of a i oo pcitoday. ' ,

•rilnyi w hen any water user from. Magic reservoir has drawn close]

111 l>«,io his DO per cent hi [lied th a t ‘ ”

departmei lone' to the NASD.

Theoretically there are avuil- tentatlvely eachjable for such trading some 80,000 Magic.reserrolrllisues, tnaru- regional In Interest

ifficlalj reported or securliles of very small com- 'panlea. Actually, about' 8.000 fair­ly active iscue* are traded during]

IDiiO. n ie (lepartnient *ald thaiiges In uholMnip price* In June have vnrlcd bv cut trends have been

jdmvn for l>cet mid up for'pork. :......yeiiT hand a' Uiirlnc the next fc»-monthi. the

m Tlie. SEClrtepartnienl v>ld. retail beet price*■ lssue.1 In tlie probably will remain relativelyrlod are nnwistable. ReUil wpplles of the bet-

wlth l.OSi ler Krndi'A of beef cuts will be am - * previous pe- pie and some Increase U likely In

(he intcmiedlate and lower grades.5 publicly of- Hetnil pork prices will advance ;r-ihe-countcr aensnnnlly ihl* summer, probably are seo.v)nfd|niore than u'^unl. Pork price* will

1 go on lo be [average roilceably higher than •k ’exchBngc* hast summer thouch probably be- les with stockllow mld-1058 prices. Lamb pricei Ip have over-1 usually rise a little during the ■•-Ms and be- summer and probably will do bo

■ “ils year, the department

Cassia’s Sheriff Has Problem of Missing Indians

not be abli........... . .....t Ws 100 per ■

• delivery after reaching 90 per cent ' of ht» water right.■ I The board plan« tr - ’ j.'ary revisions later

year. ,Traded v e lecurlttes of Indus-,

^lal. utility, bank and Insurance compare*, ot mutual funds, of feders), atate a n l local gorem- ment4.

In a summary of livestock on the farm. Uie department said hog production has continued to de-cllne.

d likelyage price to formera for beef cat­tle In June a t (3i per hundred­weight. was JO below a y**r •r> . ' Sheep and lamb price* war# • little beloT those of Ust ;e«r» while hogs were higher.


will I Rllld 10iL.tliat

|300 a

Flag Project Is Slated by Group

BURLEY. July 8—Ca.«la c Sheriff U P aw Layton is li plight, fli'-scrlbcd by the in song—"No llltle Tndlaii.1 tio

Sheriff Layton’ tells the this

Ccvst of B»r- . . . . ’resloy Pac Ford scdnn thi •Btlcally oti II

highway.T he driver, an Indian Idcntlfle i-RobcH Hfllcrdepartcii-nbrupl;

Wednesday c< ley. former Sheriff I '.opped r

0 per ent r

e feet a

!!,;;r.KjState Hospital-South Attempts To Lick Piioblems One by One

for r .% unkiic tnloi)[asleep In the back of tho car. com(

On July J, the Gooding project had 208,000 acre feel left In Amer­ican Falls reservoir to draw for the remainder ot the season. A

:toWl of 192,000 acre leet has been BUaLEY, July 8 — A fine pro- drawn during- M%»-and June,

grnm l.i now being orR;inlzi'd by[About 3,1C0 acre feet will be used the Burley Exchnnge club It was [each duy reported duiliii; the Tliursday luntlieon tnecting a t NcUon',s calc.

A committee. Grant Klllmorc.Howard Bate.-;, and James Hoi-, brook, will present the proaram to buslne.ix people. Tlie cltib would supply . nnd hnnp the Amertcnn flag In front of all p.-vrtlclpallnR buslnexs for hollday.<.Mid sw in i events, Tlie club would lurnlsH and maintain lIic<FTlnRS a t a

n.tll cost to the bu.slnei.1 mn Tlie newly.elected prc.-ildent,

Butter and.-Eggs

Unablo to tng n>dman, bo th keys a

left tlie Indian slcep'

Wa)-ue Mann.•s second anniversary-

. . . picnic celebration had been postponed from July 31

H-JO, mij> n «r«<Bunin Hiridr.-MM'V

the firs t leg of their voyage when m ast broke on their yawl Oppor-

inlty. After drifting tn the fog . . j r three days, tiie trio was lo­cated Wednesday n igh t off the mouth of Ro4ue river and escorted here yesterday, by the coast guard cutter Modoc.

Fire Controlled ia “EastilViashin^on

HanTJiMniiieH' After Collision

O O O D IN O . Ju ly 6—N., iBuck) Wastibum. proprieto)]tha Buckhom Sportsman'a S up­ply, Boltt, was dismissed T hurs­day from the 'O ' ■

rlfl fire which covered, eon square miles and destroyed a t least two farm home# was under contril "M long as nobody aneezes hard and there is no wind." firelight-”

]8»]d today.Sheriff's officers aald most .

the 300. firelighter#-Who remained a t th e scene Ip eastern Washing- ton.'thrniigfa[)ut.UiB\n>gh.tw_w on duty today, keeping s cWse wawh ori th e burning tlmbert and frass- Unda.

Cause of the b lue , whfch eenUr-

*** notknown.

^ine^pe Are Area Gu

Two Fined

u iatloM of the m otor vehlels act. ■“ ‘ K i P . ^ b u U . Burley, ww

ftnod *7 and c6»U for^overrtdth

w ith . Ml expired drlreT* Uome. •mey- were dted by SUt« men 4ohn W ray :'trn J : J s» m

rk ItUB: Mar 11«-

. m.«B: Ocu mlflc>t(4 ipot

Friday Sheriff L.iyton-»Ull coul f ind neither car nor Ind lan -an he'8 bUII looking. The mystery c how tho car wa.i M.-'ried. wlthoti keys or Ignition wire, has nc been eolved.

GuestS"Noted-by ,' Mjlnef Vicinity

MILNTO, July 8-Bhoby Slnip- _ w , Tulso. Okla.. h is rciurncf* [home after visiting Mr. and Mtj [Truman Simpson and family.' Mr. and htrs. Eail Ssf.rs. Mllnei and Mr. and Mrs, Bob'Ellis.Twli Falls, have returned from a tri through northern Idaho and Mon t&na' -Mr. and Mrs. Monte Wren an family. Blackfoot,

hospital where' he was U k i...____r he waa_ driving coUlded loaded h a y truck'Tuesday

r.«hMit.flght.Tn1li»» n o r th . HUl City l a Zlmore county.

Csmas county Sheriff Allen ----------who. hvesQgated, saidtiw ionr _ _____ _

Vem Olander,' Buhl, .escaped In­jury, but the cab o f th e truck he wu driving was demoU^ed.

The Pord statlonwagon W ash' bum was drivtng from Pine to­ward PUrlleld w u crushed when the tntck rolled over onto lt,*the sheriff said. The tw o vehicles col. Uded headoa o a K, curve.

Chancel Chair Is Given to Church

. HAOBUia K, Ju ly »->A chaacel cbslr. pitrohased by funds from the Trleadshlp cIm *. the O ene-

ru nported » t the Uethodlst chuKh offlelal- - board ' meoUnt Wedoeiday nigbt. •

Ited Roberts riepQri«d th e fur- f i B m i r t e « n ^ ------ ----------------

e o ^ t t M n p b r t^ th» oeeesMTy fu rn itu re has bees purtlwed.lgr th e

HAlLBv; J u ly « — M r.-ind Mrs.Omer aisco are -rm ing'thelr loti. i ■ . t __ - • _ _

No Favorite.WASHINOTON, July 8 tfl-6ec-

rctnry of Agriculture Ezra Tali I SenMB^«akl.^ast«r{lA<-

a candidate for i )rc.ildentlal nomination in s of the OOP national >

vcntlon which starts July 2i.He told a news conference, 1 ,'cr, th a t he will support whom- w Is tapped for the Republican

nomination, which now sejms a l­most certain to be Vice President Richard M. Mxoi

r H e l t i f S tI. Rich-Wash., visited Mr. ond Mi

erd SutmUler and family.Mrs. John Sargent aim ....o

Jam es Sargent visited J- E- Bogcri who la confined to the Coodlnt MemorUl hospital. Hogers Is the] father of Mrs. John SargenU

Cuba Account Is jl^nceM ly E irm (^^^

N C T YORK. J u ^ 8 tfl - - An

Low Prices Made By State Farmers'■fiOTSE. July 8 (U?t—The U. S.

agrictilture dtp trtoiw t-sald todojt farmers as of June I* ** lower prices for most

' ^ c USDA said tha t the Idaho Index of prices received by farm- Ts was 244 per cent of the 1810-14 ivcrage. which was down five pei

BLACKFOOT. July State hoaplUkl south, trtatmeni center for hundreds of Idiho's]

' mental patients and a flnsl liomr >me. is licking Its own ptiy. and psychological problems

t sprawling Inalltutlon, Jusi I blocks from the center 'o:■astern Idaho city, does havi

major difficulties, bu t In the words ol Its administrator, N, M. iBudi Fowler. "We are no t ashamed U have problems,"

If any word could adequately; escribed m large a place the only

[suitable one would be ‘'change" ipplled to the hospital.

lA ald«^Q m _lhLlm pLOum !ntiJi buildings, relocation ot lacllitle

' ^w methods jof treatment

to Fowler,-has been Improved In-hardi

,t below June ;I ago.

ill-crops Index a t 211 was about seven per cent less than In May bu t six per cent abore June Ia.st year.

The department said average ..prices received for wheat. oaU,

clovcr seed was slightly higher.The .livestock and llveatock

products Indei was 283 as of June •• down Uiree per cent from the

inUi and seven Jfcr v„... " June. l» » . Average prices received for b e e fca ttlr lambs and butterfat were below month ogo.__________________

____school, the sU te's horn# for;the mmlAlIy'retarded. There was, talk of some sort of investlgsllon there bu t Fowler Mid no one ^ai

fa r arrived to 'd o any check*

problems for himself. We have .nothing to hide h e r r ”I . The la st legislature

previous 1

ICene Fowler’s Death Called jGreatJLoss; HeXoKed.,ManyBy HENRY MeLEMORE

G ene ’ owler U dead, and thL world ha# lost the greatest lover of the hum s* race I ever knew.

If you were a human being, he was for you.

Gene didn't care who you were; what you

'Atnerican puouc . . . hired five month# ogo lo j>romoi tourist travel to Cuba, salrt Iftsi night It was canceling the occotmt because of worsening relations be­

en America and Prime Mlnls- •r Pldel Castro’s regime.Ponner heavyweight champion

Joe Loul#. a founder and member] ■ o f- th s -flm previously had T«Jtmeed-b!*-wlthd»wal-lromlurlher activity on behalf of the Cuban Tourlit commission.

Louis also said he would hJs-relstlons wUh the firm unless I t .ouieeled Its account with Cu­be. Loub said h e w a s - ts t la g - ^ acUon because of lncrt*sln» antl- Amerlcsn stetem^ints and scUom

f lm , Loifc-Rowe-Pisher- liOekharl Enterprise#, in c . said the Cuban account had been can­celed with the consent of Dr. Baj^...........................................


him. And if you happened not to be cut from the standard c lo th , he was Inclined to like you more, to-try 'to draw you closer to him.

" I c a n t tin d e rst-"- '------’* ” '*■don't like peopli

Two Actcepted as Members of CJub

Mrs. Robert. Elrsch and Mr*. atariee-H>-Haffl*-^Mr*-weloom«d aa new memben .by the IBtT (Idaho’s Many Pound Shrlnkei a t a meeting Thursday efenlng the city hall.

Mis. SamOlok of the TOPe club[ was » visitor. Mrs. Robert'B sdl]

In d ta rg e o f the 'busineu -

people." he used to say. “Can you Imagine coUectlng s t^ p * . or snuff boxes, or all the other rldl^ uloua items Uiat men do, w to there are Uvlng, breathing, Uugh.

I many varieties, as Oene rowler. Name any profession, from ctAlege ' ' ■ ■ ■" tmfc-town wrestler.

He never lost track of hls| friends. They might nw er but he did, »nd no matter where their traveb'm ight cany them, be kept up with them. He must' have ^ t a smaU fortuM . M'

] C u b a n s Anyone- unaWe -ttf-a ltend tb ? ; daytime m eeting «t TOPS Is urg-

3£ mlUlon dollars for the blei nluffl, of which 70 per cent must go for wsges and salsrlea. The budget for the next biennium will be higher, said PVJwler, particular, ly In the building and staff cstf.

[gories.For one thing, a central faclll-l

ties building to house patient rec­ords, offices and admission sec­tions U needed and is a t the top ofth e ap rln r ity - .ilik Ja im ay ^ th g rare housed In a crowded 4^year. old building th a t used to be c

.residence or in various wards.

-Rls-kindneaa-was-as-gTwAas-hU talent. JJo favor was too «n«ll «

era, he was'a-tower o f.stf He beUeved to them e n a

like water O va a foimUln., ■ •

to s . W I t r t O T o m I.

^ " .............

_..-plng with hU continuing for centralliaUon and stream-

ig plus an eye on the money lable, Fowler think* this has

to come soon a t the ho*pltat sHght-colored new furniture In

loth the women’s and men's open 1,-arda along with a new interde- lomlnatlon chapel ha* mads the jatlents generally a happier lot,M the same time. Fowler said, a .nore equiltable policy t o w ^ th e employes with consideration for

problems o t each ona and___ ry advancement has greatlyimprovKl morale,

the place of nnploye# are_ w llli more responslbiUty,.. i on department hesds.

'T hey re not getting paid m uch .• they work

[said.Oddly enough, one of the p iln - • • financial problems facing

■An investigator is welcocae >k over the bulhUngs and

ho wants.' '

fact th a t better treatm ent « now are avaUaNo. A l-_

person sent to the bos- entering It vo lun ta rily

used to be headed for years of Uvlng there, new drugs and th e r . spy have cut th e time greatly.

facliiU though a pital

And with shorter sUys. the hoe* I th j^ w d

lU farm . II has turned out to bo economical to hire outdden to do the work because they do It faster and belter, m fact. Fowler wouM liktf to 'abandon the farm <vera* tlon nex t year.

"One employe can replace four [or five paUenU." said Fowler. '•'Modem therapy has replaced the concept of having most patieota working ereiy day." He said, too,It tU e s a long time to train new workers.

U kfi'm ost big plans the-project.............................................* -

Flood Is Feared For Chilean Area

eAM TlAao, ChUe. July 8 — The urmy and navy wotted f e v ^.................

The sotithiSn Chlle sa dty. . . . "ByafftKgontHTIlCtldehWBTes- May. Is threatened .by a giant flood from quake-dammed Lake| BlnUine above It In tb s Andes.

Sixty thousand of VsldirtaV, •100,000 people'hav ebeen e ^ a t - ]ed In an . atmosphere of ttrrorj

[break tbnmgh th e .'i. [banlets a t any tim e.:

sentlaliy a cotlple of years ago.Said.Powler em eitly: “Some are

tUl dreams . . . bu t many of them re already reality.”

ICOMPLETEtiOTOR SERVICEa ll Unit and n io lw .T O S ; O h e c k e d -o a -iJy iia in c

ENGmB MflUILDlNG, we can Mve you J I — ^ y . F n e B i U m ^ ---------



June R eport : For lib ra ry

Given BoardTTie librarian 's r e p o r t to

- 'bo iim -o f“ trustees o f th e 'Fttllj public llbmry l o r June Riven by A rthur L, D cV oldcr Bt llic montljly meeting Wcdncsdi nlnrnoon. T h e nnnual Ubn>ry r ppft will be presented to the cl commlisloncra n t . th e ir mccil Thiireday. DcVolfler. nnnounced.

In other buslncii perm ission w • riven lor a boiler check by t

l)j Mr«, llcli • DtVoldcr

booksj*orc nddcd durli... - ’ llif.sf nddltlbns 112'A dult, 45 ; .■vetillc nnd 32 youth books

purcliKSiMl, Books doi ndiilt. 13 Juvenile nnd 33 youi

Book.' w orn out-ond-w lthdi seie 25 adu lt. 32 Ji youlh. lor-n Wlnl of 63. Wi

- rrhaiind- d iir in n - th e -i 13. nooks nnd mnj(ft7.1i

....................... --3.PhonORrfiph rccords ndded >i

Itirec ndult nnd one Juvenile » Juvenile .

’ New' renders reRlslcred dur llie month loinlefl JOO odiilt a OC Juvenile o r a lotnl o f 205. »1 07 BiluU nnd 01 Juvenile cn Here ttltlirtrftwii.

Clcculallon lolalcd 8.2M for the n-.ontU w ith Bdulta wU 2.245 fiction books, 1,104

W A N T ;S IJ RATESDim4 on'twl-ptfworj)

M arket P lace i of

M a g icV o lley


. JUV fiction

Irculated fiction, 125 non-llctlon. 38 ms lines nnd fou r pam phlets. •

The lib rary was o p e n 29 a*ys for Ismance of booka with an Mcragc- do ll? elreulatlon of 319. Largest da lly clreulallon wa» 4M nnd nnallcst was 107.

Ptrccntnge of non -fifllon clrcu- latcd durlnK the m o n th was 29, tthllc rccord* clrculntcd included DO adult a n d i37*Juvenlle. Overdui notlllc.itlaa^ totaled 35D with IM adultv 120 Juveniles a n d 81 youtlv rccclvinfc th a slips.

Receipts from tho c ity amount'- (il to M.&00 and lines: brought.ln:

(160.47, pay shelf 142.06 and $74.

Payment of Debt Is Asked in Suit

Bult wo* filed in Tw in Fall probate c ou rt T hu rsday by Ih Professional A d justm en t, buren against Hcri>ert S. H ardin. Th plAlnilff oslM p»>-ment of $«6,4B and court costs.

Tho su it claims t h a t on June 23. 1B55. th e Profe.^lonal Adjust- meiH bureau recovered ft judg­ment agalna t H ardin for t578.B4. The balance of th is w ns reduced to J355.40 by February, Id' Blncc.thtvt lime, nccordlng t*„l suit, no money has be en paid.

Tlio plo tn tlff TciiuesU poymi of t--- ....... ............ ................

n. N- Jcwoll. Twin PnlU, b a t- lorncy for the Professional Ad-j Justnient bureau.

Debts Case Filed ■ In District Courtp

The Firestone T ire i .... company. Inc., filed s u i t In Twin Falls d is tric t c ou rt Thursday - against H enry O. K noepfel. doing t

~ * ^ p an y , 302H T h ird *veatie south

The su it c laim s.-the JCnoepfel Jim received- »2i36.62 worth of goods and seTlce* f ro m the Flre> stone company betw een Nov. ’ 18S9. and June 30. 1680. The c poratlon oslc* payment oM hU tv.. . ccet« of th e action, a n d such other and fu rther reUef a s the court

' may deem Just.Harry TUmer. T w in Falls, I* a t­

torney for th e F irestone company.

Almo JiTiews-..ALMO, J u ly s — M r. uid^Mrs.

Floyd Baisley, Bate*. Ore., visited her mother. M n. T u ro h Durlee, ■ and other relaUve* h e re .

Mr, and,, M n. Q len T ac y and I&mlly liave returned from vUltln* relatives tn Wayan. Last week TTBcy, a n d his m o thw . Mrs. Ot- - tella T racy, returned from a East, L orry Ttacy, w b o accow.IM them, reported a t Camp DUi •

ue.yeon Uvflf ^K. awUv th e legal de- ROTO -m LlN a

LEOAL A D V E R TISEM EN T S | R E T m jKOnCB OKJw.™r: onli-isH.D»rlfT, HiSSTBo* 4». pb»i.

rATE o r IDAHO, i:

tal WM liiupj out <1 <1 C«urt U U,« »bov« lUchlnir lh« proptrty I I. Twin f

r Ko«y


DA 6-4JM----------- " ■



t«—^ Hiiii-I dli^nrnrnu tiiJndVd by clilBtTtr.

IS WITNESS WJIXKBOF. 1 h»»L my htni ih» « l o(| t ! W. STTVER8

CItrk of tti* Olitriet Cvvrt

- t - - -----------buecte-.•"* Tm» — *


pgba.hl •■T J. I. 10. «



Pboa* IIB S-UM

for LeaseTtriK FALLS Ud UAULTpM


I t i l U untll Artnut — RE M itt

Sii« Hou»», UuIm. ........ ......Jull :o. 'IpU. for thr-<ollc<«iiii

Boil*. • ••

- 1*^l-R B N T ------ -!

_____ m a g i c .v a l l e y _■ — P^ : ^ T R O I t =

JJ» 8hMl»a« SttMt W«l


.........zlfkl U njwi|



.--lllo0f*MC?.«n)iO3IllLlrt. - i—frshuw -.»r' _ r i—............... .


t f E E D H E L P - - -


-NORTH SIDE REALTY-phoB.‘ EA-M«ll ' id.ki-‘MuT s . •

Mimbn-NerUuM* D au 4 ^ ,Jt«lt«n

R T T R T W F ,S S n n r l P R O F E S S I O N A L -


N E E D A N E X P E R T ? -O N E O F T H E S E C A N H E L P Y O U !

