U-reka! Big Idea Contest 2012-2013: Clark Racquet-eering

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of U-reka! Big Idea Contest 2012-2013: Clark Racquet-eering


Clark Racquet-eeringAlso known as: Why can’t I rent out equipment

at the gym?

S Did you know that we have 2 squash courts and 4

racquetball courts in the Kneller?

S Did you ever want to play a game

but was not able to because

you lacked equipment?

S Let’s solve that problem!!

S Go to the gym.

S Ask to rent a particular


S Sign in

S Play!!

S No administrative costs (I know!)

S No personal salary (I must be crazy!!)

S No overheads (What an insane deal!!!)

S All directly to buying the equipment!!!!

S Accounting for full operations at any time

+ 1 more set available

S Why not?

S Survey – 60% professed their interest in playing the

racquet-based sports.

S Not just limited to racquet-based sports

S More funding = more equipment = more sports

S Renting sporting equipment from the gym

S Utilizing a system that Clarkies are familiar with

S More recreational/free play opportunities

S Limited cost, greater impact