Two ancestors of today's america

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Two ancestors of today's america

1. Two Kinds of Forefathers to the American Nation From America is God's Hope Yankee Stadium/June 1, 1976 By Reverend Sun Myung Moon 2. It is most important that we know whether the United States of America was conceived by God or not. Ladies and gentleman, it is my firm belief that the United States of America was indeed conceived by God. There were two kinds of people among your forefathers. One kind came to this land seeking wealth. The others came to this land seeking God and freedom. They dreamed of building a new nation centered upon God. 3. Those Seeking Wealth... Above: This 1670 painting shows enslaved Africans working in the tobacco sheds of a colonial tobacco plantation. ; left:inspection of a slave. Both courtesy of wikipedia. 4. Those Seeking God and Freedom Robert Walter Weir - Embarkation of the Pilgrims Courtesy of Wikipedia 5. If (those seeking wealth) had become the mainstream of America, there would have been far greater strife, division, and struggle between the different races and national groups. The United States would have been filled with unrighteousness and injustice. Self-centered Ancestors 6. God's Intervention and Righteous Forefathers 7. Rev. Sun Myung Moon's History Making Speech If you wish to read the entire contents of this historical speech, go to: