Types of Research,Concept,Construct&Variables

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Discussion on the different research types in Social Research methods

Transcript of Types of Research,Concept,Construct&Variables

  • Conceptualisation (contd)

    Types of ResearchConcept, construct and variables

  • Types of Research Fundamental Research ( Also known as Theoretical, Pure Research Disciplinary Research) Applied ResearchExploratory ( Causal research)Qualitative & Quantitative ResearchDiagnostic ResearchAction ResearchMulti- Disciplinary Research


  • Fundamental Research Fundamental Research is also known as Theoretical, Pure Research, Disciplinary Research) Fundamental research develops a theory in any discipline. objective of this type of research is to extend the existing knowledge or the paradigm of knowledge. In other words, the researcher may not have any intention of using the outcome of research in any manner. Rather, s/he undertakes the research for enhancing the stock of knowledge which results in a paradigm shift.

  • Applied Research This type of research is problem-and-issue-based.Fundamental or theoretical research in both physical and social sciences leads to inventions which provide a platform for applying the findings to the real life situation in these sciences.The thrust is the application of the existing theories in a piece of research.Expl: Application of theories in physical sciences results in practical fields such as development of appliances.

  • Exploratory ( Causal research)

    Often Exploratory Research is known as Causal Research.Exploratory Research is primarily a type of research where a researcher tries to explore the behavior of the variable and their relationship in the physical and social sciences. Exploratory Research is used also to explore the cause effect relationship and identification of problem. Thus exploration could be about the behavior of the variables or the causes responsible for a problem.

  • Qualitative & Quantitative Research

    For observation of the behavior of the variables and/or to establish relationship between them we may use quantitative or qualitative information on the variables. We may measure the variables using a particular method and transform them into quantitative numbers in quantitative research. But in qualitative research one articulates the behavior or relationship with out using any quantification.

  • Diagnostic Research

    The Diagnostic Study is a type of research study which can be said to be exploratory, descriptive and causal. In this type of research aspects from all the above three are found. This study starts with exploring the facts in a realistic situation on a particular aspect, describes the relationship, identifies the causes of the phenomena and makes recommendation for the possible solutions.

  • Action Research

    It refers to the type of research where the researcher intervenes in the system or manipulates the variables. It is usually done to study a particular problem and to address the problem or try to solve the problem with concrete action or intervention. Often Action Research is conducted to solve problem faced by the people in an area, may be a geographical or political. This type of research is usually conducted by a team or one or more organizations or institutions and is largely relates to social action.

  • Multi- Disciplinary Research

    In this type of research the researcher uses the theories and application of different disciplines to address an issue or a problem. For example, a theory in physics may help in explaining the behavior of some variables in chemistry or engineering science. This type of research has relevance particularly in solving a problem(s) faced by the society in general, a group of people, an industry, a firm, an organization, a country etc. For example, the environment problem faced by the human race at present. For addressing this, it may be necessary to have research in various disciplines. Similarly, to address an inefficient production process of a manufacturing company, it may be necessary that research activities can be carried in physical sciences like production technology or production engineering and social sciences like economic, commerce and a few functional area of management.

  • These research types are not mutually exclusiveThey may have common areas between them and many research efforts mix the different types.Fundamental research could be exploratory & QuantitativeDiagnostic research may be quantitative or qualitativeEnvironmental problem may involve theoretical research in the areas such as chemistry, biological sciences and social sciences.

  • The mode of operation of these research activitiesThe modes could broadly be divided into four categories1.Laboratory Experiments2. Field experiments3. Field studies4. Survey Research5. Case Studies

  • 1.LABORATORY EXPERIMENTSComplete control or control to a great extent of extraneous variables not pertinent to the immediate issue of research.Absolute precision and replicability are possible.Such experiments are not possible in social sciences (with exception such as in psychology or educational research).However, laboratory experiments in social sciences are not as exact as in case of the physical sciences.

  • 2. Field ExperimentThese are studies in the realistic situation.They are known as research studies with a holistic approach. ( No Ceteris paribus assumption )Unlike Laboratory Experiment, these studies are conducted in natural condition with no control or little control over other variables, but the researcher intervenes in one or more variables. Action research is a form of field experiments.

  • 3. Field StudiesField studies are post facto study aimed at discovering existing behavior/ relations amongst variables.The researcher does not intervene in any variable(s).Expl: Behavior and relationship between various socio-political and socio-economic and market related variables. Social and Anthropological studies. Decisions are taken on the basis of the observed relationships for explanation and prediction.

  • 4. Survey research (A type of field study)Survey could be a) Census Survey and b) Sample survey.Depends on factors like population size, time available, feasibility etc.Sample surveys are considered to be an important branch of social scientific enquiry to arrive at conclusions about the population using statistical techniques.Socio-economic studies, evaluation studies, social audits of programs use sample surveys

  • Sample surveys could be done through the following methods.a) Personal interviews with group(s) of individuals.b) Questionnaire canvassing personally or through mail/e-mail ,web sitesc) Telephonic interviews (In short time and for small sample) d) Panel techniques- Delphi MethodNecessary condition is to have a representative sample.The basic objective is to have inference about the population (generalization)

  • Case Studies

    Case study is an in depth, descriptive or explanatory study of a person, group, event, organization, industry, firm, community etc. It can also be exploratory study.A case study can be used as an explanatory study to explore cause-and-effect relationship amongst the phenomena under study. Such exploratory and explanatory studies are used to identify the underlying principles. It uses the existing information on the phenomena or historical data in the analysis.

  • What did we discuss till now?We defined Scientific researchExplored the scientific status of social sciences.Hinted at the purpose of research and discussed the types of researchThe purpose of research could be Observing the behavior of the phenomena or variables, discovering relationship between them and theorizing those"

  • Observation, Theorizing and Mathematical Model building necessitates knowledge on

    a) Concept, construct and variablesb) Measurement or quantification of variablesc) Reliability and validity relating to the measurement of variables and specification of relationships between them.

  • a) Concept, Construct and VariablesConsider the following:Weight is associated with heightHigh PCI results in high capital formation.Advertising expenditure increases sale volumeIncrement on women literacy reduces infant mortality.Industrialization leads to urbanization.Increment in the number of women employees in the corporate sector in associated with a boom in the cosmetic industries.

  • Concept, construct.(contd)Each statement consists of two concepts joined by a relational word/phrases like "associated with "results in", "increases", "reduces", "leads to" .Whenever such relational statements are made the researcher is operating on hypotheses relating to two concepts (or more in case of multiple relationships)

  • Concept, Construct ContdA 'concept' expresses an abstraction formed in the human mind with several observation on phenomena.E.g. Weight is a concept. This expresses an idea on numerous observation of objects which are heavy or light.Similarly, height, industrialization, urbanization, intelligence, preferences, wealth, income, risk evasiveness, loyalty etc are concepts.

  • Construct as derived from Concept 'Construct' is a concept which is invented or adopted for a specific purpose to use in a scheme or functional form and capable of being measured.E.g. Weight, income, Intelligence, preference, brand loyalty etc when used in a study with specific measurement techniques become a construct for the researcher.Construct may also refer to relationships a combination of concepts and relationships..Brand Loyalty = f ( Income), Sales =f( Adv Expdr)

  • VariablesResearchers call the 'construct' as variable when property being measured takes on different values or numerals are assigned to the construct under study.The numbers vary with entities and thus the name 'variable'.Concept, Construct and Variables seem similar but are different in their characteristics which vary in their levels of abstraction and quantification.

  • Types of VariablesQuantitative and Qualitative Variables. Income, expenditure, weight etc & Economic Status, Brand Preference, Brand Loyalty etc are quantitative & qualitative variables respectively.Dichotomous and Polytomous variables. Variable taking two or more values e.g gender &income.Dependent and independent variables. This distinction depends on the usesManifest and Latent VariablesDummy variables. They are binary in nature.

  • Measurement of VariablesWhy is it necessary to measure the variables? In empirical analysis the numbers are necessary to highlight relationship for explanation and predictionWe discussed different types of variables.There is no standard measure/way to measure all the variables since the technique of measurement may differ with respect to qualitative and quantitative variables.Thus we need to discuss the different scales of measurement which are used to measure the different types of variables.