Call lia for details


' It yog *n looklDlf for •

Careful Attention”

CALL R EA LT YOKiM Pk0D« BE S-UtIFill BrodiM » n t S.12HCUtk Cill ■ RE «4KI

Shtlbr’l Sbopplnf C<nl*r






V o 7 \ ir i ^ u u l r x T ^ i i i s r >M lASlTORIAL CONTRACnST.

4 bul.lc<l -1 1'I.OA. bA



■•.PJ.UUmG.aniU{EATING ■




' |2.6(TTor~Moi^\Wa'II pn>U> a i ■>•___ ____ -k«4la(.M fll ;Dur butlsnt^ Jiut

•;Phone R E 3-0931■V ' :M<iuk for iht ■ ' ' BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL

. „ D IR E C T O R Y '


-.b ImsK “ACnE8 «lllr»nj, M k*r, *1r,’- s i

.W rite: Box.0*10 c/o TlmefNewi -

A«TM «iii> i-m

i souriT'’> SE W E inE R V IC E

rr S«nlc*.(ur any <jnlf

How about tbli Ibm b«lroom brick bona; cornfr lot • Unct<j yard. JMiMint. kllthfo. «arp«t«l ll.lni

b^:?. z jr..o“o"o: “ « '•' SEWWa M A C m SE S

JU.OM.M.rr»d«tl« 119-Aen*. ‘ j Homa. I«» btdro». Fjjrf

t10,M«.«0..rvict au' iAaU ■o.i .a«w» •*>'»»« !>»»•■ »“ !«.««•«• .. . M

i K l l ’l K “ - K E r R E A L - r y - i

' TELEPHONE ANS. SERVtCE'III U year irvlM. FboDc Mrgooa. bath* and rixplae* en

A n Acreage' .1

^VPH O LSTRnr-• j ^ p M B 1

!» V A TK ri'-soyrE y


Market Piece of

Magic Valley


-Am m


Polaris Shot FailiJffe; Navy ~Stili HopefulCAPE CANAVERAL., 'fIb.. July

0 HV-lTle Polurls submarine mli- b1!c ’has encountered trouble a t R critlc.ll point in lu teat proRram but the navy iji confident the ro;V,Cl_wn| n ic rt lU upcomlni! sub-

■ m arine munch and operational dcrUUliiM.

Olio of the stubby, 28-foot Po- Jarlscji went ou t of control anil w as destroyed by the range safe-

_____ty otriccr ycaterday second—I tr \v a iT ___ ____ _ — .

Init about. e igh t miles offshor#. T h e ilamlng mlsillo cartwhecleC In to the A tlantic several hundred ya rd s in fron t of the ship, The

• U SS OBifTvatltm Island.—r - -------O n Wednesday, anollicr Polaris

failed 00 «;cond» utter launch from a land pad becauae of, second Mage mnllunctlon.

Diirlng yesteraay s . <pcclaeuUr fireworks, the George WtishlnK-

" to n ', first of n, proposed nceC~of po lnrli.liring submarlnf.', w as tie d up Bt nearby Pori Canaveral preparing to stow a missile In one of lt.1 l&unch tubes.

W ithin two weeks, thU- mam­m oth atomic sub Is expected to bf m e platform for Ilie first under­w ater lest firing of the wlld-fiic rocket. The navy hopes for n « • rie,s of succc-wlul unclcrwate: Jttunches in Its drive to mnkr the Poiarla operational by Octobcr.

■ T h e week of August J-5 will b< —tlio last week- o t Knothole basebal

league play, dnnounecs Paul Os- tj-u , dlitctor of the leagues. Play­offs of the top four teams In the atandlngs of eneh league will be­g in the next week.

Ostyn rei>orU the only balk that will be called In tlie Peanut, Pony, Doughnut or Midget leagues Is li th e pitcher drops the ball during

- - nifl motions p rio r to delivery.WEDNESUAY’S JIESULTS

re a n n t League Hocltney H ltte rs-aefea led -lhe

Rountree Foodllner Toppers. 7-1 w ith Steve ClUford. the winning pitcher, and Qary Oose, the los­er. Monty Oamble h it a single fo r the H itters and Bill Crumb- IcsA hit a single for the Toppers.

Depot Orlll Yankees beat Berg M id Taylor Comanches, 11-8 with

___Dftve FraL-icr nalnlng the win andmcfcy Post taking the loss. Mark M atnn and Jimmy WlUon hli singles for th e Yankees and Oreg Briggs was th e lending h itter for th e lo«rs-

Mountaln Slates Implement outscorcd K EEP Radio. 8-3 .with M ike Barney picking tip the win a n d Ron W hite taking ihe loss P a u l Sultcrfleld scored two runs fo r the w inners and Ron Stewart h i t a single and a double for

——U EEP; !Allstate Insurance Crusaden

b e a t Bennett Painters, 8-4, Jeff Ballnnlyne woa ihe.wlnnlng pitch­e r and Steve Wonderllch. the loser. Frank D urham h it a single« d - l to b » r - ..................................

a er ae«r«d Ui« vUmlng nln. John Rud« got credit for tbe.wln while Codr Hufl took the loss. Mark M iller hit two tingles for the RuaUen

• . . 5 ? “* Kumbln* Piper* etaugh-

18-3. With unco NeweU pitching a one-hit game.- BUI Mendenhall w u Ute losing pitcher. SUnley C urtb and W»yn# ManhaU each Boored thre« rtms for the Pipers Azid John York got the only hit

- o f th* Bombers.Pony Lcagw-

D Mjd W Plowboya beat Wess Building Bugs ia .9 with M b WU- aon picking up the win and Steve BuUer taking the loss. Lyle Won- ^ U c l i scored two runs for the Plowboys and leading hlttera for

_ _ ^ ^ B ^ w e « Kurt H e llf i^ a n d

.Volco SpUnters twainped East* aide Market l» - l wiUvMlke Thorp gaining the win and Ken Casper U klng the lu a . Banr Kevan

.«corM Uie..ozUy.Market urn.Idaho Power Bhort Clreults beat

AlbertMn Red Hots ft-a with Chad D oddi gettlnr the wtn and Mike Bolen, the loM. Winfred Spain

"The FurSpot South of The Border" Proudly Presents America's No. 1 Attraction

Homer G arrett's Hollywood ^ u a re Dancers^ I ■ see'them, stomp up s storm in'the G nhi Room! A more attrnctive

T m A f A . Q M V C K r i r l f l V n n r l andcxubcrnnlgroupyou’vcnevorscenbeforGlThcy.opcnM-UhH'fla.'Hhiiit;* ■ ■ J • . ■ ■ ■ J ^skirted, skipping born ditTiCTnmd'dose-'ivltlra'strcnuoii.s Inicolic ballet.

■’■TfithTinTJbirtic"and ^dagiu, highspots to. “Turkey in the Str aw”/and a cute dunce melody (hut deficfl identification! Their precision and timing; are flawless. ComiiiK to Caclun Pete'sj from such world famous entertainment centers as': Brussel Is Worlds Fair, The Sands and Flamingo in Las Vegas, Chez Paree in Chicago, the \yorld famous Calgary Stampede, the Statler-HiUon in New York and many,many others. * , ' .


W ealer Stew art and . w e ra the ‘

-Ited 'R oti.W illi Motor Bareblen passed

LangdoQ Scrtppen, »•«. Store W ilts was the winning picker and S en n is RumTelt, the lc«er. Ronole Hellevlek h it a single for th« Hamblers .and 'Ivan McCUmu aoored two runa. for the Scrappen.

Motor vu Slugsert beat u . 8. R o ^ Wool Rocieta. 8-1. wlUi Rlckjr Qarer taking the win and J im Astorquta, the lost. Richard OeUeniwater and MUce Moirli w e n leading h itten for the SIiig> gers and John Henning h it two singles tor the Rockets.

P*U< Beating Mustangs. S*0, with K lr k - WUUama gaining the win a n d Orant Van Bouten taking the loss. Btere WhlUhead and Ned

- . m u iw n i were leading h ittm for th e Buckejrea and Don Walkeya led

buera. 8->. 'with —I."'.'."tuw”^ « a K “kQr I... __________ _

Sayder, the loss. Bob Holmes. - l« r r7 .S m l^ and BUI Murray eaeh

< to t a hit tor. the Uons. MUu , ' -Walker •cored two of the three

.O iler



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